(共24张PPT)
Unit
We
love
animals
Part
Let's
talk
人教版
三年级上
We
love
animals
Do
you
know
these
animals?
Hello,
I'm
a
panda.
Do
you
like
me?
Hi,
I'm
an
elephant.
Do
you
know
these
animals?
I'm
very
heavy.
Are
you
scared?
Do
you
know
these
animals?
am
a
giraffe.
I'm
tall.
Do
you
know
these
animals?
Hello,
I'm
a
bear.
love
reading.
Do
you
know
these
animals?
I'm
always
a
fox.
Do
you
think
I'm
cute?
Do
you
know
these
animals?
am
a
penguin.
Do
you
know
where
live?
Do
you
know
these
animals?
I'm
a
little
rabbit.
eat
carrots
and
cabbage.
Do
you
know
these
animals?
am
a
pig.
I'm
fat.
Do
you
know
these
animals?
I'm
a
cat.
I'm
a
dog.
We
are
good
friends.
Let's
talk.
说一说
What's
this?
It's
a
duck.
这是什么?
它是一只鸭子。
Let's
talk.
说一说
Look
at
the
lion.
It's
in
the
truck.
看这只狮子。它在卡车里。
Let's
talk.
说一说
What's
that?
bear?
No!
It's
a
panda!
Oh,it's
so
cute.
Let's
talk.
说一说
I'm
a
tiger.
It's
a
lion.
Do
you
know
what's
different
between
us?
我是老虎。
它是狮子。
你知道我们有什么不同吗?
Let's
chant.
我们来说唱。
Look
at
the
cat.
It
is
fat.
Look
at
the
pig.
It
is
big.
Look
at
the
dog.
It
is
cute.
Let's
chant.
我们来说唱。
Look
at
the
dog.
It's
on
the
log.
Look
at
the
duck.
It's
in
the
truck.
Look
at
the
bear.
It's
on
the
pear.
Go
to
the
zoo.
去动物园。
Have
you
ever
been
to
the
zoo?
Do
you
know
any
animals
in
the
zoo?
Let's
talk
about
it.
Go
to
the
zoo.
去动物园。
elephant
tiger
bear
kangaroo
lion
Go
to
the
zoo.
去动物园。
bird
sheep
cow
chicken
Let's
do.
做一做。
Act
like
an
elephant.
Act
like
a
bird.
Act
like
a
tiger.
Act
like
a
monkey.
Act
like
a
panda.
Thank
you!!!
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