(共25张PPT)
Unit6
At
the
snack
bar
Play
a
game
1、看到图片,快速大声喊出单词哦!
2、看到装有食物的礼品盒就大声喊出“Yummy!Yummy!”
我饿了。你呢
?
Let's
go
and
buy
something
to
eat
and
drink!
让我们去买一些吃的和喝的东西吧!
Where
can
we
buy
them?
我们在哪里可以买到它们?
/?
/
a
hamburger
noodles
a
sandwich
What
would
you
like?(你想要什么?)
I’d
like
…,please.(我想要。。。)
What
about
you?(你呢?)
I’d
like
…
A:
What
would
you
like?
B:
I’d
like
…,please.
A:
What
about
you?
C:
I’d
like
…
Pair
work
Anything
else?
还要别的东西吗?
a
cup
of
coffee
一(茶)杯
a
glass
of
juice
一(玻璃)杯
a
glass
of
milk
一(玻璃)杯
What
would
you
like?
I’d
like
...
Anything
else?
…,please.
Say
a
rhyme:
What,
what,
what
would
you
like?
Noodles,
noodles,
I’d
like
noodles.
Else,
else,
anything
else
?
Juice,
juice,
a
glass
of
juice.
A:
What
would
you
like
?
B:
I’d
like
a/some…
A:
Anything
else?
B:
A/Some…,please.
A:
Here
you
are.
B:
Thank
you!
1.Where
are
they?
2.Who
are
they?
Dad
waitress
What
would
they
like?
1.
What
would
Mike
like?
2.
What
would
Helen
like?
3.
What
would
Dad
like?
He/She
would
like…
√
√
√
√
√
Read
and
underline
Read
the
story,
try
to
find
the
questions
about
ordering
food
and
underline
them.
读故事,试着找出关于点餐用的问句,把它们画出来。
What
would
you
like?
I’d
like
a
hamburger
and
a
glass
of
milk.
I’d
like
some
noodles.
Listen
and
imitate
听录音跟读课文,注意模仿语音语调哦!
What
about
you,
Dad?
I’d
like
a
sandwich
and
a
cup
of
coffee.
Listen
and
imitate
听录音跟读课文,注意模仿语音语调哦!
Anything
else?
hamburger,
noodles
and
a
glass
of
milk,
please.
sandwich
and
a
cup
of
coffee.
Listen
and
imitate
听录音跟读课文,注意模仿语音语调哦!
Here
you
are.
Thank
you.
Thank
you.
Listen
and
imitate
听录音跟读课文,注意模仿语音语调哦!
Tip:分角色朗读,注意语音语调
Read
in
roles
Mike,
Helen
and
their
father_____
at
the
snack
bar.
They
would
______
some
food
and
drinks.
Mike
would
like
a
glass
of
_______
and
a
_________
.
Helen
would
like
some______
.
Dad
would
like
a
_______
and
a
cup
of
________
.
are
like
milk
hamburger
noodles
sandwich
coffee
记忆大考察,完成填空。
Try
to
fill
Go
to
the
snack
bar!
去点餐!
A:
Good
morning!
What
would
you
like?
/Can
help
you?
B:
I’d
like
a/some…
A:
What
about
you?
C:
I’d
like
…
A:
Anything
else?
C:
A/Some…
A:
Here
you
are.
B&C:
Thank
you!
Food:
Drinks:
Healthy
food
健康食品
Junk
food
垃圾食品
Eat
well,
eat
healthy.
合理饮食,健康饮食!
egg
bean
ice
cream
salad
instant
noodles
cola
1.
Read
and
imitate
the
story.
听录音,朗读并模仿对话。
2.
Invite
your
friends
to
enjoy
the
food
at
the
weekends.
Try
to
use
the
sentences
we
learnt
today.
周末邀请你的小伙伴一起分享食物,试着用今天所学的句型交流哦。
3.
Write
down
the
food
you
can
name,
try
to
divide
them
in
different
ways.
写下你学过的食物类单词,试试用不同的方法来给它们的分类吧。
Homework