(共27张PPT)
Let's
dub一起来配音
Rule:当你看到飞机时大声说出上面的物品并将它击落。
Game:
Shoot
planes
Game:
Shoot
planes
?48
?56
?34
He
is
a
shop
keeper.
店主
He’s
in
his
clothes
shop.
服装店
What’s
in
his
clothes
shop?
猜一猜他的店里有什么?
blue
T-shirt
blue
skirt
red
socks
yellow
shoes
They
are
very
cheap
便宜
and
they
are
very
good.
Shop
assistant
wanted!
招聘店员
Task2:
Count
from
twenty
to
fifty.
从20数到50.
Task3:Talk
about
the
prices.
谈论价格。
Task4:
Know
the
sound
of
the
letter
‘v’.
知道字母V在单词中的发音。
你愿意帮助他卖东西吗?
Task1:
Sing
the
song
‘clothes
shop’
and
make
a
new
song.
唱“衣服店”这首歌并编新歌曲.
The
clothes
shop
They
are
very
cheap
and
they
are
very
good!
You
can
buy
them
all.
Blue
skirts
and
T-shirts,
yellow
shoes
and
red
socks.
They
are
very
cheap
and
they
are
very
good!
You
can
try
them
on.
Blue
skirts
and
T-shirts,
yellow
shoes
and
red
socks.
1、
2、
试穿它们
全部买下它们
Ha!
Ha!
Task
1:
(A)
Sing
a
song.
Make
new
songs.(编新歌曲)
_____
____
and
_____,
____
____
and
_____
___.
They
are
very
…
and
they
are
very
…!
The
clothes
shop
The
clothes
shop
You
can
try
them
on.
1、
2、
_____
____
and
_____,
____
____
and
_____
___.
They
are
very
…
and
they
are
very
…!
You
can
buy
them
all.
Ha!
Ha!
Tip:
四人小组,试着填词,换成其他颜色的别的衣服,创编新歌曲,填完以小组形式说唱吧!
(要把你们一起改的词记住哦!)
Task2:
Count
from
twenty
to
fifty.
从20数到50.
Task3:Talk
about
the
prices.
谈论价格。
Task4:
Know
the
sound
of
the
letter
‘v’.
知道字母V在单词中的发音。
Task1:
Sing
the
song
‘clothes
shop’
and
make
a
new
song.
唱“衣服店”这首歌并编新歌曲.
做得真棒!你已经完成了第一个任务,赶紧进行下一个任务吧!
1.Let’s
count
from
one
to
twenty.
(让我们一起从1数到20吧。)
Task
2:
Count
from
twenty
to
fifty.
2.Let’s
try
to
count
from
twenty
to
fifty.
(让我们试试从20数到50吧。)
twenty
twenty-one
twenty-two
twenty-three
…
What
can
you
find?
你发现什么规律了吗?
thirteen
thirty
fourteen
forty
fifteen
fifty
同学们想一想六十怎么说呢?
sixty
Tip:
在英语中,13到19都是以teen结尾,20到90都是以ty
70?
Game
Magic
eyes
(快速找出图片中的数字)
能完全正确,熟练地从二十数到五十。
能从二十数到五十,有一个错误。
同桌互评要求:
能从二十数到五十,但是有两个或两个以上错误。
can
count
from
twenty
to
fifty.
我能从二十数到五十。
Tip:
两人一小组,把20到50数给你的同桌听,并帮对方在书上打勾。
Task2:
Count
from
twenty
to
fifty.
从20数到50.
Task3:Talk
about
the
prices.
谈论价格。
Task4:
Know
the
sound
of
the
letter
‘v’.
知道字母V在单词中的发音。
做得真棒!你已经完成了第二个任务,赶紧进行下一个任务吧!
Task
3:
Talk
about
the
prices.(讨论价格)
Tip:
讨论物品的价格,我们应该怎么问呢?
如果物品是复数,我们应该怎么问?
如果物品是单数或不可数,我们应该怎么问?
How
much
is
it?
How
much
are
they?
How
much
is
it?/
How
much
are
they?
A:
How
much
is/are---?
B:
It’s/
They’re---?
?
?
?
?
?
?
Task3.
Talk
about
the
prices.
(讨论价格)
can
talk
about
the
prices.
我会谈论价格。
同桌互评要求:
问答流利,没有错误。
问答时有一处读错单词现象。
问答时有两处或以上读错单词现象。
Tip:
两人一小组,自由讨论你们各自物品价格,并帮对方在书上打勾。(可以用你们的文具和衣物哦!)
Task3:Talk
about
the
prices.
谈论价格。
Task4:
Know
the
sound
of
the
letter
‘v’.
知道字母V在单词中的发音。
做得真棒!你已经完成了第三个任务,赶紧进行下一个任务吧!
Task
Know
the
sound
of
the
letter“v”
river
Five
men
men
man
单数
复数
They
love
to
swim
in
summer.
五个男人住着靠着河。
夏天
他们喜欢在夏天去游泳。
live
near
the
.
同桌互评要求:
can
know
the
sound
of
the
letter
‘v’.
我能知道字母V在单词中的发音。
能不看书说出含有【v】音的5个以上单词,并能背出句子
能不看书说出含有【v】音的5个单词,并能熟练读句子
能看着书说出含有【v】音的5个单词,并能熟练读句子
Tip:
两人一小组,把Sound
time读或者背给对方听,并帮对方在书上打勾。
You’re
the
shop
assistants.
你完成了四个任务,你现在已经成为店员啦!
Super
shop
assistant
超级店员
s
How
to
sell:
怎样卖
Hi.
Good
morning.
Can
help
you?
What
would
you
like?
It’s
---yuan.
They’re---yuan.
Goodbye.
你的顾客又会对你说什么呢?
作为一名店员,你应该怎么卖东西呢?
How
to
buy
:
(怎样买)
I’d
like
….
These
…
are
very
nice.
This
…
is
cool.
How
much
are
they?
How
much
is
it?
Here
you
are.
Summary(小结)
s
1、两人一组,一人扮演售货员,一人扮演顾客。
3、对话中请用英语哦!
2、拿出上节课所得代金券,购买讲台上的物品。
Time
up!
计时器
Let’s
sell.
How
to
sell:
怎样卖
Hi.
Good
afternoon.
Can
help
you?
What
would
you
like?
It’s
---yuan.
They’re---yuan.
Goodbye.
How
to
buy
:
(怎样买)
I’d
like
….
These
…
are
very
nice.
This
…
is
cool.
How
much
are
they?
How
much
is
it?
Here
you
are.
能正确地表演对话。
能正确,流利地表演对话
能正确,流利地,并加上动作表演对话。
两人一组,一人扮演店员,一人扮演顾客,用讲台上的物品进行购物对话。
1、把歌曲唱给你的爸爸妈妈
听,尝试创编新的歌曲。
2、和你的同伴用英语表演购物。