(共37张PPT)
Unit
How
much?
(Story
time)
看到数字,短语或句子请准确读出,看到
请说
well
done,并竖起大拇指!
thirteen
two
cute
pandas
Can
help
you?
I’d
like
five
apples.
nineteen
mangoes
We
have
sixteen
toy
cars
I’m
eleven.
Quick
respond
Let’s
learn
twenty
-one
twenty-
.
yuan
元
five
-
-
别忘了加
连字符号
“-”哦。
Count
and
Say
Let’s
count!
让我们来数一数!
It’s
yuan.
ten
fifteen
twenty
twenty-one
twenty-four
twenty-six
We
have
twenty-six
yuan.
Charity
sale
How
much
is
it?
It’s
yuan.
twenty-nine
This
toy
car
is
cool.
umbrella
This
is
…
twenty-five
它多少钱?
What
can
we
buy?
我们可以买什么?
We
have
twenty-six
yuan.
c
an
f
a
I’d
like
a
fan.
(big
/nice
/white…)
an
umbrella
a
fan
Try
to
say
socks
Nice
socks,
nice
socks,
These
are
nice
socks.
Nice
socks,
nice
socks.
I’d
like
these
nice
socks.
socks
shoes
They’re
shoes.
(my/nice/cool/…)
shoes
谁想买这些物品?
Watch
and
answer看动画回答
They
have
.
一般成双出现,用复数形式。
谁想买这些物品?
Watch
and
answer
Watch
and
answer
谁买了这些物品?
What
would
they
like?
Who?
What?
Who?
What?
Listen
and
fill
in
the
blanks
听录音,完成表格
Who?
What?
Liu
Tao
would
like…
YangLing
…
Mike…
Mike
would
like
.
Liu
Tao
Yang
Ling
Listen
and
fill
in
the
blanks
an
umbrella
文中未提及
shoes
socks
Who?
What?
How
much?
Read
and
find
自读课文,30秒时间内找出物品的价格
?
?
?
Who?
What?
How
much?
nineteen
yuan
仅仅,只有
Mike怎样问价格的?
Who?
What?
How
much?
Read
and
find
nineteen
yuan
?
?
Mike
would
like
the
cool
.
It’s
yuan.
Who?
What?
How
much?
five
yuan
Liu
Tao怎样问价格的?
Who?
What?
How
much?
five
yuan
nineteen
yuan
Read
and
find
?
Liu
Tao
would
like
these
.
They’re
yuan.
Who?
What?
How
much?
four
yuan
Yang
Ling怎样问价格的?
Who?
What?
How
much?
five
yuan
nineteen
yuan
Read
and
find
four
yuan
Yang
Ling
would
like
these
nice
.
They’re
yuan.
Total(合计)
twenty-eight
yuan
have
yuan.
Well
done.
Good
morning!
Can
help
you?
Good
morning!
Can
help
you?
Yes.
I’d
like
these
shoes.
How
much
are
they?
Yes.
I’d
like
these
shoes.
How
much
are
they?
Five
yuan,please.
Five
yuan,please.
Let’s
imitate
要注意模仿人物的表情和动作哦!
These
socks
are
very
nice.
How
much
are
they?
These
socks
are
very
nice.
How
much
are
they?
They’re
four
yuan.
They’re
four
yuan.
Here
you
are.
Here
you
are.
Let’s
imitate
Hi,
Mike.
Hi,
Mike.
Hi.
This
umbrella
is
cool.
How
much
is
it?
Hi.
This
umbrella
is
cool.
It’s
only
nineteen
yuan.
It’s
only
nineteen
yuan.
Let’s
imitate
How
much
is
it?
We
have
twenty-eight
yuan,
Miss
Li.
We
have
twenty-eight
yuan,
Miss
Li.
Well
done.
Well
done.
Let’s
imitate
Let’s
read
Good
morning!
?
Yes.
I’d
like
.
How
much
?
,please.
Let’s
review
Can
help
you
these
shoes
are
they
Five
yuan
are
very
nice.
?
.
Here
you
are.
Let’s
review
These
socks
How
much
are
they
They’re
four
yuan
Hi,
Mike.
Hi.
This
is
cool.
?
It’s
.
Let’s
review
umbrella
How
much
is
it
only
nineteen
yuan
We
have
,
Miss
Li.
.
Let’s
review
twenty-eight
yuan
Well
done
Let’s
read
活动形式:
小组进行。
活动要求:
每个人都要参加。
1.Read
in
roles!
分角色朗读
2.Act
it
out!
表演对话
Let’s
show
Summary
How
to
sell(怎样卖):
Can
help
you?
It’s…yuan.
They’re…yuan.
What
would
you
like?
How
to
buy(怎样买):
I’d
like…
How
much
is
it?
How
much
are
they?
How
much
are
they?
They’re…yuan.
How
much
is
it?
It’s…yuan.
Show
our
love
Charity
sale
…
小小义卖会
Rules
同桌两个用身边的物品设计对话。
These…
are
very...
What
can
we
do
with
the
money?
我们如何来使用义卖所得的钱呢?
Let’s
think
同学们,在我们的身边还有这样一群生活很贫困的孩子。他们热爱学习,却没有宽敞明亮的教室,也没有漂亮的课桌与舒适的椅子甚至连饭都吃不饱。
他们渴望知识!
Is
twenty-eight
yuan
enough?
28元够了吗?
Help
others
makes
us
happy.
帮助别人就是最大的快乐。
1.Listen
to
the
tape,try
to
act
the
story
with
your
friends.
2.Practice:
A:How
much
is
it?
How
much
are
they?
B:It’s/They’re…yuan.练习对话.
Homework
Goodbye!
an
umbrella
This
umbrella
is_______.
cool
,cute…
can
man
ant
a
fan
fans
我们经常会用fans的谐音“粉丝”来代表忠实的歌迷、影迷等狂热者。
歌迷、影迷
fans