Module
Great
booksUnit1We’re
still
influenced
by
Confucius’s
ideas.教案
【目标确定的依据】
1.相关课程标准的陈述能在听的过程中用适当方式作出反应;通过听读关于名著的对话,能够获取信息,并学会谈论最爱的书、戏剧,诗歌等;树立好读书、多读书、读好书的意识。
2.教材分析:第一单元的对话是由贝蒂想参加一个网上有关名著的讨论而展开的。贝蒂和杰克逊先生的对话提及了孔子和莎士比亚这样的伟人,教师可以借助这个话题引导学生展开讨论,也可以让学生总结一下自已阅读过的名著并与大家分享感受。对话呈现了被动语态的用法如:
We
re
still
influenced
by
Confucius'
s
ideas。对于这类句子,教师不要急于总结语法现象,而应重视语言输入,引导学生在真实的语境中感受这一抽象的语法现象。
3.学情分析:本模块围绕谈论名人、名著展开,其中涉及的到的三位名人都是学生比较熟悉的。为了顺利教学,可让学生查找相关资料。模块的语法项目是一般现在时的被动语态,学生要掌握它的基本概念和用法。学生对这一语法已有接触,教师可以根据学生的实际情况,开展真实的情境教学,帮助学生更好地理解这一抽象的语法现象。
【教学目标】
1.
通过图片和听力训练,能运用be
well-known
as/for描述孔子、莎士比亚和马克吐温三位名人;
2.
通过听说阅读训练,能获取有关三位名人名著的关键信息,完成填空、连线和判断任务;能表达自己的观点;
3.
通过对名人名著的了解,树立名人榜样意识,多读书,不断丰富自己的知识。【教学重难点】
重点,难点:能听懂关于名人名著的对话,学会表达自己的观点;
考点:一般现在时的被动语态
【课时安排】1课时【评价任务】
评价任务一
1.Listen
and
match.(对应目标1,2)
2.
Fill
in
the
blanks
about
the
three
great
people.(对应目标1,2)
评价任务二
1.Listen
and
choose.(对应目标2)
2.
Listen
and
choose.(对应目标2)
导入环节
(一)导入新课,板书课题
Lead
in:(对应目标1)Confucius
(二)出示学习目标
过渡语:Let’s
read
the
learning
goals
together.
1.
通过图片和听力训练,能运用be
well-known
as/for描述孔子、莎士比亚和马克吐温三位名人;
2.
通过听说阅读训练,能获取有关三位名人名著的关键信息,完成填空、连线和判断任务;能表达自己的观点;
3.
通过对名人名著的了解,树立名人榜样意识,多读书,不断丰富自己的知识。重点,难点:能听懂关于名人名著的对话,学会表达自己的观点;
考点:一般现在时的被动语态
板块一听前出示图片
1.了解莎士比亚和马克吐温的背景知识;(对应目标1)
2.练习be
well-known
as/for短语,运用被动语态。(对应目标1)
板块二
听中学习任务一
小听力Listening(自主学习)
1.Work
in
pairs.
Match
their
jobs
and
what
they
are
famous
for.(对应目标1)5’
Confucius
writer
plays,
poems
Shakespeare
writer
ideas
Mark
Twain
thinker
stories
2.
Listen
again
and
complete
the
sentences.
1.
Confucius
is
________
in
many
countries.
2.
Shakespeare
wrote
________and_________.
3.
Mark
Twain’s
stories
are
____in
the
____
of
the
评价任务一:Retell
the
three
great
people
with
be
well-known
as
...for...
板块三
听后
学习任务二对话处理
1.Listen
to
Activity
and
answer
the
questions.
(1)How
many
great
people
are
mentioned
in
the
dialogue?
A.
Two
B.
Three
C.
Four(2)
What
is
Mr
Jack
son’s
favourite
book?
A.
Romeo
and
Julie
B.
Confucian
Analects
C.The
Adventures
of
Tom
Sawyer
2.
Listen
and
choose
whose
opinions
these
are.
A.
Betty
B.
Mr
Jackson(1)____
accepts
that
Confucius
and
Shakespeare
are
great
because
their
works
are
still
read
by
many
people
today.
(2)_____thinks
Confucius
is
more
a
teacher
and
thinker
than
a
writer.
(3)_____supposes
Mark
Twain
isn't
as
well-known
as
Confucius
or
Shakespeare.
3.Match
the
people
with
the
descriptions.
P57评价任务二根据提示复述句子。
3.Read
the
dialogue
and
think.
What
can
we
learn
from
the
great
persons?
三、归纳总结
当堂评价Describe
the
three
great
people
in
our
own
opinions.
拓展延伸学而时习之,不亦说乎?
Is
it
not
pleasant
to
learn
with
a
constant
perseverance
and
application?
温故而知新,可以为师矣。
If
a
man
keeps
cherishing
his
old
knowledge,
so
as
continually
to
be
acquiring
new,
he
may
be
a
teacher
of
others.
学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。
Learning
without
thought
is
labor
lost;
thought
without
learning
is
perilous.
敏而好学,不耻下问。
He
was
of
an
active
nature
and
yet
fond
of
learning,
and
he
was
not
ashamed
to
ask
and
learn
of
his
inferiors.
知之者,不如好之者,好之者,不如乐之者。
They
who
know
the
truth
are
not
equal
to
those
who
love
it,
and
they
who
love
it
are
not
equal
to
those
who
delight
in
it