五年级英语
2021-2022
学年度第
一
学期学案设计
课题名称
Unit
What’s
he
like?A
Let’s
talk
课时
授课时间
月
日
课标要求
能够听、说、认读本课的重点句型。能在实际情景中灵活运用本课句型的能力。
背景分析
经过两年的英语学习,五年级的学生已经具有了一定的英语知识储备,接受和掌握知识的能力在不断增强。多数学生拥有适合自己的学习方法和策略。
学习目标
1.
语言知识目标:(1)能够听、说、认读句型:Who
is
he...?
He’s...
Is
he
old/young/funny?
Yes,he
is
./No,he
isn’t.(2)能够在情境中运用句型Who
is
he...?
He’s...
Is
he
old/young/funny?
Yes,he
is
./No,he
isn’t.等描述和询问人物特征。
2.
语言技能目标:
培养学生能够替换关键词造新句并在实际情景中灵活运用的能力。
学习重难点
(一)重点:掌握句型Who
is
he...?
He’s...
Is
he
old/young/funny?
Yes,he
is
./No,he
isn’t.并能完成替换练习。
(二)难点:正确运用所学词汇和句型描述人物特征。
评价任务
小组评价,根据课堂上任务完成情况及时给学生及时性评价,对小组最后的获得奖励情况进行总结。
所需条件
教学PPT、头饰等。
学习过程学习过程
Step
I.
Show
the
learning
aims.
T:
Good
morning,
boys
and
girls.
Welcome
back
to
school.
Nice
to
meet
you!I’m
Miss
Zhang.
I’m
your
new
English
teacher.This
class
we
are
going
to
learn
Unit
What’s
he
like?
Let’s
talk(书写课题)
First
let’s
see
the
learning
aims
on
the
screen,
please.(多媒体呈现学习目标)【设计意图】本课时学习目标的制定是以新《课标》为依据,基于单元课时内容的基础上,结合本班学情的实际所量身制定的。本课时五维目标齐全,较好地体现了目标的人文性与工具性。Step
Show
in
class
and
Presentation
1.
Show
in
class
T:
You
know
I’m
Miss
Wei.
have
long
hair.
I’m
tall
and
kind.
Let’s
meet
our
old
friends
and
you
can
use
the
sentences
to
describe
our
friends.
I’ll
give
you
one
minute
to
discuss
them
in
groups.【设计意图】要求学生到讲台上说要介绍的人物,做好小组评价。以小组和个人形式计入评价。通过这个活动,既可以激活学生大脑和已有知识储备,让学生大胆开口说英语,又可以活跃课堂气氛让学生尽快地进入英语学习状态,为新课的引入做好了铺垫。2.
Presentation
(1)
T:Now
we
have
a
new
friend.
Do
you
know
him?(Show
the
picture)
His
name
is
Oliver.
He
is
a
new
student
in
Yifan’s
class.
So
he
is
our
new
friend
.
Children,
Do
you
want
to
know
more
about
him?
Ss:
Yes.
教师出示Oliver被遮盖图片并问:Who
is
he?
学生回答:He
is
Oliver.(板书这两个句型并教读)
(2)
T:
Guess:
Is
he
tall?(板书句型并教读)
Let
the
students
answer.
S1:
Yes,
he
is.
T:
Maybe.
S2:
No,he
isn’t.
T:Em..
I’m
not
sure.
Let’s
see
together.
Yes.
You’re
right.
He
is
tall.
T:
Look!
Is
he
strong?
Ss:
No,
he
isn’t.
T:
Yes.
think
he
is
thin,
he
isn’t
strong.
Then
let
the
students
try
to
ask
and
answer
in
pairs
with
the
sentences,
which
is
used
to
consolidate
the
two
new
sentences.【设计意图】通过教师介绍新朋友Oliver,对Oliver的外貌特征进行猜测性问答进而学习重点句型:Is
he
tall?/Is
he
strong?及答语。通过游戏“开火车”一问一答轮练的形式突破本课核心知识点,训练学生的综合语言运用能力。Step
To
learn
first
and
then
teach1.
Listen
and
tick.(第一次先学后教)T:Our
friends
Wu
Yifan
and
Oliver
see
their
new
teacher.Let’s
go
and
have
a
look,
Listen
and
tick.
Which
one
is
Mr
Li?Then
check
the
right
answers.
【设计意图】教师结合现行小学英语教材图文并茂的特点,指导学生通过听录音来回答问题,便于学生更好地了解语言材料,从而培养学生的听力水平。2.
The
first
picture.(第二次先学后教)(1)T:
We
know
Mr
Li
is
a
maths
teacher.
How
about
this
man?
Who
is
he?
Do
you
want
to
know
more
about
him?
Show
the
guide2
and
play
the
tape.(出示自学指导二)
Guide
listen
and
choose
the
best
answersWho
is
he?He
is
__________.He
is
a
__________________.
(2)Listen
and
find
the
answers
with
books
closed.(小组间核对答案,纠错)T:
Check
the
answers.3.
再听一遍并跟读。出示自学指导三
(第三次先学后教)
Guide3
Listen,repeat
and
fill
in
the
blanks
Ss:
Listen
and
find
the
answers
with
books
closed.(小组间讨论答案,质疑)T:
Check
the
answers.(给出评价)Then
let
the
students
ask
and
answer
in
pairs.
【设计意图】这两个问题是一步步呈现的,先听录音,然后学生根据所听的录音内容回答问题,再听并跟读,出示文本,根据文本内容进行总结性填空,最后学生对重点句型进行一问一答朗读训练。
4.
自读课文并填空。出示自学指导四
Guide4
Read
and
fill
in
the
blanks
Ss:
Listen
and
find
the
answers
with
books
open.(小组间讨论答案,质疑)T:
Check
the
answers.(给出评价)Then
let
the
students
ask
and
answer
in
pairs.
【设计意图】通过介绍教师的形式讲述文本,这样让学生始终处于这个大情境中来学习对话。并且通过一个个问题,让学生理解整个文本的内容,降低学习难度,为下一步学习运用做准备。每个问题的设置都是按照一定的顺序。首先教师提问问题,接着播放录音,让学生通过听到的录音来回答问题,然后出示文本校对答案,最后对学生进行朗读训练。通过这样的设置,一方面训练了学生的听力水平和模仿水平,对学生进行了有效的语音语调方面及自我反省、自我纠错等方面的训练与培养。另一方面为全面提高学生的听力实现紧张高效学习打下良好的基础。5.
Read
in
roles.Show
the
guidance
to
Ss
and
have
the
Ss
cooperate
to
read
the
dialogue
aloud
in
groups
in
minutes.
(齐读、小组读,男生读、女生读等多种形式反复强化朗读)T:
Compare
which
group
behaves
the
best.(适时评价).6.
Act
in
roles.
Ask
some
groups
to
act
in
roles.(各小组代表戴头饰分角色表演对话。在真实语境中复习学过的语言,从而学会运用所学语言进行交流。)
【设计意图】Read
in
roles
及Act
in
roles环节,教师指导学生通过小组合作的形式反复读对话(齐读、小组读,男生读、女生读等多种形式反复强化朗读)、讨论交流,启发学生有效质疑,让学生对质疑点进行讨论,努力弄懂每一句话,进而理解对话的深层含义,让学生在理解的基础上分角色有感情地朗读,从而实现培养学生初步的语感的目的。Step
Production
Make
a
new
dialogue
like
the
text.
Discuss
in
groups,
then
show
in
class(适时评价).【设计意图】通过这些活动,创造了一个开放的语言交际环境,让学生积极动起来,对所学的句型进行充分的练习,并练习了学生口头语言的表达能力。Step
Summary1.
Do
self-evaluation.
Let
the
Ss
think
over
what
they
have
learned
in
this
class.
And
then
encourage
several
Ss
to
sum
up.
If
necessary,
the
teacher
gives
much
more
advice
in
details.2.
Let’s
see
which
group
is
the
best
(The
best
group
must
behave
better
and
got
more
scores
than
any
other
group.).【设计意图】创设自主评价与平台,引导学生进行自主总结评价本节课所学,一方面可以让学生感知本节课习得知识的掌握程度,另一方面有利于培养学生养成自我评价、自我总结的良好学习习惯。小组合作总结性评价是对课堂上小组合作学习效果的认可度的真实反馈,便于激励先进,鞭策后进,从而全面调动学生学习英语的积极性,提高学生学习英语的自信力。
当堂检测
Test
in
class
(10分钟左右)1.
Tell
the
Ss
about
the
demands
of
the
test
and
have
them
finish
it
by
themselves
in
minutes.2.
Show
the
keys
to
the
test.3.
Let
the
Ss
discuss
the
mistakes
that
he/she
has
made
in
the
test
in
groups.
If
necessary,
they
can
ask
the
teacher
for
help.
作业内容
1.Try
to
act
the
dialogue
in
groups
next
lesson.2..
Make
a
new
dialogue
according
to
“
Let’s
talk
”.3.
Talk
about
your
new
friends
to
your
parents.
一致性
学生掌握本课的重点句型,通过在实际情景中运用教学目标与学生本课所学知识运用一致。
学后反思