Unit
Amazing
Science
Topic
China
is
the
third
nation
that
sent
a
person
into
space.
Section
(1a
,1b,2)
教材分析:
本课是九年级第四单元第三话题的第三课时。主活动是1a和2。1a介绍了电脑在各行各业中的作用,也提醒了学生要合理地利用电脑和网络。在这个信息爆炸的时代,学生很容易迷失方向,辨别信息的真假尤其重要。1b既可以通过提纲式结构来巩固1a的内容,也可以让学生学习在写作中运用这种方法来草拟提纲。2这个写作任务,可以让学生充分发挥想象,如果没有了电脑,生活会变成什么样子。这从另一个角度让学生感受电脑对我们生活的重大影响。为了能让学生有足够的时间来完成这个任务,我们把它设计成家庭作业。
学习目标:
1.
Knowledge
aims:
掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,继续学习定语从句。
2.
Skill
aims:
能够通过1a的pre-reading
任务来预测1a的内容。
能够借助1b的提纲复述1a的内容,并把这种提纲式的结构运用到写作中。
能够快速找到段落的中心句、辨别论证句。
3.
Emotional
aims:
(optional)
电脑和网络是把双刃剑,在利用它来服务于生活、学习的同时,不能沉溺于游戏游戏,并且要自觉远离不良信息的诱惑。
重难点分析:
了解电脑在不同领域的使用及用途,能够展开讨论它的利弊,学会合理使用;
学会利用主题句归纳文章的结构;
能够掌握以that、which所引导的定语从句。
能够正确读出所学单词,能用正确的语音、语调朗读定语从句;
感知定语从句的构成、用法,明白关系代词在句中充当宾语或者主语。
学习策略:
通过标志词,如:for
instance,
for
example,
besides来找到属于举例子的句子。
能够根据经验快速识别文段的中心句。能够根据pre-reading的任务来预测文章的内容。
教学过程:
Stage
Pre-
reading
Step1问候,进入课题,通过图片二,师生问答,为入课做准备。
T:Hi,
boys
and
girls,
let’s
begin
our
class.
What
do
you
often
do
in
your
spare
time?
S1:
In
my
spare
time,
always
listen
to
music
or
watch
movies
on
the
Internet.
T:
What
else
do
you
often
do
on
the
Internet?
S1:
also
do
some
shopping.
T:
So
we
can
do
many
things
on
the
Internet.
We
can
say
the
Internet
and
computers
are
becoming
more
and
more
important
in
our
daily
life.
Do
you
think
so?
Ss:
Yes.
T:Please
turn
to
page
and
look
at
your
1,
discuss
in
pairs,
there
are
many
fields,
what
can
you
do
on
the
Internet?
If
you
think
you
can
do
it,
tick
it,
one
minute,
please.
T:
xxx,
which
fields
have
you
ticked?
S2:
Education,
daily
life,
entertainment…(师适当讲解entertainment的构成,即entertain+ment=entertainment)
T:
Do
you
know
the
Chinese
meaning
of
“entertainment”?
S2:休闲、娱乐。
T:
Quite
right.
Now,
follow
me,
“
entertainment”.
Ss:
entertainment
Step2、展示图片四,引导学生找出文章中各段落的主题句。
T:
Please
look
at
your
1a,
how
many
paragraphs
are
there?
And
there
is
a
topic
sentence
in
each
paragraph,
please
read
it
by
yourselves
and
try
to
find
them
out.
T:Now
time’s
up.
What’s
the
topic
sentence
of
paragraph
1?
S3
S3:
Since
computers
were
invented
in
the
in
the
1950s,
they
have
become
very
important
in
many
areas
of
work
and
leisure.
(学生说出主题句并翻译)
T:
paragraph
2,
who
can
have
a
try?
S4.
S4:
Since
computers
were
invented
in
the
in
the
1950s,
they
have
become
very
important
in
many
areas
of
work
and
leisure.
T:
Yes,
great!
The
last
paragraph?
S5
S5:
Since
the
Internet
came
into
being,
people’s
lives
at
home
have
been
changed,
too.
(注意区别live
做动词和名词时的两种不同的发音)
T:
now
please
read
these
three
topic
sentences
together.
Ss:
Since
computers
were
…(学生齐读,感知文章的主题句,领悟其意思,注意语音、语调培养语感。)
设计意图:围绕话题内容展开师生问答,让他们用心观察,积极回答问题,创设良好英语学习环境。
Stage
学习新单词,突破语音语意。
通过单词、音标、短语和句子相结合进行教学;
T:
Try
to
find
out
some
useful
new
words
and
phrases
in
1a,
and
write
them
on
the
blackboard.
S6.(老师需要鼓励、并善于发现学生主动参与课堂活动的情况)
S6:积极地将本课的新单词、短语板书在黑板上。
T:
The
other
students
look
at
the
new
words
and
phrases
and
read
them
aloud.
S7:
认读新单词及短语
tiny,
inside,
brain,
cancel,
connect,
for
instance,
no
doubt,
with
the
help
of
sb.
(生有认读出错的单词时,要结合语音,及时纠错并整体教读。)
Ss:
Read
the
new
words
and
phrases
together.
For
example,
connect(升调)connect(升调)connect(降调)
设计意图:注重语音语调的示范教学,老师要引导学生根据音标进行正确的发音,学习感知词意的理解和新词的运用。
Stage
While-reading?
1、再读1a,完成1b,2,完成文章的框架图,帮助学生理解1a文章大意和结构,获取主要信息,训练学生查找信息的能力和综合理解能力。
T:
Please
turn
to
page
102,
there
are
so
many
blanks,
is
it
difficult
for
you
to
finish?
If
you
don’t
know
the
answers,
you
can
discuss
with
your
group
members.
设计意图:培养学生有目的性的进行阅读课的任务型的训练,注意引导他们学会基本础的阅读技巧。
2、学生逐一呈现自己查找的答案,师生一起核对。
T:
Finished?
Let’s
check
the
answers
one
by
one.
3、精读1a第一段,
从文中找出电脑在不同领域的作用。理解文意,发现新的语言点,结合学生自学情况,教师讲解重要语言现象。
T:
Please
read
our
paragraph
carefully,
then
finish
the
table.
Ss:
…
(师视情况帮助学生呈现较难的空白处。)
4、细读1a第二段,尽可能多的从文中找出新短语,师呈现图片8,一起配对。
Ss:
…
设计意图:帮助学生一起完成精读中的两大任务,并根据病情给出合理建议。通过活动,让学生的综合思维能力得到培养和提高,知道有目的性和针对性的查找和推敲,也在一定程度上训练了他们对细节信息的把握。
Stage
Post-reading
1、定语从句的学习。学生独自找出文中的新句子,老师抽查学生的完成情况,并一起分析句子结构。
T:Now,
please
look
at
this
picture,
who
is
this
boy?
Do
you
want
to
know
what’s
wrong
with
him?
Please
work
in
pairs
to
number
the
sentences.
Ss:
…
(师生核对答案,并适当讲解语言点。)
2、结合课文,欣赏文段视频及发音的抑扬顿挫性,模仿其语音语调。
3、综合性语言实践活动,四人一组讨论电脑的利弊以及作为学生的我们应该如何合理使用。
T:
From
1a,
we
learned
computers
are
very
important
in
many
fields,
but
there
are
also
some
disadvantages,
and
as
students,
how
can
we
use
it
properly?
Please
discuss
in
groups
after
class,
and
next
lesson,
we’ll
make
the
class
report,
are
you
clear?
Ss:
设计意图:此环节是本课的升华点也是落脚点,考查了孩子们的语言输出能力是否达
预期目标,通过汇报讨论结果,可以再次检验他们的发音是否清晰、准确、大声,同时通过小组间的良性的竞争与合作,学会取人之长、补己之短,培养他们友好互助的精神。
5、课后作业
1)
Finish
2,
try
to
use
your
imagination
to
write
a
short
passage
with
the
title
One
Day
Without
Computers.
2)Finish
the
exercises
in
Section
C.
T:Now,
they
are
your
homework….
Thank
you
very
much!
Goodbye!