(共38张PPT)
puppet
show
Project
Let's
count
down
together.
让我们一起倒计时吧。
10。。。9。。。8。。。,。。。1,Start!
About
me
a
boy
a
girl
About
me
Guessing
Game:
如果你猜对了,就说
a
boy
A.
Jack
B.
Lily
About
me
Guessing
Game:
如果你猜对了,就说
What
colour
do
like?
(我喜欢什么颜色?)
Blue.
About
me
Guessing
Game:
如果你猜对了,就说
What
food
do
like?
(食物)
Cakes.
About
me
Guessing
Game:
如果你猜对了,就说
What
clothes
do
like?
(服装)
T-shirts.
About
me
Guessing
Game:
如果你猜对了,就说
What
toys
do
like?
(玩具)
Cars.
About
me
Guessing
Game:
如果你猜对了,就说
Where
am
going?
A.
School.
B.
puppet
show.
C.
shop.
puppy
Happy
New
Year
Program
1:
Fashion
show
(时装秀)
Program
2:
Magic
show
(魔术秀)
Program
3:
Sevice
show
(服务秀)
Program
4:
Give
presents
to
actors
(演员领礼品)
Program
5:
Speech
show
(演讲秀)
Program
1:
Fashion
show
节目1:
时装秀
fashion
show?
你们的木偶要做个时尚秀吗?
Write
about
your
puppet.
Name:
Pinocchio
√
boy
girl
你也可以参考下面的英文名哦
男孩(boy)名字:
Bill
Bob
David
Jack
Jim
Mike
Peter
Sam
Tom
...
女孩(girl)名字:
Ann
Alice
Helen
Jane
Lucy
Mary
Nancy
Tina
...
Write
about
your
puppet.
Clothes
Colours
T-shirt
skirt
cap
jacket
Name:
Pinocchio
√
√
√
boy
girl
red
blue
green
black
orange
brown
Show
your
puppets!
Hello!
I’m
Pinocchio.
Look
at
my
T-shirt.
It’s
yellow.
Hello!
I’m...
Look
at
my
...
It’s
...
Work
in
pairs,
then
show!
同桌之间互相秀一秀,然后舞台上秀一秀吧!
Program
1:
Fashion
show
(时装秀)
Program
2:
Magic
show
(魔术秀)
Program
3:
Sevice
show
(服务秀)
Program
4:
Give
presents
to
actors
(演员领礼品)
Program
5:
Speech
show
(演讲秀)
Happy
New
Year
Program
2:
Magic
show
节目2:魔法秀
(changing
colours
变色)
Guess
colours
猜猜颜色
下面的衣服真正的颜色是什么呢?
幸运竞猜
A:
What
colour
is
it
/
the
...?
B:
It's
...
如果你猜对了,就说
Program
1:
Fashion
show
(时装秀)
Program
2:
Magic
show
(魔术秀)
Program
3:
Sevice
show
(服务秀)
Program
4:
Give
presents
to
actors
(演员领礼品)
Program
5:
Speech
show
(演讲秀)
Happy
New
Year
Program
3:
Service
show
节目3:服务秀
Game:如果看到英语或图片时,请大声说出来,如果看到笑脸,起立大声说:“Yummy!”
a
sweet
No,thank
you.
Yes,please.
an
egg
a
hot
dog
Yummy!
Yummy!
:Would
you
like
?
:
Yes,please.
/
No,thanks.
:What
about
?
:Yes,please.
/
No,thank
you.
Can
help
you?
Share
food
with
your
friends
跟朋友们分享食物
2人一组,进行表演吧!
Would
you
like
a/an…?
What
about
a/an..?
Program
1:
Fashion
show
(时装秀)
Program
2:
Magic
show
(魔术秀)
Program
3:
Sevice
show
(服务秀)
Program
4:
Give
presents
to
actors
(演员领礼品)
Program
5:
Speech
show
(演讲秀)
Happy
New
Year
Program
4:
Give
presents
to
actors
节目4:
演员领礼品
How
to
give
presents?
怎样赠送礼物?
present?
This
is
for
you,
....
It's
a/an
....
Thank
you.
What's
this?
Great!
...
Help
Uncle
John
give
presents
to
other
actors.
帮助约翰叔叔把礼物赠送给其他木偶演员吧!
Program
1:
Fashion
show
(时装秀)
Program
2:
Magic
show
(魔术秀)
Program
3:
Sevice
show
(服务秀)
Program
4:
Give
presents
to
actors
(演员领礼品)
Program
5:
Speech
show
(演讲秀)
Happy
New
Year
Program
5:
Speech
show
节目5:演讲秀
Hello,
boys
and
girls.
I'm
Jack.
I'm
not
tall
but
I'm
cute.
like
pink.
Look
at
my
shirt.
It's
pink!
4人一组合作,介绍自己的木偶,
句子越丰富越好哦!
推荐一位同学做个小演讲吧!
Good
afternoon/Hello!/....
am...
like...
Look
at
....
It's
....
...
Program
1:
Fashion
show
(时装秀)
Program
2:
Magic
show
(魔术秀)
Program
3:
Sevice
show
(服务秀)
Program
4:
Give
presents
to
actors
(演员领礼品)
Program
5:
Speech
show
(演讲秀)
Happy
New
Year
Happy
New
Year!
Happy
New
Year!
Happy
New
Year
to
you
all!
We
are
singing.
We
are
dancing.
Happy
New
Year
to
you
all!
Happy
New
Year
Do
you
know
any
other
puppets?
你们还知道其他的木偶吗?
Pinocchio
Affandi
Danbo
Rory
They’re
puppets.
(他们都是木偶)
1.Make
a
puppet
show
with
your
friends
or
parents
after
class.
课后和你的朋友或父母表演木偶剧。
2.Review
U5-U8
as
a
whole.
整理复习U5-U8。
Program
5:
Speech
show
节目5:演讲秀
Program
5:
Speech
show
节目5:演讲秀
Program
5:
Speech
show
节目5:演讲秀