(共47张PPT)
Unit
Colours
Letter
time,
Song
time,
Checkout
time
&Ticking
time
can
sing
the
colour
song.
我会唱“颜色歌”。
can
talk
about
colours.
我会谈论颜色。
Learning
aims学习目标
can
say,I
can
write
“Rr,Ss,Tt”.
我会说和写字母Rr,Ss,Tt。
1.We
will
play
some
games、colour
some
pictures、sing
some
songs.
我们将玩游戏、涂色、唱歌。
2.We
will
have
a
in
groups.
我们将在小组内进行比赛。
Quick
response
Rules:看到颜色或衣物,大声读出;看到“炸弹”,起立并说“bomb”.
Quick
response
Rules:看到颜色或衣物,大声读出;看到“炸弹”,起立并说“bomb”.
Revision.
can
see…..
Let’s
act
Let’s
colour
Step1.Colour
the
clothes.
给衣服涂上颜色。
√
Step2.Ask
and
answer
with
your
partner.和同伴进行问答。
What
colour
is
this…?
It’s…
Let’s
talk
谈一谈你涂色的衣服
Let’s
talk
谈一谈你涂色的衣服
This
is
a….
It’s…
What
colour
can
you
hear(听见)?
Who
is
wearing
yellow
today?
Who
is
wearing
red
today?
穿着
今天
wear
today
Let’s
learn.
Colour
Song
Who
is
wearing
yellow
today,yellow
today,yellow
today?
Who
is
wearing
yellow
today,
yellow
today?
Who
is
wearing
red
today,
red
today,
red
today?
Who
is
wearing
red
today,
red
today?
Let’s
sing.
让我们放声歌唱吧!
Colour
Song
Who
is
wearing
…today,…today,…
today?
Who
is
wearing
…
today,
…
today?
Who
is
wearing
…today,
…today,
…
today?
Who
is
wearing
…
today,
…today?
Let’s
change.
让我们换颜色唱一唱!
Who
is
wearing
blue
today,
blue
today,
blue
today?
am
wearing
blue
today,
blue
today.
Let’s
make
a
new
song.
让我们改编歌曲唱一唱。
Tips:
小组活动,可四人齐唱、两两问答唱、或一问一答式演唱。
She
is……
He
is……
____is
wearing
______
today.
____is
wearing
______
today.
.Can
you
read?
.Can
you
read?
Rr
for
rabbit,
/r/
/r/
/r/,
Ss
for
snake,/s/
/s/
/s/,
Tt
for
tiger,
/t/
/t/
/t/.
Rr
for
______,
/r/
/r/
/r/,
Ss
for
______,
/s/
/s/
/s/,
Tt
for
______,
/t/
/t/
/t/.
.Can
you
act?
This
is…..
Can
you
write?
你会按照正确的顺序书写吗?
Hello.
This
is
…
He’s/She’s
my
friend.
Look
at
this…(衣服)
It’s…(颜色)
Do
you
like
it?
Tips:字母宝宝也想穿上更漂亮的衣服,出示你帮字母宝宝设计的衣服。四人一组,从1号开始轮流介绍字母,请用上以下句子。
Show
time
can
sing
the
colour
song.
我会唱“颜色歌”。
can
say
and
write
“Rr,Ss,Tt”.
我会说和写字母Rr,Ss,Tt。
can
talk
about
colours.
我会谈论颜色。
Ticking
time
一星要求:
1.我能大声、清楚地唱这首歌。
二星要求:
1.我能换颜色唱这首歌。
三星要求:
1.我能一问一答编唱一首新的歌。
can
sing
the
colour
song.
我会唱“颜色歌”。
can
say
and
write
“Rr,Ss,Tt”.
我会说和写字母Rr,Ss,Tt。
can
talk
about
colours.
我会谈论颜色。
Ticking
time
一星要求:
1.我会说字母Rr
Ss
Tt.
二星要求:
1.我会说会写字母Rr
Ss
Tt.
三星要求:
1.我会说、会写字母Rr
Ss
Tt,准确又优美.
can
sing
the
colour
song.
我会唱“颜色歌”。
can
say
and
write
“Rr,Ss,Tt”.
我会说和写字母Rr,Ss,Tt。
can
talk
about
colours.
我会谈论颜色。
Ticking
time
一星要求:
1.我会用英语说各种颜色.
二星要求:
1.我会用英语问答有关颜色的话题。
三星要求:
1.我不但会用英语问答有关颜色的话题,还能讲得非常流利、优美。
色彩是很有用的!
Let’s
enjoy.
不同的色彩有着不同的意义
red
在中国代表喜庆和吉祥,
在西方代表热情和欢乐(happy)。
yellow
黄色明快而跳跃,给人一种明朗的感觉。佩戴黄色帽出行更安全!
blue
蓝色是大海(sea)和天空(sky)的颜色,代表广阔和宁静,而在西方蓝色还代表忧郁。
orange
桔色/橙色也代表热情,它是不是马上让你联想到可口的橘子呢?橙色和橘子的英文可是一样的哦!
green
绿色是大自然的颜色,它表示环保和自然。
brown
棕色的也是大自然的色彩之一,它代表朴实无华,因为它是泥土的颜色,没有泥土怎么会有树木(tree)呢?
black
黑色代表庄重、肃穆和神秘,同时也是我们亚洲人特有的色彩,我们有黑色的眼珠(black
eyeball)和黑色的头发(black
hair)。
white
在西方,白色却代表着纯洁,所以新娘的婚纱就是白色的哦!
Colours
make
our
World
beautiful!
We
live
in
a
colourful
world.
我们生活在一个多彩的世界。
色彩让我们的生活如此缤纷!
1.Sing
the
colour
song
to
your
family
or
friends.向你的家人或朋友唱颜色歌。
2.Write
Rr,Ss
and
Tt
in
your
copybook.
在抄写本上抄写字母Rr、Ss、Tt。
sos
自动取款机
人民币
Read
and
match
国际求救信号
外星人
中华人民共和国
What
colour
is
Yang
Ling’s
skirt?
It’s
……
Look
and
say
看图说
What
colour
is
Yang
Ling’s
skirt
now?
It’s
……
Look
and
say
看图说
What
colour
is
Yang
Ling’s
skirt
now?
It’s
……
Look
and
say
看图说