外研版(一起)小学英语五年级上册
Module?4?Unit1?We’re?going?to?tell?stories.
教学设计
?一、教材分析:
??
本模块的话题是发出庆祝生日活动的邀请。本单元的课文情境是Amy发给Lingling的生日邀请函,她要过11岁的生日了。Lingling问Amy打算如何庆祝,Amy说要和大家一起吃午餐,妈妈会给她做蛋糕。Sam说午餐后大家会一起讲故事,Amy接着说随后会去看电影。这时Ms
Smart提醒孩子们在做这些事情之前要先帮她整理屋子,孩子们愉快的答应了。语言学习任务是运用已经学过的“I’m
going
to…”结构描述计划并发出邀请。
?二、学情分析:
五年级学生的年龄在十一到十二岁左右,虽然处于高年级学段,但仍然活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维和抽象思维相结合,对游戏、竞赛、画画还有兴趣。大部分学生对英语有着较浓厚的学习兴趣,但也有少数学生由于遇到困难,学习兴趣会随之减弱。尤其从这学期开始,对学生又提出了新的要求:培养听、说、读、写的技能。所以教师应该面向全体学生,以学生的发展为宗旨,始终把激发学生的学习兴趣放在首位,引导学生端正学习态度,掌握良好的学习方法,培养学生良好的学习习惯。五年级学生还存在着学习方法和学习策略经验不足等问题,但他们却有着极强的求知欲强和表现欲。课上应该多以表扬为主,注重对学生英语学习兴趣的培养,鼓励他们大胆说、积极做、认真想!让学生们在玩玩、做做、说说中学习英语。
三、
教学目标:
1.
知识目标
Words:
tidy
up、
invitation、stories
Structures:
We’re
going
to
tell
stories..
I’m
going
to
be
eleven.
(1)
学生能够掌握四会单词和句型结构。
(2)
根据图片和情境说出单词和句子。
(3)
在图文或场景下进行课文的复述或者相似内容的阅读。
2、能力目标
(1)在生活中正确运用英语庆祝生日。
(2)学生能描述将要发生的事情并与别人谈论、问答,表达自己的想法。
3、情感目标:
培养学生能够关心他人,积极表达自己的祝福的能力。
培养学生能够按时整理自己的房间及物品的好习惯。
四、
教学重点:
We’re
going
to
tell
stories..
I’m
going
to
be
eleven.
五、
教学难点:
(1)在生活中正确运用英语庆祝生日。
(2)学生能描述将要发生的事情并与别人谈论、问答,表达自己的想法。
六、
教学准备:
?????
Rom,
word
-cards,pictures
七.教学流程:
Step
1.Warm-up
1.Greetings.
2.Sing
a
song.(What
are
you
going
to
do
today?)
3.出示活动一图片,
教师与学生问答。
T:
Look,
this
is
Daming
.What
is
he
doing
?
Let’s
watch
the
cartoon.
S:
He’s...
4.教师根据学生的回答引出短语并教学:tell
a
story.
5.
Listen
and
imitate.
(设计意图:学习活动一,通过学生回答问题,导出本课新知并教学。)
Step
2.
Pre
-
task
1.任务呈现
教师出示活动一第二张的图片介绍:
Daming
is
telling
a
story.The
children
fell
asleep.They’re
very
boring.
But
Amy
is
very
happy.
Because
Amy’s
birthday
is
coming.How
is
she
going
to
celebrate
her
birthday?
This
class
,Let’s
learn
Module
Unit
We’re
going
to
tell
stories.(出示课题)。这节课我们就来学习用
“be
going
to”句型谈论自己生日聚会的打算。(教师出示“be
going
to”词卡教学其结构及
“be”
的三种形式并板书。)
2.评价展示:
There
are
many
presents
here.
Do
you
want
to
put
them
to
Amy
?
This
presents
is
for
group1
,
group2,
group3,
group4.
If
you
did
well,I
will
take
the
paper
down.
All
of
the
papers
was
taken
down,you
can
send
them
to
Amy.
?
believe
you!
(设计意图:通过对活动一图片的复述,引出本课的课题及教学任务。)
Step
3.
While-task
1:理解课文,整体感知(第一遍听录音)
T:
Open
your
books,
Let’s
listen
and
think:
How
old
is
Amy
going
to
be
?
S:
She’s
going
to
be
eleven.
T:Who
can
play
the
Amy
and
answer
this
question?
S:I’m
going
to
be
eleven.(板书
“I”.)
2.
第二遍听录音
(1)
教师出示自制请帖引导学生理解,并教学新单词“invitation.
(2)教师随后出示活动二图一说:Look
,
It’s
an
invitation
to
Amy’s
birthday
party.
This
is
for
Lingling
.
So
Lingling
can’t
wait
to
ask:
“What
are
we
going
to
do?”(板书问句)
“Who
is
going
to
make
a
birthday
cake?”
Let’s
listen,
point
and
circle
the
answer.
(3)
核对答案:
We’re
going
to
have
lunch.
We’re
going
to
tell
stories.(板书
We,tell
stories)
We’re
going
to
see
a
film.
Mum
is
going
to
make
a
birthday
cake.
(板书Mum)
3.
学习最后一幅图片。
T:
What
are
they
going
to
do
before
the
birthday
party?(看最后一幅
图,小组讨论)
S:
They’re
going
to
help
Ms
Smart
tidy
up.
(7
)
教师出示单词卡教学“tidy
up”.
4.
第三遍听录音
(1)
Listen
and
imitate.(教师教学连读
“an
invitation.”
)
5.
读课文
(1)
Do
a
dialogue
in
the
group.(小组合作)
(2)
Act
it
out.
6.
学生小结:“What
did
you
find
?”(根据板书总结
“be
going
to”的用法)
7.
教师总结
(1)
教师小结。(幻灯片出示)
(设计意图:通过总分总的学习方式,以提问的方式对课文进行讲解。)
Step
4.
Post
-
task
1.Retell
the
text.(学生根据板书用
“be
going
to”句型复述。)
2.Read
and
circle.
3.
Ask
and
answer.
(两个人一组完成)
4.
Talk
about
your
weekend
plan.(小组合作)
(设计意图:教师设计了一些有梯度的练习,对学生学习情况进行考察。)
Step
.
Summary
1.What
did
you
learn
this
class
?
2.评价总结。(Sing
a
birthday
song
together.)
Step
.
Homework
1.Read
the
text
3-5
times.(注意模仿语音语调)
2.Write
the
sentences
of
blackboard.
3.Make
a
plan
for
your
weekend.
Blackboard
design
Module
Unit
We’re
going
to
tell
stories.
What
are
we
going
to
do
?
have
lunch
.
We’re
going
to
tell
stories.
see
a
film
.
(设计意图:突出本节课的重点句型的学习。)
.