(共24张PPT)
Unit
My
friends
Period
Cartoon
time&
Song
time
译林版英语
三年级上册
看到句子快速大声地读出,看到图片,击掌三下。
Good
morning.
Hello,
Bobby.
Good
afternoon,
class.
Hi,
I’m
Sam.
Goodbye,
Miss
Li.
Yes,
am.
No,
I’m
not.
Are
you
Mike?
用英语和你的同学或者老师打招呼。
用英语互相作自我介绍。
用英语确认对方的姓名。
用英语告别。
情景对话,你能行!
5.
用英语介绍你的朋友们。
介绍你的朋友们
He’s/
He
is
…
He’s/
He
is
my
friend.
She’s/
She
is
…
She’s/
She
is
my
friend
too.
你能介绍这两位朋友吗?
He’s
Sam.
He’s
my
friend.
He’s
Bobby.
He’s
my
friend
too.
1.
When
does
the
story
happen?
a.
morning
b.
afternoon
2.
Who
does
Bobby
introduce
to
Sam?
a.
friend
b.
sister
看动画,勾出正确答案。
故事发生在何时?
Bobby向Sam介绍了谁?
1.
When
does
the
story
happen?
a.
morning
b.
afternoon
2.
Who
does
Bobby
introduce
to
Sam?
a.
friend
b.
sister
√
√
This
is
Bobby’s
sister.
She’s
Tina.
姐姐;妹妹
Bobby是怎么介绍姐姐的?
This
is
这
是
去书中第21页读读找找看!
如果你是Bobby,你会介绍她吗?
______________
Tina.
________my
sister.
This
is
She’s
/
She’s
↙
Sam想跟Tina成为朋友吗?
跟着动画读,模仿语音语调。
指着书中句子跟读,模仿语音语调。
给动画中的人物配音。
分角色表演。
He’s/
He
is…
This
is…
Read
and
choose(选择正确的词语,完成对话)
a
I’m
b
Hello
c
morning
d
He’s
Wang
Bing:
Good
________.
David:
Good
morning.
Wang
Bing:
I’m
Wang
Bing.
David:
_____
David.
Wang
Bing:
This
is
Liu
Tao.
_____
my
friend.
David:
_____,
Liu
Tao.
Liu
Tao:
Hi,
David.
c
a
d
b
He’s
下次再见。
英语中的告别语
在西方,人们告别时一般会说Goodbye.
在口语中也常用Bye-bye.或者Bye.
goodbye较正式一些,bye-bye和bye较随便。
有时我们也会说See
you.来表示再见。
see
you后面可以接一个表示再次见面的时间。
See
you
next
time.
下次再见。
See
you
later.
一会儿见。
See
you
tomorrow.
明天见。
Sing
the
song
with
your
teacher
Goodbye,
class.
Goodbye,
my
friends.
Goodbye,
class.
See
you
next
time.
Goodbye,
Miss
Wang.
Goodbye,
my
friend.
Goodbye,
Miss
Wang.
See
you
next
time.
Sing
the
song
with
your
friends
Goodbye,
xxx.
Goodbye,
my
friend.
Goodbye,
xxx.
See
you
next
time.
Goodbye,
xxx.
Goodbye,
my
friend.
Goodbye,
xxx.
See
you
next
time.
1.
Read
“Cartoon
time”.
2.
Sing
the
song
with
your
friends!