(共33张PPT)
Unit
My
friends
Magic
eyes
friend
朋友
my
我的
Friend,
friend,
my
friend.
Friend,
friend,
good
friend.
Friend,
friend,
my
good
friend.
Friend,
friend,Yeah…
Let's
chant!
她
是
She's
Dong
Shanshan.
She’s
my
friend.
He's
Jiang
Bin.
He’s
my
friend.
他
是
she's=she
is
她是
he's=he
is
他是
总结:介绍女生用
,介绍男生用
“She's”
“He's”
He’s
…
She’s
…
Response
quickly
根据图片,迅速做出正确的回答。
Introduce
your
friend
to
us!
向大家介绍你的朋友吧!
He’s
…
He’s
my
friend.
She’s…
She’s
my
friend.
Talk
about
your
friends
(同桌互相谈谈你的朋友吧!)
He’s
…
He’s
my
friend.
She’s…
She’s
my
friend.
Work
in
pairs!
Miss
Li
father
mother
Mike
Yang
Ling
Q1:
Who
are
they?(他们是谁?)
Story
time
He's
Mike.
Who
is
his
friend?
谁是他的朋友?
She's
Yang
Ling.
Who
is
her
friend?
谁是她的朋友?
Story
time
I’m
Mike.
Who
is
my
friend?
谁是我的朋友?
Liu
Tao
刘涛
Yang
Ling
杨玲
Su
Hai
苏海
Story
time
I’m
Yang
Ling.
Who
is
my
friend?
谁是我的朋友?
Liu
Tao
刘涛
Mike
迈克
Su
Hai
苏海
Watch
and
answer(看卡通,回答问题)
Q2:How
do
you
know?Underline
the
sentences.
你是怎么知道的?用横线“————”在文中划出来。
Q2:How
does
Mike
introduce
his
friend?
迈克是怎样向父母介绍自己的朋友的?
Q2:How
does
Yang
Ling
introduce
her
friend?
杨玲是怎样向父母介绍自己的朋友的?
Read
and
think:What
does
Miss
Li
and
her
students
say?(自己读课文,想一想:李老师和同学们说了什么?)
Goodbye.
再见。
Listen
and
repeat
跟读录音要牢记,
模仿发音和声调,
切记拖音不能要!
Tips
Ask
yourself
询问自己:
Is
every
word
clear?
每个单词都发清楚了吗?
Can
you
speak
loudly?
声音够响亮吗?
Can
you
imitate
the
pronunciation
and
intonation?
你能模仿语音语调吗?
Happy
reading
快乐阅读
Read
by
yourselves.(自己读一读课文)
Read
after
the
teacher.(
跟老师读一遍课文)
Let's
act
Act
in
your
group
(小组分角色扮演)
Let
me
try!
小灰灰想向你们介绍他的朋友,你能帮他配音吗?快来试试吧!
He’s
Xi
Yangyang.
He’s
my
friend.
She’s
Mei
Yangyang.
She’s
my
friend.
He’s
Man
Yangyang.
He’s
my
friend.
He’s
Fei
Yangyang.
He’s
my
friend.
What
have
you
learnt
today?(今天你学到了什么?)
1.如果你的朋友是女生,你该怎么向其他人介绍:
She’s
xxx.
She’s
my
friend.
2.如果你的朋友是男生,你该怎么向其他人介绍:
He’s
xxx.
He’s
my
friend.
3.放学时和老师告别可以说:
Goodbye.
1.
放学后,你跟李老师说:(
)
A.
Goodbye,
Miss
Li.
B.
Good
morning,
Miss
Li.
C.
See
you,
Miss
Li.
2.
当你向你妈妈介绍你的好朋友杨玲时,你说:(
)
A.
He’s
Yang
Ling.
She’s
my
friend.
B.
She’s
Yang
Ling.
She’s
my
friend.
C.
She’s
Su
Hai.
She’s
my
friend.
3.
你告诉你的爸爸,他是你的好朋友王兵,你说:(
)
A.
She’s
Wang
Bing.
She’s
my
friend.
B.
He’s
Wang
Bing.
He’s
my
sister.
C.
He’s
Wang
Bing.
He’s
my
friend.
练一练:
friend
in
need
is
a
friend
in
deed.
患难中的朋友才是真正的朋友。
Homework
1.
Introduce
your
friends
to
more
classmates
in
English.
用英语向更多同学介绍自己的朋友。
2.
Read
the
story
at
least
times.
读课文至少3遍。
3.
Preview
fun
time.
预习fun
time。
Goodbye!