(共29张PPT)
i
n
t
My
f
i
e
(Story
time&
Song
time)
n
s
r
d
Free
talk
(情景对话)
Good
morning,...!
Good
morning,...!
Hello,...
Hello,...
Are
you...?
Yes,I
am.
No,
I'm
not.
am...
Goodbye,...!
Goodbye,...!
Magic
eyes
(神奇之眼)
class
Good
morning
Hello
Good
afternoon
Are
you
Bobby?
Hi
I’m
Wang
Bing.
一起大声快速说出你看到的内容!
She’s
Mei
Yangyang.
She’s
my
friend.
(我的朋友)
friend
朋友
my
我的
She’s…
(她是…)
She’s
Yang
Ling.
Let’s
guess!猜一猜
She’s
Su
Hai.
She’s
Miss
Li.
She’s
...
She’s
my
friend.
(向老师介绍你的朋友吧)
Introduce
your
friends
to
Miss
Li.
He’s…
(他是…)
He’s
Mike.
Let’s
guess!猜一猜
He’s
Sam.
Magic
eyes!魔力眼
He’s
Bobby.
Magic
eyes!魔力眼
He’s
Xi
Yangyang.
He’s
my
friend.
He’s
my
friend.
He’s
...
(向老师介绍你的朋友吧)
Introduce
your
friends
to
Miss
Li.
Talk
about
your
friend
(谈谈你的朋友)
She’s
my
friend.
Talk
in
pairs
两人一组交谈
(计时30秒)
She’s…
He’s
...
He’s
my
friend.
She’s
...
She’s
my
friend.
Introduce
your
classmates
to
Miss
Cao.(向老师介绍你的同学吧!)
Ticking
time
自我评价
How
many
stars
can
you
get?
你能得到多少颗星?
can
use
“he”
and
“she”.
我会使用“他”和“她”
?
Watch
a
cartoon!
(看卡通)
Miss
Li
Dad
Mum
Mike
Yang
Ling
Let’s
read
after
the
cartoon.(小朋友要注意语音语调哦!)
What
are
they
saying?(他们在说什么呢?)
Read
after
a
leader
一人领读,
三人跟读
语音语调正确。
Read
in
roles.
分角色朗读,
四人一组
模仿语音语调。
Act
in
roles.
分角色表演,
四人一组
模仿语音语调。
Let’s
read.
朗读课文(四人一组,选择一种你喜欢的方式去读)
Let’s
act!
(让我们表演吧!)
A:
Hi/
Hello/Good
morning.
B:
Hi/Hello/Good
morning.
A:
He’s
_________
.
He’s
my
friend.
B:
Hi/Hello
C.
C:
Hi/Hello
B.
B:
She’s
_________
.
She’s
my
friend.
A:
Hi/Hello
D.
D:
Hi/Hello
A.
拓展:四人一组,尝试完成下面对话哦!
?
Ticking
time
同桌评价
How
many
stars
can
you
get?
他/她能得到多少颗星?
He/She
can
talk
about
his
friends.
他/她能谈论他的/她的朋友
Let’s
learn.(让我们学习一下)
See
you
回头见
See
you
next
time.
下次见。
Let’s
learn.(让我们学习一下)
next
time
下次
Summary
本课小结