(共32张PPT)
Unit
How
much(Period
3)
Can
act
the
dialogue
in
cartoon
time.
会表演cartoon
time.
Learning
aims
Can
sing
the
song
“The
clothes
shop”.
会唱歌曲”The
clothes
shop”.
Can
talk
about
the
prices
very
well.
能很好的谈论价格。
?
bowknots
Introduction
餐馆
理发店
社区服务中心
医院
杂货店
礼品店
书店
药店
电影院
花店
服装店
Community
map
blue
T-shirt
red
socks
blue
skirt
yellow
shoes
In
the
clothes
shop
In
the
clothes
shop
Sing
the
song
To
be
salesmen
Blue
skirts
and
T-shirts,
cheap.
try
them
on.
buy
them
all.
便宜的
试穿它们
全部买下
yellow
shoes
and
red
socks.
They
are
very
and
they
are
very
good.
You
can
You
can
Ha!
Ha!
Learn
the
song
Sing
the
song
can
sing
the
song
‘the
clothes
shop’.
Ticking
time
!
!
!
!
!
!
In
the
clothes
shop
餐馆
理发店
社区服务中心
医院
杂货店
礼品店
书店
药店
电影院
花店
服装店
Community
map
Guess
and
find:
How
much
is
it/are
they?
In
the
grocery
store
Listen
and
choose
can
talk
about
the
prices
very
well.
Ticking
time
!
!
!
!
!
!
In
the
grocery
store
餐馆
理发店
社区服务中心
医院
杂货店
礼品店
书店
药店
电影院
花店
服装店
Community
map
In
the
gift
shop
How
many
bowknots
would
Bobby
like?
How
many
bowknots
would
Bobby
like?
Watch
and
answer
How
many
bowknots
would
Bobby
like?
Ten
How
many
Watch
and
answer
Why
does
Bobby
buy
so
many
bowknots
for
Tina?
为什么Bobby为Tina买那么多蝴蝶结?
Her
tail
is
long.
尾巴
长的
Practice(练一练):
长尾巴:___________
长铅笔:___________
a
long
tail
a
long
pencil
Read
and
find
Can
help
you?
Yes.
I’d
like
these,
please.
How
many
would
you
like?
Ten,
please.
Ten?
They’re
for
my
sister,Tina.
Her
tail
is
long.
How
beautiful!
Thank
you,
Bobby.
●
Listen
carefully
and
try
to
imitate
the
pronunciation
and
tone.
(仔细听,模仿录音中的语音
语调,特别是Sam和Tina的话.)
重读
升调
降调
Listen
and
repeat
Can
help
you?
Yes.
I’d
like
these,
please.
How
many
would
you
like?
Ten,
please.
Ten?
They’re
for
my
sister,Tina.
Her
tail
is
long.
How
beautiful!
Thank
you,
Bobby.
(疑惑的语气)
(赞美的语气)
(高兴的语气)
Listen
and
repeat
(热情的语气)
(急切的语气)
Let’s
dub
Let’s
imagine(想象一下,后来会发生什么?)
Happy
birthday,
Bobby!
Ending
Imagine
the
end
Let’s
imagine(想象一下,后来会发生什么?)
They're
too
heavy.
Ending
Imagine
the
end
Which
one
do
you
like?
(你喜欢哪一个?)
Happy
ending
Sad
ending
Happy
birthday,
Bobby!
They're
too
heavy.
Imagine
the
end
1.
Read
the
story
fluently.
流利地读出故事,可获得
2.
Read
in
roles
with
mood
.
分角色有感情的朗读故事可获得
3.
Act
the
story.
小组表演故事可获得
注意:朗读、表演时模仿Sam奇怪的语气和Tina高兴的语气,并加上你喜欢的结尾哦!
Read
and
act
can
act
the
dialogue
in
cartoon
time.
附加星
(上台表演的同学可以把表演所得的星画在附加栏里)
Ticking
time
Well
done.
干得好。
Ticking
time
Help
others
to
be
happy.
帮助他人,快乐自己
。
help
help
help
Emotion
2.
Act
Cartoon
time
for
your
friends
or
parents.
Homework
1.
Listen
and
read
Cartoon
time
times,
try
to
recite.
3.
Try
to
buy
things
in
English
in
your
daily
life.