中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台
PEP人教版小学英语五年级第6课时教学设计
课题
Read
and
write
单元
Unit
学科
English
年级
五年级
学习目标
1.能够借助于图片提示,读懂并理解关于日记形式的《Meet
Robin》的短文内容。2.能够把短文内容翻译成正确的汉语意思。3.能够正确完成阅读短文后面的两个训练题。4.能够独立完成听力训练。5.能够灵活运用本单元所学知识,解决实际问题。
重点
(1)1.能够借助于图片提示,读懂并理解关于日记形式的《Meet
Robin》的短文内容。能够正确完成阅读短文后面的两个训练题。(2)能够独立完成听力训练。
难点
(1)能够灵活运用本单元所学知识,读懂与本单元相关的阅读短文。(2)能够听懂与本单元相关的对话内容,并完成相关的训练。
教学过程
教学环节
教师活动
学生活动
设计意图
Warm
upand
lead
in
1.
Meet
the
old
friends.
复习描述人物的形容词。
复习学过的形容词。
通过形容词的复习,激活学生旧知,为新知学习做准备。
Presentation
1.
设置情境:Wu
Yifan
is
doing
his
homework.
He
is
writing
a
diary.教师解释“diary”的中文含义,并询问学生是怎么看出这是一篇日记的。注意日记的格式:日期和星期在右上角。2.
齐读课文。询问学生读了课题之后,有没有想提出什么问题?3.
带着问题,初读课文。4.
读第一段回答问题。5.
看图回答问题:6.
Look
and
guess:
What
is
Robin
like.引导学生根据图片猜测课文内容。7.
学生边读课文边勾画关键词。8.
Let’s
check.
Read
and
tick
or
cross.9.
根据课文内容,完成思维导图并尝试复述。10.
Read
and
guess:
What
will
Robin
say?11.
Listen
and
imitate.
读课题,尝试提出问题理解问题初读课文读课文回答问题。看图回答问题。完成思维导图并复述。听并跟读。
设置情境,有助于学生理解课文内容。以问题为导向,层层递进,引导学生回答问题。通过思维导图,培养学生整合课文内容的思维能力
Practice
1.
Read,
match
and
fill
in
the
blanks.2.
Free
talk:
Do
you
want
to
have
a
robot
like
Robin?3.
Design
a
robot
of
your
own.
Draw
and
write
about
him/her.4.
Let’s
check.
Summary
What’s
Robin
like?short
but
stronghard-workinghelpfulcleverstrict
BlackboardDesign
Unit
What’s
he
like?B
Read
and
write
梳理课文内容
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PEP人教版小学英语五年级上册
Unit
What’s
he
like?
Read
and
write
Warm
up
Let’s
meet
our
old
friends.
What’s
Amy
like?
Goodbye,
Miss
White!
She
is
polite.
Warm
up
What’s
Zhang
Peng
like?
He
is
clever.
Warm
up
What’s
Lily
like?
She
is
shy.
Warm
up
What
are
they
like?
They
are
helpful.
Warm
up
What’s
Wu
Yifan
like?
He
is
hard-working.
Warm
up
Presentation
Wu
Yifan
is
doing
his
homework.
He
is
writing
a
diary.
日记
Presentation
带着问题,初读课文
Who
is
Robin?
Who
made
Robin?
What
is
Robin
like?
制造
Presentation
robot.
Grandpa.
Who
is
Robin?
Who
made
Robin?
Presentation
What
are
the
robots
like?
tall
strong
funny
polite
helpful
What
is
Robin
like?
Presentation
Look
and
guess.
观察图片,猜测课文内容。
Presentation
What
is
Robin
like?
边读边勾画关键词
Let’s
check
Is
he
_______?
tall
?
strong
helpful
short
?
old
strict
thin
hard-working
clever
Read
and
tick
?
or
cross
?
.
?
?
?
?
?
?
?
Yes,
he
is./
No,
he
isn’t.
Hi!
Do
you
speak
English?
short
but
strong
hard-
working
helpful
(He
can
…)
clever
(He
can
…)
strict
(He
makes…finish…)
Finish
the
mind
map.
Read
and
guess.
Robin,
‘m
so
tired.
Can
go
to
bed
now?
No,
you
can’t.
Finish
your
homework
first!
Listen
and
imitate.
Hi!
Do
you
speak
English?
Read,
match
and
fill
in
the
blanks.
He
can
carry
many
plates
and
bowls.
He
is
_______.
(
)
He
makes
Wu
Yifan
finish
his
homework.
He
is
________.
(
)
He
can
speak
Chinese
and
English.
He
is
_________.
(
)
He
can
cook.
He
is
very
_______
at
home.
(
)
He
works
everyday.
He
is
____________.
(
)
strong
strict
clever
helpful
hard-working
Hi!
Do
you
speak
English?
Do
you
want
to
have
a
robot
like
Robin?
Free
talk
Let’s
check
我
你/你们,我们,他们
它,他,她
主语和be动词的搭配:
am,
you
are,
单数is,
复数are
is
is
is
are
are
am
is
are
Good
to
know
谢谢
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