Numbers
教学目标
知识目标
复习1-----10的英文表达,初步感知0的读音。用英文表达自己的年龄。了解生活中的数字。
文化意识
与实际相结合了解数字在我们生活中的运用。
教学策略
情境创设,自主活动,示范模仿。
教具准备
数字卡片,教学PPT
教学过程
Warm-up
Listen
and
do.
——Good
morning,
kids!
Are
you
ready
for
class?
Great!
Let’s
begin
the
class.
Stand
up
please!
Listen
and
follow
me!
播放一首数字歌曲,学生跟着老师做动作
Number
off
by
class
——well
done!
Sit
down
please.
Now,
let’s
number
off
one
by
one
in
this
way.
Clear?
You
are
number
one.
Go!
Games
——I
think
you
guys
did
very
good
job
today.
But
I’m
just
wondering
If
you’re
ready
for
games.
Let
me
check
it
out!
Please
read
out
the
numbers
correctly
and
loudly.
Go!
教授新增加数字0
——all
right.
Now,
a
friend
here.
教师拿出0的卡片
——What
is
it?
Listen
carefully!
Zero,
ze-ro,
zero.
Got
it?
Follow
me.
All
right,
it’s
your
turn.
Group
1,
you
go
first.
…
Now,
any
volunteers?
Game
1:
炸弹游戏
——Good
job,
everybody!
I’m
quite
sure
you’re
ready
for
the
games
now.
Look,
what
is
it?
Yeah,
it’s
a
bomb.
教师快速布置好黑板(5张)
——Are
you
ready?
Go!
如无人违规,则增加2张
——ok.
More
numbers.
第三次增加至10张
——So
easy!
think
have
to
make
it
harder.
Dada…so
many
numbers
here.
Game
2:数字接龙
——stop
here.
No
problems
for
you
anymore.
All
of
you
are
the
winners.
Congratulations!
Yeah…I
think
you’re
quite
good
at
this
game.
Let’s
change
another
one.
First,
need
volunteers.
Who
will
try?
教师先请每位上来的志愿者读出手中的数字,再开始游戏。
——Hey,
kids!
You’re
the
judges
now.
如果上面的同学犯错,请大声说No
Remember!
Don’t
make
mistakes,
or
you’ll
out.
(出示红牌)
Are
you
ready?
Listen!
按照5张,7张,
10张的顺序开展游戏,站到最后的学生获胜,分别和教师击掌以示鼓励。
——wait.
还有一个任务。听口令,排好队。
189-5741-6320
请小朋友观察一下这组数字,看看有什么发现?
Yes.
It’s
a
phone
number.
You’re
so
smart.
But
it’s
not
my
phone
number.
Thank
you
so
much!
You
can
go
back
now.
小朋友,除了刚刚的这组电话号码,数字在我们的生活中随处可见,就看你有没有一双善于发现的眼睛。
Come
on,
boys
and
girls.
I’ll
show
you
some
special
numbers.
学生依次读出ppt上数字,再猜出其用途。
不错哦,小朋友生活经验很丰富呀。That’s
nice.
Dialogue
——除了这些,其实数字还可以用在我们自己身上呢。比如说用来介绍我们的年龄。
Let’s
listen.
听完,教师再把话题转交给学生。
Now
it’s
your
turn.
How
old
are
you?
志愿者答,小组轮流答。
——How
old
are
you?
am
____
years
old.
Consolidation
Look
and
say.
——well
done!
think
you’re
more
familiar
with
these
sentences
than
before.
Now
I’m
going
to
introduce
some
special
friends
to
you.
依次出示动物图片,请学生猜测它们的年龄。
先出示几组dog的图片
——What
is
it?
How
old
is
it?
Guess.
如果换成人类,该有多少岁了呢?
Let’s
check
it
out.
Wow!It’s
already
____
years
old.
Just
like
you/your
father/your
Grandfather.
接着出示bird的图片
——what
is
it?
How
old
is
it?
虽然它们同岁,不过左边那只生命就快要结束了,而右边这
只还只是个孩子。它们的区别就在于它们的体型,体型越大,
寿命越长。
最后出示fish的图片
——what
is
it?
How
old
is
it?
It’s
young.
It’s
very
beautiful
now.
It’s
old.
It’s
no
longer
beautiful.
Summary
——我们复习了数字的表达和运用,小朋友表现非常棒。You
are
really
amazing!
Thanks
a
lot.
Here’s
your
homework.
PPT呈现作业。
课程结束。