三年级英语
2021-2022
学年度第一学期教学设计
课题名称
U3
Look
at
meB
Let’s
learn
课时
授课时间
背景分析
1.学生已经学过How
are
you?
询问别人近况及其答语I’m
fine,thank
you.
Very
well,
thanks.2.学生已学过用“Let’s
make
a
puppet.”向别人建议一起做某事。3.学生学过用This
is
my…
介绍五官,但没有学过用This
is
the…介绍身体部位。
学习目标
1.能够听懂、运用This
is
the
…
介绍身体部位。2.听懂、会做“Clap
your
hands”等有关身体部位的活动。3.学习有关身体部位的单词head,body,arm,hand,leg,
foot
。4.学习This
is
the…
介绍身体部位。
学习重难点
重点:指导学生了解木偶组成部分和身体部位名称。难点:区分head和hand的发音
所需条件
教学PPT、卡片,头饰等
板书设计
Unit3
Look
at
me!
Let’s
learnThis
is
the
arm.handheadbodylegfoot
学习过程学习过程
Step
I.
Show
the
learning
aims.
(示标示导)
(1分钟)T:
Good
morning,
boys
and
girls.
Nice
to
meet
you!This
class
we
are
going
to
learn
Unit
Look
at
me.
Let’s
learn(书写课题)
First
let’s
see
the
learning
aims
on
the
screen,
please.(多媒体呈现学习目标)Step
Show
in
class
and
Presentation
(展示导入)
(五分钟)Show
in
class
together.This
is____【设计意图】要求学生共同说唱;做好小组评价。通过这个活动,既可以激活学生大脑和已有知识储备,让学生大胆开口说英语。又可以活跃课堂气氛让学生尽快地进入英语学习状态,为新课的引入做好了铺垫。2.
Presentation
(1)Let’s
enjoy
a
song(课件展示动画,师生一起拍手跟唱。)【设计意图】通过听、唱旋律优美的歌曲,给学生创造一个开放宽松的环境,营造和谐的英语学习氛围,使学生怀着轻松愉快的心情投入学习。(3)Suppose
a
situation呈现一幅孙悟空的图片,先和大家讨论映入眼帘。T:What
can
you
see?S1:
can
see
a
monkey.S2:
can
see
a
headS3:
can
see
a
leg.
…Step
Presentation
and
practise
(二十分钟左右)Listen
and
read
To
present
the
other
words:arm
hand
head...
To
play
some
games
to
practise
these
words【设计意图】猜谜活动引出新词汇,生动而有趣,符合三年级小学生的好奇心理,容易激发学习兴趣,吸引学生注意力;(2)Listen
and
repeatWatch
the
video
and
follow
it.播放课文视频,观看视频,跟读正音。(采用齐读、男女生读、小组读及个读等形式有效巩固新知。)【设计意图】回归课本,明确知识点;跟随动画,找出答案;三年级的学生,初步接触英语,所以必须矫正发音,扎实掌握。(3)Let’s
do.播放视频动画,学生边说边做。Let’s
do第一遍
学生跟读;第二遍
学生边说边做Step
Production
拓展提升(5分钟左右)Draw
a
puppet,
introduce
it
to
your
friends将学生分成不同小组,进行小组合作,完成后,向全班进行展示。Show
in
class(适时评价).【设计意图】通过这些活动,创造了一个开放的语言交际环境,让学生积极动起来,对所学的句型进行充分的练习,并练习了学生口头语言的表达能力。Step
Summary(归纳小结)(1分钟左右)1.
Do
self-evaluation.
Let
the
Ss
think
over
what
they
have
learned
in
this
class.
And
then
encourage
several
Ss
to
sum
up.
If
necessary,
the
teacher
gives
much
more
advice
in
details.Let’s
see
which
group
is
the
best
(The
best
group
must
behave
better
and
got
more
scores
than
any
other
group.).教师总结本课时主要知识点和句型,并在PPT
同步展示;点拨学生,无论高矮胖瘦,健康最美。T:
Some
children
are
tall.
Some
children
are
short.
Some
children
are
fat.
Some
children
are
thin.
But
remember:
Health
is
important.
Health
is
beautiful.
当堂检测
Test
in
class(
)(1)当你想让别人拍手鼓掌时,应说:
A.
Cross
your
leg.
B.
Clap
your
hands(
)(2)当你想让别人摸摸他的手时,应说:
A.
Touch
your
hand.B.
Touch
your
head(
)(3)当你想向别人介绍Sarah时,你会说:
A.
This
is
Sarah.
B.
Hello!
Sarah(
)(4)当你想让别人摇摇他的身体时,你会
说:
A.
Look
at
me!
B.
Shake
your
body.
作业内容
Step
Homework(布置作业)1.Read
the
words
&sentences.(正确认读单词和句子。)2.
Make
new
sentences
with
the
words.
一致性
学生能够听懂并认读本课时单词,并能够正确运用重点句型进行问答。教学目标与学生本课时所学知识运用一致。
学后反思