(共46张PPT)
Ii
Ss
a
the
in
and
Can
you
say?
Great!
Let's
try
and
read!
a
the
the
and
in
the
in
the
the
in
the
and
Wow!
i
i
Ii,
Ii,
Ii
Ii
is
for
insect
.
interesting
insct.
'i',
'i',
'i'
bi
di
fi
gi
hi
li
pi
ti
I'm
Ii's
friend.
b
i
g
1.
2.
p
i
g
h
i
ll
3.
4.
l
i
d
big
fish
is
on
a
big
hill.
big
fish
is
on
a
big
hill.
Group
work:
Read
the
picturebook
with
your
parteners.
小组合作读故事书.
1.
Read
worksheet.
Homework:
2.
Read
the
picturebook
to
mum
and
dad.
●
GameTime
//o
p
)
The
Kid
and
a
pig
Early
Reader
No
Story
by
Jennifer
Cooper-Trent
e
The
Early
Reading
Company
strations
by
anthony
Mitchel
Www.ea
rly-
he
kid
he
pia
he
lid
he
kid
and
the
pig
The
kid
and
the
pie
sat
in
the
lid
The
kid
and
the
pia
hid
in
the
lid
The
lid
slid
and
slid
Staple
The
kid
and
the
pig
hit
a
bia
hi
整
show
time