课题
Unit
Why
don’t
you
talk
to
your
parents?
Section
(3a-selfcheck)
教材分析
本单元通过构建过去场景中正在发生的各种情况引导学生学习并使用过去进行时。主图呈现的abcd四个场景,与左侧的小图形成呼应,引出本单元的目标语言—过去进行时。整个单元的学习内容主要围绕使用过去进行时来表达过去某个时间正在做什么,并学习运用when,while描述某动作或者某事件的发生。
学情分析
初三的学生有较强的求知欲和表现欲,但是自身水平层次不齐。因此我在教学活动中尽量让他们参与到活动中来,有更多的机会来说英语,激发他们的学习兴趣,调动学习积极性。通过学生间的合作学习,降低他们的学习难度,使他们体验到成功的喜悦。本单元的目的是让学生在掌握语言知识的同时,反思生活中常见的家庭矛盾以及与家长、同学朋友之间的沟通问题,并学会正确的态度对待这些问题。
课程标准
基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生综合语言运用能力,而这种综合语言运用能力的形成是建立在语言知识、语言技能、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识的整体发展上的,有效的阅读不仅是指从文章中获取信息,更重要的是把所获得的信息进行加工处理,并运用于现实生活,尤其是运用于自身的生活实际,通过阅读拓宽视野,通过阅读启迪思维,通过阅读塑造自我。
评价活动
学生自评,组内同伴互评,教师评价5=Excellent
4=Very
good
3=Good
2=Adequate
1=Need
improvementA学生个人自评
教学目标
1知识目标:(1)学生能根据音标会读课文出现的单词。
(2)能根据掌握的词汇,短语理解并翻译短文。
2能力目标:能用笔头表达过去发生的事请并培养讲故事的能力。
3情感目标:通过阅读历史重大事件培养学生爱祖国热爱生活的情感。
4学习策略:通过找短文主旨句掌握阅读策略提高阅读能力。
5文化意识:通过对语言材料的熟悉来了解所学语言国家的社会和文化背景。
教学重点
掌握与课文有关的词汇,以便运用这些词汇复述课文
教学难点
掌握与课文有关的词汇,以便运用这些词汇复述课文
教学器材
多媒体
教学过程
教师活动
学生活动
设计意图
导
入
新
课
Step
Revision
Review
the
expressions
and
sentences.
1.在暴风雨时
2.忙于做某事
3.当你打电话时,我正在洗澡。
4.当他醒来时,太阳正在升起。
5.开始下大雨时,本在厨房帮妈妈做饭。
6.暴风雨时他在干什么?
Ss
translate
the
phrases
and
sentences
in
class.
通过翻译来加强练习
Step
Talking
Work
on
3a:
Make
notes
about
an
event
you
remember
well.
Teacher
ask
some
questions:
What
was
the
event?
When
did
it
happen?
Where
did
it
happen?
What
were
you
doing?
What
were
your
friends
doing?
Why
was
it
important?
Why
do
you
remember
this
event?
Ss
talk
about
the
questions
and
then
write
down
the
answer.
通过谈论回答问题为写作做铺垫。
Step
Writing
Work
on
3b:
1.
Write
about
the
event.
2.
Write
about
what
you
and
some
of
your
friends
were
doing
when
this
event
happened.
3.
Write
about
why
this
event
was
important.
Ss
write
the
passage
and
then
talk
about
it
in
groups,
then
in
class.
写作指导:本文为记叙文,通过老师所提供的问题的顺序来写,相对会容易一些。
?
Step
Self
check
Answers:
While,
when,
when,
While
Work
on
Self
check
2:
Work
on
Self
check
1:
Do
the
exercises
and
Check
the
answers
with
the
通过做练习巩固所学知识
小
结
同学们,本节课你都有哪些收获呢?小组交流
让学生回顾本节课学习的内容,小组之间进行交流提意见。
课堂
小测
练习
用练习来检测
Homework:
根据下列提示写一篇文章。
你和张莉是朋友、同桌,
昨天英语测试,她想抄袭,被你拒绝;想查字典,又被你阻止。她很生气,你也很伤心。
你决定下周找她好好谈谈你对这事的想法和观点,并希望今后你们能够互相帮助,共同进步。
课后反思
本节课在复习单元词汇和句型的基础上,
进一步学会运用目标语进行写的训练,
是能力目标的体现.
不同的话题拓展到生活的各个方面,
,给学生综合运用目标语,提供了一个广阔的平台,
使学生能运用语言知识解决实际问题.。课题
Unit
Why
don’t
you
talk
to
your
parents?
Section
(3a-3c)
教材分析
本单元通过构建过去场景中正在发生的各种情况引导学生学习并使用过去进行时。主图呈现的abcd四个场景,与左侧的小图形成呼应,引出本单元的目标语言—过去进行时。整个单元的学习内容主要围绕使用过去进行时来表达过去某个时间正在做什么,并学习运用when,while描述某动作或者某事件的发生。
学情分析
初三的学生有较强的求知欲和表现欲,但是自身水平层次不齐。因此我在教学活动中尽量让他们参与到活动中来,有更多的机会来说英语,激发他们的学习兴趣,调动学习积极性。通过学生间的合作学习,降低他们的学习难度,使他们体验到成功的喜悦。本单元的目的是让学生在掌握语言知识的同时,反思生活中常见的家庭矛盾以及与家长、同学朋友之间的沟通问题,并学会正确的态度对待这些问题。
课程标准
基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生综合语言运用能力,而这种综合语言运用能力的形成是建立在语言知识、语言技能、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识的整体发展上的,有效的阅读不仅是指从文章中获取信息,更重要的是把所获得的信息进行加工处理,并运用于现实生活,尤其是运用于自身的生活实际,通过阅读拓宽视野,通过阅读启迪思维,通过阅读塑造自我。
评价活动
学生自评,组内同伴互评,教师评价5=Excellent
4=Very
good
3=Good
2=Adequate
1=Need
improvementA
学生个人自评
教学目标
1、知识目标:全体学生能会背本课的单词alarm闹钟,begin开始,heavily在很大程度上,suddenly突然,strange奇怪的。短语go
off
(闹钟)发出响声,pick
up(=pick
up
the
phone)接电话。
2、能力目标:多数学生能正确使用过去进行时初步交谈过去发生的事。
3、情感目标:通过小组合作的方式,学生能够在困难的时候互相帮助。
4、学习策略:2a和2b听力部分通过阅读问题预测答案,2c和2d通过小组合作方式角色扮演。
5、文化意识:了解中西方在日常生活中如何应对突发情况。
教学重点
学生能够使用过去进行时谈论曾经发生的事情。
教学难点
1.能初步交谈过去进行的事学习了解过去进行时的构成及用法。
2.能运用when,
while
描述动作或者某事件的发生。
教学器材
多媒体
教学过程
教师活动
学生活动
设计意图
导
入
新
课
Step
Revision
1.
Ask
students
to
talk
about
what
they
were
doing
last
night
in
groups
of
four
then
give
a
report.
写出下列短语在图书馆in
the
library;在……的时候at
the
time
of;去上班go
to
work;等公共汽车wait
for
the
bus;走路回家walk
home;在街上
用学生自己的生活来引导自己的意见进行讨论。
Step
Presentation
the
new
words
Ask
the
students
to
look
at
the
picture
and
think
about
what
has
happened.
Write
down
the
key
points,
根据老师所给提示进行造句练习,对句子加强巩固。
Step
Reading
3a
Read
the
passage
quickly
and
answer
the
following
questions
1)
What
was
the
weather
like
before
the
heavy
ran
started?
2)What
was
the
neighborhood
like
after
the
storm?
Answer
the
questions.
Keys:
1.
Black
clouds
were
making
the
sky
very
dark.
With
no
light
outside,
it
felt
like
midnight.
2.
The
neighborhood
was
in
a
mess.
方法指导:带着问题,然后快速阅读短文,争取在较短的时间内,找到答案。
学生们,按老师指导的方法进行阅读,并快速回答这两个问题。最后,教师让部分学生回答答案,并校对答案。
Step
Reading
3b
Read
the
passage
again
and
complete
the
sentences
using
information
from
the
passage.
1)
When
the
news
on
was
reported,
strong
winds
were
_____________
outside.
2)While
Ben’s
mom
was
making
sure
the
radio
was
working,
his
dad
________________.
3)
Ben
_____________________
when
the
heavy
rain
finally
started.
4)
When
Ben
_______________at
3:00
a.m.,
the
wind
_________________.
Keys:
1)
were
blowing
2)
was
putting
pieces
of
wood
over
the
windows
3)
was
helping
his
mom
make
dinner
4)
fell
asleep:
was
dying
down
___________________________________
Read
the
passage
and
complete
the
passage.
1.
让学生们讨论罗波特先生对问题的建议,并发表自己的看法。
2.
学生们分小组讨论,发表自己的意见,由小组长汇总。
3.
让小组长并汇总的意见和其他同学汇报。
Step
Speaking
3c
Discuss
the
questions
with
a
partner.
“Although
the
storm
broke
many
things
apart,
it
brought
families
and
neighbors
closer
together.”
What
other
can
bring
people
closer
together?
How
can
we
help
each
other
in
times
of
difficulty?
Write
down
the
keys
points.
通过讨论巩固所学知识。
Step
Language
points
1.
With
no
light
outside,
it
felt
like
midnight.
此句中介词with表示一种伴随状况,同时还包含着某种因果关系,表示“因某
种状况的存在而导致……”,
因此可翻译成“由于;因为”等。
e.g.
With
my
parents
away,
I’m
the
king
of
the
house.
我爸妈不在家,我可是家中的“王”了!
can’t
work
with
all
that
noise
going
on.
由于那噪音响着,我无法工作。
2.
Ben’s
dad…
while
his
mom
was
making
sure
the
flashlights
and
radio
were
working.
1)
此句中的连词while的意思是“当……的时候;和……同时”,while还可以表示“而;然而;但”之意,用来说明和强调两种事情或情形不同。
e.g.
Tom
is
active
and
outgoing
while
his
sister
Rosa
is
shy
and
quiet.
汤姆活跃外向,而他的妹妹罗莎却害羞腼腆。
do
some
more
exercises
通过做练习来检测当堂掌握情况
小
结
同学们,本节课你都有哪些收获呢?小组交流
让学生回顾本节课学习的内容,小组之间进行交流提意见。
课堂
小测
通过习题
以习题来检测
Homework:
1.
Read
the
article
several
times
after
school.
2.
Make
sentences
with
these
words:
argue;
whatever;
instead;
nervous;
explain;
offer
to
do
sth.
;
communicate
with…
课后反思
学生在学习时态的时候常常不是忘了be动词,,就是忘了动词后面的-ing形式,有的学生即使看懂了句子,但在语言表达上往往不够准确,必须创造条件鼓励学生应自己的语言进行准确的表达。课题
Unit3
Why
don’t
you
talk
to
your
parents?
Section
(1a-2d)
教材分析
本单元通过构建过去场景中正在发生的各种情况引导学生学习并使用过去进行时。主图呈现的abcd四个场景,与左侧的小图形成呼应,引出本单元的目标语言—过去进行时。整个单元的学习内容主要围绕使用过去进行时来表达过去某个时间正在做什么,并学习运用when,while描述某动作或者某事件的发生。
学情分析
初三的学生有较强的求知欲和表现欲,但是自身水平层次不齐。因此我在教学活动中尽量让他们参与到活动中来,有更多的机会来说英语,激发他们的学习兴趣,调动学习积极性。通过学生间的合作学习,降低他们的学习难度,使他们体验到成功的喜悦。本单元的目的是让学生在掌握语言知识的同时,反思生活中常见的家庭矛盾以及与家长、同学朋友之间的沟通问题,并学会正确的态度对待这些问题。
课程标准
基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生综合语言运用能力,而这种综合语言运用能力的形成是建立在语言知识、语言技能、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识的整体发展上的,有效的阅读不仅是指从文章中获取信息,更重要的是把所获得的信息进行加工处理,并运用于现实生活,尤其是运用于自身的生活实际,通过阅读拓宽视野,通过阅读启迪思维,通过阅读塑造自我。
评价活动
学生自评,组内同伴互评,教师评价5=Excellent
4=Very
good
3=Good
2=Adequate
1=Need
improvementA
学生个人自评
教学目标
1.语言知识目标:
1)
能掌握以下单词:rainstorm,
suddenly,
alarm
,
go
off
,
pick
up
,
strange,
report,
area,
wood,
light,
window,
match,
beat,
heavily,
against,
asleep,
fall
asleep,
die
down,
rise,
apart,
passage,
pupil,
bright,
play
ground,
bell,
completely,
silence,
in
silence,
recently,
date,
tower,
at
first,
realize,
truth
能掌握以下句型:
1.
What
were
you
doing
at
eight
last
night?
was
taking
a
shower.
2.
What
was
she
doing
at
the
time
of
the
rainstorm?She
was
doing
her
homework.
3.
What
was
he
doing
when
the
rainstorm
came?
He
was
reading
in
the
library
when
the
rainstorm
came.
4.
What
was
Ben
doing
when
it
began
to
rain
heavily?
When
it
began
to
rain,
Ben
was
helping
his
mom
make
dinner.
5.
What
was
Jenny
doing
while
Linda
was
sleeping?
While
Linda
was
sleeping,
Jenny
was
helping
Mary
with
her
homework
2)
能了解以下语法:
(1)能够运用过去进行时;
(2)能运用when,while描述动作或者某事件的发生。
2.
情感态度价值观目标:
通过和同学合作对话,了解彼此过去正在进行的生活,促使学生积极参与英语实践活动。
教学重点
能初步交谈过去进行的事学习了解过去进行时的构成及用法。
教学难点
能初步交谈过去进行的事学习了解过去进行时的构成及用法。
能运用when,
while
描述动作或者某事件的发生。
教学器材
多媒体
教学过程
教师活动
学生活动
设计意图
导
入
新
课
Step
Warming
up
1.
Yesterday,
there
was
a
rainstorm.
Where
were
they
when
the
rainstorm
came?
Here
are
some
reports.
For
example:
A:
Where
were
you
when
the
rainstorm
came?
B:
was
in
the
library.
A:
What
were
you
doing
when
the
rainstorm
came?
B:
was
waiting
for
the
bus
at
the
bus
stop.
1a
从活动引入,调动课堂气氛,引发学生学习兴趣,培养学生学习的积极性
Step
Listening
What
were
they
doing
when
the
rainstorm
came?
Let’s
listen.
Pay
attention
to
“was/were
+doing”
2.
Play
the
recording
for
the
Ss
to
listen
and
circle
the
problems
you
hear
in
1a.
3.
Play
the
recording
again.
Check
the
answers
with
the
Ss
1b
Listen
to
the
report
and
circle
the
correct
response.
通过听力加强训练
Step
Speaking
Look
at
the
pictures
and
answer
the
questions
by
using
“was/were
+
doing”
1.
T:
Tell
Ss
to
read
the
sentences
in
1a
again.
Make
sure
they
know
the
meaning
of
the
sentences.
A:
What
was
the
boy
doing
at
the
time
of
the
rainstorm?
通过对话练习,加强学生的语言运用能力。
Step
Listening
1.
Let
Ss
read
the
sentences
in
2a.
2.
Play
the
recording
for
the
Ss
to
listen
and
write
the
words
in
the
blank.
3.
Play
the
recording
again
to
check
the
answers.
Work
on
2b:
2a
Listen
and
number
the
pictures
1-5.
2b
Listen
again.
Fill
in
the
blanks
in
the
sentences
in
2a.
Step
Speaking
2c
Use
the
information
in
2a
to
retell
the
story
in
a
conversation
between
the
boy
and
a
reporter.
2d
Role
play
the
conversation.
主要是加强听力练习,对听力的能力加强训练。
Step
Language
points
1.
My
alarm
didn’t
go
off
so
woke
up
late.
alarm
n.
闹钟
e.g.
What
time
shall
set
the
alarm
for?
我该把闹钟拨到几点钟响?
2.
was
waiting
for
the
bus
when
it
began
to
rain
heavily.
1)
begin
v.
(began)
开始
e.g.
I’ll
begin
whenever
you’re
ready.
你什么时候准备好我就开始。
常用的句型:
begin
to
do与begin
doing
一般来说,begin
to
do和begin
doing可以互换,但在以下三种情况下,用to
do。
I.
主语不是指人,而是it等。
如:It
began
to
rain.
begin后接表示心理活动的词。如:begin
to
know还有believe,
wonder,
think
等词。
begin本身是ing形式,为避免重复后接to
do。
即:beginning
to
do
2)
heavily
adv.在很大程度上;大量地
e.g.
moving
heavily
吃力地移动
It
was
raining
heavily.
雨下得很大。
3.
called
at
seven
and
you
didn’t
pick
up.
pick
up(=pick
up
the?phone)
接电话
pick
up
还有以下含义:
1)
拾起;抱起
e.g.
The
children
picked
up
many
sea
shells
at
the
seashore.
孩子们在海边捡到许多贝壳。
Pick
that?book?up.
把那本书拣起来。
2)
搭载
e.g.
The
car
stopped
to
pick
me
up.
汽车停下来接我。
1.
Ss
read
the
language
points
and
learn
them
by
heart.
学习巩固本单元的重难点知识。
Step
Pair
work
1.
Tell
Ss
to
make
a
conversation
using
the
information
in
2a
and
2b.
2.
Let
one
pair
to
read
out
their
conversation
first.
3.
e.g.
A:
What’s
the
matter,
Peter?
B:
had
a
fight
with
my
best
friend.
What
should
do?
A:
Well,
you
should
call
him
so
that
you
can
say
you’re
sorry.
B:
But
don’t
want
to
talk
about
it
on
the
phone.
Ss
to
make
a
conversation
using
the
information
in
2a
and
2b.
Ss
act
the
conversation
in
pairs.
Ask
some
pairs
to
act
out
their
conversations.
Step
Make
a
survey.
Ask
your
partners
in
your
group
what
they
were
doing
at
the
following
time.
Fill
in
the
form
then
give
a
report.
Report:
Tom
was
reading.
Peter
was
shopping…
A:
What
were
you
doing
yesterday
at
7:00?
B:
was
reading.
Ss
make
a
survy.
通过讨论,让学生进一步本课所学巩固知识。
小
结
同学们,本节课你都有哪些收获呢?小组交流
让学生回顾本节课学习的内容,小组之间进行交流提意见。
课
堂
小
测
抽测
老师要针对本课内容进行检测
Homework:
学生自主选择作业内容:A:描述课本上Sam’s
terrible
day
B:描述自己?My?…day
课后反思
引导学生观察图片并进行启发性的提问,对学生理解并运用语言非常有帮助,同时可以快速激活学生大脑中的相关信息,并进入学习状态。同时,对基础不同的学生都要了解到他们是否获取到活动的要求课题
Unit3
Why
don’t
you
talk
to
your
parents?
Section
(1a-2e)
教材分析
本单元通过构建过去场景中正在发生的各种情况引导学生学习并使用过去进行时。主图呈现的abcd四个场景,与左侧的小图形成呼应,引出本单元的目标语言—过去进行时。整个单元的学习内容主要围绕使用过去进行时来表达过去某个时间正在做什么,并学习运用when,while描述某动作或者某事件的发生。
学情分析
初三的学生有较强的求知欲和表现欲,但是自身水平层次不齐。因此我在教学活动中尽量让他们参与到活动中来,有更多的机会来说英语,激发他们的学习兴趣,调动学习积极性。通过学生间的合作学习,降低他们的学习难度,使他们体验到成功的喜悦。本单元的目的是让学生在掌握语言知识的同时,反思生活中常见的家庭矛盾以及与家长、同学朋友之间的沟通问题,并学会正确的态度对待这些问题。
课程标准
基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生综合语言运用能力,而这种综合语言运用能力的形成是建立在语言知识、语言技能、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识的整体发展上的,有效的阅读不仅是指从文章中获取信息,更重要的是把所获得的信息进行加工处理,并运用于现实生活,尤其是运用于自身的生活实际,通过阅读拓宽视野,通过阅读启迪思维,通过阅读塑造自我。
评价活动
学生自评,组内同伴互评,教师评价5=Excellent
4=Very
good
3=Good
2=Adequate
1=Need
improvementA
学生个人自评
教学目标
1.知识目标:学习并能够运用以下新单词:storm,
wind,
light,
report,
area,
wood,
window,
match,
beat,
against,
asleep,
rise,
fallen,
kid,
realize
能够运用以下短语:have
a
look,
fall
asleep,
die
down
。掌握when和while
的用法
2.能力目标:学生能够用过去进行时谈论过去发生的事情,能够正确运用when和while引导的时间状语从句。
3.情感态度:能够谈论3a文章内容及自己对灾难使民心凝聚的理解。
4.学习策略:通过与小组同学交流讨论,总结归纳3a的故事发展过程,进行复述。
教学重点
11.when
和while
引导的时间状语从句的用法
2.能用过去进行时态正确复述3a课文的内容
教学难点
1.when
和while
引导的时间状语从句的用法
2.能用过去进行时态正确复述3a课文的内容
教学器材
多媒体
教学过程
教师活动
学生活动
设计意图
导
入
新
课
Step
Revision
Look
at
the
pictures
and
make
up
the
sentences..
Ss
give
advice.
通过复习加强记忆
Step
Grammar
Focus
读下列句子,能否总结出句子中包含的语法?
1.
What
were
you
doing
at
eight
last
night?
was
taking
a
shower.
2.
What
was
she
doing
at
the
time
of
the
rainstorm?
She
was
doing
her
homework.
3.
What
was
he
doing
when
the
rainstorm
came?
He
was
reading
in
the
library
when
the
rainstorm
came.
4.
What
was
Ben
doing
when
it
began
to
rain
heavily?
When
it
began
to
rain,
Ben
was
helping
his
mom
make
dinner.
5.
What
was
Jenny
doing
while
Linda
was
sleeping?
While
Linda
was
sleeping,
Jenny
was
helping
Mary
with
her
homework.
Ss
discuss
the
problem
and
give
some
advices:
小组讨论归纳更加能增强记忆
Step
过去进行时
1.
基本概念:过去进行时表示在过去某一时刻或一段时间内正在进行的动作。这一特定的过去时间除有上下文暗示以外,
一般用时
间状语来表示。
2.
结构
was
/
were
(
not
)
+
动词-ing
3.
句式
肯定式:
I/He/She/It
was
working.
We/You/They/
were
working.
否定式:
I/He/She/It
was
not
working.
We/You/They/
were
not
working.
疑问式和简略回答:
Was
working?
1)
was
not常缩略为wasn’t;
were
not常缩略为weren’t。
2)
一般过去时与过去进行时用法的比较:
一般过去时表示在过去某个时间发生过的动作或存在的状态,
而过去进行时则表示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作。
Ss
discuss
with
their
desk
mates
David
wrote
a
letter
to
his
friend
last
night.
大卫昨晚给他的朋友写了封信;Davidwaswritingaletterto;大卫昨晚一直在给他的朋友写信;
Practice:
Look
at
the
picture;
Step4过去进行时中的when和while;when和while都可表示“当……的时候”,引;者在过去进行时中的用法有什么不同吗?;请仔细观察下面的例句,然后补全空格中的内容;①Iwaswalking大卫昨晚给他的朋友写了封信。(信写完了。)
David
was
writing
a
letter
to
his
friend
last
night.
大卫昨晚一直在给他的朋友写信。(信不一定写完。)
Practice:
Look
at
the
picture
and
make
up
the
dialogues.
Ss
Practice:
汉译英。
the
sentences
in
1d
first
and
listen
again
and
fill
in
the
blanks.
用翻译句子加强练习,通过讨论加强学生之间的交流
Step
4a.
Look
at
the
table
and
write
sentences
with
both
while
and
when.
4b.
Fill
in
the
blanks
with
was,
were,
when
or
while.
At
7:00
a.m.,
woke
up.
_____
____
making
my
breakfast,
my
brother
______
listening
to
the
radio.
________
was
eating,
the
radio
news
talked
about
a
car
accident
near
our
home.
My
brother
and
went
out
right
away
to
have
a
look.
_____
we
got
to
the
place
of
the
accident,
the
car
_____
in
bad
shape
from
hitting
a
tree.
But
luckily
the
driver
____
fine.
The
roads
______
icy
because
of
the
heavy
snow
from
the
night
before.
Do
some
exercises.
通过练习反复巩固所学重点知识。
小
结
同学们,本节课你都有哪些收获呢?小组交流
让学生回顾本节课学习的内容,复习巩固。
课
堂
小
测
抽测
老师要针对本课内容进行检测
Homework:
After
class,
please
make
some
dialogues
with
the
phrases
and
sentences
in
4c.
课后反思
学生在学习时态的时候常常不是忘了be动词,,就是忘了动词后面的-ing形式,有的学生即使看懂了句子,但在语言表达上往往不够准确,必须创造条件鼓励学生应自己的语言进行准确的表达。