(共19张PPT)
The
U.K.
My
Country
and
English-speaking
Countries
Lesson
This
is
a
map
of
the
U.K.
The
United
Kingdom
of
Great
Britain
and
Northern
Ireland
大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国
Find
the
U.K.
太平洋
大西洋
the
Pacific
Ocean
the
Atlantic
Ocean
the
U.S.
the
U.S.
Canada
China
the
U.K.
What
is
the
capital
city
of
the
U.K.?
London
It’s
London.
伦敦
What
do
they
speak?
They
speak
English.
Nice
to
meet
you!
The
flag
of
the
U.K.
is
____
,
_____
and
____.
What
colour
is
the
flag
of
the
U.K.?
red
white
blue
This
is
Big
Ben.
It
has
a
very
big
clock.
It’s
very
famous.
?Elizabeth
Her
Majesty
Queen
伊丽莎白二世
The
U.K.
has
a
king
or
a
queen.
This
is
a
queen.
Kings
and
queens
live
in
palaces.
This
is
Buckingham
Palace
in
London.
Tower?Bridge,London
伦敦塔桥
London
Eye
伦敦眼
巨石阵
Stonehenge
剑桥大学
University
of
Oxford
牛津大学
National
Emblem
国徽
National
Anthem
God
Save
the
Queen
God
save
our
gracious
Queen,
Long
live
our
noble
Queen,
God
save
the
Queen:
Send
her
victories,
Happy
and
glories,
Long
to
reign
over
us:
God
save
the
Queen.
Lord,
our
God,
arise,
Scatter
thine
(her)
enemies,
And
make
them
fall:
Confound
their
politics,
Frustrate
their
knavish
tricks,
On
thee
our
hopes
we
fix:
God
save
us
all.
Thy
choicest
gifts
in
store
On
her
be
pleased
to
pour
Long
may
she
reign
May
she
defend
our
laws
And
give
us
ever
cause
To
sing
with
heart
and
voice
God
save
the
Queen
上帝保佑女王,
祝她万寿无疆,
神佑女王。
常胜利,沐荣光;
孚民望,心欢畅;
治国家,王运长;
神佑女王!
扬神威,张天网,保王室,
歼敌人,一鼓涤荡。
破阴谋,灭奸党,
把乱萌一扫光;
让我们齐仰望,神佑女王!
愿上帝恩泽长,
选精品,倾宝囊,
万岁女王!
愿她保护法律,
使民心齐归向,
一致衷心歌唱,
神佑女王!
God
Save
the
Queen
天佑女王
Talk
and
write.
Here
is
the
map
of...
What’s
the
capital
city
of...?
What
do
they
speak
in...?
What
colour
is
the
flag
of...?
Country
Capital
city
Language
Flag
China
Canada
the
U.S.
the
U.K.
Ottawa
Washington,
D.C.
London
English
French
red
and
yellow
red,
white
and
blue
Beijing
Chinese
red
and
white
English
English
red,
white
and
blue