unit3 my friends
A: thin strong quiet friend friends has name he music science sports painting she right
B: long hair short hair computer game
Chinese like his photo her
he’s=he is she’s=she is you’re=you are
teacher student boy girl friend
如classroom, classmate, computer
如have a look, good job
2.于礼貌用语 “Thank you , Excuse me, After you”的掌握与应用。
Teaching Aims:
Let the students master the words and phrases:
friends thin strong quiet Long hair short hair
Teaching Aids:
a tape recorder.
Important points:
My friend is strong.
He has short hair…
Teaching steps :
1、 Greetings
Say “hello” to each other, and talk something about the date and weather.
Read the words and phrases learned in the last lesson.
1) New content
long nose/neck, long hair, short hair,
I have long hair/nose.
He has short hair/neck.
Show two boys. One of them is thin, and the other is fat. The two words thin and fat are present.
C. The teacher show a people and introduce him to them. Ask a student come to the front, and the teacher
introduce him or her.
Master the new words and listen to the tape.
Who is your best friend
Say sth about your best friends.
She has long hair, big eyes and ears.
She has a small nose and a big mouth.
She is cute.
Who is she She’s my friend.
My friend is strong. She has long hair.
The teacher tell one word or sentence to each one word is the first in a row and let him to tell the 2nd one and then the 3rd one…… Let the last student to say what he has heard.
Teaching Aids:
a tape- recorder photos of my friends
Teaching Aims:
Let them master the dialogue
Act a short dialogue in groups
Important points:
What’s his name
He likes math.
Look, this is his photo.
He has short black hair and big eyes.
Teachings Steps:
1) Greetings
Say "Hello" to everyone, and then sing the song “ Books and pencils” with the students clapping hands together.
2) Revision.
Two students one asks and the other answers.
Who is your best friend
She has long hair, big eyes and ears.
Who is he He’s my friend.
My friend is strong. He has short hair.
3) New content
A. The teacher hand a picture of a boy and asks the students some questions:
What’s his name
A student answers”
He is strong. He is tall.
He has short black hair and big eyes.
Then play a guessing game:
“He / She has …… What’s his / her name ”
B. Learn the dialogue
The students look at the board and listen to the tape. Read after the tape.Then practice the difficult sentences:
What’s his name
Look, this is his photo.
He has short black hair and big eyes.
He likes math.
C. Group work
Divide the students into several small groups and let them practice the whole dialogue. And then act out the dialogue.
5. Homework
Recite the new words.
Listen to the tape and practice the dialogue.
6. Notes
小学资源网投稿邮箱: xytzhoushuyin@五年级语文上册 趣味小知识习题
按图( )骥 尔虞我( ) 招( )过市 走( )观花 画龙点( )
风雨同( ) 赴汤( )火 ( )鹄之志 ( )来之食 游刃有( )
毛遂自( ) 弄巧成( ) ( )心沥血 投( )从戎 望尘莫( )
望( )止渴 运( )帷幄 游刃有( ) 道听( )说 因( )利导( )囊妙计 不( )下问 宁为玉碎,( ) 螳螂捕蝉,( )
言不由中( )完壁归赵( ) 高忱无忧( ) 一字千斤( ) 呕心历血( )
众志成成( )口密腹剑( ) 抱新救火( ) 同肝共苦( ) 名落深山( )
将成语与相关人物连起来 将成语与相关心理连起来
暗度陈仓 廉颇 从容不迫 胆小
负荆请罪 刘邦 呆若木鸡 骄傲
鸿鹄之志 刘禅 趾高气扬 恐惧
乐不思蜀 陈胜 杯弓蛇影 镇静
指( )为马 爱屋及( ) 走( )观花 一箭双( ) 鸡( )不宁
如( )得水 守株待( ) 画( )添足 对( )弹琴 闻( )起舞
( )仙过海 五十步笑( )步 ( )事俱备 朝( )暮四
三令( )申 一言( )鼎 九死( )生 万水( )山
1.比喻做事多此一举。( )
2.比喻原本想取巧,结果却做了蠢事。( )
3.比喻蠢人办蠢事,自欺欺人。( )
4.非常镇静,不慌不忙的样子。( )
5.比喻在困难或紧急时,给别人以物质或精神上的帮助。( )
6.别人已有进步,不能用老眼光去看他。( )
7.学习时生吞活剥,不求甚解。( )
8.自谦以粗浅的见解引出别人的高见。( )
9.关起门来反省自己的过错。( )
10.争取主动,先动手来制服对方。( )
1.我们做事应该坚决果断,不应该( )。
A.模棱两可 B.得过且过 C.纸上谈兵 D.自相矛盾
2.小军身高1.72米,和我们站在一起,简直是( )。
A.鱼目混珠 B.鹤立鸡群 C.一鸣惊人 D.不可思议
3.小红平时成绩一般,这次考试她语数全班第一,真是( )。
A.捷足先登 B.胸有成竹 C.一鸣惊人 D.水滴石穿
4.射击(箭)运动员几乎百发百中,他们凭刻苦的磨练,练就了非凡的功夫,其中的奥妙是( )。
A.兵不厌诈 B.再接再厉 C.眼疾手快 D.熟能生巧
5.许多有名的人物小时侯默默无闻,很晚才取得巨大的成就。可以说那些人是( )。
A.大器晚成 B.少年早慧 C.晚节不保 D.先苦后甜
6.我们慎重警告那些蠢蠢欲动的不法分子,应立即( ),改邪归正。
A.洗耳恭听 B.悬崖勒马 C.狼狈为奸 D.绳之于法
7.这次班干部选举会上,张小宁( ),自告奋勇要求担任文娱委员一职。
A.畅所欲言 B.一吐为快 C.毛遂自荐 D.趾高气扬
8.铁棒最终能磨成针,它告诉我们的道理就是( )。
A.以柔克钢 B.前功尽弃 C.熟能生巧 D.水滴石穿
9.现在社会上假冒伪劣产品很多,黑心商人用( )的手段,牟取暴力。
A.出奇制胜 B.滥竽充数 C.阴谋诡计 D.趋炎附势
10.下面哪个成语故事的出典与“楚汉战争”无关。( )
A.暗度陈仓 B.破釜沉舟 C.卧薪尝胆 D.四面楚歌