人教版(2019)选择性必修一:Unit 1 People of Achievement 学案(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修一:Unit 1 People of Achievement 学案(含答案)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-10-09 10:07:24



人教版(2019)选择性必修一:Unit 1 People of Achievement 学案
识记词汇 词形变化 词汇运用 词汇练习 词汇讲解
I 课标词汇
II 课标词汇
III 课标词汇
理论知识:《同步作业》 P.
练 习:《课时考点专题监测》 P. Ex.
1、词形变化 2、词汇运用
词汇部分含有英语音标,为确保正确显示,请下载安装英语音标字体Kingsoft phonetic plain和Gwipa。
识记词汇 词形变化 词汇运用 词汇练习 词汇讲解
I 课标词汇 crucial, vital, commit, commit oneself to (sth./doing sth./so sth.), academic, objective, botanical, evaluate, property, distinct, boil, liquid, obtain, acknowledge, defeat, apparently, substance, insist, insist on, scientific, mostly, wear and tear, conclusion physiology, crucial, vital, commit, academy, objective, botanical, evaluate, distinct, boil, obtain, acknowledge, analyse, apparently, substance, insist, scientific, conclusion insist 《课后达标训练》P. 143 Ex. 1-2 P. 145 Ex. 1-2 《同步作业》P. 9-16
非课标词汇 physiology, artemisinin, malaria, committed, academy, extract, wormwood, penicillin, flee
II 课标词汇 circumstance, novelist, novel, flow, chart, flow chart, found, infer, politician, theory, genius, gentle, patent, extraordinary, gradually, come to power, institution, institute, consequence, take up a position, encounter, professor, remarkable, device, sum, sum up, draft circumstance, infer, politician, theory, relativity, gentle, passion, decorate, extraordinary, gradually, institution, consequence, professor, remarkable, sum infer 《课后达标训练》P. 147 Ex. 1-2P. 149 Ex. 1-2 《同步作业》P. 20- 25
非课标词汇 numerous, relativity, formula, passion, doctorate, photoelectric, moustache, peculiarity, mourn
理论知识:《同步作业》 P. 29-30
练 习:《课后达标训练》 P. 30 Ex. 1
physiology n. 生理学;生理机能
physiological adj. 生理的
physiologically adv.
physiologist n. 生理学家,生理学研究者
crucial adj. 至关重要的,关键性的
crucially adv.
vital adj. 必不可少的,对……极重要的;生命的,维持生命所必需的;生机勃勃的,充满生机的,热情洋溢的
vitality n. 生命力,活力,热情
vitally adv. 极其,绝对
the vitals n. (维持生命的)重要器官
commit v. 做出(错或非法的事);自杀;承诺,保证(做某事、遵守协议或遵从安排等);(公开地)表示意见、作出决定(以至日后难以更改);
commitment n. 承诺,许诺,允诺承担,保证;(对工作或某活动)献身,奉献,投入;已承诺(或同意)的事,不得不做的事;(资金、时间、人力的)花费,使用
committed adj. 尽心尽力的,坚信的,坚守的
academy n. 专科院校;(艺术、文学、科学等的)研究员,学会
academic adj. 学业的,学术的(尤指与学校教育有关的),教学的;学术的(与实践性、技术性相对);学习良好的;纯理论的,空谈的,学究式的
academically adv.
academician n. 院士,学会会员
academicism n. (文艺的)学院主义,学院派风格
object n. 物体,物品,东西;(极欲得到、研究、注意等的)对象;宗旨,目的,目标;(语法)宾语; v. 不同意,不赞成,反对;提出……作为反对的理由,抗辩说
objectification n. 人格物化(把人当成没有权利和感情的物体)
objectify v.将……物化,对……进行人格物化
objection n. 反对的理由,反对,异议
objectionable adj. 令人不快的,令人反感的
objective adj. 目标,目的;(术语)(望远镜或显微镜的)物镜 adj. 客观地额,就事论事的,不带个人感情的;(哲学)客观存在的,基于事实的;(语法)宾格的
objectively adv. 客观地
objectivity n. 客观性
objector n. 反对者
botanical adj.植物学的
botanist n.植物学家
botany n.植物学
evaluate v. 估计,评价,评估
evaluation n. 评估,评价
distinct adj. 清晰的,清楚的,明白的,明显的;截然不同德,有区别的,不同种类的;确定无疑的,确实的,确切的;
distinctly adv.
distinction n. 差别,却别,对比;优秀,杰出,卓越;特质,特点,不同凡响;区分,分清,辨别;(尤指给学生的)优等评分,荣誉,奖赏
distinctive adj. 独特的,特别的,有特色的
distinctively adv.
boil v.(使)沸腾,烧开;用沸水(煮或烫洗);怒火中烧 n.沸腾,沸点;皮下脓肿,黄水疮
boiler n. 锅炉,汽锅
boilermaker n.锅炉制造工(或公司);金属制造维修工;加啤威士忌
boilerplate n.(可供模仿的)样板文件,文件范例
boiling adj.炽热的,很热的
obtain v. (尤指经努力)获得,赢得;(不用于进行时)存在,流行,沿袭
obtainable adj.可获得,可得到
acknowledge v. 承认(属实、权威、地位);告知收悉;(微笑、挥手等)致意;(公开)感谢
acknowledgement n.(对事实、现实、存在的)承认;感谢,谢礼;收件复函;(尤指作者在卷首的)致谢,鸣谢
analyse (=analyze) v. 分析
analysis n.(对事物的)分析,分析结果;(对物质的)分析
analyst n.分析者,化验员
analytic adj.(语言)分析的,分析型的
analytical adj.分析的,解析的,分析性的;(科学)分析的
apparent adj. 显而易见,明白易懂,显然;貌似的,表面上的,未必真实的
apparently adv. 据……所知,看来,显然
substance n. 物质,物品,东西;事实基础,根据;主旨,要点,实质,基本内容;重要性
substantial adj. 大量的,价值巨大的,重大的;结实点,牢固的
substantially adj. 非常,大大地;基本上,大体上,总的来说
substantiate v. 证实,证明
substantive adj. 实质性的,本质上的,重大的,严肃认真的
insist v. 坚决要求,坚持;坚持说,固执己见
insistence n. 坚决要求,坚持,固执
insistent adj. 坚决要求的,坚持的,固执的;持续不断的,再三的,反复的
science n. 科学,自然科学;理科,自然科学的学习与研究
scientific adj. 科学(上)的,关于科学的;(做事或思想的方法)细致严谨的,科学的
scientism n. 科学思维,科学方法,科学态度;科学至上主义,唯科学主义
scientist n. 科学家
conclude v. (不用于进行时)断定,推断出,得出结论;(使)结束,终止;达成,订立,缔结(协定);
conclusion n. 结论,推论;结束,结果,结尾,结局;签订,达成,缔结
conclusive adj. 结论性的,不容置疑的,确凿的
circumstance n. 条件,环境,状况;境况,境遇,(尤指)经济状况;命运,客观环境
circumstantial adj. (律)按情况推测的,视情况而定的,间接地;与特定条件(或环境、情况)有关的
infer v. 推论,对端,推理;间接地提出,暗示,意指
inference n. 推断的结果,结论;推断,推论,推理
politician n. 从政者,政治家;投机钻营者,见风使舵者
political adj. 政治的,政府的,政权的;政党的,党派的;关心政治的,政治上活跃的;争权夺利的,人事纠纷的
politically adv. 政治上
politicize v. 使政治化,使带有政治色彩
politics n. 政治,政治事务(或活动);权术,勾心斗角;(个人的)政治观点,政见,政治信仰;政治思想体系,政治局势
theory n. 学说,论,说;理论,原理,原则;
theoretical adj. 理论上的,理论上存在的
theoretically adv. 理论上
theorist n. 理论家,理论工作者
relative adj. 相比较而言的,比较的;相对的,相关联的;相比之下存在(或有的);关于(或涉及到)……的;(语法)(指代前面的名词、句子或句子的一部分)n. 亲戚,亲属;同类事物
relatively adv. 相当程度上,相当地,相对低
relativism n. 相对主义(认为真理并非绝对的,只能根据其他事物加以判断)
relativity n. (物理)相对论;相对性
relate v.联系,使有联系,把……联系起来;叙述,讲述,讲(故事)
related adj. 相关的,有联系的;属同一家族的,有亲属关系的;同一组别的,属于同一种类的
relation n. (人、团体、国家质检的)关系、联系、交往;(事物之间的)关系、关联、联系;亲戚,亲属
relational adj. (术语)相关的,有关的
relationship n. (人、团体、国家之间的)关系、联系;(事物之间的)关联、联系、关系;血缘关系,姻亲关系
gentle adj. 文静的,温柔的,慈祥的,小心的;温和的,徐缓的;平和的,柔软的;平缓的
gently adv. 温柔地,温和地,文静地;注意点,小心点,慢点
gentility n. 文雅,彬彬有礼,高贵的身份
passion n. 强烈情感,激情;盛怒,激愤;酷爱,热衷的爱好(或活动等)
passionate adj. 热诚的,狂热的
passionless adj. 冷淡的,冷漠的,无情的
decorate v. 装饰,装潢;粉刷,油漆;点缀,装点
decoration n. 装饰品;装饰图案;装饰风格;(房屋内部的)装饰,装潢;勋章,奖章
decorative adj. 装饰性的,作装饰用的
decorator n. (房屋的)油漆匠,裱糊匠
extraordinary adj. 意想不到的,令人惊奇的,奇怪的;不平常的,不一般的,非凡的,卓越的;(会议等)临时的,特别的;(官员)特派的,特命的
extraordinarily adv.
gradual adj. 逐渐的,逐步的,渐近的
gradually adv. 逐渐地,逐步地,渐近地
institute n. (教育、专业等)机构,机构建筑 v. 建立,制定(体系、政策都能)
institution n. (大学、银行扥等规模大的)机构;慈善机构,社会福利机构;(由来已久的)风俗习惯,制度;建立,设立,制定
institutional adj. 机构的,慈善机构的
institutionalize v. 将(生活不能自理的人)送到收容机构(或社会福利机构);使成管理,使制度化
institutionalized adj. 约定俗成的,成惯例的;(人)(因长期生活在福利机构)缺乏自理能力的
consequence n. 结果,后果;重要性
consequent adj.随之发生的,作为结果的
consequential adj. 随之而来的,相应发生的,作为结果的
consequentially adv.
consequently adv. 因此,所以
professor n. 教授;(大学的)讲师,教员
professorial adj. 教授的,教授似的
professorship n. 教授的级别(或职位等)
remark n. 谈论,言论,评述;引人注目,显耀 v. 说起,谈论,评论
remarkable adj. 非凡的,奇异的,显著的,引人注目的
remarkably adv.
sum n. 金额,款项;和,总和,总数;全部,一切(尤指数量巨大);算术,(数字的)简单计算;v. 总结,概括;(法官)(审理结束前)作概述;估量,判断(某人或事物)
summarize v. 总结,概括,概述
summary n. 总结,概括,摘要 adj. 总结性的,概括的,概要的;从速从简的,即决的,草草的
1. insist []
v. 坚决要求,坚持 insist (on sth.)
I didn’t really want to go but he insisted.
She insisted on his/him wearing a suit.
He insists that she should come.
v. 坚持说,固执己见
He insisted on his innocence.
insist on/upon sth. 坚持要求
We insisted on a refund of the full amount.
They insisted upon being given every detail of the case.
insist on doing sth. 执意继续做
They insist on playing their music late at night.
insistence [] Un. 坚决要求,坚持,固执 insistence (on/upon doing sth.) | insistence (that…)
Their insistence on strict standards of behavior
At her insistence, the matter was dropped.
insistent []
adj. 坚决要求的,坚持的,固执的 insistent (on sth./on doing sth.)
They were insistent on having a contract for the work.
Why are you so insistent that we leave tonight
adj. 持续不断的,再三的,反复的
insistent demands
2. infer []
v. 推理,推论,推断
Much of the meaning must be inferred from the context.
It is reasonable to infer that the government knew about these deals.
v. 间接地提出,暗示,意指
Are you inferring (that) I’m not capable of doing the job
inference []
Cn. 推断的结果,结论
The clear inference is that the universe is expanding.
Un. 推断,推理,推论
If he is guilty then, by inference, so is his wife.
3. take短语
take sth back (常用被动)使……震惊,使……大吃一惊
take sth apart 分解/拆开/拆卸机器
take away (from) 减少;降低;拿走;夺走;使消失,消除(感情痛苦等);(=take sth. out) (从餐馆买饭菜等)带回食用
take care 提防,留心
take care of 照料,关心;处理
take sth./sb. down 记下;记录;降低;取下;拆除;拆开;咽下;使病倒;欺骗;往下拽/拉低(下身衣服)
take … for 把……误认为……
take in 订阅;包含;了解;理解;领会;记住;收容;欺骗;诈骗;订阅(报刊);缩短;留宿某人;吸入,吞入(体内);改小/瘦(衣服);去看(电影等);注意到,看到
take off 起跳;起飞;拿掉;换下,脱去(衣物);移送;拆下;中止,取消;(以诙谐的方式)模仿;取笑;移开(目光等);休假,休息;停演;匆匆离去;(观念,产品等)突然大受欢迎,迅速流行
take on (口)受欢迎,流行;呈现,装出;雇用
take out 取出;杀死;除去;带……出去;领到;起程;摧毁
take over (from sb./sth.) 接收,接管;模仿;把……载过去;占上风,取而代之
take sb. through sth.帮助熟悉了解;给某人说戏
take to sth. 从事;养成(……的习惯);培养……的能力;沉迷于;(尤指为逃避危险)逃到,躲到
take up 拿起;收集;举起;抬起;(火车出租等)停下(接纳乘客);吸收(液体);溶解(固体);对……有兴趣;从事(某事作为事业嗜好);继续(他人未完成的事;接着讲(以前提过的事);占据(时间空间注意力);学习(某种学科);接纳(乘客);接受(建议或能得到的东西);将(衣服)改短;(尤指为消遣)学着做,开始做
4. acknowledge []
v. 承认(属实)
She refuses to acknowledge the need for reform.
I did not acknowledge that he had done anything wrong.
It is generally acknowledged to be true.
v. 承认(权威、地位) acknowledge sb./ sth.
The country acknowledged his claim to the throne.
He is widely acknowledged as/to be the best player in the world.
v. (复信)告知收悉
All applications will be acknowledged.
v. (微笑、挥手等)致意
I was standing right next to her, but she didn’t even acknowledge me.
v. (公开)感谢
I gratefully acknowledge financial support from several local businesses.
acknowledgement []
n. (对事实、现实、存在的)承认
This report is an acknowledgement of the size of the problem.
She gave me a smile of acknowledgement.
n. 感谢,谢礼
I was sent a free copy in acknowledgement of my contribution.
The flowers were a small acknowledgement of your kindness.
Cn. 收件复函
I didn’t receive an acknowledgement of my application.
n. (尤指作者在卷首的)致谢,鸣谢
5. come 短语
come about 发生How come (that)… 是怎么回事
come across sb./sth.偶尔发现/遇见;使人能理解(come over); 给人以……印象;使产生印象
come after sb. 跟随,追捕;继承;寻找
come along 一起去,跟随;(祈)再用力点,进展,出现,到达,(祈)赶快,快一点
come apart 破掉,碎掉
come (a) round按期出现(发生);绕道而来;过访; 复原,恢复知觉; 改变(主意);(日期或有规律的事)再度出现
come at sb./sth. 达到,接近,得到,攻击,袭击;(用某方法)考虑思考
come away (from) (从……)脱离,掉下;发芽;生长
come back 回来,再度流行;恢复;复原
come between 干预,干扰;阻止
come by sth. 经过;努力获得,出于意外/偶然的受到;(AmE)(为看望某人)作短暂拜访
come down 塌陷,崩溃,(物价气温等)下降;下乡,(口)付钱;传给;下垂;向下延伸(到某一点);(雨雪等)降下;着陆;决定并宣布(支持或反对)
come for 来取(物);来迎接(某人);向……冲来;对……袭击
come forward 前进;出现;(候选人)出来候选;被提出讨论;自告奋勇,自愿效劳,(商)可供销售
come from 来自,源自
come in (潮水)涨,当令,上市,开始流行,当权;(赛跑等比赛中)取得(名次);参与;到达;参加讨论;(法律或规则)被利用推行
come into 进入;加入;缔结;订立;得到;继承(在某种情形下)是重要的 Luck doesn't come into it.(运气不是重要的)
come into being 开始存在;发生;出现;产生
come into force 开始实行;开始生效(=come into effect)
come into power 上台,掌握政权
come of/from 出身于;为……之结果;来自
come off 发生;举行;(计划企图等)成功;脱落
come on 跟随;进步;发展;(雨季,夜,病等)来到;(演员)登场;问题被提出来;语气词;加油(=JiaYou);(表示某人说话不正确)得了吧;(常用进行时)(疾病或某种心情)开始;(电视节目等)开始;开始运转,运行
come out (太阳等)出现;(真相)大白;(消息)传出;出版,发表;(工人)罢工;(问题)被解决;(花朵)盛开;(照片)冲洗;显示,显出,说出;公开表示(同意或不同意);
come over 从远处来;改变立场意见
come round 走弯路;(非正式)访问;再现,再临;改变观念见解
come through 复原;脱险;(电话)打通;到达;获得官方批准;(消息等)传来
come to 苏醒;归结为;总计,达到(某种状态,尤指坏局面);涉及到;终于;被想出
come to an end 结束
come to life 苏醒
come to light 真相大白;显露
come up (种子等)长出地面;被提出;出现;即将发生;走近;长出;流行;呕吐出来;(博彩游戏中)中奖;太阳(升起);(由法庭)审理
come up to 达到;等于;不辜负;走近
come up with 发现(解决办法答案);与……并行,赶上;拿出(一笔钱)
6. commit []
v. 做出(或非法的事);犯(罪或错等)
Most crimes are committed by young men.
v. =suicide 自杀
v. 承诺,保证(做某事、遵守协议或遵从安排等)commit sb./ oneself (to sth./to doing sth.)
The President is committed to reforming health care.
Both sides committed themselves to settle the dispute peacefully.
v. 忠于(某个人、机构等);全心全意投入(工作、活动等)
Why are so many men scared to commit
vt. 花(时间或钱)
The council has committed large amounts of money to housing projects.
v. (下令)把(某人)送进(医院或监狱等) commit sb. to sth.
She was committed to a psychiatric hospital.
v. 把(某人)送交法庭受审
vt. 把……学好记牢 commit sth. to memory
She committed the instructions to memory.
v. 把……记(或写)下来
commitment []
n. 承诺,许诺,允诺承担,保证 commitment (to sb./ sth.) | commitment to do sth.
She doesn’t want to make a big emotional commitment to Steve at the moment.
n. (对工作或某活动)献身,奉献,投入
A career as an actor requires one hundred per cent commitment.
Cn. 已承诺(或同意)的事,不得不做的事
He’s busy for the next month with filming commitments.
n. (资金、时间、人力的)花费,使用 commitment (of sth.) (to sth.)
Achieving success at this level requires a commitment of time and energy.
Tu Youyou Awarded Nobel Prize (P. 2)
I 课文解构
Tu Youyou Awarded Nobel Prize
Part 1 (Para. 1) Tu Youyou was (1) ______ the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for the discovery of artemisinin which is a crucial treatment for malaria.
Part 2 (Para. 2 – Para. 4)The (2) ______ of the discovery of artemisinin. Tu Youyou and her team reviewed ancient Chinese medical texts and texted many times but their project (3) ______.
Tu Youyou (4) ______ the medical texts again and found a different way.
Tu Yoyou and her team finally (5) ______ in 1971.
Part 3 (Para. 5)Tu Youyou thought the discovery was a team effort.
Keys: 1 awarded 2 process 3 got stuck 4 analysed 5 succeeded
II True of False.
1. Artemisinin can save 100, 000 lives worldwide every year.
2. Tu Youyou was awarded the Nobel Prize when she was 85 years old.
3. Tu Youyou went to Hainan because malaria was common there.
4. A medical text from the fourth century inspired her to treat malaria with sweet wormwood.
5. The malaria patients who were tested all recovered after using artemisinin.
III 表格填空
The (1) ______ of artemisinin
1967 The Chinese government formed a team of (2) ______ with the objective of discovering a new treatment for malaria.
1969 Tu Youyou became the (3) ______ of the project in Beijing.Tu Youyou and her team examined over 2, 000 old (4) ______ texts.Tu Youyou and her team tested a collection of (5) ______ wormwood leaves but found no (6) ______.Tu Youyou would not acknowledge (7) ______.
1971 Tu Youyou and her team finally (89) ______.
1 discovery 2 scientists 3 head 4 medical 5 dried 6 effect 7 defeat 8 succeeded
IV 根据课文内容选择正确答案
1. Tu Youyou decided to find a new treatment for malaria by ______.
A. reviewing ancient medical texts
B. reviewing modern medical texts
C. communicating with relevant experts
D. studying malaria patients
2. Which of the following statements about her team’s research is WRONG
A. Her team reviewed more than 2, 000 ancient medical documents.
B. Her team evaluated the medical properties of 280, 000 plants.
C. Her team tested 380 different ancient western medical treatments.
D. She and her team members insisted on testing drugs on themselves.
3. The purpose of Tu Youyou’s research was to ______.
A. win the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine
B. be recognized by the country and the people
C. spread Chinese medicine to the whole world
D. discover a new treatment for malaria
Keys: ACD
1. (P. 2) Pay attention to the ______ (describe) words in a passage. This will help you form a better impression of the subject ______ (describe) in the passage.
1. descriptive, described
2. (P. 2) This year’s Nobel Prize for Physiology of Medicine has been awarded to Tu Youyou (co-winner), ______ research led to the discovery of artemisinin, a crucial new treatment for malaria. Artemisinin has saved hundreds of thousands of lives, and has led to ______ (improve) health for millions of people.
2. whose, improved
3. (P. 2) In 1967, the Chinese government formed a team of scientists with the objective of discovering a new treatment for malaria, and went to Hainan, ______ (study) malaria was more common, study) malaria patients.
3. where, to study
4. (P. 2) From their research, they discovered and the tested 380 distinct ancient Chinese medical treatments ______ showed promise in the fight against malaria.
4. that/ which
5. (P. 2) Tu’s team tested a collection of ______ (dry) wormwood leaves but found no effect. They then tried ______ (boil) fresh wormwood, and using the liquid ______ (obtain) from this to treat malaria, but this did not work either.
5. dried, boiling, obtained
6. (P. 2) She analyzed the medical texts again, and by chance, she found one sentence ______ (suggest) a different way ______ (treat) the wormwood.
6. suggesting, to treat
7. (P. 3) ______ (use) a lower temperature to draw out the extract, she found a substance ______ worked.
7. Using, that/ which
8. (P. 3) Later, the medicine was tested on malaria patients, most of ______ recovered.
8. whom
9. (P. 8)
The Man Who changed our understanding of the universe
Albert Einstein, ______ is perhaps the greatest scientist in modern physics, is often considered one of the ______ (smart) men who ever lived. He made numerous ______ (contribute) to the world, the most well-known ______ (be) the general theory of relativity and the famous formula E=mc2. Einstein was not only a genius; he was a ______ (courage) and kind figure loved by many people.
This gentle genius was born in Germany on 14 March, 1879. When he was 16, he tried to enter university in Switzerland, but failed due to his low scores in the general part of the entrance exam, despite obtaining ______ (except) scores in maths and physics. After studying for another year, he managed to pass the exam, ______ (enter) university in 1896 and graduating in 1900.
After two years of looking for work as a teacher, Einstein took a job as a clerk in the Swiss patent office. While working there, out of a strong passion for knowledge, he continued to study, earning a doctorate in physics in 1905. That same year, which was later recorded as a miracle year in science, he published four extraordinary physics papers. ______ (follow) this, he gradually became famous throughout the world as the new Isaac Newton. After four years, he was able to quit his job at the patent office and enter research full-time at a university. In 1922, he was awarded the 1921 Noble Prize for Physics for his ______ (explain) of the photoelectric effect.
Circumstances changed in 1933, when Hitler came to power in Germany. Einstein, who was Jewish, found the doors of academic institutions ______ (close) to him. As a consequence, he had to flee Germany. After spending time in Europe, he finally took up a position as a researcher at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, USA. Following ______, he continued to make great ______ (achieve) in physics and mathematics.
To the public, he was seen as a slightly odd- looking ______ kind and funny man. He had a thick moustache and long white hair, which sometimes stood on end as though he had just received an electric shock. ______ he was a genius, he sometimes forgot things, like his friends’ birthdays. But despite his ______ (peculiar), he was loved by his friends and neighbours. There is even a story about how he helped a little girl who knocked on his door and asked for help with her homework. In fact, Einstein often encountered people on the street who would stop him and ask him to help explain things. After many such occasions, he finally started saying, “Pardon me! Sorry! Always I am mistaken ______ Professor Einstein!”
On 18 April 1955, it was reported that Einstein had passed away, and he whole world mourned the great loss of a brilliant scientist.
who, smartest, being, courageous, exceptional, entering, Following, explanation, closed, that, achievements, but, Although/ Though/ While, peculiarities, for
lead sb. to … 引导某人去……,带领某人前往……
lead sb. to do sth. 使某人做某事
lead/live a/ an … life 过着……的生活
be crucial to/ for sth. 对……至关重要
be crucial in/to doing sth. 在做……中起至关重要的作用
die away (声音、光线、风等)逐渐消失
die down (兴奋、火等)减弱,平息
die off 相继死亡
die out 灭亡,逐渐消失
be vital for/to sth. 对……极为重要
be committed to 坚决支持……,对……尽心尽力
object to doing sth. 反对做某事
evaluate sb. on … 根据……评价某人
acknowledge sb./sth. to be/as … 承认某人某事是……
in acknowledgement of 为答谢……,为表彰……
come to/reach/draw a conclusion 得出结论
conclude sth. from sth. conclude from sth. that … 从……中推断出……
conclude with sth. by doing sth. 以……结束
consist on doing sth. 坚持做某事
care for 喜欢,照料
take care 当心
take care of 照料,处理
in/under no circumstances 决不
in/under the circumstances 在这种情况下,既然这样
in/under any circumstances 在任何情况下
contribute ... to… 把……捐献给……;给……撰写……
contribute to… 为……做出贡献,有助于,导致
make a contribution/contribution to 对……做出贡献
be due to sb. 应付给、给予某人
be due to do sth. 预定做某事
manage to do sth. 成功地做了某事
have the power of … 有……的能力
come to power (开始)掌权,上台
as a consequence=in consequence 因此,结果
as a consequence of =in consequence of 因为
take up 占有(时间、空间),继续,开始,接受,拿起,开始从事
take down 拿下,取下,写下,记下
take back 收回,拿回
take in 包括,吸收,理解,欺骗,收留
take on 呈现,具有,雇用,承担(工作、责任)
take off 起飞,匆匆离去,脱下,大获成功
take over 接收,接管,取代
be remarkable for=be famous for 因……而著名
sum up 总结,概括,计算……的总数
in sum 总之,总而言之,大体上
a large sum of 一大笔,大量
1. Upon/ on doing that she had been awarded the Nobel Prize, she said ….
2. It is vital to do sth. 做某事很重要
3. It is vital that …(should) … ……是极重要的
4. It is acknowledged that … ……是大家所公认的
(七)语法 非限制性定语从句
The man who/ that I talked with just now is an old friend of mine.
Our foreign teacher, who is a Canadian, teaches us in a very interesting way.
项目 限制性定语从句 非限制性定语从句
形式 与先行词之间不用逗号隔开 与先行词之间用逗号隔开
功能 与现行词的关系十分密切,限制了先行地的意义。如果去掉该从句,剩余部分的意思往往不完整,甚至会失去意义。 是先行词的附加说明,如果去掉,句子圣域部分的意思仍然完整。
先行词 先行词一般为名词、代词或名词性短语。 先行词既可为名词、代词或名词性短语,也可以是整个句子。
引导词 可用所有的关系代词、关系副词来引导,且关系代词做宾语时可以省略。 在所有的关系词中不能用that或why来引导非限制性定语从句,且关系代词做宾语时不能省略。
(1)why不能引导非限制性定语从句,但可用for which来引导。
The reason why/ for which he was absent yesterday is unbelievable.
The reason, for which he was absent yesterday is unbelievable.
Tom, who once worked in that factory, doesn’t work there any longer.
The house, which was built 100 years ago, needs repairing now.
项目 as which
指代 引导的从句只能指代整个主句的内容 引导的从句既可指代整个主句的内容,又可指代主句的一部分内容。
位置 可位于主句之前、之中和之后。 引导的从句不能位于主句之前。
意思 “正如……” “这,那”
功能 起连接上下文的作用,表达说话人的观点、看法,并指出主句内容的根据或出处等。 引导的从句在意义上相当于一个并列句。
As we all know, the moon goes around the earth.
As is mentioned above, this phenomenon is common in this part of the city.
He always sings highly of his role in that project, which makes others unhappy.
1. I shall never forget those years ______ I lived in the country with the farmers, ______ has a great effect on my life.
2. His parents wouldn’t marry her to anyone ______ family was poor.
3. Sometimes the earthquake is so strong that it can destroy the whole city, ______ happened in Tangshan in 1976.
4. My most famous relative of all, the one ______ really left his mark on America, was Rob Sussel, my great grandfather.
5. Finally the thief handed in everything ______ he had stolen to the police.
6. Could you tell me the reason ______ he was late for the meeting yesterday
7. Some pre-school children go to a day care center, ______ they learn simple games and songs.
8. This is the place ______ I lived three years ago.
9. This is the place ______ I visited three years ago.
10. This is the best dictionary ______ I’ve ever bought.
Keys: 1 when; which 2 whose3 3 as 4 who/ that 5 that 6 why 7 where 8 where 9 that/ which 10 that
Dear Mike,
Zhong Nanshan is a well-known hero for fighting against the epidemic. He is a famous medical scientist and a winner of the Republic Medal. He defeated SARS with the whole nation several years ago. This time, despite his advanced years, he insisted on fighting in the front line against COVID-19. His advanced knowledge and great effort have saved thousands of lives, which has made him the greatest hero in the eyes of Chinese people. Fortunately, our lives have returned to normal.
Li Hua
你校英文报举办“Great Scientists”征文活动。请你根据下列提示写一篇短文,简略介绍居里夫人(Marie Curie)的生平和成就。
1. 生平
1. 明确写作目的:
2. 审清时态、人称和要点内容:
Marie curie was a world-famous scientist. She was born in Poland, and her father was a professor in chemistry. She grew up washing and cleaning tubes for her father. As a result, she became interested in chemistry.
She went to Paris to get her college education after high school. After he married, she carried out scientific research along with her husband, which led to the great discoveries- two new elements: radium and polonium. She made great contributions to science, and was given two Nobel Prizes.
姓名 梁建英 出生年份 1972年
职务 中国高铁总设计师
主要经历 1、1995年大学毕业后开始从事高铁研究工作;2、研制出时速300——350千米高速动车组;3、2015年获奖。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
高速动车组 high-speed EMU
Liang Jianying, general designer of the China high-speed EMU, was born in 1972. Since she graduated in 1995, she has been devoting all her time to researching into the development of the China high-speed railway. Afterwards, she invented the 300-350 km/h high-speed EMU, making it more convenient for us to get around quickly. It is because of her outstanding contributions to our country that China is playing a leading role in high-speed railways all over the world. As a consequence, she was awarded in 21015. However, she never shows any signs of pride.
Liang Jianying has set a good example to us. From her, I realize that we should keep on trying until we realize our dream.
高中英语(2019版)选择性必修第一册 词句基础练习
Unit 1 People of Achievement
1. Physiology is the study of how living things work.
2. They are committed socialists and have stuck to their belief.
3. He went off to the Amsterdam Academy to improve his technique.
4. The ship tried its best to flee away successfully.
5. His views have been expressed in numerous speeches.
6. According to the theory of relativity, nothing can travel faster than light.
7. This formula is used to calculate the area of a circle.
8. Her passion for dancing has cooled down.
9. His lips are covered by a mustache, which makes him look funny.
10. I really mourn the loss of that gold watch as it is a gift from my father.
1 生理学2 坚定的3 专科院校 4 逃跑5 许多的6 相对论 7 公式8 激情9 小胡子10 忧伤
1. The author has found a more ______ (学术的) approach to carry out his research.
2. A committee of teachers will ______ (评估) teaching materials and give opinions about the textbook.
3. You must be careful not to damage other people’s ______ (财产).
4. He is widely a______ as the best player in the world.
5. The job involves gathering and ______ (分析) data from the market.
6. She was praised by his boss as she did the job very well in the ______ (条件).
7. The town was f______ by English settlers in 1790.
8. We e______ a number of difficulties when we were there.
9. It’s ______ (意想不到的) that he managed to sleep through the party.
10. Sending advertising by email is very successful as a marketing d______.
11. Money will be c______ to the accomplishment of our objectives.
12. The fact that he didn’t speak a foreign language put him at a ______ (明显的) disadvantage.
13. You are supposed to boil for 20 minutes until the ______ (液体) has reduced by half.
14. She was a woman who hated to admit ______ (失败).
15. As a c______ of his hard work, he was eventually admitted to Nanjing University.
1 academic 2 evaluate 3 property 4 acknowledged 5 analyzing 6 circumstances 7 founded 8 encountered 9 extraordinary 10 device 11 crucial 12 distinct 13 liquid 14 defeat 15 consequence
三、单句语法填空 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
1. I believe that a journalist should be completely ______ (object).
2. I am not very familiar with ______ (botany) names.
3. The news ______ (apparent) came as a complete surprise.
4. He took a very ______ (science) approach to management.
5. I don’t think of myself as a comic ______ (novel).
6. As they became older, ______ (gradual), the children began to understand.
7. It’s that kind of courage and determination that makes him such a ______ (remark) character.
8. It ______ (infer) from the article that the pilot was responsible for the accident.
9. The team are working hard ______ (analyze) the problem so that they can find the best solution.
10. Mary passed the important test, ______ made her parents very happy.
1 objective 2 botanical 3 apparently 4 scientific 5 novelist 6 gradually 7 remarkable 8 was inferred 9 to analyze 10 which
commit oneself to insist on wear and tear flow chart come to powertake up a position sum up in the beginning get stuck make sure
1. She ____________ being present at all the interviews.
2. Both sides ____________ to settle the disagreement peacefully.
3. You might even try the dependable ____________ to solve your present problem.
4. The carpet is designed to stand up to a lot of ____________.
5. He left a career in teaching to ____________ with a world-famous company.
6. The party ____________ at the last election, which was a surprising victory.
7. When the judge ____________, it was clear that he wanted a guilty judgment.
8. A short time later, their car ____________ in the mud and they had to abandon it.
9. You’d better ____________ the letter is properly addressed.
10. Personally, it’s his thrill for success ____________ that resulted in his final failure.
1 insisted on 2 committed themselves to 3 flow chart 4 wear and tear 5 take up a position 6 came to power 7 summed up 8 got stuck 9 make sure 10 in the beginning
高中英语(2019版) 选择性必修第一册 语法基础巩固练习
Unit 1非限制性定语从句
I 单句语法填空
1. My gardener, ______ is very pessimistic, says that there will be no apples this year.
2. Peter, ______ you met in London, I snow back in Paris.
3. He said that he had never seen her before, ______ was not true.
4. They went to London, ______ they lived for six months.
5. He forgot to bring his pen with him, ______ was often the case.
6. ______ is widely known, the moon is closer to us than the sun.
7. The 80, 000 objects collected by Sir Hans Sloane formed the core collection of the British Museum, ______ opened in 1759.
8. In ancient China lived an artist, ______ paintings were almost lifelike.
9. Now Irene Astbury works from ______ she opened with her late husband Les.
10. Like anything, it is possible to have too much of both, ______ is not good for the health.
11. Pahlsson and her husband now think the ring probably got swept into a pile of kitchen rubbish and was spread over the garden, ______ it remained until the carrot’s leafy top accidentally sprouted (生长) through it.
1 who 2 whom 3 which 4 where 5 which 6 As 7 which 8 whose 9 which 10 which 11 where
II 根据汉语意思完成句子。
1. 史密斯先生是一位著名的科学家,我从他那儿学了许多东西。
Mr. Smith ______________________________, is a famous scientist.
2. 这个男孩学习很努力,他的爸爸是一位工程师。
The boy, ________________________, studies very hard.
3. 大厅里有三十把椅子,绝大部分是新的。
There are 30 chairs in the hall, ________________________.
4. 太阳给予大地热量,这就使植物的生长成为可能。
The sun heats the earth, ________________________
5. 那位老人有一个儿子,他在陆军服役。
The old man has a son, ________________________.
1 whose father is an engineer
2 most of which are new
3 most of which are now
4 which makes it possible for plants to grow
5 who is in the army