人教版(2019)选择性必修一:Unit4 Body Language词汇讲解(4) (素材)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修一:Unit4 Body Language词汇讲解(4) (素材)
格式 doc
文件大小 37.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-10-13 19:01:02



新人教版选择性必修一 unit4 重点词汇
be[a]witness to.….目击./看见.…[某事发生]证明…真实
give witness to..证明某事,为某事作证
无生命名词+see/find/witness 见证/目睹…
The headmaster was one of the witnesses at the accident.校长是事故的见证人之一
The police have appealed for witnesses to the accident/killing.警方已呼吁找到事故[死亡]的目击者。
Anyone who witnessed the attack/accident/killing should call the police.任何目击袭击/事故/谋杀的人都应该打电话给警察。
She was shocked by the violent scenes she had witnessed.她对亲眼目睹的暴力场面感到震惊
by comparison(with.):(与.)相比较
in comparison(with/to sth.)
=compared to/with..和.比
make a comparison作对比
compare v.比较
comparative adj.比较而言
By comparison with Canada,Germany is small.与加拿大相比,德国很小。
This jacket is really cheaper by comparison.相比之下,这件夹克确实便宜。
bow(down)to..:向.….鞠躬bow one's head低头
bow down to.…向..跪]拜,屈从于.
bow to向.鞠躬,屈从于
take/give a bow[表演结束后]鞠躬致谢,谢幕
The deer seemed to understand that she had saved its life,because as it left,it kept bowing its head to her.鹿似乎明白了她救了它的命,因为当它离开的时候不停地鞠躬给她。
They finally bowed to pressure from the public.他们终于在公众的压力下让步了
They stood in silence with their heads bowed.他们默默地垂头而立
a barrier to success成功的障碍
break down the barrier between.and.:消除.…和.….之间的障碍
A smile can break down barriers.微笑可以打破障碍
They fell in love in spite of the language barrier.Show your ticket at the barrier.请在验票处出示车票
a slight chance机会渺小
a slight fever低烧
slightly adv.略微,稍微
slightly better稍微好些,略胜一筹
rain slightly/lightly:下小雨
This morning I woke up with a slight headache.
The damage that the earthquake caused is slight.地震造成的破坏是轻微的。
You are slightly taller than she/her.
6. straighten up:直起来;整理;收拾整齐
straighten out解决[问题],整顿[混乱情况],使改好,使变好
Straighten up slowly,and then repeat the exercise twice.慢慢站直,然后重复两次。
Straighten up your bedrooms after school.放学后把你的卧室整理一下。
He would make an appointment with him to straighten out a couple of things.他想同他安排一次约会以理清几件事情。
7.  pose:n.故作姿态;(为画像、拍照等摆的)姿势V.摆好姿势;造成(威胁、问题等)
adopt a pose:摆姿势stop posing别装了
pose as..假装.,冒充.
pose a threat/challenge/danger/risk构成威胁/挑战/危险/风险
She knows how to strike a beautiful pose.她知道如何摆出漂亮的姿势。
He adopted a relaxed pose for the camera.他在镜头前摆出放松的姿势
Drugs pose a major threat to our society.毒品对我们的社会构成一大威胁
bend one's head低下头
bend one's knees屈膝
bend the truth扭曲事实
bend one's mind/efforts to sth.集中注意力于….
She bent forward to pick up the newspaper.她弯腰拾起报纸。
The road bends sharply to the left.这条路突然向左转弯。
She was bent over her desk writing a letter.她正伏案写信
bend your mind/efforts to sth
=to think very hard about or put a lot of effort into one particular thing
9. reveal:vt.揭示;显示;露出reveal sth. To sb.向某人透露某事
It is revealed that..据透露.
She laughed,revealing her white teeth.她笑了,露出洁白的牙齿
Details of the murder were revealed by a local newspaper.谋杀案的细节是由一个当地报纸揭露了。
Blood tests reveal that the old woman is in good health.
10. stare:vi.盯着看;凝视n.凝视
stare at..由于害怕/好奇/傲慢而长时间盯着看;凝视
glare at.…[由于生气而噔着眼睛怒视;瞪眼
glance at.…[因时间紧张匆匆地瞥/看一眼
  She sat and stared at the cellphone in front of her.她坐下来,盯着面前的手机。
The girl stared into space,not knowing what to say next.那女孩茫然地望着天空,不知道接下来要说什么。
The conductor gave me a cold stare.售票员冷冷地瞪了我一眼
11. perceive:vt.察觉;看待;理解
be perceived to do sth.被发现做了某事
=look on/upon...as...=I think of ...as...
12. perceive:vt.察觉;看待;理解
be perceived to do sth.被发现做了某事
perceive.as/to be..将.….看成/理解为.
The patient was perceived to have difficulty in breathing.
Don't perceive yourself to be a failure even if you do badly in school tests.即使在学校考试中表现不佳也不要认为自己是一个失败者.
He is so young that no one perceives him as a teacher。他太年轻了,没有人把他看作是一个老师。
be bothered about.….关心;担心bother sb.with sth.拿某事来烦扰某人bother to do sth./doing sth.费心做某事【常用于否定句或疑问句中
It bothers sb.to do sth./that...让人心烦
I don't want to bother her with my problems at the moment.我不想拿我的问题去打扰她
You mustn't bother me when I'm working.我工作的时候你不要打扰我
I hope I haven't been a bother.希望没给你添麻烦。
14.conflict n.矛盾;冲突vi.冲突;抵触
come into conflict with..:与..冲突/有矛盾
bring sb.into conflict with.使某人与.….发生冲突
be in conflict with sb.lover sth.和某人[在某事上有冲突/分歧
conflict with.:与.冲突/抵触
Mr Smith often comes into conflict with his boss.史密斯先生经常和老板发生冲突。
Is there always a conflict between science and religion?科学和之间宗教总是有冲突吗?
These results conflict with earlier findings.这些结果与先前的发现相矛盾