2022届高考英语一轮复习人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册_Unit 1 Science Fiction 教材串讲课后提升有答案


名称 2022届高考英语一轮复习人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册_Unit 1 Science Fiction 教材串讲课后提升有答案
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文件大小 28.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-10-17 09:32:50



2022高考一轮复习:选择性必修四 Unit 1 教材串讲提升练
Ⅰ. 阅读理解
There are robot cleaners and robot mops to help us around the house, so why not a robot to build our houses Wait no longer. Now there is a set of electronics to do just that, build a house from scratch, and fast.
Forget weeks to find a builder and months for house construction; a machine developed in the United States can build a 232 sqm house layer by layer in a single day. University of Southern California's Professor Behrokh Khoshnevis has designed the giant robot that replaces construction
workers with a mouth on an arm of crane, which spits out concrete and can quickly build a house according to a computer pattern. The technology, known as Contour (轮廓) Crafting, could revolutionise the construction industry.
Contour Crafting could greatly decrease the cost of homeowning, making it possible for millions of displaced people to get on the property ladder. It could even be used in disaster relief areas to build emergency and replacement housing. As Prof. Khoshnevis points out, if we look around almost everything is made automatically these days — shoes, clothes, home appliances, cars. The only thing that is still built by hand are buildings.
The Contour Crafting system is a robot that automates age-old tools normally used by hand.These are applied by a robotic crane that builds a three-dimensional object.The nature of the technology means it will also be possible to create curved walls and architecture that is both “exotic (异国情调的) and beautiful” according to Prof. Khoshnevis. As a result, it could be ideal to print out expensive houses according to customers' demands.
Furthermore, Prof. Khoshnevis believes that the technology could be applied beyond our planet.“Contour Crafting technology has the potential to build safe, reliable, and affordable structures, habitats, laboratories, and other facilities on the moon and Mars before the arrival of human beings,” his website reads.
According to the International Labour Organisation, construction employs nearly 110 million people worldwide and “plays a major role in fighting the high levels of unemployment and in absorbing extra labour from the rural areas”. What the implications are for builders is, of course, a
major concern. But Khoshnevis says “the reality is that a lot of new jobs can be created in this field as well”. Instead of building the house, workmen are used to maintain the machine.
1. Which advantage does the giant robot have for the consumers
A. It saves a great deal of time.
B. It decorates houses beautifully.
C. It provides energy-saving apartments.
D. It builds environmentally-friendly houses.
2. The underlined part “to get on the property ladder” (in Paragraph 3) means “________”.
A. to print objects B. to purchase a house
C. to predict disasters D. to accumulate wealth
3. The new construction technology can satisfy the needs of _______.
A. low-income residents B. people at different income levels
C. middle-income people D. wealthy immigrants
4. What influence will Contour Crafting have on construction industry
A. Many construction workers will lose jobs.
B. Professionals will be hired to make robot builders.
C. More rural people will engage in construction.
D. Construction workers will update their skills.
I moved to the United States as a teenager. The adjustment to a new place was difficult. But there was major stress in my life at that time:I was the only member of my family who spoke English, meaning I had to step up when we dealt with a shop assistant, a waiter and so on. However, there was another universal language I loved to learn as a child: art.
Although I connected myself with drawing and painting while in school, I mostly dismissed art as a path to a career. Since my dad always said “Think about the future”, I did not think he would support the study of art once I went to college. But, to my surprise, it was my parents who
suggested just that and urged me to apply to technical and liberal arts schools.
I was admitted into industrial design. It's basically to design products and services. I could be doing something more technical or something more related to problem-solving. It was no easy task to do the course including metalworking, woodworking and model making. In one class I just drew cubes for an entire month, which led me to a question:“Wow! Do I really want to do this?” But I finally survived the course.
Now I am a design strategist for Marshall Moya Design, a famous architecture and interior design company. I have experience in exhibit design, product design and website design, apart from which I enjoy developing public art in my free time.
Throughout my career, I've picked up different things along the way. The best way to learn in my opinion is through working, therefore, get as many projects as you can. Industrial design kind of makes you an all-round person.
5. What was the author's biggest problem when first moving to America
A. The adaption to a new environment.
B. Difficulty in learning a new language.
C. Father's disapproval of her studying art.
D. The burden of being a communicator.
6. What made the author choose to study art
A. Her deep love for art.
B. The suggestion of her family.
C. Her potential in design.
D. The need of a good job.
7. Why was the author's experience of drawing cubes mentioned
A. To emphasise her effort at study.
B. To express the regret at her choice.
C. To prove the course was difficult.
D. To show the basic content of the course.
8. How did the author feel when she mentioned her career
A. Surprised. B. Stressed. C. Eager. D. Proud.
Ⅱ. 完形填空
When Jayce Crowder was in kindergarten he was sad that he looked different from his classmates. They had two hands. He had one.
“It started when one boy teased him,” says his mother, Cortney Lewis. Jayce's enthusiasm 1_________.He'd return to their home with questions: Why am I different Why me
Lewis admitted she didn't know what to do at that point. How could she 2_________ answers to her son's questions when she had never found those answers herself
A few weeks later, Lewis turned on the TV to a news story about an eighth grader from Washington, Iowa. Trashaun Willis, then 14, had become an Internet 3_________ after posting videos of his slam dunks(灌篮), and, like Jayce, he was 4_________ most of his left arm. Lewis called Jayce in. He was completely attracted, watching dunk after dunk.
At the time, it seemed that watching Trashaun would simply be a(n) 5 _________moment for Jayce. 6_________ little did Lewis know that a family friend had already reached out to the Des Moines Register, asking the newspaper to help set up a meeting with Trashaun to build Jayce's 7_________.
The boys met at Washington Middle School on a Saturday afternoon a couple of months later, and instantly bonded. The day was not spent wallowing (沉浸) in self-pity — it was full of 8_________. They rode bikes around the school's hallways, took photos, played hide-and-seek, and shot baskets. Trashaun 9_________gave Jayce a shirt that says “Ten lingers are overrated.”
At one point, Trashaun did get serious with Jayce. He said not to let anyone drag him down and not to let words 10_________ his confidence. Since that meeting, Lewis has seen a visible 11_________ in her son, who is now seven and in second grade. He recently started wrestling and loves it. Lewis points to Trashaun's 12_________ . “Meeting him,” she said, “made Jayce 13_________ that there are others like him.”
As for Trashaun, his relationship with Jayce made him look forward to 14 _________more kids, perhaps as a youth coach with a nonprofit organization devoted to coaching kids with limb disabilities.
“Honestly, it means a lot to know that I changed Jayce's 15_________,” Trashaun says. Still, he never dreamed that his videos would have such an effect. “I just thought my friends would see my videos and be like, ‘Oh, he dunked it!’” Obviously, he did more than that!
1. A. doubled B. returned C. improved D. disappeared
2. A. discover B. forget C. provide D. inform
3. A. hit B. winner C. fan D. user
4. A. giving B. making C. missing D. having
5. A. proud B. inspiring C. exact D. warning
6. A. So B. And C. Thus D. But
7. A. intelligence B. confidence C. strength D. imagination
8. A. fun B. pride C. sadness D. silence
9. A. still B. just C. even D. again
10. A. gain B. lose C. fix D. shake
11. A. experience B. difference C. behaviour D. agreement
12. A. influence B. action C. attitude D. education
13. A. expect B. promise C. understand D. suggest
14. A. helping B. persuading C. challenging D. calling
15. A. love B. way C. habit D. life
Ⅰ. 阅读理解
1-4 ABBD
5-8 DBCD
Ⅱ. 完形填空