高中英语人教版(2019)必修 第三册:Unit 3 Diverse Cultures课件(全单元4份课件+4份教案打包)


名称 高中英语人教版(2019)必修 第三册:Unit 3 Diverse Cultures课件(全单元4份课件+4份教案打包)
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文件大小 600.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-10-19 15:17:16


Section A Listening and Speaking
词汇一 diverse adj. 不同的;多种多样的
be diverse from 和……不同的
diverse views 不同的观点
diversity n. 差异(性);不同(点);多样性
a great/wide diversity of 多种多样的
diversely adv. 不同地;各色各样地  
(1) Her interests are diverse      her sister’s.
(2) Lily has    great diversity of interests;she likes sports,travel and photography.
(3)[词汇复现]Forslan’s object is to gather as great a     (diverse)of genetic material
as possible.
(4)[词汇复现]One of the best ways to improve your vocabulary is to read widely and     
(diverse),involving many different subjects and styles of writing.
词汇二 fortune n. 机会;运气;财富
fortune cookie 幸运曲奇
(1)try one’s fortune 碰运气
make a fortune 发财;赚大钱
(2)fortunate adj. 幸运的
be fortunate in doing sth. 因做某事感到幸运
be fortunate to do sth. 有幸做某事
fortunately adv. 幸运地
unfortunate adj. 不幸的
unfortunately adv. 不幸地
(1) He felt     (fortune)that the interviewer spoke highly of him during the
(2)      (fortunate),she promised me an interview chance.
(3) I was fortunate     (enjoy)such attractive scenery in your hometown.
◆ 单句写作
(4) Knowing that it was easy to find diamond in the desert,he went there to               
try his fortune
to enjoy
词汇三 in addition adv. 另外;除此之外;并且;况且
In addition,many died from the diseases brought by the Europeans.
in addition to=besides(介词)除……之外( 还有,也)
·in addition=besides( 副词)=what’s more,通常用逗号与后面的部分隔开。
·in addition to 中的to 为介词,所以后接动词作宾语时要用动名词形式。
(1) You need money and time,    addition,you need diligence.
(2) In addition     English,he has to study a second foreign language.
(3)[词汇复现]      (而且),we should dress ourselves formally.
(4)            (除了给)me some advice,he gave me some money.
In addition
In addition to giving
句式一 状语从句的省略
When taking notes,just write down the key words,such as names,dates,and numbers.
且从句谓语含有be 动词时,为了简练,可以将从句的主语和 be 动词一起省略。
主从主语一致时,从句又有be 动词;
“ 疑问词+to do”相当于名词性从句;“疑问词+-ing/-ed/adj. ...”相当于状语从句。
(1)[2019·江苏卷]In the 1960s,while     (study)the volcanic history of
Yellowstone National Park,Bob Christiansen became puzzled about something.
(2) While     (wait)for the opportunity to get promoted,Henry did his best to
perform his duty.
(3) Film has a much shorter history,especially when     (compare)to such art
forms as music and painting.
(4) When it is necessary,you can look up the word in a dictionary.
→ When      ,you can look up the word in a dictionary.
(5) While we were carrying out a survey,we came across difficulties.
→ While           ,we came across difficulties.
carrying out a survey
句式二  It is likely that... 很可能……
It is likely that Native Americans moved to California at least fifteen thousand years ago.
很可能美洲土著人至少在15 000 年前就搬到加利福尼亚去了。
It is likely that... 很可能……,it 是形式主语,that 引导的从句是真正的主语。
Sb./Sth. is likely to do sth. 某人/ 某物很可能做某事。
It is possible that... 可能……
It is probable that... 很可能……
(1) It is likely    people may feel pleased when they like what they are doing.
(2)[词汇复现]He is likely      (represent)his class to have a speech.
(3)[词汇复现]        (很可能)he will set off with us.
(4) Brian is gifted in writing music;he__________________(非常有可能成为)
a Beethoven.
to represent
It is likely that
is very likely to be普通高中英语(2019版)必修第三册
Unit 3 Diverse Cultures 教学设计
Period 2 Reading and thinking
该板块的活动主题是“了解一个具有多元文化特点的城市”( Learn about a city that has diverse cultures)。阅读文本是一则旅行日记。在日记中,中国学生 Li Lan记录了自己的加州之行,并主要介绍了在旧金山一天的行程和所见所闻,从最初对旧金山的城市建筑产生兴趣到逐渐体会到多元文化对这个城市方方面面的影响。课文中提到的教会区是旧金山历史最悠久的街区之一,该街区拥有很多餐馆和酒吧,生活在这里的主要是来自墨西哥和中美洲的移民。旧金山也是19世纪淘金热的中心地区,早期华工移民美国后多居住于此。现在,旧金山的华人总数在美国仅次于纽约。旧金山中国城是北美地区最古老的华人聚居区,也是美洲大陆中国元素最集中的地区之一。
1. Read a travel diary to learn about the city of San Francisco, its cultural features, and the history of California, and to experience the impact of multiculturalism on the United States;
2. By reading texts and understanding articles, we can understand more about the root causes and social background of multiculturalism, broaden our international perspective, and improve our cultural understanding and identification ability;
3. Guide the students to use the structure diagram to classify and organize the text information, so as to grasp the structure of the article and the writer's writing logic;
4. Understand the meaning of new words according to context, and master the usage of key words in specific context.
1. Guide students to understand the multicultural characteristics of San Francisco and its causes;
2. Guide students to use structure diagrams to classify and organize text information, so as to grasp the structure of the article and the writing logic of the author;
3. Master the usage of key words in specific contexts.
1. Guide students to use structure diagrams to classify and organize text information, so as to grasp the structure of the article and the writing logic of the author;
2. Master the usage of key words in specific contexts.
1. Read the text in advance and understand the meaning and usage of new words according to the context;
2. Read the text in advance to understand the structure of the article and the writer's writing ideas;
3. Complete relevant exercises in the guide plan in advance to further understand the text.
Step 1 Pre-reading
Activity 1
(1) Understand the geographical environment of the United States and its surrounding areas with the help of maps.On the map of activity 1, mark the following places: the Mississippi River, the Rocky Mountains, the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, Canada, and Mexico.
(2)Focus on California and San Francisco.Ask students to find California and San Francisco on the map and share some background information. Answer the question "What do you know about California or San Francisco ".
(3) Focus on the reading text of this part.
A Chinese girl, Li Lan,has taken a trip there, and she wrote a travel journal.
What do you think she might write about in her journal
Depending on the students' answers to the above questions, teacher can peruse some of the words in the text, for example: a melting pot, gold rush.
Step 2 Careful-reading
Activity 2
(1) Speed reading and grasp the genre of discourse.Teachers can list several text types and ask students to determine which one the text belongs to :diary, travel journal, news report, letter, personal profile, travel guide, etc.
(2)Read quickly to find the place names mentioned in the passage and complete activity 2.
Teachers can also directly present the following place names for students to search in the text: San Francisco, the Redwood Forest, Napa Valley, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Mission District, Chinatown, the Richmond District, and let students find information related to these places.Such as:
*San Francisco: There are a lot of old buildings, and many sit on top of the big hills.
*the Redwood Forest: the writer camped there before going back to the city of San Francisco.
(3) Read the full text carefully, sort out the writer's writing logic and grasp the discourse structure.
(Para 1: Today... ;Para3: n the afternoon...;Para4: This evening...Para 5: Tomorrow evening...)The second paragraph does not give a specific time, but it can be inferred that this paragraph describes what the author saw and heard after he arrived in San Francisco in the morning.
Step 3 While-reading
Activity 3
(1)The student combed through the author's travels.Ask the students to read the full text carefully, select the key information in the text and present it with a structure diagram.Depending on their level of English, the teacher can ask the students to use the structure diagram in activity 3 or to create their own structure diagram.
(2)Read the text carefully and answer the questions in activity 4.The first three questions in activity 4 ask students to summarize the relevant information in the text, and the last question asks students to dig into the topic meaning of the text, that is, to analyze and explain the relationship between the examples and the topic.Teacher: From Li Lan's trip, what do you think is her impression of San Francisco or California To guide students to understand the author's point of view and attitude.A student might say something like this:
*She thinks there is a mix of cultures in the city/state.
*In her opinion, it is a culturally diverse city/state.
*She believes that people from diverse ethnic backgrounds have an influence on what the city state is like now.
*She finds that cultural diversity shows in many aspects of the city/state.
(3)The teacher USES the mind map to present the examples found by the students as follows, and connects them with the thematic meaning to help the students sort out the logical thread of the article.
(4) Read the full text carefully and analyze the author's emotional attitude."Did Li Lan enjoy her trip in San Francisco Can you find some evidence to support your idea ", then ask the students to complete the following table and analyze the author's thoughts and feelings during the trip.
Step 4 Post-reading
Activity 4
(1)Open discussion.Ask students to pay attention to the problems in activity 5 and discuss the topic of cultural diversity based on their own experience.If students are not familiar with other parts of the world where diverse cultures exist, they can share their familiar ethnic cultures, talk about the diversity of Chinese culture, and further reflect on the significance and challenges of this phenomenon.Such as:
* Opportunities to experience different cultures and customs。
*Personal growth(culture awareness, intercultural communication, cooperation)
*More open-minded society
*Exchange of innovative ideas
*Misunderstanding across languages and cultures
*Conflicting values and lifestyles
*Unconscious cultural biases
(2)Consolidate key vocabulary.Ask the students to complete the exercises of activity 6 by themselves. Then ask them to check the answers with their partners.(The first language:Damage of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and fire.A second language: Yunnan - one of the most diverse provinces in China).
Step 5 Language points
1. The teacher asks the students to read the text carefully, find out the more words and long and difficult sentences in the text and draw lines, understand the use of vocabulary, and analyze the structure of long and difficult sentences.
2. The teacher explains and summarizes the usage of core vocabulary and asks the students to take notes.
3. The teacher analyzes and explains the long and difficult sentences that the students don't understand, so that the students can understand them better.
Step 6 Homework
1. Read the text again, in-depth understanding of the text;
2. Master the use of core vocabulary and understand the long and difficult sentences.
3. Complete relevant exercises in the guide plan.
Before coming to SF
In the morning
In the afternoon
In the evening
Tomorrow evening普通高中英语(2019版)必修第三册
Unit 3 Diverse Cultures 教学设计
Period 3 Discovering Useful Structures
该板块的活动主题是“理解英语中省略的用法”(Understand the use of the ellipsis in English)。与汉语一样,英语中的省略也较为常见。省略是一种避免重复、突出新信息并使上下文紧密连接的语法手段。一般来说,只要不损害结构或引起歧义,能省略的地方就可以省略。省略可使语言更加简洁,意思更加明确,句子结构更加紧凑。本部分通过不同层次的语言学习活动,帮助学生体会使用省略的效果。
1. Ask students to analyze the omitted words in the sentence with the context, and understand the role of ellipsis;
2. Help students recover the omitted parts of sentences according to the context or situation, and realize the effect of omission;
3. Instruct students to summarize common omissions and understand the role of omissions.
1. Guide students to summarize common omissions and understand the role of omissions;
2. Help students recover the omitted parts of sentences according to the context or situation, and realize the effect of omission;
Recover the omitted parts of a sentence according to the context or situation
1. Review ellipsis before class and point out its function;
2. Master the usage of ellipsis and perceive the new ellipsis by combining with the relevant exercises of guiding cases.
Step 1 Revision
1.Present the following dialogue to the students and guide them to understand the use of ellipsis by asking questions:
Where is ellipsis used in the dialogue What's missing
( 1)A: I’m hungry
B: Are you (hungry)
A: Yeah.(I) Didn't have lunch today.
B:(Do you) Want some sandwiches
A: Are there any
B: Yeah. (I’ve) Just made some.
(2)A:(It) Looks like rain
B: Oh, I hope (it does) not(rain).
A: Why (do you hope it doesn't rain)
B: We have a soccer game today, (do you) remember
A: Do we (have a soccer game today ) Where (will it be)
B: (It will be) In the bigger playground
Step 2 Learning new grammar
Activity 1
1. Ask students to find the sentences in activity 1 in this unit and discuss the following questions in pairs:
①Why use ellipsis in sentences (clear meaning in the context, avoid repetition, make the structure more compact, make the focus more prominent)
②What sentence elements are omitted (subject, predicate, object)
2. Ss read the dialogue and find out where ellipsis is used in the dialogue and what is missing.Then check their answers with class.
1) (They are) Mexican corn chips covered in cheese! (I love nachos), too.
2)…,(and they are) all in one dishes Exactly,(it’s the food of many different cultures,and they are all in one dishes.)
3) (There is) a real mix of cultures here!
4) (I) can’t wait (to go there)!
Step 3 Practice
Activity 2
Ask students to complete activity 2. How to make a sentence by omitting the unnecessary parts of the sentence and comparing with the original sentence.
The child becomes concise.The teacher guides the students to summarize the different situations of using ellipsis in these sentences and pays attention to the key cohesion in the sentences.
The first sentence is simple, the second, fifth and sixth are compound (but, and), and the third and fourth are compound (if necessary, as soon as possible, than).If when/whenever....+ possible/necessary "and" as soon/fast/early/easy.+ as possible ".
(Check their answers with class.)
Step 4 Summarizing
Guide the students to summarize the usage of ellipsis.
—Hello!Is Jack in?“你好!杰克在吗?”
—(This is)Jack speaking.“我就是。”
2.There be句型的省略。
(Is there)Anything wrong
What a (good) boy (he is)!
I go to the supermarket instead of the butcher's(shop) to buy meat.我去超市而不是去肉铺买肉。
可以省略介词in的几个固定词组,如spend time(in)doing sth.,have a hard time (in) doing sth.,waste time(in)doing sth.等。
He seldom spends his spare time (in) studying.
Tom picked up the book from the floor and(Tom)handed it to his brother.
His performance made us amused,but(his performance made)himself tired.
Xiaoming must have been playing football at that time,and his sister(must have been)playing the piano.
(1)在when,while,whenever,till,as soon as,if,unless,as if,though等引导的状语从句中,若谓语含有be,而从句的主语与主句的主语相同或是it时,则从句的主语和be常被省略。
He will not attend the party unless(he is)invited.
If(it is)convenient,please call me and have a chat with me.
Were I you(=If I were you),I will accept the chance to work in that company.
He was late for work again,and no one knew why(he was late for work again).
Joe said(that)he would come and that he would arrive at 5:00 p.m.
I suggested that we (should) hold a meeting tonight.
(4)在I'm afraid,I think,I believe,I hope,I guess等作答句时,其后常跟省略形式。so表示赞同前述的事实,not表示不赞同前述的事实。
—We will have to work extra hours to finish the work.
—I'm afraid so(=we will have to work extra hours to finish the work).“恐怕是这样。”
He handed the book(that/which)he bought yesterday to me.
We don't like the way (in which/that)he treats his mother.
(3)在以the same...as...与such as引导的某些定语从句中,也可省略与主句相同的部分。
The price is the same as(the price was)before the war.
The ticket(that/which was)booked by his sister has been sent to him.
Step 5 Practice
Activity 3
(1) Guide students to complete the four activities in the Using Structures part of exercise book, in which activities 1 and 2 focus on ellipsis in dialogue answers, activity 3 focus on signs and headlines, two typical situations where ellipsis is used, and activity 4 focus on ellipsis in diary, an informal style.
(2) Combine the examples in the above activities, ask students to summarize the omitted situations in groups, and make their own summary into a poster, and post it on the class wall after class to share with the class.(This step should give full play to the subjectivity of students, and teachers should encourage students to conclude different ellipsis phenomena according to their own understanding, they can conclude according to the different parts omitted in the sentence.)
Step 6 Homework
1. Understand and master the usages of ellipsis;
2. Finish the other exercises in Using structures of Workbook.
Section C Discovering Useful Structures
词汇一 fold vt. 包;裹;折叠 vt. & vi. (可)折小;(可)叠平
I really like that paper folding book...我真的很喜欢那本折纸书……
fold your arms 双臂交叉在胸前
fold up 折叠起来
a folded letter 一封折叠的信
folder n. 文件夹
unfold vt. 展开
folding adj. 可折叠的
(1)Would you like the paper rolled or    (fold)
(2) He    (fold)the letter(in half)and put it in an envelope.
(3)[词汇复现]He had a neatly    (fold)handkerchief in his
jacket pocket.
(4) 桌子不用时可以折叠起来。
             when not in use.
The table folds up
词汇二 recommend vt. 建议;推荐;介绍
And I strongly recommend the ethnic minority villages. 我强烈推荐少数民族村落。
recommend sb. for/as sth.推荐某人担任/ 当……
recommend sth. to sb. 向某人推荐某物
recommend sth. for sth.推荐某物用于某种用途
recommend doing sth. 建议做某事
recommend that...(should)do sth.建议……做某事(虚拟语气)
It’s recommended that...(should)do sth.有人建议……做某事。
(1) I recommended    (buy)an English-Chinese dictionary,which I thought
would be of great help to your studies.
(2) I bought the book Gone with the Wind from the bookstore yesterday, which my
teacher recommended   me.
(3) Thank you for recommending me   the position of a manager.
(4) Teachers recommend that parents_______________________              
  (不允许他们的孩子)under 12 to ride bicycles to school for safety.
not allow their children
要点一  句子成分的省略
(You)Believe yourself. 相信自己。
(Come)This way,sir. 先生,请这边走。
Some students like English,others(like)French.
—Are you a doctor 你是一名医生吗?
—No,I am not(a doctor). 不,我不是(一名医生)。
(1)    (obey)the rules,or you will get punished.
(2) John is a lawyer,         (他妻子是一名教师).
(3) Read the story,     (并且复述这个故事).
(4) I like red wine better than    (白葡萄酒).
his wife a teacher
and retell
要点二  介词的省略
( 1)一些与动词、名词或形容词搭配的介词常常省略。常见的结构有:
have difficulty/trouble(in)doing sth. 做某事有困难
be busy(in)doing sth. 忙于做某事
spend some time(in)doing sth. 花费时间做某事
stop/prevent sb.(from)doing sth. 阻止某人做某事
There is no sense/point(in)doing sth. 做某事没有意义。
It is no good/use(in)doing sth. 做某事没有用。
( 2)表 示 时 间 的 介 词 at,on 和 in,在next,last,this,these,yesterday,
tomorrow,one,any,every,each,some 等词之前时,一般省略。
(1) He spent one hour     (sweep)up the fallen leaves.
(2) The skin can prevent your body    (lose)too much water.
(3) I can’t imagine what great difficulty he had     (climb)the mountain.
(4) Some students have trouble      (remember)so many words.
(5)[词汇复现]They are busy     (arrange)the wedding party.
(6) There is no sense     (argue)with him. He is really stubborn.
(7) It is no use    (try)to persuade your boss. He won’t approve of your
(8) The guard           (阻止他通过)the gate.
(9) He went to work every day except       (上个周).
(10)I will get up early           (明天早上).
stopped him going through
last week
tomorrow morning
要点三  动词不定式的省略
(1)want,wish,expect,hope,try,forget,would like 等后面出现与上文相同的不定式
时,常保留不定式符号 to,而省略后面的内容。
(2)两个或两个以上的不定式表示并列关系时,第一个带to,后面的省略 to;但如
果两个不定式表示对比关系,则to 不可省略。
( 3)感官动词(词组)see,look at,hear,listen to,notice,watch 等和使役动词
make,let,have 等后面作宾补的不定式要省略to,但此类动词的被动语态中
( 4)在某些句式中,如果介词 but 前有实义动词do 的某种形式,后面的不定式要省略to。
当省略的不定式内含有作助动词用的have 或be 的任何形式时,to 后要保留原形have 或be。
(1) They managed to overcome all the difficulties and     (finish)the task ahead of
(2)[词汇复现]He didn’t tell me whether to reject or      (accept).
(3) The workers were made     (work)day and night by the manager.
(4) All he could do was nothing but    (wait)and see.
(5) Please come to my house if you want to come to my house.
(6) He didn’t come,but he ought to have come.
(7) —Are you a farmer
—No,but I used to be a farmer.
(8) Your words           (让我感到乐观)about the future.
(9) She did nothing     (除了哭).
to accept
to work
make me feel optimistic
but cry
要点四  并列句中的省略
( 2)若主语不同,而谓语部分的助动词或情态动词相同,则省略后面的助动词
( 3)若主语以及谓语动词均相同,则省略后面的主谓成分。
( 4)若主语不同,但主要动词及后续部分相同,则省略主要动词及后续部分。
( 5)省略重复的介词、连词及后续部分。
(1) Tom picked up the book on the floor and Tom handed it to his teacher.
(2) Jack must have been playing football and Mary must have been doing her
(3) His advice made me happy,but his advice made Jim angry.
(4) He has a knowledge of first aid but his friend doesn’t have a knowledge of first aid.
(5) He was late because he had overslept and because he had missed the train.
要点五  状语从句中的省略
( 1)在 when,while,whenever,until,if,unless,though,although,as if,as though,
as,whether 等引导的状语从句中,若谓语部分含有 be 动词,而从句主语又和主句
主语相同或从句主语为 it,则从句中的主语和be 动词常一起省略。
if 类惯用省略结构: if so 如果是这样的话
if not 如果不是这样;否则 if necessary 如果有必要
if possible 如果可能的话 if any 如果有的话
if ever 如果曾经有的话
( 2)在 as,than,however,whatever,no matter what 等引导的从句中常省略某些成分。
(1) Tie a bandage tightly over her sprained ankle when it is necessary.
(2)Wood gives off much smoke while wood is burning.
(3) I’ll start writing the novel this winter if it is possible.
(4) His opinion,whether it is right or wrong,will be considered.
(5) After two hours she became quieter than she had been.
(6)       (当有麻烦时),I always turn to my friends for help.
(7) Mistakes,    (若有的话),should be corrected immediately.
(8) She worked very hard           (虽然仍旧很虚弱).
(9)          (虽然很聪明),he was poorly educated.
When in trouble
Though intelligent
if any
though still very weak
要点六  定语从句与名词性从句中的省略
( 1)在限制性定语从句中,作宾语用的关系代词whom,who,which,that 可
(2)在know,think,consider,suppose,find,believe,say,decide 等动词后
所接的宾语从句中,连接词that 可以省略;若带有多个宾语从句,只有第
一个that 可以省略,其余的则不能省略。
( 3)由 which,when,where,how,why 引导的宾语从句,有时可承前省略全
( 4)在与 suggest,request,order,advise,recommend 等词相关的名词性从句
中,应用虚拟语气,即从句谓语用“should+ 动词原形”,should 可以省略。
(1) He is the man whom/who/that you can safely depend on.
(2) I don’t like such books as these are.
(3) He said that the text was very important and that we shouldn’t leave out any
details when retelling it.
(4) She will come back,but he doesn’t know when she will come back.
(5) It is suggested that I should divide the book into five sections.
(6) He is very delighted,but          (我不知道为什么).
(7) That is the photographer       (我提到的)last night.
(8) He requested         (我们早来).
I don’t know why
I mentioned
we come early普通高中英语(2019版)必修第三册
Unit 3 Diverse Cultures 教学设计
Period 1 Listening and speaking
听力部分分为两个部分:Listening and speaking和Listening and talking。
Listening and speaking板块的活动主题是“讨论几种美国食品的起源”( Talk about the origins of American food)。美国的多元文化反映在社会生活的各个领域,饮食就是很重要的一个方面。该板块介绍了四种食品——汉堡包、墨西哥玉米片、秋葵汤和福饼,它们都是在美国本土发明的,但都带有其他民族的饮食风味和特点。在文化交流过程中,不同民族的文化接触后会产生碰撞,同时也会根据需要从不同的文化体系中选取文化元素,经过整合融为一体,形成一种新的文化体系,这就是文化融合的过程。现代美国文化就是多种文化融合的结果,而这里介绍的几种美国食品正是文化融合现象的具体表现。听力对话的最后一句道出了美国饮食的特点:将世界上的不同食材混合在一起,创造出一种全新的食品。
Listening and talking板块的活动主题是“谈论中国的少数民族文化”( Talk about ethnic minority cultures in China)。此部分从谈论美国的多元文化过渡到谈论中国文化的多样性。少数民族文化是中国文化多样性的重要体现。该板块围绕贵州苗族和侗族的少数民族文化展开。民族文化是民族身份的重要标志,了解中国文化的多样性有助于培养文化自信,弘扬和传承中国文化。了解中国异彩纷呈的少数民族文化也有助于学生形成尊重、包容的心态,为维护和谐社会作出贡献。
1. Master the methods and skills of note-taking, understand the logic of listening materials (including the expression of transition, contrast, cause and effect, coincidence, and examples), so as to determine the key information;
2. Help students understand the manifestation of American multiculturalism in diet by listening to an interview, and guide students to record key information in the listening process;
3. Instruct students to clearly introduce the characteristics and cooking methods of a Chinese national food to their partners;
4. Master the principle of dividing long sentences into groups, and be able to use pause skills when reading long sentences or oral expressions.
5. Be able to introduce Chinese minority culture and tell Chinese stories in English.
1. Help students understand the manifestation of American multiculturalism in diet by listening to an interview, and guide students to record key information in the listening process;
2. Instruct the students to clearly introduce the characteristics and cooking methods of a Chinese national food to their partners.
3. Be able to introduce Chinese minority culture and tell Chinese stories in English.
1. Clearly introduce the characteristics and cooking methods of a Chinese national food to the partners;
2. Master the principle of dividing long sentences into groups, and be able to use pause skills reasonably when reading long sentences or oral expressions.
3. Be able to introduce Chinese minority culture and tell Chinese stories in English.
1. Review the vocabulary about food and understand the characteristics of Chinese traditional food culture;
2. Read this section in advance, review the vocabulary of American food, and understand the characteristics of American food culture.
Step 1 Lead-in
1.The teacher presents a news report to help students understand the meaning of diverse in the title.
Overseas Students Experience Diverse Cultures at Shandong University
Shandong University in Jinan, East China's Shandong Province unveiled its I8th International Cultural Festival at its central campus on April 26, offering locals a chance to experience unique cultures from 25 countries around the world.
Overseas students from Russia, France, Thailand, Afghanistan, Italy, Uganda, and Laos wore traditional costumes as they showcased food,dances,handcrafts,and souvenirs from their home countries.
Since 2001, the international cultural event has evolved into an important channel the university to promote its campus culture featuring understanding, inclusiveness.for openness, and progress.
2.According to the above context, the teacher guides the students to discuss the meaning of diverse cultures, and then asks them to try to explain the meaning of unit title "diverse cultures" in their own language.Students can explain it this way :
It means the coexistence of many different types of cultures in a specific region or in the world as a whole. Each culture has its distinct features and each other’s differences are respected.
Step 2 Watching and talking
Activity 1
1.Teachers makes full use of pictures to find the breakthrough of unit teaching.The following questions can guide students to observe the details in the picture, so as to understand the cultural information and its connotation carried by the picture, and establish a connection with the unit theme.
What can you see in the photo (buildings, lamp post, lanterns.) Do you find the place familiar
What are some words on the buildings
Why are there both Chinese and English shop signs
Where do you think this photo was taken
What day you think such a place is like
Do you think this is a typical place to show cultural diversity Why
2.Appreciate famous quotes.The teacher asks the following questions to help students understand the quotation and relate the unit topic:
Can you paraphrase the quote in your own words
Can you give some examples to demonstrate the diversity of people in world
Can you think of some examples to show diverse cultures in the world
3.Ask the students to quickly review the listening, speaking, reading and writing tasks listed in the opening page. Then ask the students to close their books and answer the positive questions.
What are some topics you will read about/ listen to
What are some topics you will talk/write about
Which part do you think will interest you
What do you expect to learn from this unit
Step 3 Listening
Activity 2
1.Ask the students to look at the four pictures in activity 1.
2.Students were asked to match the picture to the following description and then to try to match it to the name of the food.
Picture A: small pieces of thin crisp chips served with beans, cheese, spices, etc (nachos).
Picture B: a crisp hollow cookie containing a piece of paper with a short message on it (fortune cookie).
Picture C: a thick seafood soup,a spicy stew(gumbo).
Picture D: a sandwich containing cooked meat and some other vegetables in a bread roll (hamburger).
Activity 3
1.The teacher plays the recording for the first time and asks the students to verify whether the matching food names in activity 1 are correct.
2. The teacher plays the recording for the second time. The teacher arranges the following questions in advance to guide the students to get the key information and grasp the general meaning of the listening dialogue.
Where does this conversation take place How do you know
Who are the speakers
What is the topic of the conversation
What is Steve Fox’s opinion about American food
How many examples does Steve Fox give to support his opinion What are they
Activity 4
1.Look at the five sentences in activity 3.Let's listen to the tape for the third time.The teacher first lets the student understand the problem, then completes the listening task, in this way the student listens with the purpose, is helpful to develop the selective attention strategy.
2.Ask the students to browse the listening task of activity 4. First, try to fill in the information in the form from memory.Next, the teacher plays the tape again and asks the students to fill out the rest of the information and reminds them to use the shorthand strategy.If students can fill out most of the information, teachers can ask them to fill in more information on the form as they listen.When the students were finished, they were asked to use the information in the table to organize the language and verbally describe each food.
3.Listen to the tape again and ask the students to complete the following sentences in the listening text.
He’s here to talk about cultural influences on American food.
You mean there was a mixing of cultures Food from overseas changed when it arrived in the States.
And there are many more examples of mixed-culture dishes.
So they’re like a mix of the Chinese, American, and Japanese cultures.
It was invented in New Orleans over 200 years ago, and mixes French, African, Native American, and Spanish cooking.
So it's the food of many different cultures, all in one dish
American cooking often mixes things from around the world to make something completely new.
Step 4 Speaking
Activity 5
1.Teachers can use courseware to show pictures and definitions of potluck to introduce this interesting cultural phenomenon to students.Such as:
A potluck dinner is a meal to which each guest brings a dish of food prepared by the person, to be shared among the group.
2.Next, the teacher can ask the following questions to start thinking:
How do you think potluck dinners show diverse cultures in the world
What food would you bring to the party if you were invited
Why do you choose this food
3.Teachers create a situation and ask students to create a dialogue in pairs. One student ACTS as a guest invited to a potluck party and the other gives advice as a friend.Each group is asked to have a conversation about the origin, preparation and characteristics of a food according to the three questions in activity 5.Students can also add cultural information about the history and legends of the food.After the students have finished the drill, the teacher may ask several groups of students to present to the class.
Step 5 Pronunciation
Activity 6
1. Understand the spoken text.Read the passage silently and answer the following questions:
What is this text about
What did you learn about them from the text
2.Mark the pauses in the passage. Then ask one of the students to read to the class.In combination with the student's problems in pausing, help students understand the role of pausing: first, pausing allows us to take a breath in time, so that we won't be so tired in the process of speaking;Secondly, proper pauses allow us to better grasp the rhythm of speaking and express ourselves.
3. The teacher plays the recording, guides the students to make necessary modifications, and summarizes the common positions of pauses.
4. Listen to the tape again and ask the students to follow the tape.
5. Let the students read the passage in pairs. Help each other to improve the accuracy and fluency of reading.Finally, please have a few students present to the class.
Step 6 Listening
Activity 7
1.Ask students to focus on the three pictures in activity 1 and try to describe each picture, including:
Photo 1: Where do you think these men are from What are they doing What are they holding in their hands What is the instrument like What arc their clothes like
Photo 2: Where do you think the girls are from What are they doing What are their clothes like What are they wearing on their heads
Photo 3: Can you find in the photo which village it is What time is it in the photo What is the village like
Based on the description of the students, the teacher skillfully penetrated the key words in the listening dialogue, such as silver, accessory, minority, musical instrument, perform, etc.
2.It's about the ethnic minority cultures of the Miao and Dong people in China. It's about the ethnic minority cultures of the Miao and Dong people in China.
3.Let the students focus on the Miao and Dong ethnic groups, share their understanding of the two ethnic minorities, fully activate the students' background knowledge, and prepare for the following listening activities.
Step 7 Listening comprehension
Activity 8
1.Grasp the main idea of the listening.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:
Who are the two speakers in the listening What is their relationship
What is the main idea of the first part of the listening How about the second part
2.Complete the passage.Ask the students to quickly review the summaries of the two listening materials in activity 2. Then play the recording for the second time.
Ask them to complete the passage and fill in the blanks.
3.Play the recording again and ask the students to use the structure diagram to comb the information structure in the listening.(While listening, take notes. Capture key information quickly and accurately.)
Step 8 Talking
Activity 9
1.Focus on the listening text.Listen to the students and listen to the tape. Let them understand the attitudes of Wu Yue and Justin in the conversation.
How does Wu Yue feel about Chinese minority cultures
What does Justin think of the Miao and Dong cultures
How do you know that
2.learn functional items that express concerns.Ask students to focus on the expressions listed in activity. 3.And try to analyze the meaning they convey, including praise (Super!).Agree (Exactly!)"(You're kidding.!)Tell me more about it. Tell me more about it.For example, "Yeah Sure." "Definitely!" "Certainly!" "No kidding!" "No wonder!" and so on.
4.Ask the students to have conversations in small groups, acting as Jsim and his friends.Justin shares his travels in Guizhou with friends and his thoughts;Justin's friends should give appropriate feedback, express their interest in relevant information, and ask for information when necessary.In order to enrich the dialogue, teachers can expand and supplement the introduction of Miao, dong, Lusheng and Dong Dage.After the group practice, the teacher can choose several groups of students to show, and let the rest of the students listen carefully, after listening to the best performance of the group, and give at least two reasons.
Step 9 Homework
1) Independently complete the exercises in the guide plan;.
2) Remember the new words and learn the usages of them.
Section D Listening and Talking,Reading
for Writing & Assessing Your Progress
词汇一 collection n. 收集;收取;聚集;作品集;收集物;收藏品
...it is even mentioned in the oldest collection of Chinese poetry. ……
art/coin/stamp collections 艺术品/ 硬币/ 邮票收藏
a complete collection of his essays 他的散文全集
a large/small collection of books 大/ 少量藏书
a collection box 募捐箱
make a collection for 为……募捐
collect evidence/information 收集证据/ 信息
(1)[2018·江苏卷]The attraction of the Cloisters museum and gardens lies in the fact
that its     (collection)date from the Middle Ages.
(2) The     (collect)of these stamps cost me ten years.
(3)[词汇复现]She selected a diamond ring __________________( 从收藏品中).
(4) 我们正凑钱准备给汤姆买退休礼物。
We’re             Tom’s retirement present.
from the collections
making a collection for
词汇二 mild adj. 温和的;和善的;轻微的
The climate is mild all year round... 这里一年四季气候温和……
mild punishment 轻微的惩罚
mild climate/weather 温和的气候/ 天气
mildly 温和地;柔和地
wild adj. 野生的;野蛮的;狂热的;荒凉的[反义词]
(1) “I think you’ve made a mistake,”he said    (mild).
(2) Hearing the news,my heart was beating    (wild).
(3) We’ve had        (暖冬)this year.
(4) He has               (轻微的心脏病发作)—nothing
too serious.
suffered a mild heart attack
a mild winter
词汇三 settle vt. & vi. 定居;结束(争论);解决(纠纷)
Historically,Chinese immigrants settled in the area during the railroad construction and gold rush period. 历史上,中国移民在铁路建设和淘金热时期定居于此。
settle in/into 安顿下来;习惯于(新居);适应(新工作)
settle down(使)安静下来;定居
settle down to(doing)sth. 专心致志于(做)某事
settlement n. 解决;居住地
settler n. 定居者;移居者
(1) I’d like to get this matter    (settle)once and for all.
(2) It always takes the class a while to settle     at the start of the lesson.
(3) My father and I have agreed finally     (settle)our differences.
(4) It’s time for me to        (专心致志于)the work.
(5)[词汇复现]They were pleased to see their daughter ___________         
( 安顿下来)and get married.
to settle
settle down to
settle down
词汇四 varieties of 各种各样的
... visitors can taste and buy varieties of Chinese tea. ……
varieties of = a variety of 各种各样的
a great/wide variety of 多种多样的
a variety of toys 各种玩具
vary vi. & vt. 变化 → various adj. 各种各样的 → variety n. 多样;种类;多样化
(1)[词汇复现]Varieties    his books have been published and the variety of his
writings   (be)surprising.
(2) He is always coming late for class for     (vary)reasons.
(3) He missed the opportunity for         (各种原因).
(4) Students are offered ____________________________(各种各样的)courses in
this school.
varieties of reasons
various/a variety of/ varieties of
词汇五 suit (1)vt. 适合;满足……需要;相配;合身
      (2)n. 西服;套装
There is Chinese food to suit everyone’s taste... 有适合每个人口味的中国菜……
(1)suit one’s needs 符合某人的需要 suit one’s tastes 适合某人的口味
suit sth. to sth. 使某物适合某物
(2)suitable adj. 适合的
be suitable to do sth. 适合做某事 be suitable for sb./sth. 适合某人/ 某物
◆词语辨析 suit,fit 与match
· suit 多指合乎需要、口味、性格、条件、时间或衣物的颜色、款式的适合等
·fit 多指大小、尺寸合适
·match 多指大小、色调、形状相配
(1) Which club do you think is    (suit)for Adam
(2) His goal is to make a film that is suitable    children.
(3) The girl standing there        (适合)the job.
(4) You’re covered with sweat. It ____________________(不适合洗澡)right
(5) —How about eight o’clock outside the cinema
—That          (很适合我).
(6) The size of the shirt   me well and its colour      my tie,so it is
really    me.
is suitable for
is not suitable to bathe
suits me fine/well
词汇六 be located in/on 坐落于,位于(=lie in/on)
locate vt. 找出;把 ……设置在;使坐落于(其后接sb. 时,表示弄清某人所在
locate Berlin on the map 在地图上找到柏林
locate the source of the radio signal 确定无线电信号的来源
(1)[词汇复现]Our office is located     downtown Manhattan.
(2)[词汇复现]    (locate)in the downtown area,the price of
the house is high.
(3)[词汇复现]The palace         (坐落在) the middle of a forest.
is located in/on
词汇七 be home to 是……的栖息地/ 产地/ 家园
is home to... ethnic groups 是少数民族的家园
be the home of 是……的故乡/家
home and abroad 国内外
be/feel at home 感觉自在,不拘束
make yourself at home 请自便,别拘束
bring sth. home to sb. 使某人了解某事的重要性(或艰难、严重程度)
(1)[词汇复现]Tsinghua University,founded in 1911,is home____ a great
number of super figures.
(2) Vienna is the home   Mozart.
(3)[词汇复现]The wetlands (是……的栖息地)a large variety
of wildlife.
(4)We will do our best to provide you with good services,and     
are home to
make you feel at home
词汇八 contain vt. 包含;含有;容纳;克制
Does the city/town introduction contain all the important information
城市/ 城镇介绍包含所有重要信息吗?
contain oneself 克制自己 contain one’s feelings 抑制某人的感情
contain one’s anger 抑制某人的怒火 contain one’s excitement 控制某人的激动
contain vt. → container n. 容器
◆词语辨析 contain 与include
·contain 着重指容纳或装载的量,或表示包含在内的成分
·include 着重指被包含者只是整体的一部分
(1) I received a letter      (contain)some important information about the
coming party.
(2)[词汇复现]Little Johnny felt the bag,curious to know what items it__________
(3)         (控制你自己)! It’s not that exciting.
(4) The hall can                    (容纳200 人).
(5) His schoolbag      a lot of books,     a storybook.
Contain yourself
contain/hold/seat two hundred people
句式一 with 复合结构
...with the author Robert Louis Stevenson having spent much time writing there.
“ with+ 宾语 + 宾补”在句中表示状态或说明背景情况,常作伴随、方式、原因、条件状语等。
with+ 名词/ 代词+ 名词/形容词/副词/介词短语/动词不定式/现在分词/过去分词
with 复合结构中,宾补为形容词、副词或介词短语时,通常表示宾语的特征、性质
(1) The old couple often take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dog     
(2) With all his spare time     (devote)to the research,the scientist almost
has no time for a holiday.
(3) How I wish every family had a large house with a garden with beautiful flowers     
_________(grow)in it!
(4)[词汇复现]John received an invitation to dinner,and with all the crops     
__________(harvest),he gladly accepted it.
(5) I have to stay up with much homework     (do).
(6) It is bad manners to talk          (满口东西).
(7)The little boy stood there, with             (脸上害怕的表情).
(8) Tired,Jim was fast asleep with his back         (靠着一棵大树).
to do
with your mouth full
a frightened expression on his face
against a big tree
句式二  where 引导定语从句
...Chinese tea stores,where visitors can taste and buy varieties of Chinese tea.
(1) Last week I visited Tianjin      I met my friend Tom.
(2) There was a time      I was crazy about outdoor activities.
(3) I have reached a point in my life      I am supposed to make up
my mind.
(4)[词汇复现]Creating an atmosphere      employees feel part
of a team is a big challenge.
(5) 我不知道他来得那么晚的原因。
I don’t know the reason_________________ .                   
(6) 她要到中国去定居,在那里她有一些密友。
She is going to live in China,_____________________________.                   
why he came late
where she has some close friends
句式三  It is confirmed that... 据证实……
It was confirmed that a mild earthquake occurs at 6:37 p.m. on Saturday evening in
Hebei Province,causing no damage.
据证实,河北省周六晚6 时37 分发生轻微地震,没有造成任何损失。
It was confirmed that...“据证实……”,it作形式主语,that 从句作真正的主语。
it 作形式主语,that 作真正主语的句型:
·It is hoped/announced/expected/reported/said/assumed that... 据希望/ 宣布/ 期望/报道/
说/ 推测……
·It is+adj. /n. +that...
(1) It      (confirm)that there are about 8 tigers nowadays,which
mainly exist in the mountain forest in northern Guangdong Province.
(2) It was said     the early European playing cards were designed for
entertainment and education.
(3)[词汇复现] (据说)a prisoner escaped from the prison the
other day.
(4)[词汇复现] (很遗憾)our advice was rejected.
is confirmed
It is said that
It is a pity that
句式四  not only... but(also)... 不但……而且……
Not only is country music popular in the south,but blues,rock and roll,bluegrass,and jazz are
popular in the south as well.
( 1)Not only A but also B+ 谓 语 动 词 +其他.(谓语动词的单复数由B 决定,即遵循就近
( 2)not only...but also 连接两个分句且not only 位于句首时,not only 后的分要用部分倒装语
序,但but also 后的分句不倒装,即“前倒后不倒”。
not only...but also... 谓语动词的单复数遵循“就近原则”,同类结构还有:
either...or... 要么……要么……
neither...nor... 既不……也不……
not...but... 不是……而是……
(1)[词汇复现]Not only he but also his parents    (be)pleased when the
result was announced.
(2)[词汇复现]Either you or one of your students  (be)to give a speech
at the opening ceremony.
父母)like this TV series.
◆一句多译: 他不但种花,而且种蔬菜。
(4) He grows vegetables      flowers.
(5) He     flowers      vegetables.
Not only my sister but also my parents
as well as
grows not only
but also(共31张PPT)
Section B Reading and Thinking
词汇一 admit vi. & vt. 承认vt. 准许进入(或加入)
I have to admit that it definitely feels good to be back in the city again .
admit(to)sth. 承认某事
admit doing/having done sth. 承认做(了)某事
admit(to sb.)that... (向某人)承认……
admit... to be + adj. /n. 承认……是……
admit sb. to/into... 允许某人进入……;接纳某人为……的成员
admission n. [C]承认,供认;[U,C]准许加入;[U]入场费
apply for admission 申请加入  
(1) His son      (admit)to a famous university,which made the whole
family very pleased.
(2) He has admitted (cheat)in the examinations after all,
so you had better give him a chance.
(3) Many students apply for (admit)to more than one university.
(4) Only ticket-holders will (可进入)the stadium.
(5) She                (承认犯了一个错误)yesterday.
was admitted
cheating/having cheated
be admitted into
admitted making a mistake
词汇二 definitely adv. 肯定;确实;清楚地,明确地
I have to admit that it definitely feels good to be back in the city again .
definitely speaking 肯定地说
say definitely 明确地说
state definitely 明确地阐述
explain definitely 明确地解释
definite adj. 一定的;确切的
definition n. [C]定义;[U]清晰度;鲜明度
(1)[词汇复现]I’m     (definite)going to take advantage of the
precious chance.
(2)“She’s not coming ”“No,    (definite)not.”
(3) 她对自己的未来没有明确的计划。
She made no definite plans for her future.
词汇三 occur vi. 发生;出现;存在
And what a city—a city that was able to rebuild itself after the earthquake that occurred in 1906. 多么好的一个城市啊——一座在1906 年地震发生后能够自我重建的城市。
Sth. occurred to sb. that
某人突然想到…… It occurred to sb. that...
It struck/hit sb. that...
(1) A bright idea suddenly     (occur)to me that I could use the
money I saved to help a poor student in the countryside.
(2) It occurred   me that I had left the scholarship at school.
(3)             (我突然想起)the band which I
adored would perform at the National Stadium the next day.
It struck/hit me that/It occurred to me that
词汇四  used to do sth. 过去常常做某事;曾经做某事
This district used to be a poor area of town... 这个地区过去是城镇的贫民区……
used to do sth. 过去常常做某事(现在不做了)
be/get used to(doing)sth. 习惯于(做)某事( to 是介词,后接名词、代词或动名词)
be/get used to do sth. 被用来做某事
The old man used to watch TV after supper,but now he is used to taking a walk in the park and his
staff is used to help him walk. 这位老人过去常在晚饭后看电视,但现在他习惯在公园散步,他
(1) I used     (visit)the gallery where the art works by professional painters were
(2)Wood is often used     (make)desks and chairs.
(3) She is used to    (live)in the countryside now.
(4) My grandparents are used   the life in the downtown.
(5) We     (曾经)get information from newspapers,but now ______________                   (我们习惯于)searching for it on the Internet.
(6)[词汇复现]Fresh flowers           ( 被用来装饰)the living room.
to visit
to make
used to
we are used to
are used to decorate
词汇五  head to(朝……)前进;(向……)去
In the afternoon,I headed to a local museum that showed the historical changes in
California. 下午,我去了当地一家展示加州历史变迁的博物馆。
head for/towards 朝……前进
head back to 回到……
head north/south 朝北/ 南走
raise one’s head 抬头 shake/nod one’s head 摇头/ 点头
keep one’s head 保持冷静 lose one’s head 惊慌失措
use one’s head 动脑筋 hold one’s head high 昂首挺胸
(1) Many young people,most of whom were well-educated,headed ____________     
remote regions to chase(追求)their dreams.
(2) He came along with other tourists and     (head)for the harbour.
(3) I saw Tom          (正朝……走来)me,but I avoided meeting him.
(4) He didn’t even       (抬头)when I came in.
(5) You should        (动脑筋)while writing the summary.
heading for/towards
raise his head
use your head
词汇六  seek vt. & vi. 寻找;寻求;争取;(向人)请求
Over 300,000 people came from all over the world to seek their fortune...
来自世界各地的30 多万人前来淘金寻求财富……
hide and seek 捉迷藏 seek shelter 寻求庇护
seek fame 求名 seek one’s fortune寻找成功致富之路;闯世界
seek advice from sb. 向某人征求建议 seek through 找遍;搜查遍
seek to do sth. 试图/ 设法做某事
(1) Legal advice should     (seek)before you take any further action.
(2)[词汇复现]The farmers seek     (harvest)all the crops before it rains.
(3) They are playing        (捉迷藏).
(4)[词汇复现]To be frank,I            (已经找遍)my
bedroom twice.
(5) When in trouble,you can                 (向你的老师征求
be bought
to harvest
hide and seek
have sought through
seek advice from your teacher
词汇七  earn vt. & vi. 挣得;赚得;赢得;博得
To earn a living,some opened up shops and restaurants in Chinatown.
earn money(= make money)赚钱,挣钱 
earn one’s/a living(= make a living)谋生
earn fame/a reputation 赢得名声
earn sb. sth. 为某人赢得某物
earn the respect of sb. 赢得某人的尊敬
(1)[词汇复现]What do you suppose should we do     (earn)
respect from others
(2)[词汇复现]Devoted to his work,Mr Brown finally     (earn)
his workmates’ respect by achieving success.
(3) After graduation,he did all he could to          (挣钱)
to support his family.
(4)[2017· 北京卷]Many people who live along the coast_________________     
   (谋生)in fishing industry.
to earn
earn/make money
earn/make a living
词汇八  select vt. 选择;挑选;选拔
I selected a Cantonese restaurant that served its food on beautiful china plates.
select sb. to do sth. 选择某人做某事
select sb./sth. as... 挑选某人/ 某物作为……
select sb./sth. from... 从……中选出某人/某物
selection n. 挑选;选拔
selective adj. 有选择的
(1)[词汇复现]We ran out of wood and I was selected   (go)
and gather more.
(2) The players who      (select)from the whole country are
expected to bring us honor in this summer game.
(3)     (select)a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task
because technology is changing so rapidly.
(4) He         (被选为)the leader of the football team.
to go
are selected
was selected as
词汇九  bring about 带来;导致;引起;发生
What do you think brought about the cultural diversity
bring out 取出;出版;使显现;使出现
bring in 推行;赚到;吸引;请来
bring on 引起;使发展;促进
bring up 抚养;抚育;呕吐;提起
bring down 降低;减少
bring an end to sth. 使某事结束
(1)[词汇复现]In spite of tourism bringing    a lot of money to the locals,it
brings     more than one problem in turn.
(2) In the discussion,Jack came up with an idea that they should bring_________
   the price of the bicycles.
(3) The Smiths are praised for the way they            (抚养孩子).
(4) Can you          (使……终止)this kind of gossip
bring up their children
put/bring an end to
词汇十 claim(1)v. 夺取(生命);宣称;断言;索取
    (2)n. 声明;断言;索赔
Over 3,000 lives were claimed in the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and the series of
fires that occurred after it.
1906 年的旧金山地震和之后发生的一系列火灾夺去了3 000 多人的生命。
claim to do sth. 声称做某事
claim sth. back 要回某物
make a claim 索赔
claim sb.’s life 要了某人的命;夺去某人的生命
It is claimed that... 据称……
(1) He made wild     (claim)about curing cancer.
(2) Several passers-by     (claim) to have witnessed the accident.
(3)              (公司声称)it is not responsible for the pollution
in the river.
(4)[词汇复现]The car accident ___________________( 夺去了五条生命)
so far.
The company claims that
has claimed five lives
词汇十一  series n. 一系列;连续;接连
(a)series of 一系列或一连串(事件)
a television series 电视连续剧
a comedy series 喜剧系列片
注意series 名词单复数形式一致,常见的还有:deer(鹿),sheep(绵羊),
(1) She gave    series of lectures at Warwick University last year on
contemporary British writers.
(2) He’s had a series    badly paid jobs.
(3) The star is to star in          (电视连续剧)on extreme sports.
a television series
词汇十二  apart from 除了……外(还);此外
Apart from being the kingdom of flowers,it is home to many ethnic minority groups.
apart from =in addition to= besides/as well as 除……之外还……
in addition= besides/moreover/furthermore/ what’s more 此外(还),加之
(1) She’s done all the important Shakespearean roles apart    Lady Macbeth.
(2)           (除了薪水),it’s not a bad job.
(3)                   (除了)the Mid-Autumn Festival,
he likes celebrating the Spring Festival.
Apart from the salary
Besides/Apart from/In addition to/As well as
词汇十三  minority n. 少数民族;少数派;少数人
a minority of 少数
ethnic minorities 少数民族
minority language 少数民族语言;小语种
majority n. 多数(反义词)
minority 作“少数,小部分”讲时,是集合名词,常用单数形式。在句中作主语时,
(1) It’s only a tiny minority    students who are reflecting the problem.
(2) The plan was designed to help women and     (minority)overcome
discrimination in the workplace.
(3) There are        (55 个少数民族)in our country.
(4) The nation wants peace;       (只有少数)want the war to
55 minorities
only a minority
词汇十四  escape(1)vi. & vt. 逃走;逃脱;避开 (2)n. 逃跑;逃脱;解脱
...I have to admit that it is the best part of China to escape the cold winter.
escape death 死里逃生
escape from 从……逃跑
escape being done 没有被……;逃脱被……
escape one’s attention/notice 逃过某人的注意
have a narrow escape 死里逃生
make one’s escape 逃跑
(1) In order to escape       (catch),the thief attempted to hide himself
among the trees but failed .
(2) No one can escape       (punish)if he breaks the law.
(3) He narrowly escaped     the train crash without injuries.
(4) The little girl           (死里逃生)when the earthquake happened.
(5) His name      (被我忘掉).
being caught
punishment/being punished
had a narrow escape
escapes me
句式一 分词(短语)作定语
Many of the people living here are from Mexico or Central America.
fallen leaves 落叶 falling leaves 正在落下的树叶
the risen sun 已升起的太阳 the rising sun 正在冉冉升起的太阳
(1) For breakfast he only drinks juice from fresh fruit    (grow)
on his own farm.
(2) He is a student at Oxford University,    (study)for a degree
in computer science.
(3) There’s a note pinned to the door     (say)when the shop will
open again.
(4) It is one of the funniest things    (find)on the Internet so far
this year.
(5) The next thing he saw was smoke___________________________               
(6) In the fall,the street is often ______________________(覆盖着落叶).
rising from behind the house
covered with fallen leaves普通高中英语(2019版)必修第三册
Unit 3 Diverse Cultures 教学设计
Period 4 Reading for writing
该板块的活动主题是“介绍一个有显著文化特征的地方”( Describe a place with distinctive cultural identity)。该板块通过介绍中国城继续聚焦中国文化。本单元主题图呈现的是旧金山中国城的典型景象, Reading and Thinking部分也提到中国城,为该板块作铺垫。介绍中国城的目的主要是体现中国文化与美国多元文化的关系,它是美国多元文化的重要组成部分。中国城也是海外华人的精神家园和传播中国文化的重要窗口,外国人在中国城能近距离体验中国文化。
1. Read the text to understand the cultural characteristics of Chinatown in San Francisco and the relationship between Chinese culture and American multiculturalism;
2. Through reading, learn to comb the main information of the article, understand the author's writing purpose and writing characteristics;
3. Learn to give a comprehensive, accurate, and organized description of the city or town you live in;Learn to revise and evaluate your writing.
1. Guide the students to read the introduction of Chinatown in San Francisco and grasp its writing characteristics;
2. Guide students to introduce their city or town in a comprehensive, accurate and organized way;
3. Learn to comb the main information of the article, understand the author's writing purpose, and master the core vocabulary.
1. Guide the students to read the introduction of Chinatown in San Francisco and grasp its writing characteristics;
2. Guide students to introduce their city or town in a comprehensive, accurate and organized way;
1. Read the text in advance according to the sequence of activities designed by the text, and understand the meaning of the new words according to the context;
2. Grasp the general idea, genre and purpose of the article, and grasp the main information of the article;
3. Understand the four steps in the writing process and clarify your writing ideas.
Step 1 Learning new words
The teacher shows the pictures or uses the stick figure to draw the new words or phrases in the teaching text: climate, mild, settle, construction, material, suit, item, contain, neat, tai chi, clothing, herbal.
Step 2 Reading
Activity 1
1.Read the full text quickly to grasp the general idea, genre and purpose of the article.Teacher asks:
Who are the target readers
What is the writer's purpose of writing this text
2.Let the students think.Guide students in reading the word pay attention to the frequent visitor and other words related to tourism, tourist visit, experience, site.
3.Guide the students to grasp the main idea of the passage through the topic sentence in the reading.
Paragraph 1: It is a very popular tourist draw that receives more visitors each year than even the Golden Gate Bridge…meaning it is always a good time to visit.
Paragraph 2: This allows visitors to experience a real taste of China.
Paragraph 3: Traditionally, visitors enter Chinatown…Other famous sites include … Visitors can also… a key site…
Paragraph4: … visitors can taste and buy…
Paragraph 5: But perhaps what many tourists and San Franciscans treasure most…
Paragraph 6: They allow visitors…to…
Activity 2
1. Read the full text quickly, grasp the key information of the article, and answer the questions in activity 1.
①What are the famous tourist sites in the Chinatown of San Francisco
②What else can you do there
The requirements of student browsing activity 1 and the two questions clearly define the key information to be obtained from the text: the famous scenic spots in Chinatown and what can be done in addition to browsing scenic spots.
2. Teachers can ask students to use the scanning strategy to find the answer. For example, proper nouns of the place are capitalized to indicate that the activity is mostly a phrasal verb.
Step 3 Analyzing article structure
Activity 3
Read the full text, grasp the structure of the article.
The teacher guides the students to complete the following table, helps the students to analyze the paragraphs of the article, summarizes the general idea of each part, and sorts out the relevant details.
Step 4 Understanding
Activity 4
1.Focus on the theme of the text and writing ideas.First, the teacher raises questions for the students to discuss in groups.
①What is the theme of this passage
②What does the writer want to show us in this passage
③What examples does the writer use to support this idea
2.The teacher guides the students to think about the internal logic of the article and find the words that embody the meaning of the topic.Such as: a center for Chinese culture, a real taste of China sights, smells, and sounds of China, traditional Chinese culture in real life.
3.To understand that the author aims to highlight the typical Chinese cultural characteristics of Chinatown in San Francisco and demonstrate its unique existence in the multicultural America, the details selected by the author are therefore supporting this theme.
4.Evaluate the text.Ask the students to evaluate the reading text and remind them to refer to the evaluation form in the third part of activity 3. Analyze the text one by one according to the listed criteria and try to write comments.
Step 5 Writing task
Activity 5
1. Have students brainstorm about their hometown:
①What is unique about your city/town
②Is it a city/town with diverse cultures
③What examples can you give to illustrate its unique feature
Remind students to write down valuable ideas during the discussion.Finally, ask the students to discuss how to organize the information, build a structure, and write a simple outline.
2. Guide the students to learn the language of the city or town provided in the second step of Activity 3.Teacher can provide key words first, let students say the corresponding sentence pattern and expression, such as: location→→ be located in/on…. history-has a history of…. years,etc.
In addition, teachers can add more relevant expressions for students, such as lie in, in/on/to the cast/west/north/south of, at the foot of, be surrounded by, be known for, be rich in, and some persuasive language, such as "Go ahead, let your hair down, and enjoy your trip!"You just have to come and experience the city yourself." "There is such a variety of adventures You can have here."Teachers can also remind students to flexibly use adjectives, especially superlatives, in the introduction to enhance the attractiveness of the city or town, such as: the most popular tourist destination, the city's most powerful draw. One of the most diverse places, the largest population of.Students can also apply the language expressions in the reading discourse arranged in the previous table to their exercises.
3. Write a first draft and revise it.Ask the students to write an article about their hometown based on the outline they have completed and the language they have accumulated.After finishing the first draft, ask students to exchange the first draft with their partners and write comments to each other according to the evaluation form in activity 3.Finally, ask students to take back the first draft and revise and finalize it at the suggestion of their partners.
4. Evaluation and presentation.A few students please read their own work, the teacher guides other students to evaluate and appreciate, to see which student's introduction to the hometown is more accurate and vivid, which student's work has more appeal.The teacher may ask the students to name several advantages of the article or offer Suggestions for further modification.More student works can be displayed on the class wall after class.
Step 5 Showing writing
Activity 5
T call some Ss to share their writing.
Step 6 Homework
1. Read the passage in this section to better understand the passage.
2. Carefully understand the hierarchical structure of the article, and understand the author's writing purpose and writing characteristics;
3. Independently complete the relevant exercises in the guide plan.
Welcome to Chinatown
short introduction to San Francisco Chinatown
importance of Chinatown
What you can find and do in the San Francisco Chinatown
location,________, _________
________ culture
history,________, ________,_______
________, _________