Unit 8 Happy New Year!第一课时优质教学设计
本节课是义务教育教科书《英语》三年级下册Unit 8 Happy New Year!第一课时的教学,教学内容为Story time版块。呈现的是在Mike家中,Uncle John和孩子们在庆祝新年,他给孩子们带来了新年礼物,大家十分开心的情景。本节课通过庆祝新年展开话题,重点学习询问物品的用语以及节日问候和礼貌用语。本课安排的教学情境与将到的元旦节相切合,题材贴近学生生活实际,语用功能强。在教学中可利用信息技术,通过文体、图形、声音、动画和有关技术模拟特定的英语教学中的人物、情节及场景等语言环境,培养学生口语交际能力,营造创设相对真实的节日气氛,让学生在语境中尝试运用对话进行交际,在交际中得到语言体验。
1.通过师生、生生交流,学生能初步了解句型Happy New Year!What’s this?/that?It’s… This is for you.的用法。
1. 能正确理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试模仿、表演电话对话。
2. 能在自然的情境中,初步运用本课所学互致新年祝福,互赠新年礼物。
句型:Happy New Year!What’s this?/that?It’s… This is for you.
句型:正确在语境中区分使用What’s this/that?
2. 活动设计以全体学生都可参与为目标,以生为本,与教统一,重激励、重发展、重能力。课堂活动要具有可控性,“活而有序” 面向全体、灵活开放、活动多样、体验参与,在教师的引导下,学生学会观察和运用,为学习整体语言奠定了坚实的基础。
3. 以形成性评价为主,包括当堂教学效果检查、唱歌谣、游戏活动、学生自评、上课参与度等多种形式,及时反馈,及时评价。
1 预习作业:
a Listen to the tape P50-P51 five times .(跟读磁带五遍)
b Find and read. (找出每个人的礼物,和礼貌用语,读一读)
c Think about the difference between “What’s this” and “What’s that”.
d Listen to the song:《Happy New Year》
2 教学工具:机器人,洋娃娃,轻皮球,“新年快乐”字样红包若干.
Step1 Warm-up
1 Greetings.
T: Good morning/afternoon.
Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Miss Wang.
T: Look at my…
Ss: How nice!...
2 Talk about your friends.
Ss:This is …. He /She is my friend.
【设计意图: 师生互致问候,介绍朋友环节复习了句型this is…,也为下面引出的老师的特别朋友埋下伏笔。】
Step2 Presentation
1 Lead-in.
(1)Listen and guess.
Teach new word “robot”.
T: You all have friends .I also have a friend. It’s a special friend.
Listen!(Play the sound of a robot)
Ss guess:A robot.
Show a robot on PPT.
T: Yes. It’s a robot.
Ss learn the word “robot”.
(2) Look and say
T: It’s a great robot. Look!
(PPT shows a GIF of the robot playing football.)
T: It can play…(Ss:ball)
T: Yes. It can play balls. Ball, ball, it’s a ball. (T show a ball.)
Ss learn the word“ball”.
T: Wow, the robot also brings us a present.
(PPT shows a gift box which is opened.)
T: It’s a… (Ss: CD.)
(3)Listen and sing.
T: Now let’s listen to the CD.
PPT shows:The CD plays the song《Happy New Year》.
T invites Ss to sing together.
T: This song is ?
Ss:Happy New Year.
T shows the title: Unit 8 Happy New year.
【设计意图:单词CD教学后,让学生欣赏下这张光盘。课件上,用它播放歌曲《Happy New Year》,带领学生进入轻松愉悦的节日氛围,同时也导入本节课主题Unit 8 Happy New year】
2 Story time.
(1)Look and say.
T: Today let’s go to Mike’s home to have a happy new year.
The bell rings on PPT.
T: Who is he?
Ss:Uncle John.
T: Yes,he is Uncle John.
T teach to say Uncle John.
(2)Watch and circle.
T:What does Uncle John bring?Let’s watch and circle.
Ss watch the cartoon and do the exercise.
【设计意图:PPT上展示关键人物Uncle John让学生认识,通过动画整体导入故事时间的学习,再由设置的问题让学生选出玩具类单词,进入单词细教学.】
(3)Learn words.
T:What’s this?It’s a…(Show the doll)
T:It’s a doll.
T:What’s this?
Ss:It’s a ball.
T holds the ball in hand ,walk to the Ss.
Ask:What’s this
S1: It’s a ball. (Give S1 the ball and let S1 to ask the next student)
S1 turn to the next student: What’s this
S2: It’s a ball.
Let them to ask by train work.
T use blackboard design to show the sentences“What’s this”.
T throws the ball to a student far away , point and ask: What’s that
S3: It’s a ball.
T do it again and ask: What’s that
S4: It’s a ball.
T invites S4 to throw the ball to another student far away.
S4: What’s that
S5: It’s a ball.
Let them throw,ask and answer for several times.
T use blackboard design to show the sentences “What’s that”.
Say a chant.
This,this,what’s this?
Doll,doll,it’s a doll.
That,that,what’s that?
Ball,ball,it’s a ball.
Ss clap and say it.
【设计意图:单词doll在铺垫时并未呈现,在课文学习约翰叔叔带来礼物时,利用句型What’s this?展开教学,进行操练.此时利用实物洋娃娃,拿在手上进行师生问答,学生会后,让他们拿着娃娃开火车询问下一个学生What’s this? It’s a ball.而单词ball已经简单渗透过,需要的是巩固,先通过What’s this 句型,问答复习。当学生熟练后,将轻皮球扔向远处学生,指着远处抛出的球问:What’s that?,学生反应热烈回答It’s a ball.示范几次,最后一次,做动作示意接球的学生,抛球给其他学生,问答What’s that?It’s a ball. 学生会在积极参与动嘴动手的过程中,感知What’s that?和What’s this?的区别。Chant帮助巩固复习这两个句型问答.】
(4)Listen and match.
Ss listen to the tape and do the exercise.
Check the answers.
T moves the toy and its owner together : It’s a…It’s for….
Then T asks two Ss to come ,move and say:It’s a…It’s for….
【设计意图:课文录音,训练学生听力,在学生连好后,学习用句型It’s a…It’s for…来阐述礼物和它对应的人物.由教师示范移动黑板上图片,讲授It’s a…It’s for….剩下两组,请两位学生上台移一移,台下学生一起说一说It’s a…It’s for….让上台展示的学生体会到当小老师的成就感,带领其他学生齐说,锻炼他们表达组织能力。】
(4)Read and find.
Q:What can we say when giving a present?_________
A: This is for you.
B: Thank you!
C: It’s for Tim..
Ss read P50,51 and try to choose the right answer.
T checks the answer: A and C.
T: What about B When can say it
Show the tips: In western country,when you get a present,you should open it and say“Thank you”
T: Be polite and say “Thank you”.OK!
【设计意图:回归书本,让学生通过阅读自己总结选择赠送礼物两个句型。再由问题选项渗透礼貌用语thank you和西方国家赠送礼物礼仪.让学生了解文化差异,在西方文化中接受礼物时,应该当面拆开,表示喜爱和感谢.】
Step3 Consolidation
1 Reading time.
(1) Read the story.
PPT shows the picture one by one.
T use tips to help Ss to read with intonation and emotion.
(2) Read together.
2 Group work.
Choose one way to read in groups of three.
a Read together.
b read by roles.
c act.
If Ss can do a, they can get one red packet, for b they can get two red packets. For c ,three red packets are the prize.
3 Show time.
Ss prepare and present in class.
Step4 Extension.
1 Think and say.
The bell rings. Tim is back. What he will say when he sees Uncle John and his present
Can you act out
Ss work in pairs.(One is Tim, the other is Uncle John)
Ss talk and act.
S1: Happy New Year, Uncle John.
S2: Happy New Year, Tim. It’s for you.
S1: What’s this/that
S2: It’s a robot.
S1: Great! Thank you.
2 Give and share.
T:Now Tim 、Mike and Helen all have a gift. They are very happy.
Some Ss are happy,because you get the red packets。
But others don’t have any gifts,can you share your happiness?
T:Class,open your red packets. There are two pictures of toys in it. Go and give one to the Ss who have no gift,OK
You can give and say like this.
Useful sentences:
Hello,This is for you.
Thank you.
What’s this?/What’s that
It’s a…
How nice!/It’s great.…
Ss walk around,find the student who have no gift and share .
T: Now I see you are all very happy. Giving makes happiness.
3 Have s summary.
Ss review and say.
4 Ticking time.
Ticking time
I can say some presents:doll,ball,robot…. 我能说说一些礼物名称。
I can read and act the story time. 我能读和表演课文。
5 Homework.
(1)Read story time fluently.
(2) Review and preview the words left on P50-51.
(3)Give presents at New Year’s day to your family in English.