Unit 4 Natural disasters Period 5 Reading for Writing 课件+学案


名称 Unit 4 Natural disasters Period 5 Reading for Writing 课件+学案
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-10-20 14:35:11


Unit 4 Natural disasters
Period 5 Reading for writing
Period 5
课题内容 Unit 4 Natural disasters Period 5 Reading for writing
教材分析 This teaching period mainly deal with reading for writing.Students are expected to the knowledge about how to write an article about natural disasters.The teachers are expected to enable students to master some writing skills.
学习目标与核心素养 1.Knowledge objectives: Enable students to acquire the basic usage of some words and phrases.2.Skill objectives: Enable students have a good understanding of writing skills.3.Emotional objectives: Develop students’ sense of cooperative learning and individual capability.4.Thinking quality objectives: Inspire the students’ spirit of protecting environment.
学习重点 How to write an article about natural disasters.
学习难点 Grasp some writing skills.
1. crash n.撞车;碰撞
crash a car/ bus
crash into/ onto sth.撞到某物上
crash through撞毁
a car/ plane crash汽车/飞机失事
crash site坠毁现场
crash barrier防撞护栏
The motorcycle crashed into the fence
An airliner crashed west of Denver last night.
A lot of passengers were killed in the train crash.
The Transition is now going through crash tests to make sure it meets federal safety standards.
Her best friend was seriously hurt in_________________ .
a car crash
2. sweep v &vi ( swept swept)打扫;清扫
:A sudden feeling of grief(悲痛;忧伤) swept all my anger away.
Bert swept the path in front of the house.
3. strike v &vt. (struck struck/stricken)侵袭,突击,击打,n.罢课,罢工,袭击
strike a child打小孩
Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁。
strike ten(钟)敲十下
strike a match划火柴
strike for为…而罢工
be/go on strike在/开始罢工/课
strike the enemy打击敌人
It strikes sb .that某人忽然想起
strike on偶然得到
4. deliver v 递送,传达
delivery n.递送
deliver newspapers送报纸
deliver the goods 发货
deliver a speech作报告
deliver a baby接生
deliver sb from danger救某人脱险
deliver to sb’s house送某人到家
5. the number of a number of
the number of的数量”,后接名词复数。作主语时,谓语动词用单数。
a number of“许多”,后接名词复数。作主语时,谓语动词用复数。
How to write a summary
What main points should be contained in a summary
It includes time, place, event, cause, effect, following event.
(2008·全国Ⅷ卷) Once his message______________( deliver), he allowed me to stay and watch.
(2017 浙江) I finally quit_____________ and didn’t see Mrs. Stanley for several years .
(2017·全国Ⅲ卷) Minutes after the last movie ended yesterday at the Plaza Theater, employees were busy______________ popcorns and gathering coke cups.
(2016·全国Ⅱ卷) However, there are____________ number of other reasons that might explain why you want to garden.
(2017·全国Ⅱ卷) The Transition is now going through crash tests _________ (make) sure it meets federal safety standards.
(2016·全国Ⅲ卷) Just before September Miller_____________ (strike)by a car and lost his ten arm.
(2015·江苏卷) Another patient noticed what I was reading and________________a conversation with me because he had one of his books with him as Well.
2)Preparation for writing—Words and phrases
①________________ 引起     
③________________ 死亡
⑤________________ 最终
⑨________________ 在困境中
3)Preparation for writing—Sentences
It ________much damage and many deaths.
2. 所到之处,我们看见一切都已经变成了废墟,好像世界到了末日。
Wherever we went,we found everything_______________.
It seemed as if the world was_______________.
_______________________were destroyed.
_______________________people didn’t lose heart.
5. 他们立刻前来救援,救出了一些困在废墟中的人。
They came to the rescue__________________,saved some people who were trapped under the ruins, and ______________.
We ________praise them ________highly.
4) Preparation for writing—essay
There was an earthquake this morning. I was working in front of my computer when it hit the city. The quake started with a sudden loud noise. I thought that something heavy in a neighbor's house probably had fallen. However, the walls and the floor began to shake. I finally realized it was an earthquake.
My son Zac, a sixteen year old boy, was sleeping with his door locked. Being sixteen, he can sleep through any kind of noise. “Zac!” I shouted. “Are you OK?” But nobody replied. I was a little worried. I couldn't imagine that someone was able to get such a deep sleep. The house was dancing. There were waves in the swimming pool. I was afraid the house would come down. “Zac!” I yelled, knocking on his door with an open palm (手掌). “Zac! Wake up! It's an earthquake! We need to get out!”
My son finally emerged in his underpants. We looked around the room. I knew that we should hide under a table to stop things from falling on us and stay away from glass. Unfortunately, none of our furniture was designed for hiding under. “Should we go into the garden?” Zac asked. “No, trees could fall on us!” I said. Actually, Zac had done earthquake drills (训练) at school. He must have been told to hide under a desk and cover his head. But we had nothing to cover our heads in the house.
Luckily, before we took any action, the windows stopped moving and the pool calmed down. Everything went back to normal soon. But both my son and I knew what we should do, because we knew if there had been a really big earthquake this morning, we couldn't have escaped from it.
1.When the earthquake started, the author ________.
A.didn't hear anything
B.was repairing her computer
C.didn't consider it an earthquake
D.was sleeping with her door locked
2.According to Paragraph 2, why was the author worried
A.Because her son seemed to be in pain.
B.Because she couldn't wake her son up.
C.Because her son was locked in his room.
D.Because she couldn't solve her son's sleep problem
3.What problem did the author and her son face
A.They couldn't get out of the house.
B.They couldn't stop things from falling.
C.They couldn't find anything to hide under.
D.They couldn't remember what to do in an earthquake.
4.The author and her son most probably realized they should ________.
A.replace their furniture
B.build a stronger house
C.receive earthquake drills
D.watch the weather report often
1.was delivered
2.delivering newspaper
5.to make
6.was struck
7.strike up
2)Preparation for writing—Words and phrases
3. Death
4. In ruins
at an end
6. A large number of
7.right away
8. Bury
9. In trouble
e to rescue
3) Preparation for writing—Sentences
2. in ruins ; at an end
3. Not all the things
4. A great number of
5. right away
6.buried the dead
7.can’t too
4) Preparation for writing—essay
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。一场地震让作者和她儿子知道要防患于未然。
1.答案与解析:C 细节理解题。根据第一段的“I thought that something heavy in a neighbor's house probably had fallen. However, the walls and the floor began to shake. I finally realized it was an earthquake.”可知,作者一开始没有意识到发生了地震。
2.答案与解析:B 细节理解题。根据第二段的“But nobody replied. I was a little worried.”可知,作者担忧是因为她无法叫醒儿子。
3.答案与解析:C 细节理解题。根据第三段的“Unfortunately, none of our furniture was designed for hiding under.”可知,她们家里没有任何可躲避的地方。
4.答案与解析:A 推理判断题。根据全文内容以及最后一段的“But both my son and I knew what we should do, because we knew if there had been a really big earthquake this morning, we couldn't have escaped from it.”可推断,作者和她儿子在这次地震中意识到应该未雨绸缪,为地震做好准备,故很有可能换家具。
Unit 4 Natural disasters
Period 5
Reading for writing
Lead in
Lead in
灾难后果 consequences
失踪 missing
受伤 get injured
死亡 be killed / lose one's life / cause sb's death
房屋倒塌 houses collapse / fall down
冲走房屋、道路、桥梁 wash away buildings,roads and bridges
成为废墟 …be in ruins ,fall into ruins
引发泥石流及其他灾害 trigger land slides and other disasters
造成巨大损失/经济损失 cause great damage / economic losses
失去栖息地 lose the habitats
Write down!
Lead in
罗伯特·伍德侯斯 2004年12月 27日,星期一
过去 40年来最强烈的地震昨日引发了冲击亚洲各地海岸线的海啸,导致印尼、印度、泰国、马来西亚和至少其他四个国家6500多人死亡。
Reading task
By Robert Woodhouse Monday, 27 December 2004
The most powerful earthquake in the past 40 years caused a tsunami that crashed into coastlines across Asia yesterday, killing more than 6,500 people in Indonesia, India, Thailand,Malaysia, and at least four other countries.
Fishermen, tourists, hotels. homes,and cars were swept away by huge waves caused by the strong earthquake that reached a magnitude of 9.0.The undersea quake struck around 7:00 a.m , Sunday off the west coast of Indonesia's Sumatra Island. In that area alone, at least 1,870 people were killed.
In Sri Lanka, some 1,600 kilometres west of the quake centre, the number of deaths stood at 2,498, and one million more were affected by the tsunami, government officials said.Indian officials said as many as 1,900 had been killed along the southern coast.Another 254 were found dead in Thailand and 54 in three other countries.
In southern Thailand,1,900 people were hurt and many more were missing, local officials said."I was having breakfast with my three children when water started filing my home. We had to leave everything and run to safety," said Chandra Theeravit, a local Thai woman.
当地官员说,在泰国南部,有1900人受伤,还有更多的人失踪。一位当地泰国女子Chandra Theeravit 说∶"当水开始灌满我的家时,我和我的三个孩子在一起吃早餐。我们不得不放弃一切,逃到安全的地方。"
Thousands of people are still missing, and the number of deaths is expected to grow even higher over the next few days. Foreign aid is being organised for the tsunami-hit countries.
However, dangerous conditions and damaged roads will make it difficult to deliver food and supplies.
1.Read the news report released the day after a tsunami and answer the questions
1.When did the tsunami happen
2 What caused the tsunami
3 Why would it be difficult to deliver food and supplies
Reading task
1.When did the tsunami happen
Reading task
On 26 December 2004.
2 What caused the tsunami
Reading task
The most powerful earthquake in the past 40 years caused the tsunami.
3 Why would it be difficult to deliver food and supplies
Reading task
Dangerous conditions and damaged roads.
2.Read the summary of the news report. Check the main points it includes.
On 26 December 2004, a tsunami killed more than 6, 500 tourists , fishermen, and other locals in Southeast Asia. Thousands of people are missing and the number of deaths is expected to grow. The damage caused by the tsunami is making it difficult for rescue workers to help the survivors.
date time place event
cause effect following events
2.Read the summary of the news report. Check the main points it includes.
On 26 December 2004, a tsunami killed more than 6, 500 tourists , fishermen, and other locals in Southeast Asia. Thousands of people are missing and the number of deaths is expected to grow. The damage caused by the tsunami is making it difficult for rescue workers to help the survivors.
date time place event
cause effect following events
date time place event
cause effect following events
A summary is a short statement of main points.
A summary paragraph tells the main ideas and the most important information of a longer passage.
Language points
It seemed as if the world were coming to an end!
As if是一个连词结构,用来引导从句,意为“好像;似乎;仿佛”。从句根据说话人所陈述内容的真实性或可能性,可用陈述语气或虚拟语气。
As if是一个连词结构,用来引导从句,意为“好像;似乎;仿佛”。从句根据说话人所陈述内容的真实性或可能性,可用陈述语气或虚拟语气。
Nearly one third of the whole nation felt it!
As if是一个连词结构,用来引导从句,意为“好像;似乎;仿佛”。从句根据说话人所陈述内容的真实性或可能性,可用陈述语气或虚拟语气。
one third表示“三分之一”。英语中分数词由基数词和序数词构成,分子用基数词(one,two...),分母用序数词(first,second...)。当分子大于一时,分母用复数。如:五分之一:one fifth;四分之三:three fourths.
Everywhere survivors looked,there was nothing but ruins.
... ...the army sent 150, 000 soldiers to Tangshan to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.
As if是一个连词结构,用来引导从句,意为“好像;似乎;仿佛”。从句根据说话人所陈述内容的真实性或可能性,可用陈述语气或虚拟语气。
本句中those为代词,代指受灾群众,后面跟了who引导的定语从句。the dead意为“死者;逝者”,“the+形容词转化而来的名词”表达具有该形容词语义特征或状态的“人”或“物”,为集合概念,这类名词无复数词尾,通常当作复数词使用。
In Sri Lanka, some 1, 600 kilometers west of the quake center, the number of deaths stood at 2, 498...
As if是一个连词结构,用来引导从句,意为“好像;似乎;仿佛”。从句根据说话人所陈述内容的真实性或可能性,可用陈述语气或虚拟语气。
本句意为“在斯里兰卡震中以西约1, 600千米处,死亡人数高达2, 498人 …”
stand at sth表示“达到特定水平(或数量、高度等)。
句中的some 1, 600 kilometers west of the quake center作地点状语In Sri Lanka的同位语。
Write a summary for the text on page 50
Language points
Follow the steps below to write a summary for the text on page 50.
1)Read the text and write a list of the main details.
Strange things happened in the countryside before the earthquake ..
An earthquake hit___________________________China on 28 July 1976.
More than 400,000 people were killed or badly injured.
Nearly everything in the city was destroyed.
The government and the soldiers came and began rescuing and
rebuilding the city.
Follow the steps below to write a summary for the text on page 50.
2) Write down the main idea of each paragraph based on the details above.
Paragraph 1______________________________________________
Paragraph 2 _____________________________________________
Paragraph 3 _____________________________________________
Paragraph 4 _____________________________________________
Paragraph 5______________________________________________
The government's support and people's effort makes a new Tangshan.
Warning signs before the earthquake.
Destruction of the earthquake.
Suffering of the people and the city after the earthquake.
Help from all over the country.
Follow the steps below to write a summary for the text on page 50.
3)Organize the ideas and draft your summary. Pay attention to the following:
Write down the key supporting points for the topic.
Do not include unimportant details or examples.
A summary should be around one third the length of the original text.
3. Exchange drafts. Use the checklist to give feedback on your partner's draft.
Does the summary give you a clear idea of what the text is about
Does the summary include only the most important information of the text
Is the summary the proper length
Are there any spelling or punctuation errors
Does the writer use correct tenses
For several days, strange things occurred in the countryside of northeastern Hebei. Then, on 28 July 1976, an earthquake hit Tangshan city. The city was greatly affected and nearly destroyed. Nearly 400000 people were killed or injured. The rescue work began soon after the quakes. Soldiers and medical workers arrived to find survivors and help the people who had lost everything. With strong support from the government and the tireless efforts of the people, a new Tangshan was built.
Language points
2. (2020 江苏高考真题)Many lessons are now available online,from______students can choose for free.
A. whose B. which
C. when D.whom
1. (2019全国二) Now Irene Astbury works from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily at the pet shop in Macclesfield, _______she opened with her late husband Les.
3. (2020天津高考真题)Dr.Rowan,______sccretary resigned two weeks ago,has had to do all his own typing.
A. whose B. of whom
C. of which D.which
4.(2019·江苏卷·单项填空) We have entered into an age____dreams have the bestchance of coming true.
A which B. what C. when D.that
5.(2020新课标Ⅲ卷高考真题)In ancient China lived an artist
________paintings were almost lifelike.
A.it B. that
C. whose D. which