The fifth period(第五课时)
Part B Let’s learn & Let’s do
本课是PEP小学英语三年级起点第一册Unit2第五课时。主要学习颜色单词“black, white, orange, brown”,以及听懂该板块的指令,并能够按照指令做出相应的动作。老师通过多种教学活动,使学生掌握本节课重难点。
能够听、说、认读颜色单词“black, white, orange, brown”
TPR教学法可以极大提升学生的学习热情,真正地让学生在 “做中玩,玩中学”。
能够听、说、认读表示颜色的单词“black, white, orange, brown”
能够读准单词“brown, white”的发音。
Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in
1. Greetings.
T: Good morning/ afternoon, boys and girls!
Ss: Good morning/ afternoon, Miss/ Mr…
T: Nice to meet you, S1!
S1: Nice to meet you, too.
T: Nice to meet you, S2!
S2: Nice to meet you, too.
2. Enjoy a song—What colour is it (出示课件)
Play the song and ask students to sing along with it.
T: What colours can you hear in this song
S1: Red.
S2: Yellow.
S3: Green.
S4: Blue.
T: Great! Today we are going to learn more words about colours.
Step 2: Presentation
1. Learn the new words about colours.
Show a magic box with some toys and an orange in it.
Learn the word “white”.
Take out a white toy rabbit from the box.
T: This is a magic box. We can find different colours in it. Look! What’s this
Ss: 兔子。
T: What colour is it Do you know Is it red
Ss: No.
T: It’s white.
Write down the word “white” on the blackboard. Teach the pronunciation and the meaning of it. Ask students to pay attention to the pronunciation of the letter “i” which pronounces “/a /”. Let students practice it row by row.
T: White, white, white! Can you point to the white things in our classroom
Students point to the wall, the paper…
Learn the word “black”.
Take out a black toy car from the magic box.
T: What’s this
Ss: 小汽车。
T: What colour is it
Write down the word “black” on the blackboard. Teach the pronunciation and the meaning of it. Let students pay attention to the pronunciation of the letter “a”.
T: /bl k/. Read after me. Black, black, black.
T: Do you like black Can you point to the black things in our classroom
Students point to the blackboard, the clothes, the schoolbag…
Learn the word “brown”.
Take out a brown teddy bear from the magic box.
T: Look at the bear. Is it black
Ss: No.
T: Is it white
Ss: No.
T: It’s brown. /br/, /a /, /bra n/.
Write down the word “brown” on the blackboard. Lead students to read and practice it in high and low voice.
Learn the word “orange”.
Let students touch the fruit in the magic box.
T: Touch the fruit! What is it
S1: 梨子。
S2: 苹果。
T: It’s an orange. What colour is it
…Write down the word “orange” on the blackboard. Lead students to read it several times.
T: The orange is orange. Orange, orange, orange!
Students practice it line by line.
2. Draw and colour.
Ask students to draw some simple pictures with a pencil on the paper, including a bear, a cat, a squirrel and a pig.
T: Show me the bear.
Students show the picture of the bear.
T: Colour it brown!
Write down the sentence structure “Colour it…!” on the blackboard.
Ask students to colour the picture of the bear with the brown crayon.
T: Show me the cat. Colour it white!
Let students read the sentence “Colour it white!” and use the crayon to colour the cat white.
Lead two students to say the sentences “Colour it orange!” and “Colour it black!” Then let students follow the instructions to colour the pig black and the squirrel orange.
3. Read and act.
Play the recording of “Let’s learn”. (课件出示:教材P18 Let’s learn板块的音频)
(1) Let students read after the recording and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.
(2) Let students read the words and the sentences by themselves.
(3) Let students practice in groups, and then wear the headdresses to act out in class.
Step 3: Practice
1. Look and say.
Show some pictures in different colours. (课件出示:橙色的树叶,黑色的小狗,棕色的帽子,白色的裙子,黑色的包,棕色的袜子,白色的手绢,橙色的衬衣)
Let students say the colours according to the pictures.
T: Here are some pictures. You can see different colours in them. Let’s have a look.
T: What colour can you see
S1: I can see…
S2: I can see…
S3: I can see…
2. Quick response.
Show the words “black, white, orange, brown, red, green, yellow, blue”on the PPT randomly and quickly. (出示课件)
Let students say the words loudly and quickly.
T: Look at the PPT! Please say the words you see loudly and quickly.
Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
Let’s do.
(1)Show the pictures of “Let’s do”. (课件出示:教材P18 Let’s do板块的图片)
Let students watch and guess the meanings of the sentences.
(2)Listen and do.
Write down the phrases “stand up, sit down, touch the ground, turn around” on the blackboard. Explain the meanings of the phrases with body language. Do the actions and say the instructions. Let students do and say after the teacher.
T: Black, black. Stand up.
Students stand up and repeat.
T: Orange, orange. Sit down.
Students sit down and repeat.
T: White, white. Touch the ground.
Students touch the ground and repeat.
T: Brown, brown. Turn around.
Students turn around and repeat.
(3) Divide the whole class into four groups. Say the instructions faster and faster. Let the four groups compete to do the actions. The best group will get the prize.
1注重教学活动的多样性、趣味性、新颖性和竞争性,真正地实现了 “快乐学习” 的法则。
2 TPR教学法让每个学生都动起来,鼓励学生积极融入教学实践活动中,极大地提高了课堂教学的效率。
Unit Two Colours
Part B
Let’s learn & Let’s do
1.能够听、说、认读颜色单词“black, white, orange, brown”。
Enjoy a song.
What colours can you hear in this song
What can you see
A rabbit.
What color is it
It is white.
[wa t]
What can you see
A toy car.
What color is it
It is black.
[bl k]
What can you see
teddy bear.
What color is it
It is brown.
[bra n]
What can you see
An orange.
What color is it
It is orange.
[ r nd ]
Look and say.
Quick response.
What colour can you see
I can see .
Let’s do.
Listen and do.
stand up
sit down
touch the ground
turn around
Unit Two Colours
Part B Let’s learn & Let’s do