Unit6 In a nature park let's talk A(PPT+教案+音视频)


名称 Unit6 In a nature park let's talk A(PPT+教案+音视频)
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文件大小 139.1MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-10-22 11:26:53


PEP Book 5 Unit 6 In a nature park A Talk
课题 Unit 6 In a nature park A Let’s talk 课型 对话课 主备人
内容分析 本部分学习的核心句型是 “Is there… Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.” 教材本部分的内容以Miss White 带领学生去自然公园游玩为主线,以谈论自然公园导览图为主要内容,让学生感知核心句型的语义及语用情景。教师在以上情景中,让学生通过听录音、回答问题、口头复述对话、重构文本和创编新对话等学习活动掌握本课的知识。
教学目标 能力目标: 能够在情景中运用核心句型Is there… 询问某处是否有某物并回答Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.;(2)能够理解本课对话大意,按照正确的意群及语音、语调朗读对话,并进行角色扮演;(3)能通过听录音回答问题及补充文本等方式理解本课对话,能借助思维导图复述、记忆本对话内容并创编新对话。2. 知识目标:(1)听、说、读并理解forest, lake, river, go boating的基本含义;(2) 听、说、读并能初步运用核心句型 “Is there… Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.”3. 学习策略:(1)认知策略:通过描述Main Scene中的情景图,复习Unit 5的核心句型,以旧带新,迅速结合旧知识掌握新知识;借助游戏、思维导图,复习本对话主要内容,提升对新知识的归纳和建构的能力;通过在对话文本中找到答案依据,捕捉关键信息。(2)调控策略:能够听懂对话,通过带着问题再次有目标地听录音,获取对话大意和细节信息;反思听力技巧,探索后形成自己的听力方法,掌握听力和阅读技巧;(3)交际策略:在观看视频、听录音、回答问题、角色扮演、创编新对话等活动中感知本课核心语言知识,并能运用到现实的交际中;4. 情感态度:(1)激发学生学习英语的兴趣,让学生敢于自信地表达;(2)能细心观察,善于发现身边的美;(3)学生体会到大自然的魅力,愿意亲近大自然。5. 文化意识:了解佛山本地的公园及景物,感受到自然的美。
教学重点 能够运用核心句型“Is there… Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.”谈论佛山某一自然公园。能理解对话意图,理解词汇forest, lake, river, go boating的基本含义。
教学难点 There be 结构单数there is 的陈述句到一般疑问句的转换及回答。
教学方法 情景教学法、多媒体教学法、任务教学法、交际法
教具准备 PPT课件、预学案、课堂及课后练习。
教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
Step 1Warm-up GreetingsT: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you Talk about the picture.T: The weekend is coming. Miss White and her students go out together. They arrive at the gate. What can you see in the picture S: There is/ are ________. 与教师进行话语交流。在此过程中借助图片口头复习Unit 5 核心句型。 创设情境,Miss White带领学生出去游玩,让学生用there be 结构回答,以旧带新。
Step 2Presentation Main Scene Listen, what do they see Text analysisLet’s try.T: They plan to go into the park.What is in the park Listen and tick the word you hear. T: Look, this is a forest. Listen and fill in the blanks.Let’s talk.T: There is a forest in the park. So, they want to go into the forest. T: What can you do in the forest Discuss in groups.S: I can _______.T: What do you want to do in the forest S: I want to ______ in the forest.Listen and answer. T: How about Zhang Peng Listen and answer the question. What does Zhang Peng want to do in the forest Watch and answer.T: Zhang Peng wants to go boating. But, is there a river in the forest Is there a lake in the forest Check the answers. (6) Can they go boating on the lake S: Yes, they can. 学生观看Main Scene视频。学生口头补充文本。学生听录音,选择单词并填空。学生根据图片提示,口头回答问题,观看视频写答案,并找出答案依据。 感知情景。分析文本,引出Let’s try。引导学生听音抓关键词,提高回答问题的能力。初步感知核心句型,理解 “forest” 的音形义。进一步理解本部分内容。连接主线,引出Let’s talk主题go boating。理解核心句型的语用情景,并书写其正确回答形式。进行学法指导。
Step 3Practice 1. Guessing game.T: Zhang Peng takes a bag to go boating.Guess, what’s in the bag Please use the “Is there...” sentence pattern.T: Now, let’s have a look. What’s in the bag S: Is there______ in the bag T: Bingo!/ Sorry.(教师点击学生选中的图片,引导学生听声音集体回答 “Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t.”) . Reading, dubbing and role play.T: Listen and imitate. Please pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.T: Let’s check together. Listen and follow it.3. Mind map.T: Now, let’s retell the dialogue.T: Please fill in the blanks. 学生运用核心句型自由猜测。猜测之后,学生根据图片和单词询问,并根据点击所选物品后的声音作出回答。学生听录音,标注语调、意群、连读、重读符号。跟录音和老师朗读课文。配音并表演对话。学生在老师的组织结构图帮助下,口头完成思维导图,重新整理Let’s talk的主要内容,完成短文填空。 在情景中操练核心句型,让学生能运用核心句型。培养学生用正确的语音、语调以及意群,在情景中朗读对话的能力,进一步熟悉本对话,为下一步的复述和创编对话打下基础。利用思维导图进行归纳总结。进行文本重构,巩固对本对话的理解和熟悉程度。
Step 4Consolidation 1. Other parksT: Look, there are many other parks in our city. Let’s watch a video about the Xiqiao mountain.2. Make a new dialogue.T: Wow! The parks are so fantastic. What’s your favorite park Please make a new dialogue with your partner with the help of the word bank. 3. Emotional education T: Do you like these parks Why S: ________.T: How about these parks What should we do Please keep our environment clean. 学生观看本地的公园照片及视频。借助对话支架,创编新对话。个别小组进行展示。学生观看图片,进行对比,,感受到保护环境的责任。 开拓学生视野,培养其发散性思维。为创编对话铺垫。训练学生开放性思维。巩固核心句型。将内化的本课知识输出为新对话。拓展部分词汇。引导学生树立环保意识,爱护环境。
Step 5Homework Listen and read P58 and send the audio to the wechat group.Please design your dream nature park.Finish the exercises on the worksheet.
Step 6Board writing Unit 6 In a nature parkLet’s talk
Warm up
1. Greetings.
2. Talk about the picture.
1. Go to the forest.
2. Go boating:
Is there......in the forest
Lead in
1. Let’s try.
2. Think and say: What can you do in the forest
3. Listen and answer.
4. Watch and answer.
1. Dubbing.
1. Role play.
1. Guessing game.
2. Listen and imitate.
1. Retell.
2. Fill in the blanks.
Role play
1. Other parks.
2. Make a new dialogue.
3. Emotional education.
A: Is there...
B: Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.
Nature Park
Yes, there is.
No, there isn’t.
go boating(共32张PPT)
人教PEP版 五年级上
Unit 6 In a nature park A Let's talk
Xiqiao Mountain 西樵山
Dali Park 大沥公园
Qiandeng Lake
Shunfengshan Park
Jiulong Park
Xian Forest Park
Look, what can you see
There is/are _____ .
Listen, what do they see
Look! There is ___________ in the sky!
a big white bird
There are ___________
______ in the river.
many pretty
What is in the park Listen and tick the word you hear.



A forest is a place with many trees and animals.
There is a waterfall in the forest.
Chen Jie: Look at the _____ of the park.
Mike: _______ a forest in the park
Chen Jie: Yes, _______. Here!
Mike: Cool! I love trees.
Listen and fill in the blanks.
there is
Is there
There is a forest in the park.
Children, let's go to the forest!
What can you do in the forest
I can ______ in the forest.
draw pictures
take photos
go on a picnic
read books
I want to ______ in the forest.
What do you want to do in the forest
Listen and answer the question.
What does Zhang Peng want to do
in the forest
He wants to ____________.
go boating
Watch the video and answer the questions.
Zhang Peng wants to go boating.
2. Is there a lake in the forest
go on
1. Is there a river in the forest
No, there isn't.
Yes, there is.
1. Is there a river in the forest
2. Is there a lake in the forest
Miss White: Children, let's go to the forest!
Children: Yeah!
Zhang Peng: Is there a river in the forest,
Miss White
Miss White: No, there isn't.
Zhang Peng: Is there a lake, Miss White
Miss White: Yes, there is and there are
some small boats.
Zhang Peng: Cool! Let's go boating.
Can they go boating on the lake Why
Yes, they can.
Zhang Peng: Is there a lake,
Miss White
Miss White: Yes, there is and there are some small boats.
Zhang Peng: Cool! Let's go boating.
Why do they want to go boating
Zhang Peng takes a bag to go boating.
Guess, what's in the bag
A: Is there ... in the bag
B: Yes, there is./ No, there isn't.
A: Is there ... in the bag
B: Yes, there is./ No, there isn't.
What's in the bag
potato chips
a camera
a book
a life jacket
a raincoat
an orange
Miss White: Children,
let's go to the forest!
Children: Yeah!
Zhang Peng: Is there a river in the forest,
Miss White
Miss White: No, there isn't.
Zhang Peng: Is there a lake, Miss White
Miss White: Yes, there is and there are
some small boats.
Zhang Peng: Cool! Let's go boating.
Listen and imitate.
Miss White: Children,
let's go to the forest!
Children: Yeah!
Zhang Peng: Is there a river in the forest,
Miss White
Miss White: No, there isn't.
Zhang Peng: Is there a lake, Miss White
Miss White: Yes, there is /and there are
some small boats.
Zhang Peng: Cool! Let's go boating.
Listen and imitate.
Role play
: Children,
let's go to the forest!
: Yeah!
: Is there a river in the forest,
Miss White
: No, there isn't.
: Is there a lake, Miss White
: Yes, there is and there are
some small boats.
: Cool! Let's go boating.
No, there isn't.
Yes, there is.
Nature Park
go boating
Fill in the blanks.
Today is a nice day. Miss White and the children go to the __________. There is _________. So they go to the forest. There isn't a river but________ a lake. And there are some small ______ on the lake. So they can _________ together.
there is
go boating
nature park
a forest
Other parks
Sanshui Forest Park
Danan Mountain
Zaomu Mountain 皂幕山
Pair work
Choose a nature park you have been to.
Make a new dialogue.
What's your favorite...
What's in the...
Is there...
What do you think of...
The nature park is so...
What can you...
Let's go to...
nice, pretty, bird, flower, lake, river, forest, mountain, house, village, waterfall(瀑布), temple(寺庙), noodles, syrup(糖水)...
ride a bike, fly kites, go climbing, go boating, play football, draw pictures, take photos, have lunch/dinner, read books, go hiking...
Do you like these parks Why
1. Listen and read P58 and send the audio to the wechat group.
2. Please design your dream nature park.
3. Finish the exercises on the worksheet.
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