人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 4 Body Language 词汇预习课件(21张ppt)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 4 Body Language 词汇预习课件(21张ppt)
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文件大小 8.3MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-10-22 20:21:23



Unit 4 Body Language
New words and phrases
interaction / nt r k n/n. 交流;相互影响
vary / ve ri/vi. (根据情况)变化;改变
appropriate / pr pri t/adj. 合适的;恰当的
by contrast 相比之下
approve / pru v/vi. 赞成;同意。vt. 批准;通过
demonstrate / dem nstre t/vt. 表现;表达;说明;证明
gesture / d est r/n. 手势;姿势;姿态
New words and phrases
witness / w tn s/vt. 当场看到;目击;见证 n. 目击者;证人
employ / m pl /vt. 使用;应用;雇用
identical /a dent kl/adj. 相同的
interpret / n t pr t/vt. 把……理解(解释)为 vi. &vt. 口译
differ / d f r/vi. 相异;不同于
by comparison (与……)相比较
cheek /t i k/n. 面频;脸频
New words and phrases
favour / fe v r/vt. 较喜欢;选择;有利于n. 帮助;恩惠;赞同
bow /ba /vi. 鞠躬;点头 v. 低(头)n. 弓;蝴蝶结
waist /we st/n. 腰;腰部
make inferences 推理;推断
break down 消除;分解;打破
barrier / b ri r/n. 隔阂;障碍
fake /fe k/adj. 假装的;假的;冒充的
New words and phrases
anger / ɡ r/n. 愤怒;怒气 vt. 使生气;激怒
reliable /r la bl/adj. 可靠的;可信赖的
incident / ns d nt/n. 发生的事情;严重事件;冲突
trial / tra l/n. &v. 审讯;审判;试验;试用
slight /sla t/adj. 轻微的;略微的;细小的
slightly / sla tli/adv. 略微;稍微
twin /tw n/adj. 双胞胎之一的;孪生之一的
n. 孪生之一;双胞胎之一
New words and phrases
nonverbal /n n'v b l/adj. 不涉及言语的;非言语的
assessment / sesm nt/n. 评价;评定
assess / ses/vt. 评估;评价
internal / n t nl/adj. 内部的;里面的
straighten up 直起来;整理;收拾整齐
slump /sl mp/v. 垂头弯腰地走(或坐等)
pose /p z/n. 故作姿态;(为画像、拍照等摆的)姿势
vi. 摆好姿势 vt. 造成(威胁、问题等)
New words and phrases
bend /bend/vt. &v. (bent,bent)(使)弯曲;倾斜;偏向
reveal /r vi l/vt. 揭示;显示;露出
clarify / kl r fa /vt. 使更清晰易懂;阐明;澄清
in other words 换句话说;也就是说
educator / ed uke t r/n. 教师;教育工作者;教育家
tick /t k/vt. 给(试卷、问题等)打钩号
vi. (钟表)发出嘀嗒声 n. 钩号
tendency / tend nsi/n. 趋势;倾向
New words and phrases
lower /'l /vt. 把……放低;降低;减少
adj. 下面的;下方的;较小的
imply / m pla /vt. 意味着;暗示
barely / be li/adv. 几乎不;勉强才能;刚刚
chin /t n/n. 下巴
occupy / kjupa /vt. 占据;占用
stare /ste r/vi. 盯着看;凝视。n. 凝视
ceiling / si l /n. 天花板;上限
New words and phrases
distract /d str kt/vt. 分散(注意力);使分心
perceive /p si v/vt. 察觉;看待;理解
distinguish /d st ɡw /vi. &vt. 区分;辨别
anxiety / za ti/n. 焦虑;担心;害怕
chest /t est/n. 胸部;胸膛
embarrassed / m b r st/adj. 难堪的;尴尬的
ashamed / e md/adj. 羞愧;惭愧
New words and phrases
merely / m li/adv. 只是;仅仅;只不过
call on(短暂地)访问;要求(某人讲话等);正式邀请
bother / b r/vi. &vt. 费心;麻烦;因……操心
n. 麻烦;不便
weep /wi p/vi. &vt. 哭泣;流泪
at work 有某种影响;在工作
conflict / k nfl kt/n. 矛盾;冲突。vi. 冲突;抵触
inquire / n'kwa /(=enquire)vi. &vt. 询问;打听
New words and phrases
ultimately / lt m tli/adv. 最终;最后
adjust / d st/vt. 调整;调节
vi. &vt. 适应;(使)习惯
intervene / nt vi n/vi. 干预;介入
react /ri kt/vi. (对……)起反应;回应;
New words and phrases
component /k m p n nt/n. 组成部分;零件
tone /t n/n. 语气;腔调;口吻
Brazil /br z l/巴西(国家名)
Bulgaria 保加利亚(国家名)
Albania 阿尔巴尼亚(国家名)
Unit 4 Body Language
Learn the pause of each sense group.
Learn to read English sentences correctly.
Look and discuss
Read the following the sentence and pay attention to the pause.
Lead in
例1:Repeating after tapes is very important for beginners.
意群:Repeating after tapes | is very important | for beginners.
例2:Liu Xiang, who's a brilliant runner, represented China at Olympic Games.
意群:Liu Xiang, | who's a brilliant runner, | represented China | at Olympic Games.
例3:But the most important argument for a broad education is that in studying the accumulated wisdom of the ages, we improve our moral sense.
意群:But | the most important argument | for a broad education | is that | in studying the accumulated wisdom of the ages, | we improve our moral sense.
Read the following paragraph and pay attention to its pause.
There are moments in life //when you miss someone so much //that you just want to pick them from your dreams// and hug them for real! Dream what you want to dream; //go where you want to go;// be what you want to be, //because you have only one life and one chance //to do all the things //you want to do.
预习 Unit 4 –Describe classroom body language。
Recite new words and phrases.
Practice the pause of the sense groups.