Unit 3 Fascinating Parks核心考点归纳word版(4份打包)


名称 Unit 3 Fascinating Parks核心考点归纳word版(4份打包)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-10-28 09:40:56


Unit 3-SectionC-Using Language,Assessing Your Progress
1.appeal/ pi l/ vi.有吸引力;呼吁;恳求;上诉;n.吸引力;呼吁;上诉;请求
2.wander/ w nd (r)/ n.游荡;闲逛;流浪;vt.& vi.闲逛;漫游 vi.走失;离散;走神
3.swing/swI / vt.& vi.(使)摆动;摇摆;转弯;(使)突然转向
4.display/dI spleI/ n.展览;陈列;展览品;vt.显示;陈列
5.amusement / mju zm nt/ n.娱乐(活动);愉悦    
6.enormous /I n m s/ adj.巨大的
7.fashion / f n/ n.时尚;时兴;流行款式
8.superb /su p b/ adj.卓越的
9.splendid/ splendId/adj.壮丽的;雄伟的;极佳的;非常好的     10.appetite / pItaIt/ n.食欲,胃口,欲望
11.route /ru t/ n.路线;路途;途径
12.ahead / hed/ adv.向前,提前
13.incredible /In kred bl/ adj.极好的;极大的;难以置信的 
14.adorable / d r bl/adj.讨人喜爱的 
1.appeal to有吸引力;有感染力;呼吁;上诉;打动
2.be familiar with对……熟悉
3.put on 上演
4.up to达到(某数量、程度等);直到;不多于;(体力或智力上)能胜任
5.upside down颠倒;倒转;翻转
6.come up with想出
7.at least至少
Whichever and whatever you like,there is an incredible theme park that will appeal to you!(Page 31)
剖析 Whichever and whatever you like是whichever 和whatever引导的让步状语从句。
Whichever dictionary you want to buy,I’ll pay for it.
Whatever you do,you can’t go against nature.
【合作探究】 读一读·细观察 
①Whenever she is in trouble,he is there for her.
翻译 无论她何时陷入困境,他总是陪着她。
②However difficult the problem may be,I’ll work it out by myself.
翻译 无论这个问题有多么难,我都会自己解决。
③Wherever he went,he took a book with him.
翻译 无论走到哪里,他总是带着一本书。
④Whoever wants the book may have it.
翻译 无论是谁想要这本书都可以拥有它。
what/who/which/where/how+-ever相当于no matter what/who/which/where/how;
★appeal vi.有吸引力;呼吁;恳求;上诉 n.吸引力;呼吁;上诉;请求
This is a film which appeals to young girls.
⑤The government is appealing to everyone to save water.
词组 appeal to sb to do sth
含义 呼吁某人做某事
⑥The police are appealing to the public for information about the crime.
词组 appeal to sb for sth
含义 向某人呼吁某事
⑦Realising his mistakes,the thief appealed for mercy.
词组 appeal for
含义 恳求
⑧Spending the holidays in Britain wasn’t a prospect that I found particularly appealing.
词性 形容词
含义 有吸引力的
Go straight ahead(until you come to...).(Page 31)
★ahead adv.向前;在前面;提前
Yet,I was determined to go ahead.
He was looking straight ahead.
①To finish the work ahead of time,they are working hard.
含义 提前
②—May I use your new computer —Go ahead.
含义 开始做;着手干
③The girl is studying hard to get ahead of others.
含义 领先
Famous country music groups put on performances there all year round...(Page 32)
★put on 上演
I hear that the play will be put on next week.
①I put on our school uniforms and went to school.
含义 穿上
②Our monitor put up a notice on the wall just now.
含义 张贴
③When the teacher came in,Mary put up her hand.
含义 举起
④The reporter put down what the old man said.
含义 记下
⑤The sports meeting had to be put off because of the weather.
含义 延期;推迟
⑥They arrived and put out the big fire.
含义 扑灭
As you wander around the fantasy amusement park,you may see Snow White or Mickey Mouse in a parade or even on the street.(Page 31)
★amusement n.娱乐(活动);愉悦
To his amusement,his pet dog was wearing a red coat.
①Her stories never fail to amuse me.
词性 动词 
含义 使发笑
②We were amused at his funny performances.
词组 be amused at
含义 觉得……好笑
③I don’t find that type of humour amusing.
词性 形容词
含义 有趣的;好笑的
The park has plenty of restaurants with tasty food for every appetite—you can even eat while watching the fish swim by.(Page 32)
剖析 本句中的while watching the fish swim by是状语从句的省略结构。完整句为:while you are watching the fish swim by。
While staying in the countryside,I made some good friends.
Do be more careful while crossing the busy road.
①While in France,the girl picked up some French.
翻译 在法国时,这个女孩学会了些法语。
②I will go to see my teacher if possible.
翻译 如果可能,我要去看望我的老师。
③I won’t go to attend her party even if invited.
翻译 即使被邀请,我也不会去参加她的派对的。
在when,while,unless,if等引导的状语从句中,如果从句主语与主句主语一致,且谓语动词含有be动词,或从句中含有it is,可省略从句的主语及be动词。
Here you can walk under the Whale Shark Aquarium —the world’s largest—and see up to 20,000 fish,in addition to a whale shark 68 metres in length.(Page 32)
★up to达到(某数量、程度等);直到;不多于;(体力或智力上)能胜任
There are up to 3,000 students who are attending the ceremony.
【合作探究】 读一读·细观察 
①I’m afraid that he is not up to the hard work.
含义 胜任
②I don’t know what he is up to these days.
含义 从事
③It is up to you to make a decision.
含义 取决于
④He has finished reading up to 200 books up to now.
含义 达到
up to可意为“达到(某数量、程度等);直到;不多于;(体力或智力上)能胜任;从事;取决于”。Unit 3-SectionB-Learning About Language
This vast new park is nearly four times larger than the old wildlife park protecting Siberian tigers in Northeast China.(Page 28)
剖析 本句中的four times larger than是倍数的表达方式之一。
This river is twice wider than that one.
This table is twice longer than that one.
①This table is three times as long as that one.
表达形式 倍数+as+adj.+as...
②This sofa is three times the length of that one.
表达形式 倍数+the+n.+of...
③The price of the house this year is twice what it was last year.
表达形式 倍数+what从句...
①This river is ______ ______ _____ _____ _____ that one.
②This river is ______ ______ _____ that one.
③This river is ______ ______ _____ _____ _____ that one.
①three times as long as
②twice longer than
③three times the length of
The Northeast Tiger and Leopard National Park was set up in Jilin and Heilongjiang,with boundary stretching all the way to the border and joining with Russia’s wildlife reserves.(Page 28)
剖析 本句中的with boundary stretching all the way to the border and joining with Russia’s wildlife reserves是“with+宾语+宾语补足语”结构,动词-ing形式做宾语补足语。
The boy sat there,with his eyes staring at the picture.
The guide talked there,with his finger pointing at the stone.
①With the floor wet,I had to stay outside.
②The room is clean,with a dining table laid for a meal.
③With so much homework to do,I won’t go to see the film tonight.
★stretch vi.延伸;延续 vi.& vt.伸展;舒展
Fields and hills stretched out as far as we could see.
④Is there any way of stretching shoes
词性 动词 
含义 拉长
⑤I stretched out a hand and picked up that book.
词组 stretch out
含义 伸展
⑥Fire crew have been operating at full stretch.
词组 at full stretch
含义 全力以赴
①The man was walking slowly with his pet dog ________ (follow) him.
②With so many problems ____________(settle),the mayor couldn’t sleep well.
The exercises are designed ___ _______ ____ ____ ________.
Endless summer days _________ ________before us.
②to settle
③to stretch your leg muscles
④stretched out
Reading is an art.
Writing English novels for him is really great fun.
用it做形式主语代替动词-ing形式,常出现在It is no use/good/fun/...doing sth,It is useful/useless doing sth,It’s a waste of time doing sth等几种句式中。
Playing with fire is dangerous.玩火危险。(泛指)
Be careful!To play with fire will be dangerous.
①______________(study) abroad can be a good experience.
②His not _________(know) English brought him a lot of inconvenience.
③It’s no good ____________(play) with such a lazy person.
1.It’s no good ________________(smoke).You’d better give it up.
2.His _________________(lose) bike made him very upset.
3.___________(suffer) from cancer made him painful and in low spirits.
4.It is no use ________________(talk) with a person like him.
5.Making friends ___________(play) an important part in our life.
6.Li Ming’s ________________(come) late made his teacher very angry.
7.It is no use _________________(cry) over spilt milk.
8.It is a waste of time __________(talk) about such useless things.
答案:talkingUnit 3-写作指导&重点小结
1.label vt.用标签标明;贴标签 n.标签;标记
2.stretch vi.延伸;延续 vi.& vt.伸展;舒展
3.route n.路线;路途;途径
4.ahead adv.向前;在前面;提前
5.Incredible adj.极好的;极大的;难以置信的
6.appetite n.食欲;胃口;强烈欲望
7.entertainment n.娱乐;招待;娱乐活动;文娱节目
8.adopt vt.采用;采取;采纳 vt.& vi.领养
9.bless vt.祝福
10.sneeze vi.打喷嚏 n.喷嚏;喷嚏声
11.buffet vt.连续猛击;打来打去 n.自助餐
12.edge n.边;边缘;边线;刀刃;vt.& vi.(使)徐徐移动;给……加边
13.vast adj.辽阔的;巨大的;庞大的
14.territory n.领土;版图;领域;地盘
15.ban vt.明令禁止;取缔 n.禁令
16.appeal vi.有吸引力;呼吁;恳求;上诉; n.吸引力;呼吁;上诉;请求
17.adorable adj.可爱的;讨人喜爱的
18.wander n.游荡;闲逛;流浪;vt.& vi.闲逛;漫游 vi.走失;离散;走神
19.amusement n.娱乐(活动);愉悦→amuse vt.(提供)消遣;(使)娱乐
20.enormous adj.巨大的;极大的
21.swing vt.& vi.(使)摆动;摇摆;转弯;(使)突然转向
22.fashion n.时尚;时兴;流行款式
23.superb adj.极佳的;卓越的
24.splendid adj.壮丽的;雄伟的;极佳的;非常好的
25.display n.展览;陈列;展览品 vt.显示;陈列
26.visible adj.看得见的;可见的
27.accompany vt.陪同;陪伴;伴随;(尤指用钢琴)为……伴奏
1.spread out 摊开;使散开
2.leave behind 把……抛在后面
3.feed on以……为食
4.on the move 在行进中;在移动中
5.pick up 拾起;捡起
6.set out 出发;启程;(怀着目标)开始工作
7.be home to 是……的家园
8.except for  除了
9.appeal to 有吸引力;有感染力;呼吁;上诉;打动
10.be familiar with 对……熟悉
11.up to 达到(某数量、程度等);直到;不多于;(体力或智力上)能胜任
12.upside down颠倒;倒转;翻转
1.Following the reindeer were the Sami people, who made this territory their home.
2.The Northeast Tiger and Leopard National Park was set up in Jilin and Heilongjiang,with boundary stretching all the way to the border and joining with Russia’s wildlife reserves.
3.This vast new park is nearly four times larger than the old wildlife park protecting Siberian tigers in Northeast China.
4.Whichever and whatever you like,there is an incredible theme park that will appeal to you!
5.The park has plenty of restaurants with tasty food for every appetite—you can even eat while watching the fish swim by.
1.Getting(Get) here is quite difficult.
2.Being(be) in such a beautiful and wild place makes me feel blessed to be alive.
Excuse/Pardon me.对不起。
How do I get to... 我怎样到达……
Is....nearby ……在附近吗
Is...far from... ……离……远吗
Walk/Go along the river/path...沿着这条河/小路步行/走……
When you see the...,you are close to...
Go straight ahead (until you come to...).
Do you happen to know where...is 你碰巧知道……在哪里吗
How far is... ……是多远
Is...close to... ……离着……近吗
It’s on the north/south/east/west side of the park.
Go through...穿过……
Follow the (main) path to...沿着(主)路走……
It’s...metres from here.离这里是……米。
One Sunday morning,George Thomas,a baker in a small New England town,was walking through town when he saw a young boy coming toward him,swinging a bird cage in the air.On the bottom of the cage,there were three little wild birds shaking with cold and fear.George Thomas stopped the boy and asked him what he got there.
The boy was happy and told him that there were just some old birds in the cage.When the baker asked him what he would do with the old birds.The boy said casually that he wanted to take the birds home and play with them.He would pull out their feathers to make them fight.He would have a really good time because he would enjoy watching these.
George Thomas was shocked by what the boy said.How could a boy be so rude to wild animals So he continued to ask the boy what he would do to the birds when he got tired of them,because he was such a naughty and cruel boy that he was sure to be tired of them sooner or later.The boy laughed and said that he got a cat,which liked birds,so he would give the birds to his cat.The baker got more worried and decided to help set free the poor birds.So he asked,“How much do you want for those birds ”
The boy looked at him in surprise,wondering if the baker really wanted to buy them.He laughed and reminded the man that they were just plain old field birds.They didn’t sing and they were not even pretty.However,the baker insisted and continued to ask him how much money he wanted for the birds.
The boy stared at the baker as if he were crazy and said, “$10 ”
Paragraph 1:
The baker reached in his pocket
Paragraph 2:
The baker picked up the cage.
根据文章最后一句话以及提示句“The baker reached in his pocket”可以推测,第一段应该说的是:在男孩说出价格之后,面包师伸手到口袋里摸钱然后买下这三只鸟。根据文章中的“The baker got more worried and decided to help set free the poor birds.”以及第二段的提示句“The baker picked up the cage.”可以推知,面包师买下这三只鸟并且把鸟儿放了出来,让它们自由飞翔。
Paragraph 1:
The baker reached in his pocket and 1.took out a ten dollar bill(拿出了10美元).He placed it in the boy’s hand.The boy grasped the money firmly as if he was afraid that the baker 2.would change his mind(会改变主意). In a flash,the excited boy was gone.The baker looked at the boy walking away and shook his head.
Paragraph 2:
The baker picked up the cage.And he gently carried it to the end of the alley 3.where there was a tree(有树的地方). Setting the cage down,he opened the door,and by softly tapping the bars persuaded the birds out,4.setting them free (把它们放出来).The baker watched the birds 5.flying in the sky (在空中飞翔), smiling.He took the empty bird cage home. Unit 3-SectionA-Reading and Thinking
1.buffet/ b fIt/ vt.连续猛击 n.自助餐
2.cloth /kl θ/ n.(一块)布;织物;布料
3.valley / v li/ n.山谷
4.vast /vɑ st/ adj.辽阔的;巨大的;庞大的
5.glacier / ɡl si (r)/ n.冰川 
6.reindeer / reIndI (r)/ n.驯鹿 
7.territory / ter tri/ n.领土;版图;领域;地盘
8.boundary / ba ndri/ n.边界,分界线
9.cottage / k tId / n.小屋;(尤指)村舍;小别墅
10.visible / vIz bl/ adj.可见的
11.edge /ed / n.边;边缘;边线;刀刃;vt.& vi.(使)徐徐移动;给……加边
12.ban/b n/ vt.明令禁止;取缔 n.禁令
13.accompany / k mp ni/ vt.陪同;陪伴;伴随;(尤指用钢琴)为……伴奏
14.adopt/ d pt/ vt.采用;采取;采纳 vt.& vi.领养
15.sour/ sa (r)/ adj.酸的;有酸味的
16.bless/bles/ vt.祝福
1.spread out散开
2.leave behind把……抛在后面
3.feed on以……为食
4.on the move在行进中;在移动中
5.pick up拾起;捡起
6.set out 出发;启程;(怀着目标)开始工作
7.be home to是……的家园
8.except for 除了
Around 9,000 years ago,this ice melted,leaving behind about 100 glaciers.(Page 26)
★leave behind把……落在后面
She realised that she had left her purse behind on the way home.
He then took the wallet to a nearby police station after leaving a note behind to let the owner know it was safe.
①You’ve left out the most important word in this sentence.
含义 漏掉
②Leave him alone—he obviously doesn’t want to talk about it.
含义 不打扰
③Barry took up the story where Tom left off just now.
含义 停止
★fascinating adj.极有吸引力的;迷人的
For me,it was really a fascinating story.
The results of the survey made fascinating reading.
①It was a question that had fascinated him since he was a boy.
词性 动词 
含义 深深吸引
②A child’s day is filled with fascination,newness and wonder.
词性 名词
含义 极大的吸引力
...and all new development is banned within park boundaries.(Page 26)
★ban vt.明令禁止;取缔 n. 禁令
Do you think smoking should be banned
They are banned from swimming in the river.
①Many cities with bans still allow shoppers to purchase paper bags.
词性 名词 
含义 禁令
②There is to be a total ban on smoking in the office.
词组 a ban on...
含义 关于……的禁令
Following the reindeer were the Sami people,who made this territory their home.(Page 26)
剖析 本句是复合句,who引导非限制性定语从句;主句用了倒装结构,正常语序为:The Sami people were following the reindeer。
Standing on the hill was a tall young man.
Sitting in the middle of the room was an old professor.
①Gone are the days when Chinese people were looked down upon.
翻译 中国人被轻视的日子一去不复返了。
②Present at the meeting are some famous scientists from the USA.
翻译 出席会议的是一些来自美国的著名科学家。
I am not a Sami,but in Sarek I’ve adopted some of their habits.(Page 27)
★adopt vt.采用;采取;采纳 vt.& vi. 领养
The teacher decided to adopt a new method.
It is foolish of you not to adopt her advice.
She was an orphan and a kind woman adopted her.
词性 动词 
含义 收养
Since reindeer were always on the move,the Sami would pick up their tents and accompany them.(Page 26)
剖析 本句是复合句。since意为“由于,既然”,引导原因状语从句。
Since everyone is here, let’s begin our meeting.
★pick up拾起;捡起
She kept picking up magazines and putting them down again.
①Business will pick up before summer.
含义 好转
②I’ll pick you up at your place at eight o’clock.
含义 (开车)接人
③They can pick up the programme clearly on the hill.
含义 收听节目
④He picked up some French while he was away on a business trip in Paris.
含义 (偶然)学得
pick up的意思包括:拾起,捡起;(用车)去接某人;得到,获得;学会(指偶然地或意外地);收听,接收;恢复(健康、体力等);改善,好转
Being in such a beautiful and wild place makes me feel blessed to be alive.(Page 27)
★bless vt.祝福
They brought the children to the manager and he blessed them.
①What a blessing this young man was to our family!
词性 名词 
含义 好事
②We’re blessed with five lovely children.
词组 be blessed with
含义 享有(幸福等)
After breakfast,I pack my bag and set out again.(Page 27)
★set out 出发;启程;(怀着目标)开始工作
Together the four men set out to look for the lost dog.
①She tries to set aside some money every month.
含义 储存
②No one will set aside his mother’s expectations.
含义 将……放到一边
③The young man dreams of setting up his own company.
含义 建立
④As soon as she arrived,she set about tidying up the room.
含义 着手做某事
⑤Have you set down what the old professor had said
含义 写下;记下
Once covered by vast sheets of ice,Sarek’s mountains are home to the Sami,the native residents of the park.(Page 27)
剖析 本句是简单句。过去分词短语 covered by vast sheets of ice做状语。
Greatly interested,I asked how he played these new works.
Seen from the top of the hill,the park looks more beautiful.
★be home to是……的家园
The Rockies are home to bears and mountain lions.