Module 4 Unit 12 The four Seasons
本单元处于三年级上册Module 4 The world around us,单元题目为Unit 12 The four seasons,话题为“四季”。学生在一年级下册Unit7 Seasons中已经学习季节的颜色Spring/summer/autumn/winter is...,在二年级下册Unit 7 The four seasons也学习了对季节的具体描述,还有相应活动的描述,因此,他们对季节都有了一定的了解。本单元的核心词汇为季节的四个单词spring/summer/autumn/winter,以及体感单词warm/hot/cool/cold,核心句型为In…it’s…,通过对一二年级和前面11个单元相关语言知识的整合,我们在本单元也融合了一些已学句型,I eat…I can…I wear…I like…,加入了对四季的天气,衣服,食物和活动的讨论,也学习了四季的一些文化知识,综合概括和学习了四季主题的相关语言,让学生能够对自己喜欢的季节进行语篇描述和书写,整体提升学生的语用能力。
本单元为处于三年级上册第四模块 The world around us,模块话题与学生生活密切相关的。本单元谈论四季话题,设计思路从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,将字母书写教学和故事教学相结合,在层层递进的活动中逐步强化核心语言的运用。创设了Kitty和Ben 参观自然博物馆(Natural History Museum)体验和学习四季的大情境,在季节体验馆(Season Experience Hall)里学习春夏秋冬的颜色、天气、感官体验和活动,在季节绘画馆(Season Painting Hall)里通关寻宝完成季节画作,在季节文化馆(Season Culture Hall)里了解季节相关的科学文化知识,丰富学生对四季的认知。
第一课时Kitty和Ben被电视里的四季风景所吸引而决定去自然博物馆进一步体验和学习四季,在季节体验馆里学习了春天和夏天的颜色、天气、感官体验。课时学习单词spring,summer,warm,hot,以及句型In spring, it is warm. In summer, it is hot.的规范书写,培养单词和句型的听说读写四能力。
第二课时先复习第一课时春夏的单词句型,接着Kitty和Ben在季节体验馆里继续学习秋天和冬天的颜色、天气、感官体验。课时学习单词autumn, winter, cool, cold以及句型In autumn, it is cool. In winter, it is cold.的规范书写,培养单词和句型的听说读写四能力。
第三课时以say and act作为教学内容,通过冬天的活动推进故事教学,并延伸表达四季里的丰富活动。本课时学习I can…Let’s…来描述季节里的活动。
课时 话题 素材内容
第一课时 Tour in spring and summer Listen and say; Look and learn; Read and trace; Learn the letters
第二课时 Tour in autumn and winter Listen and say; Look and learn; Read and trace; Learn the letters
第三课时 Fun in seasons Say and act; Learn the letters
第四课时 Painting of seasons Colour and say; Learn the letters
第五课时 Seasons around us 再构文本
(1)能理解核心词汇spring, summer, autumn, winter, warm, hot, cool, cold与核心句型In…, it is…. 的含义并能正确书写单词与句子。
(2)能综合语用已学句型I see… I hear… I smell…I eat…I can…I like…等描述与书写季节相关的话题,包括天气、颜色、服装、活动、喜好等。
(Seasons around us)
本课时设置Kitty、Ben和Peter在自然博物馆中的季节文化馆馆学习了解关于季节的文化知识,如season and the month, season and the holiday, season and the hemisphere, season in Shenzhen,话题为Seasons around us。
1. 能理解四季的一般组成月份。
2. 能了解季节在南北半球的差异表现及原因。
3. 能用I like …(season) in …(city). In…, it’s… I see/hear/smell/taste… I like… I can …去描述所在城市的四季的感受和活动。
能用I like …(season) in …(city). In…, it’s… I see/hear/smell/taste… I like… I can …去描述所在城市的四季的感受和活动。
步骤 目的 师生活动
组织教学及复习 1.师生问候,拉进距离 2.回顾上一课时 故事情境导入 1. Greeting Teacher: Hello, everyone. I’m Bella. I’m your new teacher today. Let’s study together. 2. Lead in. T:The children finish their beautiful paintings about season in the Sesaon Painting Hall. Now they come to the Sesaon Culture Hall and want to visit it.
新知呈现与归纳 1.问题诱导,学习新知。 2.看图写数字,进一步检测对季节对应月份知识的理解。 3.通过连线配对,基本了解每个季节的典型节日。 4.通过思维导图,描述中国人在冬天的春节里的气候感受及活动。 5.观看视频,了解相同时间不同地区呈现不同的季节特征。 6.观看视频,了解南北半球季节的呈现差异的原因 7. 欣赏深圳四季如春的视频,感受深圳四季美。 8. 将所学结合学生实际生活体验。 孩子们来到Sesaon Culture Hall,讲解员Miss Lin 对孩子提出了问题: Miss Lin: Welcome to the Sesaon Culture Hall, you can learn more about seasons here. Children, look at this. It’s a calendar. Do you know how many months are there in a year Do you know when is summer Which months belong to summer In China, summer usually falls from June to August. What about Autumn It’s easy. Autumn often starts from September and ends in November. Winter includes December, January and February.When is Spring Spring usually begins in March and ends in May. What about winter Think and fill 学生在讲解员的知识普及下,把每个季节对应的月份写出来。 Think and match 呈现春夏秋冬四个季节和四个节日(植树节、中秋节、春节、儿童节)的图片,让学生思考什么节日在什么季节里,并进行连线配对。 Miss Lin: Children, there are many holidays in four seasons. What seasons are these holiday in Let’s think and match Do you know what the famous holiday in winter is in China It’s the Spring Festival. Look and learn 学生通过讲解员的讲解和图片辅助基本了解冬天里最著名的季节-春节的概况,包括天气、衣着、饮食、活动、颜色等 Look and say 学生根据思维导图的提示,尝试表达以下句子: The spring festival is in winter. It’s…(cold). We wear…(coat and sweater). It’s…(happy) We have …(a big dinner). It’s …(red) We get red packets. Watch and answer Miss Lin: December in Australia is not winter. Let’s have a look. 观看一个澳大利亚人12月份的生活照片,回答问题: Q1:In Australia, How’s the weather in December A: sunny and hot B:snowy and cold Q2: In Australia, What do they wear in December Watch a video Miss Lin: Children, December in China is cold and snowy, because it’s in winter. But December in Australia is not winter. How does that happen Because China is in the Northern Hemisphere, but Australia is in the Southern Hemisphere. Let’s watch a video and know more. Enjoy a video Miss Lin: Amazing right Seasons are different in different places. What about seasons in Shenzhen Let’s enjoy a video. Think and say 学生根据语言框架,描述深圳的四季的感受和活动。 I like …(season) in …(Shenzhen). In…, it’s… I see/hear/smell/taste… I like… I can …
小结 小结本节课重点 Today we talked about season and the month, season and the holiday, season and the hemisphere, season in Shenzhen.
作业布置及提交 布置作业,巩固已学知识。 Homework: Try to talk about four seasons in Shenzhen to your parents or your friends. Search more information about seasons in different places.单元教学设计框架
Module 4 Unit 12 The four Seasons
本单元处于三年级上册Module 4 The world around us,单元题目为Unit 12 The four seasons,话题为“四季”。学生在一年级下册Unit7 Seasons中已经学习季节的颜色Spring/summer/autumn/winter is...,在二年级下册Unit 7 The four seasons也学习了对季节的具体描述,还有相应活动的描述,因此,他们对季节都有了一定的了解。本单元的核心词汇为季节的四个单词spring/summer/autumn/winter,以及体感单词warm/hot/cool/cold,核心句型为In…it’s…,通过对一二年级和前面11个单元相关语言知识的整合,我们在本单元也融合了一些已学句型,I eat…I can…I wear…I like…,加入了对四季的天气,衣服,食物和活动的讨论,也学习了四季的一些文化知识,综合概括和学习了四季主题的相关语言,让学生能够对自己喜欢的季节进行语篇描述和书写,整体提升学生的语用能力。
本单元为处于三年级上册第四模块 The world around us,模块话题与学生生活密切相关的。本单元谈论四季话题,设计思路从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,将字母书写教学和故事教学相结合,在层层递进的活动中逐步强化核心语言的运用。创设了Kitty和Ben 参观自然博物馆(Natural History Museum)体验和学习四季的大情境,在季节体验馆(Season Experience Hall)里学习春夏秋冬的颜色、天气、感官体验和活动,在季节绘画馆(Season Painting Hall)里通关寻宝完成季节画作,在季节文化馆(Season Culture Hall)里了解季节相关的科学文化知识,丰富学生对四季的认知。
第一课时Kitty和Ben被电视里的四季风景所吸引而决定去自然博物馆进一步体验和学习四季,在季节体验馆里学习了春天和夏天的颜色、天气、感官体验。课时学习单词spring,summer,warm,hot,以及句型In spring, it is warm. In summer, it is hot.的规范书写,培养单词和句型的听说读写四能力。
第二课时先复习第一课时春夏的单词句型,接着Kitty和Ben在季节体验馆里继续学习秋天和冬天的颜色、天气、感官体验。课时学习单词autumn, winter, cool, cold以及句型In autumn, it is cool. In winter, it is cold.的规范书写,培养单词和句型的听说读写四能力。
第三课时以say and act作为教学内容,通过冬天的活动推进故事教学,并延伸表达四季里的丰富活动。本课时学习I can…Let’s…来描述季节里的活动。
课时 话题 素材内容
第一课时 Tour in spring and summer Listen and say; Look and learn; Read and trace; Learn the letters
第二课时 Tour in autumn and winter Listen and say; Look and learn; Read and trace; Learn the letters
第三课时 Fun in seasons Say and act; Learn the letters
第四课时 Painting of seasons Colour and say; Learn the letters
第五课时 Seasons around us 再构文本
(1)能理解核心词汇spring, summer, autumn, winter, warm, hot, cool, cold与核心句型In…, it is…. 的含义并能正确书写单词与句子。
(2)能综合语用已学句型I see… I hear… I smell…I eat…I can…I like…等描述与书写季节相关的话题,包括天气、颜色、服装、活动、喜好等。
(Tour in autumn and winter)
一、课时话题: 本课时围绕本单元的主题,聚焦秋冬两个季节的特点,注重学生对这两个季节的体验,故将主题定为Tour in autumn and winter
二、教学内容: Listen and say; Look and learn ; Read and trace ; Learn the letters
Kitty: Look at the trees. They are yellow.
Ben: It is autumn. Autumn is yellow. I hear the wind.
Kitty: In autumn, it is cool. I like autumn.
Ben: It is cold. It is winter.
Kitty: Look! I see the snow. It is white.
Ben: I like winter. In winter, I can make a snowman.
1. 通过组织游戏的方式,帮助学生复习、掌握字母A--M的大小写,
2. 通过复习,巩固学习spring, summer,warm, hot等核心单词以及核心句型In...it is...
3. 学习有关季节及其气候特征的新单词autumn, winter, cool, cold。
1. 通过学习,学生能够学会表述季节名称,并用相关核心句型In…, it is…来描述季节的特点
2. 通过复习,学会综合运用In…, I see/smell/hear/eat…以及In…, I can…等句型描述与季节相关的活动。
词汇:spring, summer,autumn, winter,warm, hot,cool, cold。
句型:In...it is...
2. 对四季及其气候特征的描述;
3. 综合运用核心单词和句型描述自己最喜欢的季节。
步骤 目的 师生活动
组织教学及复习 自我介绍,拉近距离,引出课题。 复习旧知,为新课学习做好铺垫。 师:Hello, boys and girls. Welcome to my class My name is Lucia. I’m a teacher from Pingshan Kengzi Central Primary School. Today, we are going to learn Unit 12 The four seasons, period 2, tour in autumn and winter. 2.师:On last period, Kitty and Ben went to the Natural History Museum. They had magic tour in Seasons Experience Halls. What seasons did they experience Let’s review. (1)出示被遮盖的spring图片,播放鸟叫声。 师:Listen! What do you hear 生: I hear the birds. 出示全图:师:What season is it 生:It is spring. 师:Spring is green. How's the weather in spring 生:It is warm. 师:Yes. In spring, it is warm. I see grass and trees. I smell flowers. Wow! Spring is beautiful. I like spring. (2)出示summer 图片(阴影遮住,露出红色太阳) 师:Look at the red sun. What season is it 生:It is summer. 师:Yes, it is summer. Boys and girls, do you like summer Now, pause the video and talk abut summer with the help of the sentence patterns.
新知呈现与归纳 提出问题,设置游戏,激发求知欲。 播放第一段文本对话,引出核心单词和句型教学。 呈现图片,播放学习第二段文本,教学核心单词和句型。 1. 设置游戏,复习A—M的字母大小写。 师: Kitty and Ben are going to experience other seasons. But before they go to the next hall, they meet a challenge. What challenge do the meet Let’s go and see. (播放讲解员录音) Oh, it is a letter puzzle. Let’s help Kitty and Ben to complete it. 2. 播放第一段对话,引出问题,,教学新单词和句型。 (1)提出问题,引发思考。 师:Good job! Now, they are at the gate of the hall. What experience hall is it Can you guess from the picture Oh, it is Autumn Experience Hall. Now, watch and answer. 1) What season is it 2)What colour is autumn 3)How’s the weather in autumn (2)学法指导,教学新单词autumn。 师:Now, let’s listen. (播放Kitty和Ben的对话录音) 师:What season is it 生:It is autumn. 师:Yes, it is autumn. In autumn, we get apples and this kind flowers, and we put them in the baskets. Here, letter “a” looks like an apple. Letter “u” looks like a basket. Now, let’s write the word. (播放示范书写视频)。OK,children, pause here and write this word on your exercise book. 师:What colour is autumn Is it green Is it yellow Is it white Brilliant! Autumn is yellow. (3)示范书写,教学新句型。 师:How’s the weather in autumn 生:In autumn, it is cool. 师:Yes, in autumn, it is cool. /k/, /k/ cool. Now, let’s write the sentence. (播放示范书写句子视频) . Well, it’ s your turn. Pause the video and try to write. When you write a sentence, remember that, the first letter of a sentence should be capita letter. In the middle, we use a comma. At the end, we use a full stop. Good job, children. (4)填空练习,巩固操练文本。 Now, look and say. You can pause after the sentence and practice by yourself. (5)歌曲操练。 师:Wow! Autumn is wonderful. Let’s sing for autumn. (新编英语儿歌操练) I like autumn. I like autumn. Autumn yellow, autumn cool. I hear the wind. I see yellow trees. Autumn yellow, autumn cool. Now, you can pause here and sing by yourself. 3.学习第二段文本,引出问题,教学新单词和句型。 师:Kitty and Ben like autumn. What season will they experience next? Let’s follow them and have a look. (1)提出问题,引发思考,学法指导,教学新单词。 师:Look! What colour is it 生:It is white. 师:What do you see 生:I see the snow. 师:What season is it 生:It is winter. 师:Winter. /w//w/, winter. Look, what is it Oh, it is an igloo. It looks like letter “n”. Now, let’s write the word. (示范书写)。OK, pause here and write this word on your exercise book. Well done, children. (2)教学,示范书写新句型。 师:How’s the weather in winter (播放Ben的录音It is cold) In winter, it is cold. (教学并示范书写句子In winter, it is cold.) /k//k/ cold. In winter, it is cold. Now, let’s learn to write. (示范书写句子)。children, it’ s your turn. Pause the video and try to write. When you write, pay attention to the capital letter and the punctuations. Good job, children. (3)听录音,跟读操练。 What do Kitty and Ben say at the hall Let’s listen and repeat. Pause the video and follow them loudly.
新知巩固与活用 通过连线练习,看图说话等方式操练新知,巩固所学。 1.图文配对连线 师:(练习示范)Great, children. Now, you know the seasons very well. Let’s match and say. First, match the pictures with the words. Then talk about four seasons by using the sentence pattern: It is…, In …, it is… Pause here and try to practice. Good, children. I believe you all did a good job. 2. 看图说话。 师:Wow. Seasons are colourful and wonderful. What season do you like Now, pause the video, choose your favourite season and talk about it with the help of the following sentence patterns. Have a try. In______, it is________. ________ is__________. I see the____________. I hear the___________. I smell the__________. I eat_______________. In _______, I can_____. I like _______________.
小结 情感升华 归纳总结 总结归纳本节课所学知识。 师:Good try, boys and girls. Our class comes to the end. What have we learnt today Let’s make a summary. Today, we learn the following key words and sentences. You can make a summary by yourself after class.
作业布置及提交 布置作业,巩固所学知识。 师:Here is the exercise for you. 1. Copy the follow words and sentences. spring, summer, autumn, winter, warm, hot, cool, cold (twice) In spring, it is warm. In summer, it is hot. In autumn, it is cool. In winter, it is cold. (once) 2. Talk about your favourite season with your family. In________,it is_______. __________is___________. I see __________________. I hear _________________. I smell_________________. I taste__________________. In________, I can________.单元教学设计框架
Module 4 Unit 12 The four Seasons
本单元处于三年级上册Module 4 The world around us,单元题目为Unit 12 The four seasons,话题为“四季”。学生在一年级下册Unit7 Seasons中已经学习季节的颜色Spring/summer/autumn/winter is...,在二年级下册Unit 7 The four seasons也学习了对季节的具体描述,还有相应活动的描述,因此,他们对季节都有了一定的了解。本单元的核心词汇为季节的四个单词spring/summer/autumn/winter,以及体感单词warm/hot/cool/cold,核心句型为In…it’s…,通过对一二年级和前面11个单元相关语言知识的整合,我们在本单元也融合了一些已学句型,I eat…I can…I wear…I like…,加入了对四季的天气,衣服,食物和活动的讨论,也学习了四季的一些文化知识,综合概括和学习了四季主题的相关语言,让学生能够对自己喜欢的季节进行语篇描述和书写,整体提升学生的语用能力。
本单元为处于三年级上册第四模块 The world around us,模块话题与学生生活密切相关的。本单元谈论四季话题,设计思路从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,将字母书写教学和故事教学相结合,在层层递进的活动中逐步强化核心语言的运用。创设了Kitty和Ben 参观自然博物馆(Natural History Museum)体验和学习四季的大情境,在季节体验馆(Season Experience Hall)里学习春夏秋冬的颜色、天气、感官体验和活动,在季节绘画馆(Season Painting Hall)里通关寻宝完成季节画作,在季节文化馆(Season Culture Hall)里了解季节相关的科学文化知识,丰富学生对四季的认知。
第一课时Kitty和Ben被电视里的四季风景所吸引而决定去自然博物馆进一步体验和学习四季,在季节体验馆里学习了春天和夏天的颜色、天气、感官体验。课时学习单词spring,summer,warm,hot,以及句型In spring, it is warm. In summer, it is hot.的规范书写,培养单词和句型的听说读写四能力。
第二课时先复习第一课时春夏的单词句型,接着Kitty和Ben在季节体验馆里继续学习秋天和冬天的颜色、天气、感官体验。课时学习单词autumn, winter, cool, cold以及句型In autumn, it is cool. In winter, it is cold.的规范书写,培养单词和句型的听说读写四能力。
第三课时以say and act作为教学内容,通过冬天的活动推进故事教学,并延伸表达四季里的丰富活动。本课时学习I can…Let’s…来描述季节里的活动。
课时 话题 素材内容
第一课时 Tour in spring and summer Listen and say; Look and learn; Read and trace; Learn the letters
第二课时 Tour in autumn and winter Listen and say; Look and learn; Read and trace; Learn the letters
第三课时 Fun in seasons Say and act; Learn the letters
第四课时 Painting of seasons Colour and say; Learn the letters
第五课时 Seasons around us 再构文本
(1)能理解核心词汇spring, summer, autumn, winter, warm, hot, cool, cold与核心句型In…, it is…. 的含义并能正确书写单词与句子。
(2)能综合语用已学句型I see… I hear… I smell…I eat…I can…I like…等描述与书写季节相关的话题,包括天气、颜色、服装、活动、喜好等。
(Fun in seasons)
本课时围绕Kitty、Ben和Peter在自然博物馆中的冬季体验馆体验冬季的不同活动展开,延伸拓展四季的不同活动。话题为Fun in seasons。
本节课以课本say and act作为教学内容,通过冬天的活动推进故事教学,并延伸表达四季里的丰富活动。本课时学习I can…Let’s…来描述季节里的活动。
复习词汇:spring,summer,autumn,winter,warm,hot,cool,cold。 能听、说、写核心单词spring,summer,autumn,winter。
2、能运用句型I can ... . Let’s ... 描述在各个的季节相应的活动。
1、能掌握I can... . Let’s... 句型并灵活运用描述季节的活动。
步骤 目的 师生活动
组织教学及复习 1.师生问候,拉进距离 复习字母 Nn - Zz的排序 3.回顾上一课时 故事情境导入 1. Greeting T: Hello, boys and girls. I’m Lisa. I’m an English teacher from Zhongshan Primary School. Nice to see you ,children. Warm up T: At the beginning, let’s start with a missing game. Children, can you find the missing letters Let’s have a try! 3. Lead in. T:On last period, Kitty and Ben had a good time at the Autumn Experience Hall and the Winter Experience Hall. They want to share with their friend Peter. (1)微信聊天界面: Kitty: Wow! The Season Experience Hall is amazing! I like the Spring Hall . In ____(四线三格), it is warm. Spring is ___(横线上出现绿色). I see___ (横线上出现树和花朵的图片). Ben: It’s awesome! But I like the Autumn Hall. In ___(四线三格), it is ___(四线三格) . Autumn is __(黄色图片). I hear the ___(风图片). Peter: Really T: Can you be Kitty or Ben You can pause here and try to fill in the dialogue.
新知呈现与归纳 1.导入新课内容,进行新课学习。 2、语境带动,引导T听说、书写单词,通过自然拼读、儿歌、理解学习词语snowman, funny练习应用。 结合实际,融合旧知,发散学生思维。 利用思维导图引导联想更多关于冬天里的活动,通过chant,结合旧识巩固内容,灵活运用I can... Let’s...句型。 看图作为提示, 结合学生自身的喜好,对chant文本再构,通过改编chant,结合旧知在不同语境的表达四季的天气和活动。 Peter来到Winter Experience Hall,和Kitty他们相遇,一起堆雪人。展示PPT(在冬季体验馆大门)进行情景交代:。 T: Look! Peter is going to the Winter Experience Hall too. Watch and answer 播放故事动画,呈现故事情景(冬天),学生观看并回答问题。 T: let’s watch a video and answer the two questions.(PPT展示) Q1: What season is it Q2: What do they do (播放课本音频say and act)
T: Children, from the video, what season is it Ss: It is winter. T: What do they do Ss: They make a snowman. Listen and say T: Now, boys and girls, please listen carefully and try to fill in the blanks. Let’s write T: From the story, you know that they can make a snowman in winter. A snowman. T: Wow! Look! Peter also can write in the snow. (展示雪地图片,浅色四线三格)Children,can you follow Peter to write ”snowman” in the snow Let’s write together. T: Here come snowmen! How many snowmen are there Bingo! There are four snowmen. How are they They are funny. Let’s sing T: Kitty likes snowmen. She is so happy. She can sing. Let’s sing together! You can pause here, and try to sing. Snowmen, snowmen. Big and funny. I like snowmen. Let’s make a snowman.(小星星曲调) Look and say T:Ben also likes snowmen. He wants to write a poem about snowmen. Children, can you help Ben Look at the snowman and try to do it. (左边展示雪人图片,右边展示句型) Look at the snow. Let’s ___ _ ______. Look at its_____. (鼻子的图片) It is long. Look at its _____. (眼睛的图片) They are big. How funny! Think and say T: How super! Dear children, let’s talk about the activities in winter. What can you do in winter These sentence patterns may help you. In winter, it is cold. I can... . Let’s... . What else can you do in winter You can pause here and try to think about it. Let’s have a look. (Mind map) Ss: In winter, it is cold. I can...(skate/ eat hotpot/ play with snow/ ski)... Let’s... Let’s chant T: Wonderful winter! How nice! Do you like winter Me too. Let’s chant together! In winter, it is cold Cold, cold, cold. I can make a snowman. Let’s make a snowman. How fun! T: Excellent! Children,it’s your turn to make a new chant about your favourite seasons. These pictures may help you(展示图片) Let’s have a try! In..., it is.... ..., ..., ...... I can .... I can .... Let’s ....
小结 小结本节课重点 为下节课坐铺垫 T: Today we learned that we can do many different activities in different seasons because of different weather. T: Kitty, Ben and Peter had a good time at the Winter Experience Hall. Now, they are going to the next hall.
作业布置及提交 布置作业,巩固已学知识。 Homework: Listen and read the Page 60 on your textbook for three times. Make a new chant about the season you like, and chant with your family.单元教学设计框架
Module 4 Unit 12 The four Seasons
本单元处于三年级上册Module 4 The world around us,单元题目为Unit 12 The four seasons,话题为“四季”。学生在一年级下册Unit7 Seasons中已经学习季节的颜色Spring/summer/autumn/winter is...,在二年级下册Unit 7 The four seasons也学习了对季节的具体描述,还有相应活动的描述,因此,他们对季节都有了一定的了解。本单元的核心词汇为季节的四个单词spring/summer/autumn/winter,以及体感单词warm/hot/cool/cold,核心句型为In…it’s…,通过对一二年级和前面11个单元相关语言知识的整合,我们在本单元也融合了一些已学句型,I eat…I can…I wear…I like…,加入了对四季的天气,衣服,食物和活动的讨论,也学习了四季的一些文化知识,综合概括和学习了四季主题的相关语言,让学生能够对自己喜欢的季节进行语篇描述和书写,整体提升学生的语用能力。
本单元为处于三年级上册第四模块 The world around us,模块话题与学生生活密切相关的。本单元谈论四季话题,设计思路从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,将字母书写教学和故事教学相结合,在层层递进的活动中逐步强化核心语言的运用。创设了Kitty和Ben 参观自然博物馆(Natural History Museum)体验和学习四季的大情境,在季节体验馆(Season Experience Hall)里学习春夏秋冬的颜色、天气、感官体验和活动,在季节绘画馆(Season Painting Hall)里通关寻宝完成季节画作,在季节文化馆(Season Culture Hall)里了解季节相关的科学文化知识,丰富学生对四季的认知。
第一课时Kitty和Ben被电视里的四季风景所吸引而决定去自然博物馆进一步体验和学习四季,在季节体验馆里学习了春天和夏天的颜色、天气、感官体验。课时学习单词spring,summer,warm,hot,以及句型In spring, it is warm. In summer, it is hot.的规范书写,培养单词和句型的听说读写四能力。
第二课时先复习第一课时春夏的单词句型,接着Kitty和Ben在季节体验馆里继续学习秋天和冬天的颜色、天气、感官体验。课时学习单词autumn, winter, cool, cold以及句型In autumn, it is cool. In winter, it is cold.的规范书写,培养单词和句型的听说读写四能力。
第三课时以say and act作为教学内容,通过冬天的活动推进故事教学,并延伸表达四季里的丰富活动。本课时学习I can…Let’s…来描述季节里的活动。
课时 话题 素材内容
第一课时 Tour in spring and summer Listen and say; Look and learn; Read and trace; Learn the letters
第二课时 Tour in autumn and winter Listen and say; Look and learn; Read and trace; Learn the letters
第三课时 Fun in seasons Say and act; Learn the letters
第四课时 Painting of seasons Colour and say; Learn the letters
第五课时 Seasons around us 再构文本
(1)能理解核心词汇spring, summer, autumn, winter, warm, hot, cool, cold与核心句型In…, it is…. 的含义并能正确书写单词与句子。
(2)能综合语用已学句型I see… I hear… I smell…I eat…I can…I like…等描述与书写季节相关的话题,包括天气、颜色、服装、活动、喜好等。
(Painting of seasons)
本课时围绕Kitty,Ben和Peter去自然博物馆中的四季画馆参观并完成四季画的制作展开,话题为Painting of seasons。
结合课本59页color and say,创编情境,进行单元核心词汇与句型整体复习,促进学生语用达成。
1. 复习巩固核心词汇spring, summer, autumn, winter和体感单词warm, hot, cool, cold.
2. 复习巩固句型In spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter,it is warm/ hot/ cool/ cold./ I hear/smell/see…/I eat… /I can…
3. 用I wear…句型表达四季所穿服饰;用I like…句型表达对季节的喜爱。
1. 复习本单元关于四季的核心词汇与句型,对四季话题相关语言进行总结概括并能运用;
2. 结合具体语用任务,在任务场景中综合运用所学语言知识完成四季描述话题任务,培养语篇意识,落实语用达成。
3. 能够描述自己喜欢的季节。
能用In…(season), it’s… I see/hear/… I eat… I can…I like…(season).去描述喜欢的季节的特征,感受和活动。
Ben, Kitty and Peter三人来到“四季画馆”,随即大门关上,不料Ben丢了钥匙,唯一的方法是创作一幅四季画才能交换一把新的钥匙。可是创作一幅新的画作需要工具,于是几人在闯关过程中陆续收集到纸张,铅笔,橡皮擦,马克笔等,并最终完成四季画,交换新钥匙,成功走出四季画馆。
步骤 目的 师生活动
组织教学及复习 1.师生问候,拉进距离 2. 复习字母,回顾旧知 3. 引入情境,激发兴趣,呈现语用任务 1. Greeting Teacher: Hello, children. My name is Chelsea. Welcome to my class! Today we are going to learn about painting of seasons. 2. Get the password T:But the door is closing now. We need to get the password. Which one is right (PPT展示四季画馆的大门,大门紧闭。门上有四个选项,每个选项有字母序列,选出正确的那个。) 3. The key is lost 情境引入:一行三人进入四季画馆,惊讶于馆内大作的同时,Ben发现丢了门钥匙,画馆规则表明:他们需要作一幅四季画并描述,来交换新钥匙,于是三个人开始收集作画工具。 (教师播放三人的对话录音,设置情境,引入语用任务。) Ben: Oh! I lost the key! T: You have to make a new painting of season for a new key. Kitty: We need some tools! Peter: Let’s go and find!
新知呈现与归纳 4. 听录音排序,检测对四个季节词汇的理解与掌握 5. 连线进行图文配对,检测对四季相关核心词汇的音形义掌握 6. 看图描述,考察队四季基本特征的理解掌握 7. 用所学句型词汇,描述四季的食物与活动 8. 学习四季的服装搭配,加深对四季的了解 4. Paper Box--Number to open (三人在馆内找到一箱画纸,但是放在密码锁箱子里,箱子上显示题目,答对则自动打开) Ben: Look! Here are some paper. But we have to open the box first. Kitty: Let’s do it. 题目:listen and number播放音频,给四副图片排序。 In autumn, the leaves are red and brown. In summer, the sun is red. the sunflowers grow and grow. In spring, the flowers are red and yellow. The trees are green. In winter, the snow is white. I see the snowman. (学生活动:播放音频,将图片排序。) Peter: Yes! We get the paper! Let’s find the pencil. 5. Pencil Case—Match to open 画面显示需要连线正确才能打开笔盒 题目:Look and match左边一列图片(顺延上一题的四幅图排列结果),中间一列四季词汇,右边一列体感词汇 (学生活动:将四季的图片与对应的四季词汇和体感词汇进行连线。) T: Congratulations! Now, let’s welcome Miss Magic Pencil! 6. Magic pencil—Say to draw 题目:Look and say 题目:启动铅笔开关,铅笔一边画下四季图,学生一边描述。 盒,示例: In spring, it’s _____. It’s green. I see the ______ and ______. 学生活动:看图补充对话。 T:Let’s talk about the four seasons. (屏幕前学生完成后再播放录音核对题目。) Ben: In ______, it’s ____. It’s ____. I see the ____ and ________. Kitty: It’s ____ in autumn. I see the yellow ____. I hear the ____. Peter: In winter, it’s ____. I see the ________. I see a ________. (Peter拿铅笔的时候不小心笔尖蹭到纸,需要找橡皮擦。) 7. Rubber—Say to use 题目:看四季的图,根据提示词food和activity 描述四季食物与活动 (学生活动: I eat…. I can…) T: Wonderful! Here is the rubber! This time you can color it! You need a magic marker! 8. Magic marker—Fill to color Magic Marker上有很多服装图片,此处PPT渗透季节服装学习。 T: What do we wear in spring/summer/autumn/winter T: Here is the magic marker! Let’s color it! (三人给四季画上色,完成四季画。)
新知巩固与活用 9. 通过思维导图,总结概括四季主题相关语言知识,内化并运用 9. The Key—Say to get 活动一:T: Now you have to talk about your favorite season. Can you tell me: What can we write about seasons (总结提炼概括思维导图:谈论季节的时候可以谈论哪些方面?things/color/activity/food/weather…) 活动二:给定季节的语篇挖空,选择一个喜欢的季节,填空并表达。 In _______, it’s______. It’s _______. I see_______. I eat _______. I can ______. I wear_______. I like ________! (三人最后取得钥匙,成功走出四季画馆。) Ben/Peter/Kitty: Hooray! Seasons helps us to get out! I like the four seasons! (三人在合力完成的四季画的帮助下成功走出四季画馆,很是开心。)
小结 小结本节课重点 Today we talked about painting of seasons, and how to write about seasons we like.
作业布置及提交 布置作业,巩固已学知识。 1. write about the season you like 2. Draw a season you like and share it with friends.单元教学设计框架
Module 4 Unit 12 The four Seasons
本单元处于三年级上册Module 4 The world around us,单元题目为Unit 12 The four seasons,话题为“四季”。学生在一年级下册Unit7 Seasons中已经学习季节的颜色Spring/summer/autumn/winter is...,在二年级下册Unit 7 The four seasons也学习了对季节的具体描述,还有相应活动的描述,因此,他们对季节都有了一定的了解。本单元的核心词汇为季节的四个单词spring/summer/autumn/winter,以及体感单词warm/hot/cool/cold,核心句型为In…it’s…,通过对一二年级和前面11个单元相关语言知识的整合,我们在本单元也融合了一些已学句型,I eat…I can…I wear…I like…,加入了对四季的天气,衣服,食物和活动的讨论,也学习了四季的一些文化知识,综合概括和学习了四季主题的相关语言,让学生能够对自己喜欢的季节进行语篇描述和书写,整体提升学生的语用能力。
本单元为处于三年级上册第四模块 The world around us,模块话题与学生生活密切相关的。本单元谈论四季话题,设计思路从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,将字母书写教学和故事教学相结合,在层层递进的活动中逐步强化核心语言的运用。创设了Kitty和Ben 参观自然博物馆(Natural History Museum)体验和学习四季的大情境,在季节体验馆(Season Experience Hall)里学习春夏秋冬的颜色、天气、感官体验和活动,在季节绘画馆(Season Painting Hall)里通关寻宝完成季节画作,在季节文化馆(Season Culture Hall)里了解季节相关的科学文化知识,丰富学生对四季的认知。
第一课时Kitty和Ben被电视里的四季风景所吸引而决定去自然博物馆进一步体验和学习四季,在季节体验馆里学习了春天和夏天的颜色、天气、感官体验。课时学习单词spring,summer,warm,hot,以及句型In spring, it is warm. In summer, it is hot.的规范书写,培养单词和句型的听说读写四能力。
第二课时先复习第一课时春夏的单词句型,接着Kitty和Ben在季节体验馆里继续学习秋天和冬天的颜色、天气、感官体验。课时学习单词autumn, winter, cool, cold以及句型In autumn, it is cool. In winter, it is cold.的规范书写,培养单词和句型的听说读写四能力。
第三课时以say and act作为教学内容,通过冬天的活动推进故事教学,并延伸表达四季里的丰富活动。本课时学习I can…Let’s…来描述季节里的活动。
课时 话题 素材内容
第一课时 Tour in spring and summer Listen and say; Look and learn; Read and trace; Learn the letters
第二课时 Tour in autumn and winter Listen and say; Look and learn; Read and trace; Learn the letters
第三课时 Fun in seasons Say and act; Learn the letters
第四课时 Painting of seasons Colour and say; Learn the letters
第五课时 Seasons around us 再构文本
(1)能理解核心词汇spring, summer, autumn, winter, warm, hot, cool, cold与核心句型In…, it is…. 的含义并能正确书写单词与句子。
(2)能综合语用已学句型I see… I hear… I smell…I eat…I can…I like…等描述与书写季节相关的话题,包括天气、颜色、服装、活动、喜好等。
(Tour in spring and summer)
本课时围绕Kitty和Ben去自然博物馆中的四季体验馆体验四季的不同变化展开,话题为Tour in spring and summer。
1. 字母:以歌曲形式复习26个字母。
2. 核心词汇:spring, summer, warm, hot.
3. 核心句型:In …, it is ….
1. 能理解并正确读、写核心词汇spring, summer, warm, hot.。
2. 能正确运用核心句型In…, it is ….描述季节的特征。
3. 能知道句子的正确书写方式。
1. 掌握并理解核心词汇spring, summer, warm, hot的正确发音、书写和用法。
2. 掌握并理解核心句型In…, it is ….的用法。
学习并掌握核心词汇spring, summer, warm, hot的正确书写和用法,并对核心词汇进行记忆背诵,这对学生而言是一大难点。学生从三年级开始接触英语书面作业,对于字母格式的书写仍不熟悉,更是刚刚才开始接触句子的书写,同时在单词记忆背诵方面欠缺方法,因此在单词与句子的书写和单词记忆方面存在困难。本节课将会在课堂上向学生呈现单词与句子的正确书写,教师在课堂上带领学生用手指进行书写,课后通过抄写作业巩固单词与句子的书写。在单词新授过程中,将会结合自然拼读发音,单词形象记忆等联想方式,指导和帮助学生进行单词记忆和背诵。
步骤 目的 师生活动
组织教学及复习 师生问候,拉进距离 介绍主线任务,唱歌复习26个字母并活跃课堂气氛。 引出故事主线,观看自然博物馆中四季体验馆的宣传片,萌生前往参观的念头。 1. Greeting T: Hello, children. Welcome to my class. I’m Doris. I’m an English teacher from Pingshan Kengzi Central Primary School. Nice to meet you. T: Today, we are going to learn Unit 12 The four seasons. Period 1, Tour in spring and summer. Let’s go. 2. Sing a song:The ABC song T: Kitty and Ben are at home. Let’s say hello to them. Hello, Kitty. Hi, Ben. (Kitty & Ben: Hello, everyone. We are watching TV. Oh, it’s a music program. Let’s sing together.) 3. Lead in. After the music program, there is a video about the “Seasons Experience Hall” in the Natural History Museum. (Ben: Wow, it’s so cool. I want to go there. Kitty: Me too. Let’s go together. Ben: Look, Kitty. It’s so cool. Kitty: Yeah. We can experience the seasons in it.) Ben & Kitty: Hey, my friends. Let’s get in.)
新知呈现与归纳 导入新课内容,进行新课学习。 进行听力训练,培养通过听文本获得信息的能力。 教授新课重点单词和句型。 形象记忆,帮助学生快速记忆单词。 正确书写的学法指导,帮助学生掌握书写的基本规则。 活跃气氛,对spring的特征进行小结。 场景转换,情节过渡,引出下一个季节。 听音补词,训练听力。 继续教授新课重点单词和句型。 创编歌谣,自主总结summer的特征。 1. 播放PPT,Ben和Kitty进入场馆大门。 T: Now, they are outside the Seasons Experience Hall. Guess, what season is it in the hall And how’s the weather Let’s listen and answer. 2. 问题:What season is it How’s the weather 播放Kitty与Ben的对话。 (Kitty: Look. It’s green. It’s spring. Ben: I hear the birds. I smell the flowers. Kitty: In spring, it is warm.) 3. Learn the words. T:Do you get the answers What season is it in the hall Yes, it’s spring. (1) 展示spring图片,教授新单词spring。 T: Spring. Sp, /sb/, spring. (单词记忆学法指导)Look at the word. The letter “r” looks like a green tree, and the letter “i” looks like a beautiful flower in spring, right So that’s the word “spring”. Now, let’s write. S-P-R-I-N-G, spring. Well done. T: What colour is spring Yes, It’s green. Spring is green. T: And how’s the weather in spring Great. In spring, it’s warm. (2)展示warm图片,教授新单词warm。 T: Follow me, warm. W, W, /w/, /w/, warm. In spring, it is warm. Now, let’s write the sentence. (书写示范,书写规范学法指导)Boys and girls, remember that, when we write a sentence, the first letter should be the capital letter. In the middle, we should use a comma. And at the end, we should use a full stop. You can pause the video and try to write. 4. Let’s chant. T: Spring is wonderful. Let’s chant about spring. Chant: In spring, in spring, it is green. In spring, in spring, it is warm. In spring, in spring, I hear the birds. In spring, in spring, I smell the flowers. T: Can you try Here’s the music for you. 5. 播放PPT,Kitty和Ben准备进入下一个场馆。 (Kitty: Let’s go to the next hall.) T: What is the next season Let’s listen to them. (播放Kitty和Ben的对话,出现不完整的文本) Ben: Look, it’s _________. Kitty: Wow. It is red. I see the sun. Ben: In ________, it is _______. Kitty: I eat the ice-cream. I like _______. 6. Listen and fill. T: Do you get it Can you fill in the blanks Let’s have a try. What season is it Yes, it’s summer. What colour is summer Good, it’s red. How’s the weather in summer Great. It is hot. What season does Kitty like Super. She likes summer. (边核对边出示正确答案,边播放音频。) 7. Learn the words. (1)展示summer图片,教授新单词summer。 T: Look at the picture. What season is it Yes, it’s summer. Which letter sounds /s/ Yes, the letter S. S, S, /s/, /s/, summer. Let’s write together. S-U-M-M-E-R, summer. How to remember the word “summer” The letter “u” is like swimming pool. We always go swimming in summer. What colour is summer Yes, summer is red. And summer is also very hot. (2) 展示hot图片,教授新单词hot。 T: Hot. H, H, /h/, /h/, hot. Look at the boy. How’s the weather Can you complete the sentence Well done. In summer, it is hot. Let’s write. Now, it’s your turn to write. Don’t forget the capital letter in the beginning and the punctuation. 8. Make a chant. Good job, children. Summer is an amazing season. Can you make a chant for summer Pause the video and have a try. Here we go. 创编Chant: In summer, in summer, it is ______. In _______, in _______, it is ______. In _______, in _______, I _________. In _______, in _______, I __________.
新知巩固与活用 整体呈现文本故事,巩固所学单词和句型。 联系自身体验,引发学生思考,运用所学谈论对春、夏两个季节的感受。 Listen and read. T: Boys and girls, do you like spring and summer Let’s enjoy the seasons again. And you can read the dialogue while watching. Think and say. T: Kitty and Ben see many things. They also hear many things. What about you Can you talk about spring and summer You can pause the video and talk about them. Here are some pictures for you.
小结 小结本节课重点 为下一课时做情境铺垫 Summary. T: Nice job. (1) Today, we talked about two seasons: spring and summer. How’s the weather in spring Good. In spring, it is warm. What about summer Well done. In summer, it is hot. T: Wow, you learned a lot today. So do Kitty and Ben. What seasons will they experience next Let’s find out in the next lesson. Here is the homework for you. So much for today. Thank you for your listening. Goodbye.
作业布置及提交 布置作业,巩固已学知识。 Homework: 1. Copy the words: spring, summer, warm, hot twice for each. Copy the sentences: In spring, it is warm. In summer, it is hot. once for each. 2. Share amazing spring and summer to your parents.