人教版(2019必修第一册Welcome Unit 语言点默写学案(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019必修第一册Welcome Unit 语言点默写学案(含答案)
格式 zip
文件大小 41.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-10-29 08:23:04



Welcome Unit N__________ C_____
1.lose face 丢脸
2.have ... in common 在……有共同之处
3.care about each other 互相关心
4.learn from each other 互相学习
5.get to know sb. 认识某人
6.make friends with sb. 和某人交朋友
7.put one's heart into 集中精力于
8.take an interest in 对……产生兴趣
9.the key to success 成功的关键
10.be strict with 对……严厉/严格
11.take an exam 参加考试
12.stay up late 熬夜
13.drop out of school 辍学
14.share ... with sb. 与某人分享……
1.exchange n. 交换;交流
vt. 交换;交流;交易;兑换
lecture n. 讲座;讲课;教训 vi. (开)讲座;讲课vt. 训斥
3 nationality n. 国籍;民族
4.campus n. 校园;校区
5.register vt.& vi.登记;注册→registration n.登记;注册;挂号
6.nation n.国家;民族;国民→national adj.民族的;国家的
7.design n.设计;设计方案 vt.设计;筹划→designer n.设计者
8.formal adj.正式的;正规的→informal adj.非正式的
1. (1)in exchange for 交换
exchange student 交换生
(2)exchange sth for sth. 用……来交换……
exchange sth.with sb. 与某人交换某物
2.(1)give a lecture 作演讲;作讲座
go to a lecture 出席讲座
a lecture hall/room 演讲厅;大讲堂
lecture on 讲授;关于……
3.(1)be designed for  为某目的/用途而设计
be designed to do sth. 目的是
(2)by design=on purpose 有意地,故意地
(3)designer n. 设计者
4.②senior adj.级别(或地位)高的n.较年长的人
※be senior to (年龄)比……大;(资历)比……深
③senior high school (美国)高中
5.at last 终于;最终
6.outgoing adj.爱交际的;外向的
7.right now 现在
8. impression n.印象;感想
※make an impression on sb 给某人留下好印象
9.what if要是……会怎么样?
10.guy n.小伙子;男人;家伙
11.next to 靠近;临近
12.concentrate vi.& vt.集中(注意力);聚精会神 ※concentrate on 集中精力于
13.experiment n.实验;试验
14.leave ... alone不打扰;不惊动
※let alone更不用说
15.awkward adj.令人尴尬的;难对付的
16.not ... at all 根本不;全然不
17.junior adj.地位(或职位、级别)低下的n.职位较低者;(体育运动中)青少年
18.junior high school (美国)初级中学
※be junior to (年龄)比…小;(资历)比…浅
19.explore vt.&vi.探索;勘探
20.confident adj.自信的;有把握的
※confidence n.信心;信任
1.an exchange student  交换生
2.make a lecture 讲课
3.the register office 注册办公室
4.Chinese nationality 中国国籍
5.be designed for beginners 专为初学者设计
6.on campus 在校园里
7.anxious expression 焦虑的表情
9.an outgoing girl 一个外向的女孩
10.make a good first impression on sb
11.feel awkward 感到尴尬
12.explore the moon 探索月球
13.do an experiment 做实验
14.(1)be annoyed with sb.对某人生气
be annoyed at/about sth. 因某事而生气
15.(2)annoy vt. 使恼怒;打扰
It annoys sb. that/when/how ... …使某人恼怒
(3)annoying adj.令人恼怒的;令人烦恼的
16.(1)be anxious about 为……担心/担忧
be anxious for 渴望……
be anxious to do sth. 渴望做某事
17.(2)anxiety n. 担心;焦虑;渴望
with anxiety 焦虑地
(3)anxiously adv. 焦虑地
18. (1)be frightened to do sth.   害怕做某事
be frightened at ... 对……感到惊恐
be frightened to death 吓死
(2)frightening adj. 令人恐惧的;可怕的
(3)frighten vt. 使惊吓;使惊恐;吓唬
frighten sb. into/out of (doing) sth.
(1)have/leave a(n)...impression on sb.
(2)impress vt. 使铭记;铭刻;使印象深刻
impress sth. on/upon sb./impress sb. with sth.
(3)be impressed by/at/with    对……印象深刻
20. (1)concentrate on (doing) sth. 专心于(做)某事
concentrate one's mind/attention on
concentration n. 集中;专心
21. leave ... alone 不打扰;不惊动
leave aside 搁置一边
leave for... 动身到……
leave behind 永久离开;抛下;余留
23.(1)be confident (2)confidence n.信心
with confidence 肯定地,有把握地
How/What about ...?   ……怎么样?
Why not do sth. 为什么不做某事?
24.①When he arrived, he found all the work finished (finish).
②After we saw the film, we found it very interesting (interest).
③Just the next morning, I found my mother not feeling (feel) well.
④When I arrived home, I found my mother watchingTV
So this is it—senior high school at last! I'm not outgoing so I'm a little anxious right now. I want to make a good first impression. Will I make any friends What if no one talks to me
I just had my first maths class at senior high school! The class was difficult, but the teacher was kind and friendly. He even told us a funny story, and everyone laughed so much! I found most of my classmates and teachers friendly and helpful.
This afternoon, we had our chemistry class in the science lab. The lab is new and the lesson was great, but the guy next to me tried to talk to me the whole time. I couldn’t concentrate on the experiment. I really wanted to tell him to please be quiet and leave me alone!
What a day! This morning, I was worried that no one would talk to me. But I was wrong. I didn't feel awkward or frightened at all. I miss my friends from junior high school, but I believe I will make new friends here, and there's a lot to explore at senior high. I feel much more confident than I felt this morning.
I think that tomorrow will be a great day
My name is Ann Wells and I'm a Grade 10 student at Lakeside High School. I'm an active person and I love sports. I'm curious about everything. I often ask questions, but I learn best by doing. My favourite subject is physics. Dancing and skating are my hobbies, and I also like to read short stories. I plan to become an engineer in the future.
I'm Thando Gowon. I'm 16 this year. I come from South Africa. I'm a Grade 10 student at South Hill High School. I look good, think fast, and play hard. You'll never see me without a book or a pen. If I'm not in class, I'm either in the library or in the computer lab. At the weekends, I play computer games if I'm not busy studying. My dream is to start my own IT company!
Welcome Unit N__________ C_____
2. ... 在……有共同之处
3. 互相关心
4. 互相学习
5. . 认识某人
6. sb. 和某人交朋友
7. 集中精力于
8. 对……产生兴趣
9. 成功的关键
10. 对……严厉/严格
11. 参加考试
12. 熬夜
13. school 辍学
14. ... sb. 与某人分享……
1. n. 交换;交流
vt. 交换;交流;交易;兑换
n. 讲座;讲课;教训 vi. (开)讲座;讲课vt. 训斥
3 n. 国籍;民族
4. n. 校园;校区
5. vt.& vi.登记;注册→
6. n.国家;民族;国民→ adj.民族的;国家的
7. n.设计;设计方案 vt.设计;筹划→
8. adj.正式的;正规的→ adj.非正式的
1. (1)  交换
(2) sth r sth. 用……来交换……
sth. sb.与某人交换某物
2.(1)  作演讲;作讲座
a /room 演讲厅;大讲堂
3.(1)be   为某目的/用途而设计
be sth. 目的是
(2)b =o 有意地,故意地
(3) n. 设计者
4.② adj.级别(或地位)高的n.较年长的人
※be (年龄)比……大;(资历)比……深
③ school (美国)高中
5. 终于;最终
6. adj.爱交际的;外向的
7. 现在
8. n.印象;感想
※ sb 给某人留下好印象
10. n.小伙子;男人;家伙
11.n 靠近;临近
12.c vi.& vt.集中(注意力);聚精会神 ※ 集中精力于
13. n.实验;试验
14.l ... 不打扰;不惊动
※l 更不用说
16. ... 根本不;全然不
17. adj.地位(或职位、级别)低下的n.职位较低者;(体育运动中)青少年
18. school (美国)初级中学
※ (年龄)比…小;(资历)比…浅
19. vt.&vi.探索;勘探
20. adj.自信的;有把握的
※ n.信心;信任
1.an student  交换生
2.make a 讲课
3.the office 注册办公室
4.Chinese 中国国籍
5.be for 专为初学者设计
6. 在校园里
7. 焦虑的表情
9.an girl 一个外向的女孩
10.M a good first sb
11.feel 感到尴尬
12. the moon 探索月球
13.do an t 做实验
14.(1)be sb.对某人生气
be a /ab sth. 因某事而生气
15.(2) vt. 使恼怒;打扰
It sb. that/when/how ... …使某人恼怒
16.(1)be  为……担心/担忧
Be 渴望……
be do sth. 渴望做某事
17.(2) n. 担心;焦虑;渴望
W 焦虑地
(3) adv. 焦虑地
18. (1)be sth.   害怕做某事
be ... 对……感到惊恐
be f 吓死
(2) adj. 令人恐惧的;可怕的
(3) vt. 使惊吓;使惊恐;吓唬
F sb. i /o (doing) sth.
(1)h /l a(n)... sb.
vt. 使铭记;铭刻;使印象深刻
I sth. O /u sb./i sb.
sth. 使某人牢记某事
(3)be b /a /w 对……印象深刻
20. (1)c (doing) sth. 专心于(做)某事
C m /a
n. 集中;专心
21. leave ... 不打扰;不惊动
leave  搁置一边
Leave ... 动身到……
leave 永久离开;抛下;余留
23.(1)be (2) n.信心
W 肯定地,有把握地
H /W ...?  ……怎么样?
Why . 为什么不做某事?
①When he arrived, he found all the work
②After we saw the film, we found it very
③Just the next morning, I found my mother not
(feel) well.
④When I arrived home, I found my mother
So this t— high school at last! I'm not o so I'm a little anxious right now. I want to make a good first i . Will I make any f W no one talks to me
I just had my first maths class at s high school! The class was difficult, but the teacher was kind and f . He even told us a f story, and everyone l so ! I f most of my classmates and teachers f and h .
This afternoon, we had our chemistry class in the s . The lab is new and the lesson was g , but the me t to me the w time. I couldn’t c the e . I really wanted to tell him to please be quiet and l me !
a day! This morning, I was no one w me. But I was wrong. I didn't feel a or f . I miss my friends from high school, but I believe I will m here, and there's a lot e at high. I feel much more c than I felt this morning.
I think that tomorrow will be a
My name is Ann Wells and I'm a 10 student at Lakeside High School. I'm an a person and I love s . I'm c everything. I often ask questions, but I learn best b . My f s is physics. Dancing and skating are my h , and I also like to read short stories. I plan an e .
I'm Thando Gowon. I'm 16 this year. I c South Africa. I'm a 10 student at South Hill High School. I look , t , and play hard. You'll never see me w . If I'm not , I'm e the o
i the computer l . the weekends, I play computer games if I'm not busy s . My dream is (start)my own IT company!