牛津上海版(深圳用)五年级上册英语 Unit 4 Grandparents 教案(3课时)


名称 牛津上海版(深圳用)五年级上册英语 Unit 4 Grandparents 教案(3课时)
格式 doc
文件大小 48.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津深圳版
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-10-29 09:29:49



M2 Relationships
U4 Grandparents
Period 1
教学时间: 总课时:
知识与技能:1. 要求学生能理解并掌握运用频率副词:always, usually, often, sometimes, never
2. 要求学生能运用句型I always/ usually/ often/ sometimes/ never…描述自己与家人的日常活动。
过程与方法:1. 学生通过对比图例和实际运用来理解频率副词的意义。
2. 学生通过听音完成相应练习,提高学生的听音能力,同时也理解了整篇文本。
3. 学生通过调查活动来巩固运用所学知识。
情感态度与价值观:1. 培养学生用英语思维与交流的习惯。
2. 增强学生对老人的理解与关爱的意识。
教学重点:new words and new text.
教学方法: 任务教学法
Pre-task preparations
T: Do you like playing football
S1: Yes, I do.
T: When do you play football
S1: I play football on Saturday afternoon.
T: Who do you play with
T: I play with my friends.
2.在黑板上列出一些活动,如play football , go swimming , play the piano , read books , do my homework等,询问学生进行这些活动的频率。
While-task procedures
1. 教授频度副词always , usually , often , sometimes. 教师根据上面活动的表格,作出总结。
T:(S1 ’s name)brushes his teeth every day. He always brushes his teeth in the morning and in the evening.
2. 介绍自己的生活习惯,让学生进一步理解频度副词。
T: I’m a teacher. I always get up at half past six. I usually leave home at seven o’clock. I often get to my office at a quarter to eight. I’m never late for work. I always eat lunch at school. I usually go home at half past four. I sometimes go to the supermarket after work. I often cook dinner for my family. Sometimes I eat at a restaurant.
1)Do I get up at half past six every day (Yes.)
2)Do I go home at half past four every day (No.)
3)Do I go to the supermarket every day (No.)
4)Do I cook for my family every day (No.)
3. 出示Listen and say的图片,播放录音,学生边听边看图片。教师板书always, usually, often, sometimes, never并讲解操练。
出示Learn the sounds 的语音单词卡片sh(fish, dish),请学生跟读单词,感受sh在单词中的发音。
Post-task activities
1. 学生分组,讨论平日的活动,完成以下表格。
2. 小组代表汇报本组情况
S: In my group, two students always play football. Three students sometimes go to the library
Homework: 1、熟读课文 背写单词和句子。
板书设计 Unit 4 Grandparents
always usually often sometimes never
What do you usually do with your grandparents
I usually...
Period 2
教学时间: 总课时:
知识与技能:学习词汇:visit, play sport
句型:What do you usually do with your grandparents
I usually play chess with my grandpa.
过程与方法:通过Listen and say的情景对话,帮助学生巩固本单元的核心词汇及句型。
教学重点:词汇:visit, play sport
教学难点:句型:What do you usually do with your grandparents
I usually play chess with my grandpa.
教学方法: 任务教学法
Pre-task preparations
T: Do you live with your grandparents
S1: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.
T: What do you usually do with your grandparents
S2: I usually go shopping with my grandparents.
While-task procedures
学生带着问题听Listen and say 的课文录音,然后通过问答检验学生是否听懂对话。
1)Who usually plays chess with her grandpa
(Alice usually plays chess with her grandpa.)
2)Whose grandparents live far away (Kitty’s grandparents live far away from her home.)
3)Whose grandparents live in the UK?(Peter’s grandparents live in the UK.)
Who... How often... What...
Alice usually play chess
Kitty often go to the park
Kitty sometimes Play table tennis
Peter often write emails
S:Hello, I’m Alice. I usually play chess with my grandpa.
Things I do with my grandparents
Go to the park Go shopping Watch TV Take a walk
Play chess Have dinner chat Write emails
T: What do you do with your grandparents
S1:I go to the park/watch TV...with my grandparents.询问学生做这些事情的频率。
Post-task activities
They are my...
We live/don’t live together. (I visit them...)
I always/ usually/ often/ sometimes...with them.
I love my grandparents.
Homework: Read the sentence.
Unit 4 Grandparents
visit play sport
What do you usually do with your grandparents
I usually play chess with my grandpa.
Period 3
教学时间: 总课时:
知识与技能:1、学生能够正确运用频率副词usually、never等, 学习动词短语go shopping。
2、学生通过阅读故事《Where’s grandma 》,进一步巩固新学词汇和句型。
情感态度与价值观: 学生通过阅读故事内容,在今后的生活中能够理解老人,包容老人。多关心祖父母和外祖父母,多和他们在一起,多回家看看。
教学重点:学生能读懂、理解故事《Where’s grandma?》。
教学难点:学生能根据故事内容,以小组形式进行表演,并将一些日常生活用语运用到生活中。This is … Come with me! 等。
教学方法: 任务教学法
Pre-task preparations
1. Ask and answer
T: How many people are there in your family Who are they
S: There are … They are …
T: Do you live with your grandparents
S: Yes, … / No, …
T: What do you usually do with your grandparents
S: I usually …
While-task procedures
1. Introduce Mary, John and their grandma. Show the pictures and a question:
T: Do Mary and John live with their grandma together
2. Watch the cartoon and answer the question.
3. Listen and read the picture 1, and answer the questions:
What do they want to do
When and where do they meet
4. Listen and read the picture 2, fill in the blanks and repeat.
Today is ... Mary and John …, but Grandma …
5. Listen and read the picture 3, judge the sentences.
( ) 1. Grandma is on the way to the bus stop.
( ) 2. Coco comes to the bus stop.
( ) 3. Coco takes Mary and John to the shop.
Post-task activities
1. Think about the end of the story.
2. What happens next Match and say.
3. Try to retell the story.
4. Understand the Double Ninth Festival in China and Grandparents’ Day in the US.
Practice the sentence.
Unit 4 Grandparents
Go shopping
This is Mary.
Come with me!
Grandma is never late.