2021-2022年人教版(2019) 选择性必修 第一册 Unit 1 People of Achievement单元加餐练(原卷板+解析版)


名称 2021-2022年人教版(2019) 选择性必修 第一册 Unit 1 People of Achievement单元加餐练(原卷板+解析版)
格式 zip
文件大小 77.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-11-02 20:19:39


UNIT 1 单元加餐练(一)
In the state of Maryland, a girl was born into slavery (奴隶制) in 1820.Her parents named her Araminta Harriet Ross.She was to become Harriet Tubman.She was one of about one million Africans in slavery in the United States.
From the age of five, Harriet Tubman's owners made her work very hard.First, she cared for the child of the farm owner.Then, she did hard work on large farms.
Although she could not read or write, Tubman learned from her parents to do what was right.Through her whole life, Tubman put herself in danger to help other people.
One such act changed her life when she was 13 years old.Because she helped another slave, her owner threw a piece of metal at her and it hit her on the head.She was badly hurt.For the rest of her life, Tubman's head wound caused problems for her.
When she was about 25 years old, Harriet married a free black man named John Tubman.But she was still a slave.Her life was so difficult that she decided to escape.She travelled for 145 kilometres, and finally crossed into the North.Tubman became a free woman.
But Tubman could not leave her family enslaved in the South.So she travelled back to help them escape as well.Then, she made many trips and guided about 300 slaves to freedom.Tubman also fought bravely in the American Civil War and in 1865 slavery was not allowed in the US.
Harriet Tubman died in 1913.Her memory brings hope to many people—especially to those who fight for justice (正义).She encouraged people to never give up.
“If you want a taste of freedom, keep going.”
语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了美国杰出的黑人废奴主义运动家Harriet Tubman。
1.What do we know about Harriet Tubman
A.She was born a slave.
B.She was born in Africa.
C.She was taken to the US by a slave trader.
D.She was sold to a farm owner when she was born.
解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第一段中的 a girl was born into slavery 可知,Harriet Tubman出生于奴隶家庭,也就意味着她一出生就是奴隶。
2.When she was 13 years old, Tubman .
A.planned to run away
B.helped a slave escape
C.fought bravely against her owner
D.was seriously wounded in her head
解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第四段中的 when she was 13 years old 和“...her owner threw a piece of metal at her and it hit her on the head.She was badly hurt.”可知,Tubman在13岁的时候,头部受到重创。
3.We can infer from the text that Tubman was .
A.honest and friendly    B.strong and helpful
C.lucky and careful D.clever and polite
解析:选B 推理判断题。根据文中对Tubman事迹的描述可知,作为奴隶的她受到非人的折磨,但她却凭借自己顽强的意志成功摆脱奴隶的身份,并且多次帮助其他奴隶获得自由。由此可知,B项准确概括了Tubman的品质特点。
4.What would be the best title for the text
A.Africans' Fight for Freedom
B.Harriet Tubman: From Slave to Hero
C.The History of Slavery in the United States
D.The American Civil War: The North Against the South
解析:选B 标题归纳题。文章主要讲述了Harriet Tubman虽然出身奴隶,但她渴望自由,最终逃到美国北方,获得新生。不仅如此,她还帮助无数黑奴奔向自由,成为一名英雄。故B项作标题最贴切。
Insects are everywhere. Insects pollinate (给……授粉) crops, remove waste from the environment and eat 1 insects like mosquitoes. But insects can also destroy crops, 2 buildings and spread disease. With that in mind, it's easy to see just how 3 the work done by entomologists (昆虫学家) is.
Dr Christine Miller is an entomologist, whose 4 as an insect researcher at the University of Florida takes her around the world 5 insects both common and rare. She loves her job and wants to know why insects do what they do and how they make the 6 healthy by becoming food for other animals or breaking down waste.
Miller's interest in insects started when she was young, collecting insects and surprised at their unique 7 . Miller attended Wesleyan University, where she at first joined a research laboratory studying plants. She soon realized insects were “more interesting and powerful”.
“Insects are an important part of our world,” Miller says. “If we want to 8 our growing population, we need to 9 to deal with insect pests. For example, right now armyworms are spreading through Africa 10 corn. There is real 11 that if we don't figure out how to stop them, that important crop will be ruined and people will starve.”
Because much of their work is done outside, entomologists face certain 12 . There is always the risk of being attacked by insects or 13 an insect borne illness. Moreover, entomologists are not always 14 around insects. Miller admits to being scared of maggots (蛆).
“That's something I haven't been able to 15 ,” she says with a laugh. “They make me as sick to my stomach as anyone else.”
1.A.rare         B.huge
C.beautiful D.harmful
解析:选D 蚊子是有害的(harmful)昆虫。
2.A.design B.damage
C.clean D.admire
解析:选B 根据But可知,本句讲的是昆虫带来的坏处,故此处指的是损坏(damage)建筑物。
3.A.important B.impossible
C.simple D.adequate
解析:选A 根据上文可知,昆虫学家的工作是非常重要的(important)。
4.A.tip B.figure
C.job D.vacation
解析:选C 昆虫研究者的工作(job)使Dr Christine Miller到世界各地寻找(in search of)昆虫。
5.A.in search of B.in need of
C.in favor of D.in charge of
解析:选A 参见上题解析。
6.A.competition B.environment
C.relationship D.diet
解析:选B 根据becoming food for other animals or breaking down waste可知,成为别的动物的食物或分解废物对环境(environment)有益,使环境健康。
7.A.connections B.backgrounds
C.languages D.characteristics
解析:选D 根据collecting insects and surprised并结合选项可知,Miller对昆虫的兴趣始于小时候。她收集昆虫并对它们的特性(characteristics)感到惊奇。
8.A.reduce B.control
C.feed D.study
解析:选C 如果我们想要为不断增长的人口提供食物(feed),我们就需要学会(learn)对付害虫。
9.A.learn B.reply
C.agree D.regret
解析:选A 参见上题解析。
10.A.watching B.protecting
C.introducing D.eating
解析:选D 黏虫这种害虫正在吃(eating)非洲的玉米。人们担忧(concern)如果不想出阻止它们的办法,那里的庄稼就会被糟蹋,而人们将挨饿。
11.A.hope B.concern
C.doubt D.relief
解析:选B 参见上题解析。
12.A.dangers B.truths
C.chances D.changes
解析:选A 根据There is always the risk可知,昆虫学家面临一些危险(dangers)。他们可能会被攻击,或是患(suffering from)上虫子携带的疾病。
13.A.helping with B.looking into
C.referring to D.suffering from
解析:选D 参见上题解析。
14.A.suitable B.comfortable
C.familiar D.separate
解析:选B 根据being scared of maggots可知,昆虫学家面对虫子也并非总是轻松自在的(comfortable)。Miller就害怕蛆,这是她没办法克服(get over)的。
15.A.put off B.show off
C.get over D.take over
解析:选C 参见上题解析。
It was the school spelling bee. Mark stood behind a microphone. “Your word is ‘onomatopoeia’,” said Mr Green, the announcer.
“I got this!” Mark thought. Spelling was sort of his superpower. He wasn't good at math or science, but he enjoyed reading books. He rarely studied yet always ached (在……中取得好成绩) his spelling tests — even the hardest words.
Mark's brain fast forwarded to the spelling bees ahead: first the county championship, then the state championship, and finally the national spelling bee.
“Your answer, please, Mark?”
He glanced back at Alice, another fourth grader. She wanted another chance to win the game. If he missed his word, she would be back in the game, but that wasn't going to happen.
Mark cleared his throat, “Onomatopoeia, o n o m a t o p o e i a, onomatopoeia.”
“Correct!” said Mr Green.
Mark's older sister, Daisy, who had also competed but missed her word, applauded with the rest of the crowd. Mr Green presented the trophy (奖杯) to Mark. Then he immediately ran down the steps toward his sister. “I win,” Mark said, showing the trophy to Daisy. However, Daisy rolled her eyes and said, “You're a terrible winner.”
“What's wrong?” Mark asked.
“You know, it wasn't cool that you ignored Alice on the stage. She tried to shake your hand,” Daisy said.
Mark shrugged (耸肩) and said, “I didn't notice. Anyway, county bee, here I come!”
Two weeks passed in a blink (转眼间). At the county bee, students from different schools stood on the stage. After six rounds, the group of more than 100 students dwindled (减少) to just seven. This was no regular spelling bee. Mark barely made it through the last round with a lucky guess on “conscience”.
Mark wiped his sweaty palms on his pants. Gary, a fifth grader next to him, told him during break that he had studied two hours a day to get ready for this competition.
Another speller crashed with “rhythmic”.
“Your word is ‘maestro’,” the announcer said to Mark.                                    
Gary finally won with the word “obnoxious”, but his behavior was different from Mark's in the competition at school.                                    
“Your word is ‘maestro’,” the announcer said to Mark. Mark knew the word, but he was not sure about the correct order of “a” and “e”. He took a deep breath. “Meastro, m e a s t r o, meastro.” It was not correct. Mark stood frozen for a long time. He'd lost the competition. He left the stage and sat with the other students. His superpower did not exist. Suddenly, he thought about the school spelling bee and Alice's missing the win.
Gary finally won with the word “obnoxious”, but his behavior was different from Mark's in the competition at school. He accepted his trophy with a small bow, and then shook hands with the other students. Mark felt ashamed. The following Monday at school, Mark found Alice in the lunchroom. “I'm sorry I acted so rudely when I won the school spelling bee.” “It doesn't matter,” Alice said. “How was the county bee?” “What a disaster,” Mark said. “If you need a study partner for the next competition, I'm happy to help.” Alice smiled. Mark laughed. “Let's shake on it, partner.” “Better late than never,” Alice said, shaking his hand.
7UNIT 1 单元加餐练(一)
In the state of Maryland, a girl was born into slavery (奴隶制) in 1820.Her parents named her Araminta Harriet Ross.She was to become Harriet Tubman.She was one of about one million Africans in slavery in the United States.
From the age of five, Harriet Tubman's owners made her work very hard.First, she cared for the child of the farm owner.Then, she did hard work on large farms.
Although she could not read or write, Tubman learned from her parents to do what was right.Through her whole life, Tubman put herself in danger to help other people.
One such act changed her life when she was 13 years old.Because she helped another slave, her owner threw a piece of metal at her and it hit her on the head.She was badly hurt.For the rest of her life, Tubman's head wound caused problems for her.
When she was about 25 years old, Harriet married a free black man named John Tubman.But she was still a slave.Her life was so difficult that she decided to escape.She travelled for 145 kilometres, and finally crossed into the North.Tubman became a free woman.
But Tubman could not leave her family enslaved in the South.So she travelled back to help them escape as well.Then, she made many trips and guided about 300 slaves to freedom.Tubman also fought bravely in the American Civil War and in 1865 slavery was not allowed in the US.
Harriet Tubman died in 1913.Her memory brings hope to many people—especially to those who fight for justice (正义).She encouraged people to never give up.
“If you want a taste of freedom, keep going.”
语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了美国杰出的黑人废奴主义运动家Harriet Tubman。
1.What do we know about Harriet Tubman
A.She was born a slave.
B.She was born in Africa.
C.She was taken to the US by a slave trader.
D.She was sold to a farm owner when she was born.
2.When she was 13 years old, Tubman .
A.planned to run away
B.helped a slave escape
C.fought bravely against her owner
D.was seriously wounded in her head
3.We can infer from the text that Tubman was .
A.honest and friendly    B.strong and helpful
C.lucky and careful D.clever and polite
4.What would be the best title for the text
A.Africans' Fight for Freedom
B.Harriet Tubman: From Slave to Hero
C.The History of Slavery in the United States
D.The American Civil War: The North Against the South
Insects are everywhere. Insects pollinate (给……授粉) crops, remove waste from the environment and eat 1 insects like mosquitoes. But insects can also destroy crops, 2 buildings and spread disease. With that in mind, it's easy to see just how 3 the work done by entomologists (昆虫学家) is.
Dr Christine Miller is an entomologist, whose 4 as an insect researcher at the University of Florida takes her around the world 5 insects both common and rare. She loves her job and wants to know why insects do what they do and how they make the 6 healthy by becoming food for other animals or breaking down waste.
Miller's interest in insects started when she was young, collecting insects and surprised at their unique 7 . Miller attended Wesleyan University, where she at first joined a research laboratory studying plants. She soon realized insects were “more interesting and powerful”.
“Insects are an important part of our world,” Miller says. “If we want to 8 our growing population, we need to 9 to deal with insect pests. For example, right now armyworms are spreading through Africa 10 corn. There is real 11 that if we don't figure out how to stop them, that important crop will be ruined and people will starve.”
Because much of their work is done outside, entomologists face certain 12 . There is always the risk of being attacked by insects or 13 an insect borne illness. Moreover, entomologists are not always 14 around insects. Miller admits to being scared of maggots (蛆).
“That's something I haven't been able to 15 ,” she says with a laugh. “They make me as sick to my stomach as anyone else.”
1.A.rare         B.huge
C.beautiful D.harmful
2.A.design B.damage
C.clean D.admire
3.A.important B.impossible
C.simple D.adequate
4.A.tip B.figure
C.job D.vacation
5.A.in search of B.in need of
C.in favor of D.in charge of
6.A.competition B.environment
C.relationship D.diet
7.A.connections B.backgrounds
C.languages D.characteristics
8.A.reduce B.control
C.feed D.study
9.A.learn B.reply
C.agree D.regret
10.A.watching B.protecting
C.introducing D.eating
11.A.hope B.concern
C.doubt D.relief
12.A.dangers B.truths
C.chances D.changes
13.A.helping with B.looking into
C.referring to D.suffering from
14.A.suitable B.comfortable
C.familiar D.separate
15.A.put off B.show off
C.get over D.take over
It was the school spelling bee. Mark stood behind a microphone. “Your word is ‘onomatopoeia’,” said Mr Green, the announcer.
“I got this!” Mark thought. Spelling was sort of his superpower. He wasn't good at math or science, but he enjoyed reading books. He rarely studied yet always ached (在……中取得好成绩) his spelling tests — even the hardest words.
Mark's brain fast forwarded to the spelling bees ahead: first the county championship, then the state championship, and finally the national spelling bee.
“Your answer, please, Mark?”
He glanced back at Alice, another fourth grader. She wanted another chance to win the game. If he missed his word, she would be back in the game, but that wasn't going to happen.
Mark cleared his throat, “Onomatopoeia, o n o m a t o p o e i a, onomatopoeia.”
“Correct!” said Mr Green.
Mark's older sister, Daisy, who had also competed but missed her word, applauded with the rest of the crowd. Mr Green presented the trophy (奖杯) to Mark. Then he immediately ran down the steps toward his sister. “I win,” Mark said, showing the trophy to Daisy. However, Daisy rolled her eyes and said, “You're a terrible winner.”
“What's wrong?” Mark asked.
“You know, it wasn't cool that you ignored Alice on the stage. She tried to shake your hand,” Daisy said.
Mark shrugged (耸肩) and said, “I didn't notice. Anyway, county bee, here I come!”
Two weeks passed in a blink (转眼间). At the county bee, students from different schools stood on the stage. After six rounds, the group of more than 100 students dwindled (减少) to just seven. This was no regular spelling bee. Mark barely made it through the last round with a lucky guess on “conscience”.
Mark wiped his sweaty palms on his pants. Gary, a fifth grader next to him, told him during break that he had studied two hours a day to get ready for this competition.
Another speller crashed with “rhythmic”.
“Your word is ‘maestro’,” the announcer said to Mark.                                    
Gary finally won with the word “obnoxious”, but his behavior was different from Mark's in the competition at school.