选择性必修第二册Unit2Bridging Cultures Vocabulary Learning课件 (16张ppt)


名称 选择性必修第二册Unit2Bridging Cultures Vocabulary Learning课件 (16张ppt)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-11-09 17:40:17



Unit 2 Bridging cultures
Vocabulary Learning
More than 800 Model X Tesla (特斯拉)cars were recalled because of security problem.
I can't recall meeting her before.
recall 召回产品
recall doing/having done 记得做过某事
Recalling the past, we are still haunted(萦绕于脑际)by the eventful days .
Teaching Qualification Examination
gain/obtain qualifications 获得资格
have (no) qualifications for / to do 有资格....
High scores in Gaokao will qualify you for a better university.
He failed to reach the required standard , and did not qualify to enter the finals.
qualify (sb) for sth.
qualify (sb) to do 使某人有资格....
sb be qualified for sth.
sb be qualified to do 有资格做....
EX on page31 优化学案
ambition -- ambitious
realize/achieve one's ambition of doing/ to do 实现某人..的理想
One's ambition is to do ...... 某人的理想是....
be ambitious for .... 渴望../ 对..有期待
Try to translate: 老骥伏枥,志在千里。
She never realized her ambition of becoming/to
become a professional singer.
His ambition is to sail around the world.
Mothers are often highly ambitious for their children.
The old people are still ambitious for big dreams.
Zhen Huanzhuan is adapted from the novel of Liu Lianzi.
Liu Lianzi's novel is adapted for a TV.
As time went by, I gradually adapt myself to living in a foreign country.
adapt (oneself) to (doing) sth
adapt -- adaptation -- adaptable
EX on page33 优化学案
participate -- participation -- participant
Many people participated in the anti-smoking campaign and
most of the participants said their participation was voluntary.
1. The headmaster encouraged us to participate ______various after-school activities to enrich our school life.
2.I was lucky to enough to study there as an exchange student, which allowed me _________(improve) my language skills and find out more about the local culture It was my active ____________(participate) that helped me make friends in a foreign country.
to improve
Industry leaders want scientists to engage in fundamental research.
They never learned skills to engage the attention of the others.
They are engaged to be married inJune.
He is now engaged in his second novel.
/ n ɡe d /
engage in参加,参与
engage one's interest/attention吸引注意力
be/get engaged (to sb) 与..订婚.
be engaged in sth.忙于...
engagement n. 订婚, 约会
求婚: propose to sb .
n. proposal
1. During summer holiday, more than 30 students got involved in voluntary work.
2. A crosstalk performance involves talking, imitating, singing and telling jokes.
3. Come and enjoy New Year Eve with us. Your involvement will be warmly welcomed.
be/get involved in ... 参加,加入/牵涉
involve (sb)doing .. 包括/需要做....
n. involvement 参与,投入
motivate --- motivated --- motivation
What really ________ the new teacher is that all his students are ________ when attending his class, and their ________ for learning keeps the teacher devoted to teaching the lovely kids.
motivate sb. to do sth.激励某人做某事
motivation [U.C].动力;积极性;[C]动机
motivation for( doing)sth.(做)某事的动机
unexpected adj.出乎意料的
expect v.
expect (sb) to do
be expected to do
as expected, 正如期待
beyond expectations 超出预期
live up to (one's ) expectations 达到某人期望
an unexpected visit
1.We are expecting a rise in food prices this month.
2.You can't expect to learn a foreign language in a few months
Using Wi-Fi in a public place such as a hotel, cafe or bar can expose your data to a network which is not secure.
We want to expose the kids to as much art and culture as possible.
The companies were instructed not to expose people to polluted water.
Being exposed to loud music too much has caused hearing problem in some teenagers.
expose ... to... 将..暴露于.../使...遭受/体验
be exposed to ... 接触...
It is wrong to aim at quantity at the expense of quality.
100 dollars is not a big fortune but would help cover my daily expense.
For twenty years, at least ten or twenty percent of my living expense is spent on books.
I spare no expense to collect the paintings by Picasso.
Zoucheng, known as the birthplace of Mengzi, is surrounded by mountains and has amazing scenery.
surround ... with/by
be surrounded with/by
Surrounded by mountains , Zoucheng is known as the the birthplace of Mengzi,.
Cloudy days always depress me.
I am always depressed at/about the cloudy days.
depressing atmosphere
suffer from depression
deny doing 拒绝做某事
It can't be denied that .... 不可否认
There is no denying that .... 不可否认
Thank You !