Unit5 what does he do PB Read and write课件+教案


名称 Unit5 what does he do PB Read and write课件+教案
格式 zip
文件大小 6.9MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-11-11 09:31:24


人教版 六年级上
Read and write
B Read and write
Ask and answer:
2.What does…do
3.Where does he/she work
1. Is your father/mother a/an…
4.How does he/she go to work
police officer
Guessing game
He likes helping people.
He often helps the people to find their way. He works in the police office or on the street.
What does he do
Guessing game
She likes science. She often does experiments.
She works in a university.
What does she do
Guessing game
He likes sports. He is good at football. He teaches football. He works in a gym.
What does he do
Guessing game
He likes music. He can sing well. Many people like his songs.
What does he do
She likes computer. She can use computer well. She can type quickly!
She works in an office.
What does she do
[sekr tri]
What are your hobbies
Do you want to be a/an…
What do you want to be
I have a friend. He/ She likes…
What about them
Hu Bin
1. How many people are there in the passage
2. Who are they?
Hobbies and jobs
What does he like
He likes sports.
What does he want to be
He wants to be a coach.
Where does he want to work
He wants to work in a gym.
He like sports.
He is good at football, ping-pong and basketball.
He often goes running.
He wants to work in a gym.
He can be a coach, a sports reporter, or a PE teacher.
Finish the table
Hu Bin likes . He is good at football, . He often . He wants to work . He can be a , a sports reporter, or .
Retell the passage
ping-pong and basketball
in a gym
goes running
PE teacher
What does she like
She likes using computers.
What does she want to be
She wants to be a secretary.
Where does to she want to work
She wants to work in an office.
She likes using computers.
She can type very quickly.
She wants to work in an office.
She can be a secretary.
Finish the table
Retell the passage
Key words:
using computers
type very quickly
work in an office
be a secretary
Ask and answer:
Q1: What does he like
Q2: Where does he want to work
Q3: What does he want to be
Finish the table
He likes science.
He studies very hard.
He wants to work in a university.
He can be a scientist.
Robin is a robot. He wants to be . He likes science. He very . He to work in .Robin often does sports. He is .He has a .We should and , too.
Retell the passage
a scientist
a university
healthy life
study hard
stay healthy
using computers
Look at the table and retell the passage
Fill in the blanks
We have new friends. They are Hu Bin, Sarah and Robin. Hu Bin likes . He is sports. He wants to work in . He can be in the future. Sarah can type very quickly. She likes .She work in . She can be a secretary. Robin very hard. His hobby is . He wants to . He can be .
good at
a gym
a coach
using computers
wants to
an office
work in a university
Tip: If you like dancing .
You can be .
Tip: If you like sports.
You can be .
Tip: If you like math.
You can be .
a dancer
a coach
a teacher
Tip: If you like .
You can be a scientist.
Tip: If you like .
You can be a polit.
Tip: If you like .
You can be a police officer.
flying in the sky
helping people
Tip: If you like
and can type very quickly.
You can be .
a secretary
What is the meaning of the “tip”
Welcome To The Real World
Which job do you want to do
I want to be …
Welcome To The Real World
Where: In the Zhongshan Park
When: Next Friday
At the Real World Camp, children can try to do different jobs. Do you want your kids to go to the camp
[s gn t (r)]
[ la ]
I want to be a/an…
He/She is a/an…
He/She works in…
It’s …
Jobs in the Animal World
In the animal world, some animal’s jobs are amazing. What can a pigeon do What can a pigeon do It can be a postman. It can fly. It can deliver letters. The woodpecker is a good doctor for the tree. It can eat the worms in the tree. Because of this, the trees stay healthy. Do you know the frog It can jump and swim in the water. It could be a lifeguard. What about the cat It can be a good police officer. It catches mice…
Animals Abilities Jobs
fly, deliver letters
a postman
eat the worms
a doctor
jump and swim
a lifeguard
catch mice
a police officer
He is good at math.
He is good at playing football.
He is a sports reporter.
She is a sports reporter.
1.Finish the exercises.
2.Follow the tape and read the text.
Thank you!
Unit 5 What does he do
Part B read and write
内容分析:Read and write 分为读、写、语音三部分:第一部分要求学生阅读图片和文段,为文段选择题目,并完成关于Hu Bin\Sarah和Robin爱好、职业梦想和工作地点的信息表。第二部分要求学生完成表格,获得家长许可参观Real World Camp。第三部分旨在培养学生的语音意识,明白英语中逗号是句中停顿标识的朗读技巧。
1. 能力目标:
2. 知识目标:
(1)听、说、读、理解句型:He\She is good at... He\She likes…
If you…You can be a\an…
(2)理解短语:be good at的用法
(3)能用以下句子来简单描述人物: He/She is… He/She works …
He/She goes to work
(4) 理解 tip的用法。
3. 学习策略:(1)懂得利用图片来帮助理解短文。
4. 情感态度:学生能够根据自己的特长、爱好,树立职业理想。
1. 理解课文
2. 能听、说、读、写句型:He\She is good at... He\She likes…
If you…You can be a\an…
教学难点:句子If you…You can be a\an…的理解。
教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
Step 1Warm-up Free talk: What are your hobbies Is your father/mother a/an… What does your father /mother do Where does he/she work How does he/she go to work 展示预学案并对答案。复习已学职业单词。单词分类 与老师交流个人兴趣爱好及父母职业。展示预学案 师生交流,调节气氛,复习并激活所学知识
Step 2Presentation Pre – reading:1.教师出示图片。教师根据学生的回答说出相关的职业建议:T: What are your hobbies S: I like…T: If you like…You can be a/an… 学生在老师引导下看图回答问题。 在读前设置问题,激发学生阅读文本的兴趣,培养学生的思维能力,为文本理解做好铺垫。
While-reading:The first reading:引入文章T: You like dancing. You can be a singer.教师提出问题,学生带着问题听录音回答问题。T: How many people are there in the passage T: Who are they 学生跟着录音快速阅读文章,回答问题。 让学生整体感知课文的内容。
Step 2Presentation The second reading:细读文章分别学习三幅图片的内容,并回答相应问题。学完每一幅图片内容后,再次重现图片,用表格形式让学生回答Hobbies, Abilities, Places, Jobs 相关内容。T: Who is he /she What are his/her hobbies Where does he/she want to work What can he/she be Retell the passage.第一幅图片给提示,另两幅直接让学生复述.The third reading:1)齐读read and write,教师播放录音,要求学生跟读录音,并感受句子中逗号的停顿。学生在文章中找出具有同样停顿的地方,用正确的方式朗读文章。2)完成书本练习。3)文本重构。 学生带着问题阅读课文,根据任务需要寻找关键信息,回答问题。学生填表格,根据表格内容复述文章听录音跟读并在文章中找出停顿的地方。完成书本两道练习。完成文本重构。 引导学生进一步理解文段内容,让学生理解并归纳文章的内容及重点信息。培养学生的归纳能力。让学生听音模仿、感知停顿的地方。训练学生朗读,激发学生阅读兴趣,同时培养学生发现、归纳、总结的能力。
Post-reading:完成书本练习At the Real World Camp引入T:What about you Which job do you want to do S: I want to be… T: Look at the pictures. The children are at the Real World Camp.T: This is an invitation for the Real World Camp.教师展示邀请函内容。T:If you want to join the camp You should write down your parents’ information. Fill l in the form.2.教师补充主题为《动物世界的工作》的短文。要求学生阅读短文并完成表格 完成书本练习At the Real World Camp阅读短文并完成表格
Board writing Unit 5 What does he do Part B read and write Hobbies:Abilities:Job:
Homework Homework: 1.Finish the exercises 2.Follow the tape and read the text