Unit5 what does he do 写作(Writing)课件+教案


名称 Unit5 what does he do 写作(Writing)课件+教案
格式 zip
文件大小 77.8MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-11-11 09:58:41


Part c writing
人教版 六年级上
Unit Five What does he do
Lesson 6 writing
We learn many jobs these days.
They are all great community helpers.
People work around us.
People help us every day.
Are there any community helpers in Yayao Community
How do they help us What do they do at work
__________ makes delicious food.
__________ keeps the street clean.
__________ teaches us ABC.
__________ catches the bad people.
__________ plants fruit and vegetables.
__________ helps the sick people.
__________ helps the doctor.
__________ brings letters and postcards to your house.
A cook
A cleaner
A teacher
A police
A farmer
A doctor
A nurse
A postman
Are there any community helpers working in the school
Who are they
How do they help us
Miss/Mrs/Mr What Where How What does … do at work
Mr. Chen
Miss Pu
Mrs Ye
What Where How What does … do at work
Mr. Chen a cook school on foot He makes some delicious food.
Miss Pu an English teacher by car She teaches us English.
Mrs Ye a cleaner on foot She keeps the school clean.
Mr Deng is a…
He works at…
He goes to work…
He ….
Miss Pu is …
She works at…
She goes to work…
She ….
Mrs Ye is …
She works at…
She goes to work…
She ….
Can you talk about their jobs
Are there any community helpers in your home
Who is he/she
What does he/she do
Where does he/she work
How does he/she go to work
What does he/she do at work
My Mother
Hi. My name is Tina. I want to tell you something about my mother.
My mother is short and strong. She has short hair and big eyes. She is always friendly and helpful to the people.
My mother is a traffic police. She works in a police station. She tells the people to follow the traffic rules every day. Usually she goes to work by car. Sometimes she goes by bus.
I love my mother so much because she’s a great community helper.
My Mother
Hi. My name is Tina. I want to tell you something about my mother.
My mother is short and strong. She has short hair and big eyes. She is always friendly and helpful to the people.
My mother is a traffic police. She works in a police station. She tells the people to follow the traffic rules every day. Usually she goes to work by car. Sometimes she goes by bus.
I love my mother so much because she’s a great community helper.
What does Tina’s mother like
What is Tina’s mother like
My Mother
Hi. My name is Tina. I want to tell you something about my mother.
My mother is short and strong. She has short hair and big eyes. She is always friendly and helpful to the people.
My mother is a traffic police. She works in a police station. She tells the people to follow the traffic rules every day. Usually she goes to work by car. Sometimes she goes by bus.
I love my mother so much because she’s a great community helper.
What does Tina’s mother do
What are her mother’s hobbies
Where does her mother work
My Mother
Hi. My name is Tina. I want to tell you something about my mother.
My mother is short and strong. She has short hair and big eyes. She is always friendly and helpful to the people.
My mother is a traffic police. She works in a police station. She tells the people to follow the traffic rules every day. Usually she goes to work by car. Sometimes she goes by bus.
I love my mother so much because she’s a great community helper.
What does Tina’s mother do
Where does her mother work
How does she go to work
My Mother
Hi. My name is Tina. I want to tell you something about my mother.
My mother is short and strong. She has short hair and big eyes. She is always friendly and helpful to the people.
My mother is a traffic police. She works in a police station. She tells the people to follow the traffic rules every day. Usually she goes to work by car. Sometimes she goes by bus.
I love my mother so much because she’s a great community helper.
What does Tina’s mother do
How does she go to work
What does her mother do at work
My Mother
Hi. My name is Tina. I want to tell you something about my mother.
My mother is short and strong. She has short hair and big eyes. She is always friendly and helpful to the people.
My mother is a traffic police. She works in a police station. She tells the people to follow the traffic rules every day. Usually she goes to work by car. Sometimes she goes by bus.
I love my mother so much because she’s a great community helper.
What does Tina’s mother do
Where does her mother work
How does she go to work
My Mother
Hi. My name is Tina. I want to tell you something about my mother.
My mother is short and strong. She has short hair and big eyes. She is always friendly and helpful to the people.
My mother is a traffic police. She works in a police station. She tells the people to follow the traffic rules every day. Usually she goes to work by car. Sometimes she goes by bus.
I love my mother so much because she’s a great community helper.
Why does Tina love her
How does Tina love her
Who does Tina love
What is he/she like
He/She is …
He/She has…
What does he/She do
He/She is a …
Where does he/she work
He/She works…
How does he/she go to work
Usually/Sometimes he/she goes to work…
My …
What does he/She do at work
He/She …
Do you like him/her Why
Hi. My name is…. I want to…
Write a composition.
Finish the mind map first. Then write down a composition about a good community helper from your home or your school.
My _______
Hi. My name is ____. I want to tell you something about my _____.
My __________________________________________________
My __________________________________________________
I love _______ because _______ a great community helper.
Do you want to be a good community helper
What do you want to be when you grow up
Be grateful to the people who help us every day.
Wave your hands and say hello to them.
Say thank you to them.
2. It’s important for you to have a dream.
Never give up on your dream.
Hard work makes dream come ture.
Finish the mind map.
Share your dreams with your friends and your family.小学六年级上册 英语精细化集体备课教学设计
Unit Five What does he do Lesson 6 Writing
课题 Unit Five What does he do Lesson 6 课型 writing
课程定位 复习已学的职业相关内容,通过师生共建,攻破写作难点“What does he do at work 、 How does he go to work 、 Where does he work ”。再以“以说促写,以读促写”的方法,协助学生完成写作任务。
内容分析 本课以community helpers为主题,引导学生运用一般现在时对他人的工作地点、上班方式以及工作内容进行描述。
教学目标 一、能力目标 1. 能口头描述他人的工作、工作地点、上班方式以及工作内容。 2. 能朗读“My mother”这篇短文。 3. 能根据思维导图,完成本单元的写作任务。 二、知识目标: 1. 能读懂短文。 2. 能运用本单元所学的主要句型He is a …/ He works in a …/ He goes to work by…/He…来描述他人的职业以及生活情况。 3. 掌握文章的写作结构,学习写作技巧。 三、学习策略: 根据归纳法,协助学生掌握写作方法。 四、情感态度 1. 引导学生知道社会上有不同的职业岗位。 2. 引导学生规划职业蓝图,勇于追寻自己的职业梦想。 五、文化意识: 了解国外学生对职业的认识,是从community helpers开始。
教学重点 搭建框架,协助学生运用一般现在时和本单元的句型对他人的职业进行描述
教学难点 正确运用一般现在时描述他人的工作内容. What does he do at work
教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
Step 1 Warm up 1.Greetings. 2.检查预学案的练习。 We’ve learned many jobs these days. What are they They’re all great community helpers 复习已学词汇,初步认识情境 在趣味十足的活动中复习
Step 2 Lead in 1.Video Clip What are community helper People work around us. People help us every day. 2. Are there any community helpers in Yayao Community How do they help us What do they do at work 3. Are there community helpers in our school Who are they What do they do How do they go to work What do they do at work 了解情境 熟悉情境 填表,并根据表格提示,描述在校人员的工作 口头回答问题,并根据表格提示,描述家人的工作 正确朗读范文 根据提示,认识文章的结构。 设疑激趣 引导学生在情境中运用句型 搭建支架,引导学生分析文章的结构
Step 3 Present 1. Are there any community helpers in your home Who is he/she What does he/she do Where does he/she work How does he/she go to work What does he/she do at work 2. Tina’s mother is a great community helper. What does she do Sample: My mother 3. What is Tina’s mother like What does Tina’s mother do Where does her mother work What does her mother do at work How does her mother go to work Why does Tina love her mother so much
Step 4 Practice 1. Answer the question and finish the mind map. 2. Talk about your composition. 3. Write down your own composition. 4. Check the composition. 5. Homework: 完成思维导图,先进行口头作文,再进行笔头作文。 同桌交换修改,四人小组内分享。 根据支架进行写作。
Step 5 Sum up 1. Video Clip: When I grow up 2. Sum up: Be grateful to the people who help us every day. It’s important for you to have a dream. 了解国外同龄人的梦想 丰富学生的语言输入
Board writing