Unit 2 wildlife protection Period 4 reading for writing课件+学案


名称 Unit 2 wildlife protection Period 4 reading for writing课件+学案
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-11-16 17:50:25


新人教版必修二Unit 2 Period 4
Reading for Writing 学案
学生姓名 班级 序号
课题内容 Unit 2 Wildlife Protection Period 4 Reading for Writing
教材分析 This lesson is the fourth lesson of the second unit. The title is "How to make an effective poster". Wildlife is an important part of all life and natural systems on earth. Protecting wildlife and biodiversity is the consistent goal of the whole mankind. The protection of wild animals requires the participation of the whole society, establishing a firm awareness of law-abiding, carrying out wildlife protection education. Arouse the public's awareness and enthusiasm for protecting wildlife. Through this unit, students learn about the current situation of wild animals and protection measures, learn how to make posters. Teachers and students devote themselves to the work of protecting the ecological environment and wildlife, actively devoted themselves to building a harmonious coexistence between human and nature in beautiful homeland.Making posters requires students to understand and study the living conditions of endangered animals and the threats they face, and think about how to take effective protection measures. Learn the main content of posters and the making methods of posters, and cultivate students' sense of social. The reading materials for this class are two posters. The first poster is "Give Ugly a Chance!" Calling on people to protect all kinds of wildlife. "Ugly" animals are as important as cute ones, and they all have meaning and value. Don't treat animals differently because of their likes and dislikes. The second poster is "Don't Make Paper with My Home!" The headline is written as if the koalas were speaking to the reader. It uses personification rhetoric and uses koala's cry as the title to criticize the deforestation and destroying animal homes. Exclamation sentences have strong appeal and emotional color, and with vivid pictures, the posters are more powerful. The second wants us to be aware of our paper consumption. It doesn't tell us to change directly, but it attracts our emotions to change, because what we are doing is unfair to animals like koalas.
学习目标与核心素养 1. Learn to master the content and features of English posters by reading the text.2. Read and understand the two posters, summarize the key sentences and understand the emotions expressed by the posters.3. Develop students' writing ability and teamwork ability by learning how to make posters.4. Master the effective method of making posters on the protection of endangered animals. 5.Try to make posters about wild animals.
学习重点 1.Read and understand the two posters, summarize the key sentences and understand the emotions expressed by the posters.2.Try to make posters about wild animals.
学习难点 Make a poster that has visual impact, clear ideology and artistic appeal.
1.dolphin [ d lf n] n.1 .海豚
2.emotion [ m n] n.激情;情感;情绪; (同义词)passion/feeling激情/感情
3.skin [sk n] n.皮;皮肤
4.unusual[ n ju u l] adj.特别的;不寻常的; (同义词)uncommon不常有的;罕见的; (反义词)usual通常的;寻常的
1.search for搜寻;搜; search sp. for sb./sth.搜寻某人/某物; search out 找出;查出
2.stir up挑起;引起(不愉快的情绪或事态); stir up hatred挑起仇恨; stir up trouble 挑起麻烦
1. When it comes to wildlife protection,all species... should be treated equally.
When it comes to + n./pron./v.-ing. 一谈到......;就.......而论(to是介词)
come up to达到(标准)等;比得上come on赶快;加油
come about发生,产生
come across偶然碰见;偶然发现
come to共计;达到;苏醒
come over来访,拜访
come up with提出;想出
come along (with) ... 和......一起去
①When it comes to (一谈到......)math, my mind goes blank.
②He didn't come up to (达到)my need.
③We use our imagination and come up with(提出)creative ideas.
2. Is it right to make animals homeless so that humans can have more paper
(1)so that引导目的状语从句
The team are working hard to analyze the problem so that they can find the best solution.
so that“为了,以便,目的是”,引导目的状语从句,此时so that相当于in order that(为了)。
如果主句主语与从句主语一致,也可以改成so as to do/in order to do作目的状语。
They trained hard every day so that they could win glory for their homeland.
(2)so that+结果状语从句,so that意思为“结果;因此”。
He often lied so that nobody believed him.
Bring it nearer so that (以便) I may see it better.
He sat at the corner so that (所以,因此) he survived the accident.
1.They removed the stones and bricks ____________(寻找)some survivors in the earthquake.
2.John was always _____________(惹是生非)in class.
3.Compared with his sister,Jerry is even more sensitive to __________(emotion)
And relationship problems.
4.Zhang Ming has an_________(usual) view of Chinese traditions became he was brought up in America.
5.Is this your necklace, Mary I came______it when I was cleaning the bathroom
this morning.
6.[2018.天津卷] Let's not pick these peaches until this weekend________(以便)
they get sweet enough to be eaten.
Some of the greatest problems we face today are connected with the gradual
destruction of our environment. Brown clouds; wildlife extinction; 1 water. These 2 all seem so huge.So my family does what we can. We take cloth bags to stores instead of using plastic bags. We walk where we don't have to 3 . But does it do any good
I recently learned something about flamingos (火烈鸟) . These beautiful birds gather in 4 groups of a thousand or more. Every year, when the time comes for migration, a few flamingos start the process by taking off from the lake. But 5 of the others seem to notice, so the tiny group returns.
However, the next day they 6 again. This time a few more struggle along with them, but the vast majority still pay no attention, so these pioneers come back.
The 7 continues for several more days. Every time a few more birds join in but, 8 the thousands of others still take no 9 ,the great migration plan is once again 10 .
Then one day something 11 . The same small group of birds takes wing and a tiny number more join in, just as before. And this time their total number,though still quite small, is enough to tip the balance. As one, the whole group takes fight and the migration 12 . What a magnificent sight it must be thousands of flamingos taking to the sky at once!
A few can make a 13 . It's true that all of the great problems of the world have been solved because of the 14 efforts of a few.
If you believe in a cause, don't give up! Others will someday take notice and together we will 15 even our greatest problems.
1. A. abandoned B. polluted C. deserted D. used
2. A. questions B. costs C. examples D. problems
3. A. drive B. run C. cycle D. stand
4. A. tiny B. different C. huge D. similar
5.A. all B. any C. none D. most
6. A. gather B. try C. sing D. appear
7. A. plan B. trend C. activity D. movement
8. A. since B. though C. unless D. while
9. A. responsibility B. notice C. chance D. measure
10. A. put off B. cut off C. carried out D. worked out
11. A. approaches B. works C. changes D. disappears
12. A. continues B. delays C. finishes D. begins
13. A. point B. decision C. difference D. mistake
14. A. useless B. tireless C. extra D. special
15. A. identify B. understand C. predict D. solve
1.阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。续写的词数应为 150词左右。
One fall,my wife Ellie and I had a single goal:to photograph polar bears.We were staying at a research camp outside"the polar bear capital of the world"-the town of Churchill in Manitoba, Canada.
Taking pictures of polar bears is amazing but also dangerous.Polar bears-like all wild animals-should be photographed from a safe distance.When I'm face to face with a polar bear,I like it to be through a camera with a telephoto lens.But sometimes,that is easier said than done.This was one of those times.
As Ellie and I cooked dinner,a young male polar bear who was playing in a nearby lake sniffed, and smelled our garlic bread.
The hungry bear followed his nose to our camp,which was surrounded by a high wire fence.He pulled and bit the wire.He stood on his back legs and pushed at the wooden fence posts.
Terrified,Ellie and I tried all the bear defense actions we knew.We yelled at the bear,hit pots hard, and fired blank shotgun shells into the air Sometimes loud noises like these will scare bears off.Not this polar bear though-he just kept trying to tear down the fence with his massive paws(爪子).
I radioed the camp manager for help.He told me a helicopter was on its way,
but it would be 30 minutes before it arrived.Making the best of this close encounter (相遇), I took some pictures or the bear.
Ellie and I feared the fence wouldn't last through 30 more minutes of the bear's punishment.The camp manager suggested I use pepper spray.The spray burns the bears' eyes,but doesn't hurt them. So I approached our uninvited guest slowly and.through the fence,sprayed him in the face.With an angry roar(吼叫),the bear ran to the lake to wash his eyes.
Para 1.
A few minutes later,the bear headed back to our camp.
Para 2.
At that very moment,the helicopter arrived.
3.以“Protect Wild Animals”为题,写一篇80词左右的英语短文。要求内容包括下列要点,可适当增加细节,以使文章完整通顺。
3.后果:a.生态平衡被破坏 b.人类受到大自然的惩罚
4.建议:a.严惩盗猎者 b.提高环保意识 c.建立自然保护区
参考词汇:自然保护区nature reserve;生态平衡the balance of nature
Protect Wild Animals
3.活动时间: 7月4日下午2点;
6.海报发布时间: 5月24日。
1.[答案]in search of /to search
2.[答案]stirring up trouble
6.[答案]so that/in order that
1. B
7. B
8. A
9. B
12. D
13. C
15. D
1.空格前的brown clouds,wildlife extinction均是列举了环境破坏的具体问题。polluted water (被污染的水)也是环境破坏中的一大问题。
3.由本段中的“So my family does what we can."可知,作者的家人在尽力做他们能做的事情来保护环境。能走着去的地方,作者的家人就不会开车(drive)去。
4.由空格后的groups of a thousand or more可知,火烈鸟聚集在一起的数量巨大。
5.本段的of the others seem to notice与下一段的the vast majority still pay no attention均在描述火烈鸟跟随同伴迁徙时的数量变化。一开始时,几只火烈
9. take no notice没有注意到,固定短语。由语境可知,每次都有更多的火烈鸟加入飞行的大军,可终因成千上万的火烈鸟依然没有注意到,大迁徙的
10.由语境可知, 大迁徙的计划因大多数火烈鸟没有注意到而一再推迟(put off)。
11.由后文可知, 有一天,情况改变(change)了。
12.句意: ......整群的火烈鸟都飞了起来,大迁徙开始(begin)了。
13.make a difference起作用,有影响,固定短语。
15. solve problems 解决问题。句意:总有一天别人会开始关注,携起手来,我们就能解决(solve)我们最大的难题。
A few minutes later, the bear headed back to our camp. Roars and screams pierced the silence with needle-like shrillness. The noises turned Ellie and I pale with horror. I feared that the giant would destroy our whole fence. He roared repeatedly, shattering what was left of the silence. Ellie seized this opportunity to take some pictures of the bear. The animal’s noises echoed all around us. We betrayed our feelings by huddling together, shivering with fear. After thoroughly scrutinizing the area, he trotted forward a few steps.
At that very moment, the helicopter arrived. My heart leaped with joy as I knew we were likely to be saved. Ellie used pepper spray again to buy us enough time. But this time the bear became more alert. He regarded us with the merciless necessity of hunger, so we throw all the food we have. He then turned away and started devouring. As we were climbing the rope ladder, Ellie prayed like thousand times to show thankfulness of being safe and sound.
由第一段的段首提示句可知:几分钟后,熊又回到营地。接下来可通过场景渲染,描写当时令人颤栗惊恐的画面,例如“Roars and screams pierced the silence with needle-like shrillness.”这不仅合理地描写了熊的反应,也描绘出让人战栗的场景。要注意与第二段首句的衔接。
由第二段的段首提示句可知:此时,直升机到了。如果想要进行续写两段的合理衔接,第一段的结尾可描写成“After thoroughly scrutinizing the area, the bear trotted forward a few steps.”这样可以营造出危急的场景。“我们”看到直升机的到来,感到绝处逢生的喜悦,可以以人物心理描写作为第二段的开头,重点描写喜极而泣的状态,例如“My heart leaped with joy as I knew we were likely to be saved.”最后,结尾部分需要迅速收束,并说明成功逃脱的结局。
本文续写内容与原文高度契合,使用了高级词汇和句子,尤其突出的是,场景和心理描写传神到位,如:Roars and screams pierced the silence with needle -like shrillness,又如He roared repeatedly, shattering what was left of the silence,这不仅合理地描写了熊的动作,也渲染出让人战栗的场景,让读者有极强的代入感;再如As we were climbing the rope ladder, Ellie prayed like thousand times to show thankfulness of being safe and sound.传神地描绘出了Ellie对于绝处逢生感到难以言表的喜悦和对救援的感激之情,等等。
Protect Wild Animals
Wild animals are man’s close friends. They not only provide us with fun but also play a key role in keeping the balance of nature.
Unfortunately, they are being over-hunted, and some species are dying out. If it goes on like this, man is to be punished.
To stay away from the seemingly faraway disaster, man has to do something. First, effective laws must be passed to give the illegal hunters proper punishment. Second, people’s awareness of environment protection should be raised to a higher level. Third, we must setup nature reserves to provide the animals with comfort-able habitats.
本篇书面表达属于说明文,要求考生以“Protect Wild Animals”为题,写一篇80词左右的英语短文,内容包括1.意义:野生动物与人类的生活息息相关;2.现状:野生动物正在被过度捕杀;3.后果:a.生态平衡被破坏;b.人类受到大自然的惩罚;4.建议:a.严惩盗猎者; b.提高环保意识;c.建立自然保护区。
灭绝:die out→become extinct
远离:stay away from→keep away from
原句:Wild animals are man’s close friends. They not only provide us with fun but also play a key role in keeping the balance of nature.
拓展句:Wild animals are man’s close friends, who not only provide us with fun but also play a key role in keeping the balance of nature.
[高分句型1] They not only provide us with fun but also play a key role in keeping the balance of nature.(运用了动名词作宾语)
[高分句型2] If it goes on like this, man is to be punished.(运用了if引导的条件状语从句)
A Campaign to Protect the Wild Animals
With the animals' habitat destroyed, many wild animals are in danger of dying out. We must take some measures to protect wild animals from extinction. (话题)
In order to raise people' S awareness of protecting endangered wild animals, we will start a campaign in No.1 meeting room at 2 pm on July 4. (时间地点)We all hope that laws concerning animals protection should be made to punish illegal hunters. Besides, it is necessary to set up natural reserves. Anyone who is willing to take part please go to your monitor to sign up. [高分句型一] (报名手续)There is no doubt that animals living in safe environments are more likely to survive. [高分句型二](比赛目的)
All are welcome to be present at the activity. It will be wonderful and you can't miss it. (欢迎参加)
The Students' Union (举办单位)
May 24 (海报发布时间)
Anyone who is willing to take part please go to your monitor to sign up.
There is no doubt that animals living in safe environments are more likely to survive.
[分析]:这句话使用There is no doubt that...意为"毫无疑问"。
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Unit 2 Wildlife Protection
Period 4
新人教版版 高一年级上
Reading for writing
1.The__________(reduce) of unemployment should be the most important thing.
2.The next meeting_______________(预计召开) in three months.
3.The __________(袋鼠)is indigenous to Australia.
4.Huntsmen chased the_____(鹿)silently.
5.Company ______(鹿)were 5% lower than last year.
6.Many dolphins die each year from entanglement in fishing _____(网).
7.The character of the _____________ (邻居)hasn't changed at all.
is due to be held
1.Many interesting experiments_________________(carry) out these days.
2.Since your bike_____________(fix), you can use mine.
3.The new generation of computers, with artificial intelligence____________________ (develop) and perfected now.
4.——I don't suppose the police know who did it.
——Well, surprisingly they do. A man has been arrested and__________________(question) now.
5.——Have you handed in your schoolwork yet
——Yes,I have. I guess it_______________(grade) now.
6.——What's that noise
—— Oh, I forgot to tell you. The new machine______________(test).
are being carried
is being fixed
are being developed
is being questioned
is being graded
is being tested
Key words
[ d lf n] n.
[ m n] n.
[sk n] n.
[ n ju u l] adj.
Key words
search for
search sp. for sb./sth.
search out
stir up
stir up hatred
stir up trouble
Let’s review
stir up
search for
Lead in
The poster is a publicity tool(宣传工具) to introduce drama, film, sports competition, literary performance, press conference and other news. Poster design has considerable attraction and artistic appeal. Its picture has strong visual effects and unique artistic style and design characteristics.
Lead in
Look at the 3 posters and recall the features of a posters.
careful design and use of colors,types of characters/letters
Features of a posters
big pictures/photos
powerful words/slogans
Groups discussion. Look at the poster below.What are the usual elements of posters how to make a poster
1.What are the usual elements of a poster
Posters generally consist of three parts: title, body and signature.
Groups discussion
2. how to make a poster
①the subject is clear.
②highlighting keywords.
③bright color.
④Visual impact, which can be realized by image and color.
⑤The content of the poster is refined and the main content is focused.
⑥The content can not be too much.
⑦Generally, it is mainly pictures, supplemented by copy writing.
⑧The subject script is eye-catching.
1 Look at the posters below. Which emotions do the photos communicate
●funny ●surprising ●frightening ● sad ●......
A poster stirs up readers’ emotions with pictures.
poster 1:frightening,uncomfortable, ...
poster 2:lovely,interesting,...
Free talk
Watch the video below,communicate with your partner. What are the rodents
Rodents need to be protected
Some rodents (啮齿动物) were killed by fur, which
almost became extinct on the earth. For example,the
fur of beaver(河狸) is very precious, and its fur does
not drip when it comes out of the water, and its
fragrance gland secretion is a precious spice-beaver
fragrance. Therefore, the economic value of beavers is high. It is a national first-class wild animal under protection.
Group discussion, what information do you know about koalas
Koalas is not only the national treasure of Australia, but also the
unique and precious primitive arboreal animals in Australia.
Distribution:Koalas Distributed in Australia (New South Wales,
Queensland, South Australia, Victoria).
Appearance:Adult koalas are about 70-80 cm in length and about
10 kg in weight.The nose is bare, big and round, the head is
round, the hair on the ears is fluffy(蓬松), and the claws on the
forelimbs are powerful.
Feeding habits:They feed on eucalyptus(桉树) leaves.
Protection level:Koalas are listed in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
Endangered reason
Human activities
forest fires
climate change
illegal hunting
Do you know the reasons why Kara is on the verge of extinction
poster on the left poster on the right
I think it's...
1 Look at the posters below. Which emotions do the photos communicate
●funny ●surprising ●frightening ● sad ●.....
I think it's a little frightening !
It doesn’t look friendly and its teeth look sharp!
I think it’s a lovely picture.
The koalas are cute.They
look soft and gentle.
2.Read the posters and write a one-sentence summary for each.
How to write
a one-sentence
1. understand the text
2. pick up the key words
3. connect the key words into
a sentence
key words
Summary of poster 1: "Ugly" animals are just as important as cute animals because nature needs variety to function properly.
When it comes to wildlife protection. all species - the
good. the bad, and the ugly-should be treated equally.
Pandas, dolphins, and other cute wildlife are important,
but we must pay attention to less cute animals, too.The
world needs all kinds- without variety,our planet cannot
survive. So if you want the future to be beautiful you have
to give ugly a chance.
Billion of trees are being cut down over year to
make paper for humans. Every tree that cut down
is a part of the habitat of animals such as these
koalas, In this way a lot of animal homes are being
destroyed! Is it right to make animals homeless
so that humans can have more paper
A poster conveys information with a short introduction.
Key words
Summary of poster 2:Cutting down trees to make paper destroys the natural habitat of many animals.
Mind map
Don’t make paper at the cost of
destroying the habitats of the animals.
All species,whether they are cute
or not, should be treated equally.
Poster 1
Give Ugly a Chance!
Poster 2
Don’t Make paper
When it comes to wildlife protection, all specie should be treated 1________ (equal ) . Cute animal are important, 2_____we must pay attention to 3________(cute) animals, too. The world needs all kinds - without 4_______(various),our planet cannot survive. So if you want the future 5______(be)beautiful, you have to give ugly 6___chance.
Billions of trees 7____________(cut) down every year to make paper. Every tree that is cut down 8 ___(be) a part of the habitat of animals. 9____this way, a lot of animal homes are being destroyed. Is it right to make animals 10_________(home ) so that humans can have more paper
less cute
to be
are being cut
Reading task
Activity 3 Read the posters again and answer the following questions.
1 What does each poster use to stir up emotions
Key points
of poster 1
an ugly picture to get a reaction
point out the reaction is the problem
a big headline
Key points
of poster 2
a cute picture
a big headline like words coming
out of the mouth of the koala
A poster has catchy designs of pictures and headlines.
A poster has a target audience.
framed by a Mickey Mouse outline
1. What does each poster use to stir up emotions
The first poster uses a big headline and an ugly picture of an animal to get a reaction from the reader, but then makes the point that this reaction is part of the problem, because all animals should be protected, not just ones we think are cute. The ugly rodent(啮齿动物) is also framed by a Mickey Mouse outline, showing the difference between how we see them in cartoons and how they really are.
The second has a cute picture and the headline is written as if the koalas were speaking to the reader which may make them more sympathetic.
The first poster wants us to consider"ugly" animals as just as important as cute ones, because it asks us directly to do that.The second wants us to be aware of our paper consumption. It doesn’t tell us to change directly, but it appeals to our emotions to change because what we are doing is not fair to animals like koalas.
2 Who do you think is the intended audience Why do you think so
3 What does each poster want people to do How do you know
The posters are intended for everyone because they appeal to protecting our planet which we all live on, and to our paper consumption which we all rely on.
I think the"Give Ugly a Chance" poster is more effective, because the viewer will react to the ugly animal first, but then read that this reaction is part of the problem that needs to be dealt with.
4 In your opinion, which poster is more effective Why
How to make an effective poster?
1. what is the message to convey?
2. Who is the target audience
3. How to make the poster effective
①a short description of the issue
②an appealing headline
③appealing pictures and colors
4 Work in pairs. Make a poster about an endangered animal.
1 Choose one of the animals below or one of your own. Do some research to add to the animal fact sheet.
South China Tiger
Why is it endangered Hunted for its skin and fur
Population: 0 in the wild; 30- 80 still living
What is being done A plan is being carried out to increase
the number of wild tigers.
What can we do Do not buy fur or other tiger products!
Yangtze River Dolphin
Why is it endangered Habitat loss and pollution
Population: 1,000- 1,800
What is being done The dolphins are being moved to a clean and sate habitat.
What can we do Clean up the rivers!
4 Work in pairs. Make a poster about an endangered animal.
1 Choose one of the animals below or one of your own. Do some research to add to the animal fact sheet.
This is a huge picture of a tiger,from the eyes we get the headline——Save!This poster use capital letter to call attention. There are some description of problem the tiger are facing.In the middle of the poster describes the protection plan and suggestions for people.
Poster example
2 Follow these steps to organise your poster.
Write a title that is simple, interesting, and unusual, and then collect the information you need.
Tell the readers what you want them to think and do.
Write the name of the species and why it is endangered.
Use a powerful image to attract the readers' attention to the facts and problems.
Writing task
Sample poster
Who kill Mountain Gorilla
Set up nature reserve
Anti-poaching patrol
only more than
1,000 in the world
Habitat loss illegal hunting
Protect mountain gorilla!
√ Does the poster include key information about the animal
√ Does the poster explain why it is endangered
√ Does the poster support its information with facts
√ Is the message of the poster clear, ie. can you tell clearly what the designer wants the reader to think or do
√ Is the image on the poster effective
5 Exchange posters with another pair. Use this checklist to give them helpful feedback.
6 Put up the poster in your classroom or in a public place.
Language point
①When it__________(一谈到.......)math, my mind goes blank.
②He didn't __________(达到)my need.
③We use our imagination and _____________(提出)creative ideas.
When it comes to wildlife protection,all species... should be treated equally.
When it comes to + n./pron./v.-ing. 一谈到......;就.......而论(to是介词)
come up to达到(标准等);比得上 come on赶快;加油
come about发生,产生 come across偶然碰见;偶然发现
come to共计;达到;苏醒 come over来访,拜访
come up with提出;想出 come along (with) 和.....一起去
comes to
come up to
come up with
Bring it nearer ________(以便) I may see it better.
He sat at the corner_______(所以,因此) he survived the accident.
Language point
(1)so that引导目的状语从句
The team are working hard to analyze the problem so that they can find the best solution.
so that“为了,以便,目的是”,引导目的状语从句,此时so that相当于in order that(为了)。
如果主句主语与从句主语一致,也可以改成so as to do/in order to do作目的状语。
They trained hard every day so that they could win glory for their homeland.
(2)so that+ 结果状语从句,so that意思为“结果;因此”。
He often lied so that nobody believed him.
Is it right to make animals homeless so that humans can have more paper
so that
so that
Language point
2. due to由于,因为
be due to do sth.预计要做某事
be due for应得到......
The boat is due to arrive at 12 o'clock.
I am due for an increase in pay soon.
Most of the problems were________human error.
The project is________completion in the spring.
due to
due for
dolphin n.海豚
skin n.皮肤
unusual adj.特别的;不寻常的(同义词)uncommon不常有的;罕见的(反义词) usual通常的;寻常的
search for 搜寻;搜索 search sp. for sb./sth.搜寻某人/某物search out 找出;查出
stir up 挑起;引起(不愉快的情绪或事态) stir up hatred 挑起仇恨 stir up trouble 挑起麻烦
This lesson is the fourth lesson of the second unit. The title is "How to make an Effective Poster". Wildlife is an important part of all life and natural systems on earth. The protection of wild animals requires the participation of the whole society, establishing a firm awareness of law-abiding, carrying out wildlife protection education. Through this unit, students learn about the current situation of wild animals and protection measures, learn how to make posters. Teachers and students devote themselves to the work of protecting the ecological environment and wildlife, actively devoted themselves to building a harmonious coexistence between human and nature in beautiful homeland.
Making posters requires students to understand and study the living conditions of endangered animals and the threats they face, and think about how to take effective protection measures. Learn the main content of posters and the making methods of posters, and cultivate students' sense of social responsibility and responsibility.
1.Review the new words and phases.
2.Complete the exercise book.
3.Choose one of the animals and do some research to add to the animal fact sheet.Think about what you want the reader to think and do.Make a poster about an endangered animal.
Why is it endangered
What is being done
What can we do
Animal fact sheet