人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册 Unit 5 Poems(课件+试卷 共7份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册 Unit 5 Poems(课件+试卷 共7份打包)
格式 zip
文件大小 11.9MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-11-13 18:33:26


Section Ⅲ  Listening and Speaking
1. 通过听关于参加诗歌比赛的听力材料,了解参赛的相关事宜,提高通过已有的知识预测听力内容的听力技能。
2. 通过对话活动,学会在不同场合用得体的英语表扬和鼓励他人。
Ⅰ. 在括号里写出黑体部分在句中的含义
1. He is good at writing poems and often takes part in various poetry contests(  ).
2. I hope to polish(  ) my poem before the deadline(  ).
3. Lu Ban had his finger cut by the grass-blade, which inspired (  ) him to invent the saw.
4. Finishing the task in one day is a good effort(  ).
5. You have made great achievements. Keep up the good work (  ).
6. We watched a fantastic(  ) play yesterday evening.
7. Come on(  )! Try once more and you will make it.
8. If you give it your best shot(  ), you will not regret it even if you fail.
答案:1. 诗歌比赛 2. 修改 最后期限
3. 赋予灵感 4. 了不起的成就 5. 继续好好干
6. 极好的 7. 加把劲 8. 尽自己最大努力
Ⅱ. 根据中文提示完成句子
1. A: How about going on a picnic this weekend
B:           (我认为那是个极好的主意).
2. A: I have recited the long poem.
B:           (你做得不错).
3. A: I don’t think I can manage it.
B:           (加把劲), you can do it.
4. A: I am attending the poetry contest and I want to win
B:           (尽自己最大努力).
5.           (继续好好干), and you will get a
pay rise.
1. I think that’s a fantastic idea
2. You are doing well 
3. Come on
4. Do your best/Give it your best shot
5. Keep up the good work
Ⅲ. 背景知识阅读
If you decide to write your own poems, even common things can inspire you. Inspiration can be found anywhere. Look to your own memories from the past. What was special about your childhood What special objects have you treasured over the years What words of wisdom or advice could you pass on to the next generation Look around the house. What do you see, hear, or feel Let those thoughts be the source of your best poems.
If you are not the creative type—don’t worry! There are lots of places online where you can look for poems saying just the things you want to say.
Pre-listening: Think and say.
Have you ever attended a poetry contest If so, tell us something about it.
Yes. Last week I attended a poetry contest organised by our school. I wrote a list poem titled The Winter Vacation and I won the second prize, which made me excited. I intend to write more poems in my spare time.
While-listening: Listen and write.
1. Listen to the two parts of the conversation and finish Exercises 2, 3 and 4 on page 54 of the textbook.
2. Listen to the conversation again and fill in the blanks.
答案:2. (1)attending (2)inspire (3)encourage
Post-listening: Speak and play.
1.(应用实践)Suppose you’re one of the students in the conversation. Make an introduction of a poetry contest according to the map above and the notes made during your listening.
2.(迁移创新)Fill in the blanks according to the situation, and role-play with your partner.
(Situation: At her boss’ request, Mary is knocking at Mr Chandler’s door to see him.)
C: Come in, please. Oh, Mary, come over and sit here. I heard that you did the annual report within just two days. ①______________.
M: Thank you. But ②______________.
C: I know you’re a capable person. The others ③______________. They had their own work to do.
M: Thank you for saying that. But I don t always do a good job. I’ve been thinking that you must still be upset with me for the wrong figures I gave you the day before yesterday.
C: ④______________. Everyone makes mistakes. You’ve done a good job anyway. ⑤______________.
M: Thank you so much for your encouragement, Mr Chandler.
答案:2. ①You are doing well 
②I’ve received a lot of help from others
③couldn’t have helped you much 
④Take it easy
⑤Keep up the good work
ballad 叙事诗
lyric 抒情诗
prose poem 散文诗
cinquain 五行诗
limerick 五行打油诗
free verse 自由诗
blank verse 无韵诗
sonnet 十四行诗
epic 史诗
list poem 清单诗
haiku 俳句
nursery rhyme 童谣(共49张PPT)
语篇类型 1. 说明文:“A FEW SIMPLE FORMS OF ENGLISH POEMS”。 2. 诗歌:“WIND ON THE HILL” “DREAM”和“A MATCH”。 3. 其他类型:图片、音频、视频等
语言知识 主题词汇 文学: drama imagery literary version polish prose complicated dominant
诗歌相关: rhyme rhythm nursery rhyme cinquain be made up of haiku syllable format verse sonnet variation
人与行为活动: nursery folk recite amateur tease respectively respective await revolve utter comprehension blank civilian innocence innocent correspondence correspond sow  dawn era deadline contest racial prejudice string
情绪情感: sorrow mood sympathetic sympathy grief
自然万物: mockingbird billy goat bull bee dewdrop clover butterfly lawn blossom shelf core cherry cherry blossom seed barren diamond brass delicate
语法 复习定语从句
语篇 诗歌短评的文体结构和语言特色
语言知识 语用 表扬和鼓励:
That’s a good idea.      I like that idea.
That’s a good effort. You are doing well.
What a great deal! Your ideas sound very encouraging to me.
Keep up the good work. Do your best.
I think that’s a fantastic idea. You know what That’s a good idea.
Come on, you can do it. Give it your best shot.
文化知识 1. 在学习活动中理解和欣赏英语语言表达形式(如韵律等)的美; 2. 了解英文诗歌的基本特征和写作手法,通过欣赏英文诗歌,提高自己的文学鉴赏水平,从作品的意蕴美中获得积极的人生态度和价值观念启示
语言技能 1. 能够在听前通过已有知识预测听力内容; 2. 能够通过诗歌中修辞方法的使用和其具有的音乐特质来理解诗歌; 3. 能够口头表扬和鼓励某人; 4. 能够为一首诗写一篇诗歌短评; 5. 能够根据标题介绍文字及图片,预测视频内容
学习策略 1. 通过已有知识预测听力内容; 2. 利用押韵和词义辨析归类记忆单词
Section Ⅰ Reading and Thinking (1)
1. 通过阅读,了解几种简单形式的英文诗歌和它们各自的语言特点,学会欣赏诗歌。
2. 通过阅读训练,学会正确理解诗歌和作者情感态度的阅读技能。
3. 联系生活实际,能够使用本课所学词汇简单描述英文诗歌的种类和特点。
Ⅰ. 在括号里写出黑体单词在句中的含义
1. The poor girl disguised her sorrow(  ) beneath a cheerful appearance.
2. The imagery(  ) in poetry is drawn from the actual life.
3. Literary(  ) works of this kind are well received by the masses.
4. The words “long” and “song” rhyme(  ).
5. The nursery(  ) is bright and colourful, with plenty of toys.
6. Chicken soup is a popular folk(  ) cure for the common cold.
7. Not only did she recite(  ) a long poem, but she also sang a beautiful song.
8. They continued the search at dawn(  ).
9. As an amateur(  ), he finds great amusement in playing basketball.
10. I’m just in the mood(  ) for a movie tonight.
11. When I was a child, my brothers used to tease(  ) me a lot.
12. They have brought out the magazine in a new format(  ).
13. Their sons, Ben and Johnathan, were three and six respectively(  ).
14. Large dams have harmed Siberia’s delicate(  ) ecological balance.
15. His latest novel is eagerly awaited(  ).
1. 悲伤;悲痛 2. 意象 3. 文学的 4. 押韵
5. 托儿所;保育室 6. 民间的 7. 背诵 8. 黎明
9. 业余爱好者 10. 心情 11. 取笑 12. 版式
13. 分别 14. 脆弱的 15. 期待
Ⅱ. 根据汉语提示补全短语
1. express     表达自己
2.      rhyme 童谣
3.      songs 民歌
4. make      讲得通,有道理
5. be      up of由……组成(构成)
6.      of由……组成(构成)
7. be popular      流行,受……欢迎
8.      particular尤其,特别
9. be      into被翻译成……
10. be      into被转变成……
答案:1. oneself 2. nursery 3. folk 4. sense
5. made 6. consist 7. with 8. in
9. translated 10. transformed
Ⅲ. 用本单元所学单词替换句中黑体部分
1. Words cannot express my sadness. (  )
2. Imagine you’re lying on a beach, listening to the regular pattern of waves beating the shore. (  )
3. She sent her little son to a school for very young children when she was working. (  )
4. The poem is too long for her to remember by heart. (  )
5. We set sail at daybreak and headed for New York. (  )
6. To people’s surprise, it was the person taking part just for enjoyment that won the Chinese chess. (  )
7. You must never laugh at the girl who is fat. (  )
8. He drove Jane and Elizabeth to their separate homes. (  )
9. We eagerly wait for your early arrival. (  )
10. He didn’t say a word during lunch. (  )
答案:1. sorrow 2. rhythm 3. nursery 
4. recite 5. dawn 6. amateur 7. tease 
8. respective 9. await 10. utter
Ⅳ. 完成句子并背诵
1. 这些童谣也许没有道理,甚至自相矛盾,但是很容易学习和背诵。
The poems may not ________ ________ and even seem contradictory, but they are easy to learn and recite.
2. 另一种简单诗歌形式是五行诗,它由五个诗行构成。 
Another simple form of poem is the cinquain, which ________ ________ ________ ________ five lines.
3. 俳句在英国作家中十分流行。
Haiku ________ ________ ________ ________ English writers.
4. 英语人士也喜欢中国诗歌,尤其是唐诗。
English speakers also enjoy poems from China, those from the Tang Dynasty ________ ________.
5. 许多唐诗已经被翻译成英文。
A lot of Tang poetry ________ ________ ________ ________           English.
6. 有这么多不同的诗歌形式可供选择,你可能最终想自己写几首诗。
With so many different forms of poetry ________ ________ ________, you may eventually want to write poems ________ ________ ________.
答案:1. make sense 2. is made up of
3. is very popular with 4. in particular
5. has been translated into
6. to choose from of your own
Ⅴ. 背景知识阅读
Reading and writing poems is a very personal experience. For children, it is a good way to explore language and have fun with words as well as to express themselves.
But teachers and psychologists have found another use for poetry as a form of therapy(疗法) to help people with problems. Writing poems can help you deal with changes in your lives. By writing down your feelings, you can learn to understand yourself well and give yourself a voice if you feel you are being ignored. A poem might be a way of telling someone everything when you don’t feel able to talk with him/her face to face. But it doesn’t mean you have lost your sense of humour. Poem writing as therapy can be funny too, as laughter is also considered to be very good medicine.
Activity 1: 学习理解
Step 1: Look at the title “A FEW SIMPLE FORMS OF ENGLISH POEMS” and several parts of the text.
1. Can you guess what the text is about
2. How many kinds of poems does the text talk about What are they
答案:1. It is a brief introduction of several simple forms of English poems.
2. Five. They are nursery rhymes, list poems, cinquain, haiku, and Tang poetry.
Step 2: Read the text and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). You can do this with your partner and tell each other your reasons for your answers.
1. Poets express themselves with different forms of poetry. (  )
2. Nursery rhymes must be true to life. (  )
3. List poems have a fixed line length. (  )
4. Life is always a smooth ride according to Poem C. (  )
5. Cinquain is so easy that even amateurs can write it. (  )
6. From Poem D we can see the poet does not like his brother.
(  )
7. Haiku only has a few words, but it can convey a special feeling.
(  )
8. Of all the poetry from China, English speakers only enjoy Tang poetry. (  )
Step 3: Read the text again and choose the best answers.
1. What is the baby’s father going to buy if the mockingbird won’t sing in Poem A
A. A billy goat.    B. A cart and bull.
C. A looking glass. D. A diamond ring.
2. What does the poet want to stress in Poem B
A. The charm of the wild.
B. The beauty of nature.
C. The importance of mother.
D. The hard work of bees.
答案:1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. F 7. T 8. F
3. Which poems rhyme according to the text
A. A and B. B. A, B and C.
C. A, D and E. D. B, D and F.
4. Which of the following about haiku is TRUE
A. It originates in China.
B. It is made up of 5 or 7 syllables.
C. It appeals to English writers.
D. It belongs to traditional English poems.
5. Which words can be used to describe the woman in Poem F
A. Faithfulness to love.
B. Eager for freedom.
C. Satisfaction with the reality.
D. Fascination for nature.
答案:1~5 DCBCA
1. 在头脑中想象出诗歌所描绘的画面,这有助于对诗歌的理解。2. 理解诗歌中包含的音乐特质,比如声音、押韵词和韵律。
3. 不仅能够读懂诗歌本身,也要关注诗人通过诗歌表达的情感态度。
4. 有感情地朗读也是理解诗歌的好办法。
Activity 2: 应用实践
Role-play with your partner. One acts as a reporter of the school newspaper, and the other acts as Alice, an exchange student from England. The reporter will interview Alice about the English poetry in her country.
(R=Reporter  A=Alice)
R: Hello, Alice. May I ask you a few questions about the poetry in your country
A: Sure. I’m interested in poetry.
R: Many Chinese students want to write simple forms of English poems. Can you recommend a few
A: Yes. One of the simplest kinds is the list poem. It contains a list of things, people, ideas or descriptions.
R: Does it have a fixed line length
A: No. The line length is flexible. Besides, it has repeated phrases, giving the poem both a pattern and a rhythm.
R: Any other simple form of poetry
A: It is haiku. Although it is not a traditional form of English poetry, it is popular with English writers.
R: What are the characteristics of haiku
A: It consists of 17 syllables and has a format of three lines, containing 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively.
R: Thank you very much for the interview.
A: My pleasure.
Activity 3: 迁移创新
Write an e-mail to your pen friend Li Hua to tell him why so many English speakers enjoy Tang poetry so much.
Dear Li Hua,
How are you doing I’m delighted to tell you the reasons why English speakers enjoy Tang poetry so much.
First, Tang poetry represents the highest literary achievement of the Tang Dynasty. It is such a beautiful language that even English speakers can get great pleasure when appreciating the Tang poetry. Second,
Tang poetry creates a vivid imagery and a special
feeling, which appeals to a lot of English speakers. What’s more, Tang poetry covers a wide range of Chinese culture, which is a window to learn about China.
Tang poetry is very fascinating. No wonder an increasing number of English speakers enjoy it.
Reading and Thinking (2)
1. 通过观察例句,探究归纳以下词汇和句式的含义及用法: sorrow, dawn, be made up of, mood, tease,并列连词while表示对比,并在语境中灵活运用。
2. 根据情境设置,运用所学主题词汇及相关句式对课文内容进行输出写作。
1. sorrow
Others try to convey certain feelings such as joy and sorrow. (教材第50页)
Don’t bury yourself in sorrow and cheer up.
We sorrow over the death of his son.
Who can comfort me in all these sorrowful times
(1)sorrow n. 悲伤;悲痛;伤心事
(2)sorrow vi. 感到悲伤
sorrow      对……感到伤心
(3)sorrowful adj. 悲伤的;伤心的
He _______ _______ _______ at the defeat of the competition.
Orpheus spent the rest of his life wandering around _______ _______.
His father’s face looked suddenly _______ and _______.
答案:①expressed deep sorrow ②in sorrow
③soft sorrowful
2. dawn
Hundreds of dewdrops to greet the dawn ...(教材第50页)
Rise at dawn and sweep the courtyard.
We arrived in Sydney just before dawn.
There is traffic in the street from dawn till dusk.
dawn n. 黎明;开端;萌芽
①     dawn 在黎明
②     dawn 拂晓前
③from dawn till dusk/dark 从早到晚
④the dawn of ……的开端
答案:①at ②before
Diana woke them up just _______ _______.
The workers headed for the building site _______ _______.
This marked _______ _______ _______ a new era in human history.
It is the time of year for the rice harvest, so every day I work
_______ _______ _______ _______.
答案:①before dawn ②at dawn 
③the dawn of
④from dawn till dusk/dark
3. be made up of
Another simple form of poem that amateurs can easily write is the cinquain, which is made up of five lines. (教材第51页)
Girls make up 56% of the student numbers.
He made up an excuse about his daughter being sick.
Has he made up with his girlfriend
Constant arguing doesn’t make for a happy marriage.
I could just make out a figure in the darkness.
(1)be made up of     
(2)make      构成;编造(故事、谎言等);化妆;弥补;(与某人)言归于好
(3)make      促成;导致
(4)make      看清;分清;辨认清楚
答案:(1)由……组成(构成) (2)up (3)for (4)out
用所给短语的适当形式填空(be made up of, make up, make for, make out)。
①They broke up last week but they have already ______________.
②I heard the voices, but I couldn’t ______________ what they were saying.
③A good family atmosphere ______________ the healthy growth of a child.
④This collection ______________ three parts: poems, essays and short stories.
4. mood
With these, you can convey a strong picture or a certain mood in just a few words. (教材第51页)
She is in a good mood today.
答案:①made up ②make out ③makes for
④is made up of
He is always in a bad mood.
I’m not just in the mood for a party tonight.
I’m not in the mood to go out tonight.
(1)mood n. 情绪;心情;语气
①     a good/bad mood 心情(情绪)好/不好
②in the mood      (doing) sth 有心情做某事
③in the mood to do sth 有心情做某事
④the indicative/imperative/subjunctive mood
(2)moody adj. 情绪多变的;喜怒无常的
Are you _______ _______ _______ _______ listening to music now
=Are you _______ _______ _______ _______ listen to music now
Although I know it is important for me to be _______ _______
_______ _______, I have been _______ _______ _______ _______         lately.
答案:(1)①in ②for
Don’t laugh at him; he is a _______ _______.
答案:①in the mood for in the mood to
②in a good mood in a bad mood
③moody man/person
5. tease
Teasing, shouting, laughing (教材第51页)
Nobody likes being teased about any shortcoming.
It’s not polite to tease the disabled.
Don’t take it seriously. He’s only teasing.
(1)tease vi. & vt. 取笑(某人);揶揄
vt. 逗弄
(2)be teased      被拿……开玩笑
(3)tease的同义短语有:laugh at/make fun of/play jokes on/play tricks on                       
①I used to _______ _______ _______(被拿……开玩笑) my name.
②It’s too bad of you _______ _______ (逗弄) the cat like that.
答案:①be teased about ②to tease
6. 并列连词while表示对比
Some rhyme (like B and C), while others do not. (教材第50页)
I keep watch while they sleep.
China’s approach to protecting its environment while feeding its citizens offers useful lessons for the worldwide.
While the sun’s rays can harm our skin, they also give us beneficial Vitamin D.
(1)while用作并列连词,表示两种情况的    ,意为“而,却”。
(2)while用作从属连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“当……的时候”,此时从句中必须使用延续性动词;当状语从句的主语和主句的主语一致时,也可以用省略结构“    ”。
答案:(1)对比 (2)while doing
①I met a friend of mine while I was walking on the street.
→I met a friend of mine _______ _______ on the street.
②Some students are active at school. By contrast, some are shy.
→At school, some students are active _______ some are shy.
③I always felt I would pass the exam, but I never thought I would get an A.
→_______ I always felt I would pass the exam, I never thought I would get an A.
答案:①while walking ②while
要点:1. 词数80左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数);
2. 至少使用5个以下所给的词汇和句式。
(literary, mood, sorrow, dawn, nursery rhyme, rhythm, rhyme, be made up of, be popular with, in particular, translate ... into, while用作并列连词)
Simple Forms of English Poetry
English poetry is a literary form to convey a certain mood such as joy and sorrow. There are a few simple forms of English poetry.
Simple Forms of English Poetry
English poetry is a literary form to convey a certain mood such as joy and sorrow. There are a few simple forms of English poetry.
Nursery rhymes are some of the first poems a child learns in English. It is popular because of its strong rhythm and repetition. The list poem and the cinquain are also simple kinds of poems. The list poem usually rhymes while the cinquain doesn’t. Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that is made up of 17 syllables. It is easy to write and popular with English writers. English speakers also enjoy poetry from China. A lot of them has been translated into English.Section Ⅱ Discovering Useful Structures
Ⅰ. 单句语法填空
1. Professor Smith,      will give us a talk on how to improve English, is coming soon.
2. (2018·天津高考)Kate,      sister I shared a room with when we were at college, has gone to work in Australia.
3. In this factory I found little      was different from ours.
4. John invited about 40 people to his wedding, most of      were his family members.
5. Self-driving is an area      China and the rest of the world are on the same starting line.
6. (2019·江苏高考)We have entered into an age      dreams have the best chance of coming true.
7. The English play      which my students acted was a great success.
8. Last term our maths teacher set such a difficult problem     none of us worked out.
9. (2019·全国卷Ⅱ)Now Irene Astbury works from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily at the pet shop in Macclesfield,      she opened with her late husband Les.
10. Stephen Hawking believes that the earth is unlikely to be the only planet      life has developed gradually.
答案:1. who 2. whose 3. that 4. whom
5. where 6. when 7. in 8. as 9. which
10. where
Ⅱ. 完成句子
1. I am Li Hua, a student from China ________ ________ ________(正在学习) in London this summer vacation.
2. ________ ________ ________ ________(众所周知), music can influence our emotions, thoughts and behaviour.
3. He lives in a big house, ________ ________ ________ ________(房子前面) stands an apple tree.
4. 此后你可以去上海,在那儿你可以待一周。
After that, you can go to Shanghai, ________ ________ ________ ________ for a week.
5. 今天早上我向老师解释了我迟到的原因。
I explained to my teacher the reason ________ ________ ________ ________.
答案:1. who/that is studying 2. As we all know
3. in front of which 4. where you can stay
5. why I was late
Ⅲ. 句型转换
1. I’ll never forget the day. We celebrated Christmas together on the day.
→I’ll never forget the day      we celebrated Christmas together.
2. Team members are offered opportunities to watch competitions. It will benefit them a lot.
→Team members are offered opportunities to watch competitions,
    will benefit them a lot.
3. I have many friends. I’m going to send postcards to them.
→I have many friends _______ _______ I’m going to send postcards.
4. I would like to live in a room. Its window opens to the south.
→I would like to live in a room,         opens to the south.
5. He wrote many children’s books. Nearly half of them were published in the 1990s.
→He wrote many children’s books, nearly _______ _______ _______   were published in the 1990s.
答案:1. when 2. which 3. to whom
4. whose window 5. half of which
Ⅳ. 语法填空
The following is part of the story that most of my fellow students are interested in, the title of 1.      I don’t seem to remember.
Jane Platt, who travelled to London because of a mysterious letter, was the only person 2.      witnessed a murder at London Victoria Station. The detective(侦探) to 3.      she gave her statement disappeared. Jane went to an office 4.     (answer) the letter that she had received, 5.      she discovered that her uncle Gordon, who lived in South America, 6.     (send) her a small box and told her to open it only at the time 7.      she was in real trouble. Jane, 8.      parents had never mentioned Gordon, was doubtful of the box, and she gave it to her friend Tony. They went to Scotland Yard and saw Inspector Groves, 9.      had not heard of the murder. Jane gave Groves the murdered man’s ticket 10.     (find) beside his body. Then Jane and Tony decided to go to Redhill, from where the murdered man came. On the train they met a man, who said he knew Jane’s uncle Gordon.
1. 解析:这是一个非限制性定语从句,空格处缺少作of的宾语的关系代词,指代前面的先行词story,故填which。
2. 解析:先行词是person,指人,先行词前有修饰语the only,空格后是定语从句,定语从句缺少主语,故用that引导。
3. 解析:定语从句中使用了“give sth to sb”结构,空前有介词to,考虑“介词+关系代词”结构,因为先行词是the detective,指人,故关系代词用whom。
4. 解析:此处是目的状语,故使用动词不定式。
答案:to answer
5. 解析:先行词为an office,关系词在从句中作地点状语,故填where。
6. 解析:主句的谓语动词是discovered,是一般过去时,分析句意可知send的动作要早于discovered发生,故用过去完成时。
答案:had sent
7. 解析:先行词是the time,指时间,定语从句中缺少时间状语,因此用when引导定语从句。
8. 解析:先行词为Jane,空格后面是定语从句。定语从句中缺少定语修饰parents,表示“简的父母”,故填whose。
9. 解析:先行词是 Inspector Groves,指人,关系词在从句中作主语,故填who。
10. 解析:分析句子结构可知,find与ticket在逻辑上是动宾关系,过去分词短语found beside his body作后置定语修饰ticket,故填found。
Ⅴ. 阅读理解
The Chinese Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu is often called the sage(圣人) of poetry. Unlike Li Bai, this poet wrote in various styles, and his works were often innovative(创新的) in language and subject matter. His poems were also filled with meaning.
His innovation was not at all welcome. The readers of his time rarely showed much appreciation of his original and innovative works. The masses in fact hated and scolded them. Like many artists, Du Fu was only recognised for his genius long after his death.
Du Fu was born in Luoyang, Henan Province. Although he came from an influential literary family, his early attempts to gain a position in the government by way of the exam system failed repeatedly. He was 43 years old when he finally managed to hold an official position. This was the time when Emperor Xuanzong was attracted to the beautiful Yang Yuhuan and made her his concubine(妃子), which Du Fu severely criticised in his Song of the Beautiful Ladies.
As the emperor got distracted from important government affairs, some military leaders were becoming too powerful. Du Fu took office in 755, and in the same year a rebel(叛乱) leader An Lushan led his army into the capital of Tang Dynasty. The emperor fled to the west and left the governing of the state to his son. Du Fu and his family took the road north to escape the rebels.
The poet left his family and tried to get to the headquarters of the new emperor, but he was caught and held prisoner by the rebels in Chang’an. After order was restored again, Du Fu got back his position in the capital. However, he did not enjoy the favour of the new emperor and was given a minor provincial post. In 759 he finally left this disgraceful position and spent the rest of his life wandering around the country.
1. What do we know about Li Bai’s poems
A. They were consistent in style.
B. They were like the poems of Du Fu.
C. They used more complex language.
D. They were written in various styles.
解析:推理判断题。根据第一段中“Unlike Li Bai, this poet wrote in various styles ...”可推知,李白的诗歌风格始终如一。
2. What can we infer about Du Fu from the third paragraph
A. He didn’t like to be an official.
B. He was not loyal to the emperor.
C. He became an official in his thirties.
D. He cared about government affairs.
3. What happened in the late years of Du Fu’s life
A. He changed his writing style.
B. He wandered around the country.
C. He was called back by the emperor.
D. He enjoyed his minor provincial post.
解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段中“In 759 he finally left this disgraceful position and spent the rest of his life wandering around the country.”可知,杜甫的余生是周游全国。
4. What is the passage mainly about
A. Du Fu’s political career.
B. Du Fu’s poetry and his life.
C. The rule of Emperor Xuanzong.
D. Du Fu’s contribution to the Tang Dynasty.
A rainy day can be a chance to recharge. While you relax on the sofa with a movie, the raindrops falling on your windows might one day provide the power for your TV. This is the idea behind an invention that harvests energy from water.
The technology is based on the triboelectric (摩擦电的) effect. An engineer at the University of Hawaii, David Ma knew that it was possible to generate electricity by rubbing two things together. So, he thought, “Why don’t we use water ”
A drop of water sliding across a surface coated with two different materials would generate enough friction(摩擦) to create an electrical charge. By placing metal wires that the drop of water touched as it moved, it should be possible to harvest electricity, he reasoned.
It worked. In fact, the researchers lit up 15 LED bulbs with a single moving water drop.
This is not the first time that scientists have got electricity from water-generated friction. Earlier experiments, though, harvested the charge produced in a surface by a sliding drop of water. There, the surface had acted as an electrode(电极). This is different. The energy of friction is being harvested from the water itself.
“The technology could someday power phones, sensors or other small electronics,”says Christopher Oshman, an engineer at the Colorado School of Mines.“This work is a step towards harvesting the energy of moving objects all around us, including ourselves, to power the electronic devices we use every day,”he says.
“Ma has shown that the technology can work in a lab,”Oshman says. Next, the Colorado researcher would like to see it tried on a larger scale, such as on an umbrella.
5. How does the author introduce the topic of the passage
A. By telling a story.
B. By raising a question.
C. By imagining a situation.
D. By giving an example.
6. What does the underlined word“it”in paragraph 3 refer to
A. The wire. B. The electricity.
C. The surface. D. The drop of water.
7. What is unique about Ma’s technique compared with earlier experiments
A. It is based on the triboelectric effect.
B. The water itself acts as an electrode.
C. It produces electricity from water-made friction.
D. It uses a surface covered with two different materials.
解析:细节理解题。根据第五段中“There, the surface had acted as an electrode. This is different. The energy of friction is being harvested from the water itself.”可知早期的实验通过水滴的滑动来收集表面产生的电荷,表面起到电极的作用,而Ma的技术不同,水本身起到电极的作用。
8. What does Oshman say about Ma’s technology
A. It has a promising future.
B. It will do well on an umbrella.
C. It works well in the real world.
D. It will replace batteries someday.
解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“The technology could someday power phones, sensors or other small electronics ...”可推知Oshman认为Ma的技术很有前景。
Section Ⅱ Discovering Useful Structures
1. 在语境中观察感知定语从句的语法特点和功能。
2. 通过自主探究,总结定语从句的使用规律,体会英语语言的特色。
3. 通过多种形式和多层次的练习,能够用定语从句进行口头和书面的表达。
(全国卷Ⅲ)But Sarah, who has taken part in shows along with top models, wants to prove that she has brains as well as beauty.
The great artist whom you want to see will visit our school next week.
(浙江高考)On the edge of the jacket, there is a piece of cloth which/that gives off light in the dark.
Recently I got in touch with my old friend whose mum had taken care of me.
Look out! Don’t get too close to the house whose roof is under repair.
She is not the same girl as she used to be ten years ago.
关系代词 指代对象 语法作用 备注
who 指人 主语、宾语
whom 指人 (1)_______  
that 指人,也指物 主语、宾语 只用于限制性定语从句中
which (2)_______   主语、宾语 在非限制性定语从句中可以指代整个主句
(3)_______   指人,也指物 定语
as 指人或物,有时指代整个主句 主语、宾语、 表语 在限制性定语从句中常用于句型“the same/ such+名词+ as...”中
答案:(1)宾语 (2)指物 (3)whose
①My eldest son,      work takes him all over the world, is in New York at the moment.
②(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)The dogs were well trained by their masters
     had great experience with caring for these animals.
③(2018·北京高考)She and her family bicycle to work, ________
helps them keep fit.
④This is the same bag      I lost yesterday.
⑤The man      you talked about just now is a friend of my father’s.
⑥The old town has narrow streets and small houses      are built close to each other.
答案:①whose ②who ③which ④as
⑤who/whom ⑥which/that
(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)One afternoon when I was in primary school, I was walking by the school playground.
(2019·天津高考)Their child is at the stage where she can say individual words but not full sentences.
Is this the reason why she refused our offer
关系副词 先行词 语法作用
when 表示时间的名词 时间状语
(1)_______   表示地点的名词,有时可以是有地点含义的抽象名词,如stage, position, race, situation等 地点状语
why 只有(2)_______   原因状语
答案:(1)where (2)reason
①Last week I visited the town _______ Shakespeare was born.
②The year _______ the Tangshan earthquake happened was 1976.
③There is no reason _______ he was late for school.
④Sales director is a position _______ communication ability is just as important as sales skills.
答案:①where ②when ③why ④where
(2018·全国卷I)They also had a small pond, in which they raised fish.
The man to whom you spoke is my English teacher.
Here are the questions, some of which are difficult for you.
The old couple has two daughters, the younger of whom has gone abroad.
(1)“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句中,如果先行词指物,该结构中的关系代词使用    ;如果指人,那么关系代词使用    。介词的选择需要遵循两个原则:
(2)“名词/代词等+介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句常见结构为:both/neither/all/some/a few/many/the+形容词的比较级/最高级+of+which/whom。
答案:(1)which whom
①The farm where I once worked impressed me deeply.
→The farm           I once worked impressed me deeply.
②Gun control is a subject. Americans have argued about it for a long time.
→Gun control is a subject           Americans have argued for a long time.
③I want to thank Tom. I couldn’t finish the task without him.
→I want to thank Tom,           I couldn’t finish the task.
④The new café, whose walls are painted green, is a peaceful place for me.
→The new café,           _______ _______ are painted green, is a peaceful place for me. 
答案:①on which ②about which
③without whom ④the walls of which
I refuse to accept the blame for something that was someone else’s fault.
(2017·北京高考)The little problems that we meet in our daily lives may be inspirations for great inventions.
The first book that I bought is about how to study English well.
Do you know the things and persons that they are talking about
Which is the bike that you lost
(1)当先行词是    如all、 little、 few、 much、 something、 anything、 nothing、 everything、 some、 none等时;
(2)当先行词被all、 every、 no、 some、 any、 little、 much、 the only、 the very/right等修饰时;
(3)当先行词有    或形容词的最高级修饰时;
(5)当主句是以    、who、what开头的特殊疑问句时。
答案:(1)不定代词 (3)序数词 (5)which
Is there anything _______ _______ _______ _______ for you
This is the very book _______ _______ _______.
This is _______ _______ _______ film _______ I have ever seen.
The writer and his novel _______ _______ _______ _______ just now are very famous.
Which is the machine _______ _______ _______ last Sunday
答案:①that I can do ②that I want
③the most moving/touching that
④that you referred to ⑤that we used Reading and Thinking (1)
In September 2019, a man named Anuchit was riding his motorcycle down a highway in Thailand. He spotted a sad-looking dog sitting on the side of the mud. The poor dog seemed to be waiting for someone.
Later that day, Anuchit rode by that exact same spot and found the same dog still sitting there. After stopping his bike to see if the dog was OK, Anuchit happened to meet a local person named Saowaluck, who told him the animal’s backstory. Saowaluck kept finding the dog at that same corner in 2016. She brought him to the vet, named him Leo, and adopted him. But days later, Leo disappeared. Saowaluck found him at the same corner along the highway and returned every day to give him food and water. She loved him, but he wasn’t ready to accept her as his new owner.
After the motorcyclist shared Leo’s story on the Internet, the dog’s former owner came forward. An elderly woman named Noi said Leo jumped out of her pickup truck back in 2015. She and her husband looked everywhere but couldn’t find him. When Noi arrived at the corner to reunite with Leo in 2019, he ran over to her and was greeted with rubs and pats, but he refused to go home with her!
Saowaluck begged Noi to keep the dog herself because she had become so attached to him and had already tried to adopt him once before. Leo has reportedly been with Saowaluck ever since—no longer sad, and no longer waiting.
1. Why did the dog look so sad
A. He lost touch with his owner.
B. No one gave him food to eat.
C. He missed the truck to his home.
D. He disliked being sent to the vet.
解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中“The poor dog seemed to be waiting for someone.”和第三段内容可知,它伤心的原因是与主人失去联系,找不到主人了。
2. What do we know about Saowaluck
A. She lost her dog while travelling.
B. She finally adopted the dog.
C. She sold the dog to Anuchit.
D. She shared the dog’s story online.
解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段中“Leo has reportedly been with Saowaluck ever since ...”可知,Saowaluck最终收养了Leo。
3. How did the dog feel when he met Noi
A. Angry. B. Proud. C. Nervous. D. Delighted.
解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中“he ran over to her and was greeted with rubs and pats”可知,狗跑到主人身边接受揉搓和抚摸,说明它见到主人很高兴。
4. What is the author’s purpose of writing the passage
A. To advise people to raise dogs properly.
B. To tell readers how to take care of dogs.
C. To show us dogs are loyal and grateful.
D. To encourage people to adopt homeless dogs.
Despite its short history, there is a lot of good English poetry around. The earliest English poetry was written in a kind of English that is now difficult to understand. Modern English started around the time of William Shakespeare, towards the end of the 16th century. The 17th century was a great time for English poetry. Shakespeare is famous for his plays. His sonnets, however, belong to the best English poetry. In the next generation of great English poets, we met John Donne. Chinese readers admire his works because of his use of surprising images that reminds them of the works of poets such as Su Dongpo. Before the end of the century, there was another famous writer, John Milton. Once published, his works became famous for the absence of rhyme at the end of each line. In the 18th century, it was Alexander Pope who wrote the finest poetry in England.
The next period that produced a great number of fine poets was the 19th century. Greatly loved in China were the English romantic poets. The style and atmosphere in poems by William Wordsworth, George Gordon Byron and John Keats have often led us to think of some poets such as Du Fu and Li Bai.
Finally, modern poets have their special attraction because they stand closest to us both in the language and images they use. Among them we find American poet Robert Frost.
The introduction of English poetry to China came late. Towards the end of the 19th century, Chinese writers started reading more foreign poetry. The great moment for European literature to come to China was between 1910 and the late 1930s when famous writers such as Lu Xun and Guo Moruo translated both poetry and novels from English into Chinese.
5. What does the passage mainly talk about
A. The beauty of English poetry.
B. The history of English poetry.
C. The development of foreign poetry.
D. The importance of poetry appreciation.
6. What can we learn from paragraph 1
A. English poetry has a long history.
B. Modern English started in the 17th century.
C. John Milton was famous for the use of rhymes.
D. John Donne’s writing skill is similar to Su Dongpo’s. 
解析:推理判断题。根据第一段中“... John Donne. Chinese readers admire his works because of his use of surprising images that reminds them of the works of poets such as Su Dongpo.”可知,John Donne在诗歌中对意象的使用会使人想起苏东坡,即他们的写作技法相似。
7. How is the passage mainly organised
A. By the order of time.
B. By the order of space.
C. By the importance of the events.
D. By the similarity between the events.
8. Why are modern poets especially popular with us
A. Because their poems are the finest.
B. Because they have the same lifestyles as us.
C. Because we can understand their poems better.
D. Because they are good at advertising their works.
解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中“Finally, modern poets have their special attraction because they stand closest to us both in the language and images they use.”可知,现代诗人因其创作语言及意象易于理解而受到我们的青睐。
Long ago, poets in Japan listened, watched, and caught the beauty of the earth’s songs like the raindrops. They did this with the tiniest poems in the world, called haiku. A haiku is a poem that is just three lines and seventeen syllables long. And the poets who wrote them watched and listened, not only with their eyes and ears, but also with their hearts!
In their haiku, the early Japanese poets caught the colours, sounds, and beauties of the seasons of the year. They sang of their islands’ beauties. Their miniature poems were not meant to fully describe a scene or to explain it but rather were a flash impression.
Interestingly enough, Japanese poetry has had a long and colourful history. In the prehaiku period in the early eighth century, Japanese poets wrote katauta, poems in a question-and-answer form, using two people. Each three-line verse contained about seventeen syllables that could be delivered easily in one breath—just as one would naturally ask or answer a question. This has remained the basic pattern for traditional Japanese poetry throughout the centuries.
Another form that appeared was the tanka, which contained five lines and thirty-one syllables (5, 7, 5, 7, 7), written by either one or two persons. From that evolved (逐步形成) the renga, which contained more than one verse, or link. Written by three or more people, it could have as many as 100 links! The first verse of the renga introduced a subject. It had three lines and was called hokku, or starting verse. Renga parties became a great pleasure.
Around 1450, haikai no renga became popular. This style of linked verse contained puns(双关) and was humorous and amusing. The opening three lines were still called a hokku, and from haikai and hokku the term haiku evolved.
9. What does the underlined word“miniature”in paragraph 2 mean
A. Easy. B. Detailed. C. Little. D. Selected.
解析:词义猜测题。根据第一段中“the tiniest poems”和“A haiku is a poem that is just three lines and seventeen syllables long.”以及画线词所在句中的“a flash impression”可知,俳句是一种微型诗。
10. What can we know about katauta
A. It appeared in the haiku period.
B. It contained thirty-one syllables.
C. It could have as many as 100 links.
D. It was written in a question-and-answer form.
解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中“Japanese poets wrote katauta, poems in a question-and-answer form”可知,katauta是一种问答形式的诗。
11. What was the main activity at a renga party according to the passage
A. Creating a group poem.
B. Changing haiku into tanka.
C. Studying the history of renga.
D. Competing to write the earth’s songs.
解析:推理判断题。根据第四段中“Written by three or more people ... Renga parties became a great pleasure.”可知,renga聚会时,诗人们会创作组诗。
12. Who might be most interested in this passage
A. People who teach how to write haiku.
B. People who research the history of haiku.
C. People who compare Japanese and American poetry.
D. People who learn Japanese to communicate.
第二节 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
As spring comes to half the world, many people can enjoy the new growth that comes with warmer weather. This is a great time to get outside and get dirty! 13. This outdoor activity gives us beautiful plants, pleasant smelling flowers and fresh fruit and vegetables. Moreover, it also gives us many health benefits.
Gardening reduces loneliness. It connects people. When you are gardening, you are outdoors. 14. Gardeners usually enjoy showing people what they are growing. And most enjoy sharing advice and stories about their gardens.
Gardening is a great activity to do with children. It gets them outdoors and off computers, televisions and other electronics. 15. ______
Gardening can teach a child about where food comes from and healthy eating. It can also help them to understand the limits of natural resources.
16. This means you are getting Vitamin D, which helps your bodies take in calcium(钙). That is necessary to keep bones strong. When you garden you must move around. All the different movements needed for gardening—bending, stretching and lifting—work small muscles in the body.
Gardening may help your brain stay young. In one study, researchers found that gardening could lower the risk of future dementia(痴呆) by 36 percent. 17. A flower and herb garden can help feed bees and butterflies. Growing herbs and flowers connects you to nature and pleases all of your senses.
A. Vitamin D also helps us fight diseases.
B. They can learn about nature and wildlife.
C. Gardening is popular in many parts of the world.
D. So it is a perfect time to communicate with your neighbours.
E. While in your garden, you might feel the sunshine on your skin.
F. Some people may not have the resources to have their own garden.
G. Gardening can also give you the feeling that you have done something good.
13. 解析:上文“This is a great time to get outside and get dirty!”介绍了园艺的天气条件已经具备,下文“This outdoor activity gives us beautiful plants ...”介绍了园艺的好处,因此空格处填“园艺在世界各地很受欢迎”,起到了承上启下的作用。
14. 解析:根据上文中“It connects people.”可知,选项D中的“communicate”和文中的“connect”是同义表达。
15. 解析:根据本段中“It gets them outdoors ...”和“It can also help them to understand the limits of natural resources.”可知园艺能够让孩子们接触并了解大自然,故选B。
16. 解析:根据下文“This means you are getting Vitamin D, which helps your bodies take in calcium.”可知维生素D的重要性,而这是离不开阳光的,故选E。
17. 解析:选项G“园艺也能给你一种做了好事的感觉”,到底是什么好事呢 下文“花园里的花和草药可以为蜜蜂、蝴蝶提供食物”做了阐述。
Reading and Thinking (2)
Ⅰ. 根据首字母或汉语提示写出正确单词
1. Their reunion after a long separation brought mixed feelings of joy and s    to them both.
2. My father can still r     the poems he learned at school.
3. To earn more money, I started work before d     and returned only at nightfall.
4. The competition is open to both a     and professionals.
5. Making kites is a Chinese f     art, which appeals to a lot of foreigners.
6. She has published more than 20 books including novels, poetry and
    (文学的) criticism.
7. Poetry often follows special patterns of     (押韵词).
8. I’m happy to hear that you have recovered your lost     (钻石) ring.
9. Enjoy the first hour of the day. This is important as it sets the ________
(心情) for the rest of the day.
10. The three men were given work according to their     (各自的) abilities.
答案:1. sorrow 2. recite 3. dawn 4. amateurs
5. folk 6. literary 7. rhymes 8. diamond
9. mood 10. respective
Ⅱ. 用方框中所给短语的正确形式填空
express oneself, nursery rhyme, make sense,be made up of, be popular with, in particular,be translated into, be transformed into
1. The rescue work          three parts, of which saving the people’s lives is the most important one.
2. Believe it or not, with water a desert can          a garden.
3. I find it challenging to          in English.
4. Most people would like to          others, but not everyone can achieve this goal.
5. She doesn’t talk much, but what she says         .
6. When a Tang poem          English, it might lose its original beauty.
7.          play an important role in a child’s language development.
8. The speaker talked about the sports in general and football         .
答案:1. is made up of 2. be transformed into
3. express myself 4. be popular with
5. makes sense 6. is translated into
7. Nursery rhymes 8. in particular
Ⅲ. 语法填空
There are various reasons 1.      people compose poetry. Some poems tell a story or describe a certain image in the reader’s mind. Others try to convey certain 2.     (feel) such as joy and sorrow. Poets use different forms of poetry to express 3.     (them).
Nursery rhymes are some of the first poems a young child learns in English. They may not make sense, but they are easy 4.     (learn). One of the 5.     (simple) kinds of poem is the list poem, which has a flexible line length and 6.     (repeat) phrases. Another simple form is cinquain, which is made up 7.      five lines. With cinquain, you can convey 8.      certain mood in just a few words.
  Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry, 9.      it is popular with English speakers. English speakers also enjoy the Tang poems. A lot of Tang poetry 10.     (translate) into English.
答案:1. why 2. feelings 3. themselves
4. to learn 5. simplest 6. repeated
7. of 8. a 9. but 10. has been translated
Ⅳ. 阅读理解
For about three years now, I have been writing poetry. It was not until my junior year in high school that I developed an interest, love and skill for writing poetry.
Back in elementary school, I loved to write stories. I would write stories on post-it notes and anywhere I could. Yet when I had to write a limerick(五行打油诗) for an assignment, I could not wrap my head around poetry. I had a very hard time figuring out how to rhyme words and have the words make sense. I eventually tossed the paper with the attempted limerick in the trash. I did not try my hand at poetry again until several years later.
Many years later in my freshman year of high school, my English teacher gave my class a poetry project as an assignment. I still remember my limerick assignment and was afraid of doing the poetry project. For the project, we had to analyse a poem and write a response to it. I chose to respond to Robert Frost’s poem Fire and Ice. I also wrote my own poem first. I became really excited when writing the poem.
Two years later, I started writing poetry as a hobby and for fun. To learn how good or bad my poems were, I handed them in to some magazines and contests. I won the second place in the North Carolina Poetry Society’s Sherry Pruitt Award Contest, and had my two poems published as high quality poems. I have continued to write poetry, and have even self-published three collections of poetry in both print and e-book formats, which can be found in my store on Lulu.
Now, I love writing poetry, but I don’t hate writing short stories. I just find it more difficult and not my style of writing, even though I still write short stories occasionally.
1. What can we know when the author was a pupil
A. He liked writing stories.
B. He was good at writing poetry.
C. He could understand poetry well.
D. He was often praised by his teacher.
解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中“Back in elementary school, I loved to write stories.”可知,上小学时,作者喜爱写故事,故选A。
2. How did the author feel when given the poetry project in high school
A. Excited. B. Annoyed. C. Confident. D. Worried.
解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中“I still remember my limerick assignment and was afraid of doing the poetry project.”可推知作者是担心的。
3. When did the author take up writing poetry as a hobby
A. When he worked as a storekeeper.
B. When he was at college.
C. When he was in Grade One in high school.
D. When he was in Grade Three in high school.
解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中“Many years later in my freshman year of high school ...”及第四段第一句“Two years later, I started writing poetry as a hobby and for fun.”可推知,作者高一时自己写诗,两年后(高三时),写诗成为作者的爱好。
4. How did the author learn about the quality of his poetry
A. He asked his teachers for advice.
B. He compared his poetry with his short stories.
C. He submitted his poems to magazines and contests.
D. He analysed a poem and wrote a response to it.
解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中“To learn how good or bad my poems were, I handed them in to some magazines and contests.”可知作者通过投稿和参赛来了解自己诗歌的质量。
Ⅴ. 完形填空
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was born on February 27, 1807 in Portland, Maine. His father, Stephen, was a lawyer, so Henry was born into a rich family. Henry began  1  at age three. By the time he was six he was the smartest boy in the school. He was very good at spelling and arithmetic. But Henry loved to write and  2  became very skilled in it. Henry’s father wanted him to become a lawyer, but after Henry
 3  from Bowdoin College in Maine at the age of 19, he dreamed of becoming a(n)  4 . Henry wanted to travel to Europe to study. He followed that  5 , and later returned to Bowdoin to become a professor at age 22.
In 1831, Henry married Mary Storer Potter, a former schoolmate. He
 6  and started The New England. He and his wife travelled to Europe,  7  he studied Swedish, Danish, Finnish, and the Dutch language and literature.
In 1836, Henry began  8  in Harvard. He moved into a room of the famous Craigie House in Cambridge. In the Craigie House, Henry
 9  to write poems and books.
In 1847, Longfellow’s poem Evangeline was  10 . Many people said Evangeline was his best poem. In 1854 he resigned from Harvard to
 11  his time to his writing. The Song of Hiawatha, written in 1855, was also very popular, as it was one of the first poems to  12  the Native American Indian culture. When The Courtship of Miles Standish
 13  in 1858, it sold 25,000 copies on the first day of publication.
The next few years were  14  with honours and rewards. He was invited to the House of Windsor by Queen Victoria by  15  of the Prince of Wales. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow died on March 24, 1882.
1. A. work B. life C. career D. school
解析:根据下文“By the time he was six he was the smartest boy in the school.”可知,他三岁开始上学。work工作;life生活,生命;career职业,生涯;school学校。
2. A. suddenly B. immediately
C. eventually D. respectively
3. A. graduated B. learned C. escaped D. suffered
4. A. amateur B. professor C. tourist D. scientist
解析:根据下文的“... and later returned to Bowdoin to become a professor at age 22.”可知,他想当的是教授。amateur业余爱好者;professor教授;tourist游客;scientist科学家。
5. A. route B. promise C. dream D. permission
解析:根据上文的“... at the age of 19, he dreamed of becoming a(n) ...”可知,他追随他的梦想。route路线,路径;promise诺言;dream梦想;permission许可。
6. A. made up B. calmed down
C. gave up D. settled down
解析:他结婚后就定居下来,创办了《新英格兰》杂志。make up构成,虚构,化妆;calm down镇定下来;give up放弃;settle down定居。
7. A. when B. where C. which D. what
8. A. teaching B. studying C. broadcasting D. charging
解析:根据第四段中的“In 1854 he resigned from Harvard ...”可知,此处是指他开始在哈佛大学教书。teach教,教书;study学习,研究;broadcast广播;charge要价,充电。
9. A. regretted B. remained C. continued D. declared
10. A. published B. copied
C. purchased D. abused
解析:根据下文“Many people said Evangeline was his best poem.”可知,此处指他的诗发表了。publish发表,出版;copy复制,抄写;purchase购买;abuse滥用,辱骂。
11. A. refer B. devote C. prefer D. owe
12. A. select B. affect C. elect D. reflect
13. A. tried out B. put out
C. brought out D. came out
解析:根据下文中的“publication”可知他的又一首诗《迈尔斯·斯坦迪什的求婚》出版了。try out试验,选拔;put out熄灭;bring out使明显;come out出版。
14. A. presented B. hidden C. filled D. compared
15. A. request B. offer C. order D. rule
Section Ⅳ Reading for Writing
1. 通过阅读范文,归纳总结诗歌短评的篇章结构和相关的词汇及句式。
2. 根据情境需要,运用所掌握的关于诗歌短评的词汇、句式和语篇知识写一篇诗歌短评。
Hold fast to dreams,
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.
Hold fast to dreams,
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.
       Langston Hughes
1. 词汇
2. 句型
1. 词汇
文学特点:be made up of, consist of, line, rhyme, rhythm, rhyming words, figure of speech, simile, metaphor, repetition
诗歌意象:image, imagine, imagery, lawn, butterfly, blossom, dawn, dewdrop, cherry blossom, seed, utter
启示:give sb advice, give sb a lesson, sorrow, love, precious, valuable, be loyal to, be determined to
2. 句型
文学特点:The poem ... by ... is very short with only ... lines.
The poem is made up of/consists of ... lines.
When I read the poem aloud, I can hear the ends of ... and ... rhyme.
The use of ... makes the poem pleasing to read.
诗歌意象:When I close my eyes, I can see/feel/ imagine ...
启示:The poet wants us to ..., because ...
Reading the poem, I think the poet is giving us advice ...
Never Give Up
Never give up,
Never lose hope.
Always have faith,
It allows you to cope.
Trying times will pass,
As they always do.
Just have patience,
Your dreams will come true.
So put on a smile,
You’ll live through your pain.
Know it will pass,
And strength you will gain.
Charlie Remiggio
The poem Never Give Up by Charlie Remiggio is made up of 12 lines. When I read the poem aloud, I can hear that the ends of the first, second and fourth sentences rhyme—“up”, “hope” and “cope”. The last word from the 6th and the 8th sentences rhyme—“do” and “true”. Besides, the last word “pain” from the 10th sentence and “gain” from the last sentence are also rhyming words.
When I close my eyes, I can see different images from the poem. I think the poet wants us to be hopeful about the future, whatever happens.
项目 角度 具体评价(结合习作
文章结构 是否结构清晰、思路流畅,符合诗歌短评的常用结构
主题词汇 是否充分有效运用了【素材积累】中的主题词汇(在右栏写出所用到的词汇)
主题句型 是否充分有效运用了【素材积累】中的主题句型(在右栏写出所用到的句型)
知识错误 单词拼写、语法错误等
整体评价 ☆☆☆☆☆
假设你是李华,你的加拿大笔友Peter 正在学习唐诗,发来一首《游子吟》向你请教,请你用英语给他写一封回信,内容包括:
1. 解释该诗的含义;
2. 阐述诗歌对你的启示。
1. 请不要逐句翻译;
2. 词数80左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。
Dear Peter,
I am very glad to know that you show such a great interest in Chinese Tang poetry. Now I will try my best to help you.
Li Hua
Dear Peter,
I am very glad to know that you show such a great interest in Chinese Tang poetry. Now I will try my best to help you.
Here is the meaning of the poem. A son will be on a long journey. Before leaving, his mother sews and mends clothes for the boy carefully by the candlelight,
afraid that he will come back home late. Mothers are
the warm spring sun while we are new green grass bathing in their golden rays. How can we repay such a great love
Reading the poem, I feel deeply moved. Mother’s love is the greatest in the world. I’ll try my best to make sure my mother has a happy life in the future.
Li Hua Section Ⅴ Assessing Your Progress & Video Time
Ⅰ. 根据首字母或汉语提示写出正确单词
When I was a child, I learned lots of poems, most of which I can r_______ even now.
2. It requires every student to fill in the b     using proper words.
3. I have no s     for Jane; it’s all her own fault.
4. I advise you to p     your article once more before you send it to the editor.
5. Women still face p     in the workplace.
6. Classic Greek     (戏剧) was written in verse, usually in a formal style.
7. The boat rocked up and down in     (节奏) with the sea.
8. I used to be an     (业余的) astronomer and watched the stars through my telescope.
9. Tom     (通信) with his pen friend John regularly.
10. The     (截止日期) for applications is 30 April.
答案:1. recite 2. blanks 3. sympathy 4. polish
5. prejudice 6. drama 7. rhythm 8. amateur
9. corresponds 10. deadline
Ⅱ. 用方框中所给短语的正确形式填空
in sorrow, nursery rhyme, at dawn, be made up of, in the mood for, show sympathy for, a string of, keep up, come across, cherry blossom
1. Oceania          Australia and New Zealand and so on.
2. I was so hungry all the time that I couldn’t          my weight-loss programme.
3.          have been the literature works that children contact earliest.
4. I have a lot of work to do today, so I am not          the concert tonight.
5. April is my favourite month when the          comes out.
6. She likes to wear         pearls around her neck.
7. I think she did it more          than in anger.
8. While cleaning the room yesterday, I          an old photo of my mother.
9. We should          the victims of the flood and give them as much help as possible.
10. I woke up         , only to find the people were already out in the fields.
答案:1. is made up of 2. keep up 3. Nursery rhymes 
4. in the mood for 5. cherry blossom 6. a string of 7. in sorrow
8. came across 9. show sympathy for 10. at dawn
Ⅲ. 单句语法填空
1. Every time I think of her, I get depressed and     (sorrow).
2. They finished first and second     (respective).
3. She is     (mood) and bad-tempered, making her have few friends.
4. I’ve gone through all the     (shelf), but couldn’t find the book you want.
5. Children will lose their     (innocent) as they grow older.
6. What is the deadline      the speech contest
7. I’d like to study law at university      my cousin prefers geography.
8. I walked up to the top of the hill with my friend,      we enjoyed a splendid view of the lake.
9. After graduating from college, I took some time off to go travelling,
      turned out to be a wise decision.
10. Children who are not active or      diet is high in fat will gain weight quickly.
答案:1. sorrowful 2. respectively 3. moody 4. shelves 
5. innocence 6. for 7. while 8. where 9. which 10. whose
Ⅳ. 微写作
1. 我写诗来表达高兴、悲伤、同情等情绪。
2. 我的诗没有固定的格式,理解起来并不复杂。
3. 尽管我是业余诗人,可是我经常参加各种民间的诗歌比赛。
4. 我通常会在截止日期前修改我写的诗。
I write poems to convey certain moods such as joy, sorrow and sympathy. My poem is not fixed in format, and it is not complicated to understand. While I’m an amateur poet, I often take part in various folk poetry contests. I usually polish my poem before the deadline.
Ⅴ. 阅读理解
In 1991, Terry Gelber rented a stage at the Castillo Cultural Centre to perform his poetry. When asked by the booking agent what kind of poetry he wrote, his response was “Taxi Poetry”.
While driving his taxi and reciting poetry, he noticed his taxi driver’s licenses are also called “hack licenses”. Then he thought for a moment and said, “Hack Poetry!”Thus “Hack Poetry”was born.
At the first reading of Hack Poetry, a fellow taxi driver and poet Tom Ostrowski joined Terry. The two cabbie poets read to an audience of six people plus one reporter from New York Magazine. Asked by Charles W. Bell of the New York Daily News what he called the growing group of taxi poets that appeared at readings, Gelber replied,“Did you see the movie Dead Poets Society ”
In 1992, a poetry contest was added and a television game show was produced for Manhattan TV. In the following years, Terry appeared as the Hack Poet at lots of events reading his Hack Poetry and writing poems for special days such as when an old taxi was put in the Museum of New York. After a successful business in 1999, the Hack Poet bought an old farm in the Catskill Mountains where he has been able to be close to nature and animals. Poets will be invited to share the loneliness of the hills in a place that thankfully has not quite moved into the 21st century.
1. What is Hack Group according to the passage
A. Another name for famous poets.
B. People who like to hear others read poems.
C. A group of people who like reading poems in taxis.
D. A group of taxi drivers who read and write poems.
解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中“a fellow taxi driver”“two cabbie poets”和“the growing group of taxi poets”可知,Hack Group指的是读诗、写诗的出租车司机们。
2. What would be the best title for the passage
A. Poets for Special Occasions B. The History of the Hack Poetry
C. Drivers and Poets D. Taxi Drivers Like Poems
解析:主旨大意题。文章叙述了1991年Hack Poetry的诞生及进一步发展的过程,因此最佳标题是Hack Poetry的历史。
3. Who do the underlined words “the Hack Poet” in the last paragraph refer to
A. Terry Gelber. B. Tom Ostrowski.
C. Charles W. Bell. D. Someone unknown.
解析:词义猜测题。根据本段中“In the following years, Terry appeared as the Hack Poet ...”可知,the Hack Poet指的就是Terry Gelber。
4. Why was the old farm in the Catskill Mountains chosen
A. Because it is large in area.
B. Because it is a good place to go hunting.
C. Because it is a primitive place seldom disturbed.
D. Because it is a nice place for commerce and trade.
解析:细节理解题。根据文章最后两句可知,the Catskill Mountains是一个比较原始的、还没有被现代文明所打扰的、人们可以亲近大自然与动物的地方,故选C。
Robert Frost(1874-1963) was the statesman of American letters in the twentieth century, a rare national poet who was read and respected by both university professors and everyday citizens. In his life, Frost won four Pulitzer Prizes for his works—more than any other poet in American history. His most famous poems include The Road Not Taken, Fire and Ice and Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening. Though he is widely read, Frost is also one of the most misunderstood writers in the United States for the complexity of his poems.
Though born in California, Frost was brought up in New England, where he is inseparably linked. After dropping out of Dartmouth College to seek his literary dream, he remained upset for years, producing collections of works but failing to get enough of them published to make his efforts financially worthwhile. Finally, Frost left the United States in 1912 to see whether his work might be better received in London. It was, and in 1913 his first full collection was published in Great Britain. Fellow American poet Amy Lowell adored Frost’s work and brought it back to the United States, publicising it insistently(坚持地). Soon afterwards Frost’s collections became bestsellers, and he became a famous figure.
From then on, Frost was on his way to the lifelong respect and recognition for his achievements in poetry. In 1961, he was invited to read a poem for the presidential inauguration of John F. Kennedy. He recited his poem The Gift Outright from memory at the ceremony. This was perhaps his last poetry reading in front of a wide national audience before his death in 1963. More importantly, Frost became the first poet to read a poem at a presidential inauguration.
5. What makes Frost“the statesman of American letters”
A. The comments of other writers. B. His literary achievements.
C. The complexity of his poems. D. His political activities.
解析:推理判断题。根据第一段中“... a rare national poet who was read and respected by both university professors and everyday citizens ... in American history.”可知,他的文学成就很高,故选B项。
6. What do we know about Frost before 1912
A. He continued writing after his graduation from Dartmouth College.
B. He was well received in London for his first collection.
C. He failed to make much money with his publication.
D. He produced enough works to achieve literary success.
解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中“... but failing to get enough of them published to make his efforts financially worthwhile.”可知,当时Frost没能靠写作挣到很多钱。
7. According to the passage, what brought Frost immediate success in the U.S.
A. The literary value of his poetry.
B. The publication of his first collection.
C. The invitation from John F. Kennedy.
D. The recommendation by Amy Lowell.
解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中“Fellow American poet Amy Lowell adored Frost’s work and brought it back to the United States, publicising it insistently ... a famous figure.”可知,由于Amy Lowell把他的作品带回美国,并坚持宣传它,才使他很快出名。
8. What would be the best title for the passage
A. The Popularity of Robert Frost
B. The Literary Life of Robert Frost
C. Robert Frost: A Historical Figure
D. Robert Frost and the Twentieth Century
解析:主旨大意题。本文介绍了美国诗人Robert Frost的文学生涯,故选B项。
Top Poetry Writing Tips
Tip 1: Poetry involves work, rest and play.
9. It involves hard work, especially in the early stage when you are deciding on the overall form and tone of the poem, and getting the bones of it onto the page. But writing poetry should be a playful activity, too. Have fun playing around with the language, the ideas and the music inside the poem.
Tip 2: Poetry requires both words and silence.
Poetry has been defined as “the best words in their best order”. Choose your words carefully for their sounds and meaning. 10. _______
Just as the white space on the page is needed to shape the pattern of words, so the thoughts that are left unsaid, the pauses and the quiet hints, will add something extra to your poem. 11. If you have created enough solid stepping stones in words and thoughts, then the reader will follow you to the end of the poem.
Tip 3: 12.
Poets often turn to writing a poem when they experience a strong emotion and have the need to express it. The reading of other people’s poetry can also give comfort or a sense that you are not alone in how you are feeling. But be careful not to write your poem with abstract emotions and don’t tell your readers how to think or feel.
Tip 4: Writing poetry can be difficult to start and hard to let go.
It is often difficult to know how to start a poem, but the trick is to recognise the beginnings of them, in everyday life. 13. They can start from remembering a funny conversation that you’ve overheard at the bus stop, yesterday’s nightmare, a secret you’ve been told, or an interesting postcard that you have noticed in a shop. If you catch yourself thinking about something for more than a minute or two, that’s when you reach for a pen and some paper and start jotting down(匆匆记下) thoughts, words and phrases.
A. But poetry is also about silence.
B. Writing a good poem rarely comes easily.
C. Don’t be afraid of the gaps that you leave.
D. Poetry needs an emotion and a control of it.
E. Poetry sets the scene for readers to step into.
F. Poems don’t have to come from exciting events.
G. You must write your feelings and views with passion.
9. 解析:根据下文“It involves hard work ...”可知,写一首好诗是不容易的,故选B。
10. 解析:根据标题“Poetry requires both words and silence.”可知,本段阐述诗歌不仅需要文字也需要留白。本段前两句已经阐述了words,因此空格处以及下文应该是阐述silence,故选A。
11. 解析:空格上文阐述为了塑造文字的模式,页面上要留下空白,诗歌也一样,需要停顿和暗示,因此C项“不要害怕留下空白”,符合语境。
12. 解析:空格处是段落主题句。分析段落中的核心词汇a strong emotion、comfort、alone、abstract emotions、feel等都和情感有关系,故选D。
13. 解析:根据上文“... the beginnings of them, in everyday life.”和下文“... start from remembering a funny conversation ... yesterday’s nightmare, a secret you’ve been told, or an interesting postcard that you have noticed in a shop.”可知诗歌来自日常生活,不必一定来自令人激动的大事,故选F。
Ⅵ. 完形填空
How Did Poetry Begin
Poems can make you feel emotions, like anger or sadness, depending on the words and how they are put together. That is the  1  of poetry.
Poetry  2  even before humans knew how to read and write, dating back to around 3000 B.C. Some of the earliest poetry was  3  or sung, and was used as a way to record and pass down historical and religious stories and cultural traditions from one generation to the next. Since writing was not practised then, certain sounds and rhymes were used to make these stories  4  and therefore, memorable.
There are  5  three types of ancient poetry. The first was an epic(史诗) or long narrative(叙事的) poetry usually about a 6
event. The second type was lyric(抒情的) poetry or poetry that 7
personal feelings. Finally there was drama or stories written in verse and usually  8  like Greek tragedies and Shakespeare’s plays.
The invention of the printing press(印刷机) in the 15th century brought poetry to the common people. This was followed by several major literary periods, during which poetry  9  dramatic changes. They started with Europe’s Renaissance period from the 14th to the 16th century, which first helped poetry and poets like Shakespeare and Sir Walter Raleigh become popular.
The Romantic period saw personal poems that expressed a poet’s joys, hopes, and sorrows  10  a conversational tone. Then came the Victorian era, which saw the  11  of structured poems and the birth of modern “ 12  verse”poetry. American poet Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass is  13  to be the first example of free verse poetry.
Modern poetry is a  14  of all of these styles. We still see rhymes in children’s poems and in the popular African-American styles of hip hop and rap music, which are a  15  of rhymed poetry put to a musical beat.               
1. A. style B. power C. tone D. rhyme
解析:根据上文中“Poems can make you feel emotions, like anger or sadness ...”可知,诗歌可以让人们感受到情感,比如生气或者悲伤等,这说明了诗歌的力量。style风格;power力量;tone语气,音调;rhyme押韵。
2. A. existed B. survived C. changed D. mattered
3. A. published B. copied C. analysed D. recited
4. A. mysterious B. interesting C. blank D. difficult
5. A. mainly B. eventually C. specially D. widely
6. A. typical B. folk C. romantic D. historical
解析:根据空格前面的“an epic or long narrative poetry”可知,这里指的是史诗或某一历史事件的长篇叙事性的诗歌。typical典型的;folk民间的,民俗的;romantic浪漫的;historical历史的。
7. A. expressed B. explained C. avoided D. limited
8. A. sorted out B. tried out C. acted out D. carried out
解析:根据空格前面的“there was drama or stories written in verse”可知,这些诗歌是戏剧或诗体故事,通常是表演出来的。sort out分类;try out试验,选拔;act out表演;carry out开展,实施。
9. A. went through B. got over
C. gave up D. let out
解析:根据空格前面的“several major literary periods”和后面的“dramatic changes”可知,在这几个时期中,诗歌经历了巨大的变化。go through经历,仔细检查;get over克服;give up放弃;let out发出,泄露。
10. A. with B. at C. on D. in
解析:in a ... tone“以……语气”,为固定用法。
11. A. end B. start C. core D. source
解析:此处和后面的“the birth of modern ‘ 12  verse’ poetry”中的birth对比,因此指structured poems的结束。end结束,末尾;start开始;core核心,精髓;source来源。
12. A. simple B. short C. oral D. free
解析:根据下文中的“the first example of free verse poetry”可知,此空应填free。 simple简单的;short短的,矮的;oral口头的;free自由的,免费的,空闲的。
13. A. referred B. considered C. chosen D. treated
14. A. contest B. combination C. variety D. number
15. A. form B. performance C. cause D. result
解析:结合空格前面的“children’s poems”和“hip hop and rap music”可知,它们是押韵诗歌的一种形式。form形式;performance表演,表现;cause起因;result结果。