Developing ideas板块教学设计(建议时长80–90分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。)
课型 Reading + Writing
主题语境 人与自我——不断完善自我认知、提升自我管理能力
内容分析 本板块呈现了从另一角度反映单元主题的课文,语篇类型为说明文。课文介绍了“四罐”理财法,引导学生通过学习了解有效的金钱管理方法,学会进一步提出自己的看法,真正认识到有效的金钱管理会对人生产生深远的影响。读写部分的范文是一篇有关情绪管理的记叙文,要求学生写出故事概要及读后感,分享自己的观点。本板块旨在启迪学生思考金钱、情绪等方面的有效管理策略,提高学生的自控能力,塑造积极乐观的人生态度。
教学目标 在本板块学习结束时,学生能够:通过阅读,理清文章结构,获取语篇的主要观点与信息,体会并理解文字游戏这种写作手法;在理解课文内容的基础上,学会用英语阐释自己的观点,增强逻辑思辨能力,学会以理性客观的态度看待金钱的价值,培养理财意识;通过学习范文和总结、反思,了解情绪管理的重要性,加深对单元主题意义的认识,从而积极主动地尝试从不同角度进行自我管理。
教学重点 带领学生把握文章大意,培养学生有理有据地表达观点的意识;引导学生以理性客观的态度看待金钱的价值。
教学难点 引导学生学会用英语阐释自己的观点,增强逻辑思辨能力,能以理性客观的态度看待金钱的价值,培养理财意识,积极尝试从不同角度进行自我管理。
教学策略 P-W-P模式
Unit 2 Improving yourself 教学设计
Teaching contents Procedures Purposes
Teacher’s activity Students’ activity
Activity 1 Teacher asks students to look at the chart and answer the questions.Teacher invites some students to give answers. Students look at the chart and answer the questions.Some students give answers. To lead students into the topic of managing money.
Activity 2 Teacher asks students to look at the title of the passage and predict the author’s attitude towards money.Teacher asks students to work in groups and discuss the question. Then invites some students to share the answers.Teacher asks students to read the passage and check their predictions. Students look at the title of the passage and predict the author’s attitude towards money.Students work in groups and discuss the question. Some students share the answers.Students read the passage and check their predictions. To strengthen students’ ability to predict by understanding the title.
Activity 3 Teacher asks students to read the passage again and complete the diagram.Teacher asks students to discuss in groups and check the answers.Teacher invites some students to share the answers with the class. Students read the passage again and complete the diagram.Students discuss in groups and check the answers.Some students share their answers with the class. To test students’ understanding of the passage.
Think & Share Teacher asks students to think about the questions and discuss them in groups.Teacher invites some students to give answers. Students think about the questions and discuss them in groups.Some students give answers. To enhance students’ understanding of some useful methods of managing money and encourage students to show their own opinions.
Activity 4 Teacher asks students to read the passage again, think about which jar they believe is the most important and complete the notes.Teacher divides students into groups and asks them to discuss their ideas in groups.Teacher invites several students to give their group idea to the class and others to make comments.Teacher asks students to talk about Jerry Witkovsky’s way to give advice and learn from him. Students read the passage again, think about which jar they believe is the most important and complete the notes.Students discuss their ideas in groups.Some students give their group ideas to the class and others make comments.Students talk about Jerry Witkovsky’s way to give advice and learn from him. To help students learn to give their opinions.To improve students’ speaking skill and performance ability.
Activity 5 Teacher asks students to read the passage and think about the questions.Teacher divides the class into groups and asks them to discuss the two questions in groups.Teacher invites one or two groups to share their answers and give reasons, and others to make comments. Students read the passage and think about the questions.Students discuss the questions in groups.One or two groups share their answers and give reasons, and others make comments. To help students learn how to write a review about controlling one’s own temper.
Activity 6 Teacher asks students to think about the summary of the story and write it down.Teacher asks students to write their own thoughts and conclusion according to the passage. 1. Students think about the summary of the story and write it down.2. Students write their own thoughts and conclusion according to the passage. To help students organise their thoughts before writing a passage.
Activity 7 Teacher divides students into pairs and asks them to make improvements to each other’s reflections.Teacher invites one or two pairs to share their reflections with the class and others to make comments. Students work in pairs and make improvements to each other’s reflections.One or two pairs share their reflections with the class and others make comments. To encourage students to learn from their partners. To improve students’ writing and speaking skills.
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