2021-2022学年人教版2019高中英必修第一册Unit2Travelling around 每日一背检测加背诵 学案


名称 2021-2022学年人教版2019高中英必修第一册Unit2Travelling around 每日一背检测加背诵 学案
格式 zip
文件大小 46.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-11-18 08:27:44



Book 1 Unit2 课堂检测一背诵
I. Words
1.申请vi/vt. apply 2.申请/应用软件 n..application /app
3.令人惊奇的 adj.amazing 4.惊奇的. adj. amazed 5.安排 n. arrangement
6.极其 adv. extremely 7.来源;出处n. source 8.狭窄的,使变窄adj/vt. narrow
9.强有力的 adj. powerful 10.flat n.平坦的扁平的_adj公寓,单元房
II. Phrases
1.申请护照· apply for a passport 2. 申请签证apply for a visa
3.供出租 for rent 4.租一辆车rent a car
5.pack some clothes 打包衣服 6. a pack of wolves 一群狼
7. 令我吃惊的是to my amazement 8. 安排某人干某事arrange for sb to do
9. 为--筹备make arrangements for 10. extreme sports极限运动
III. Sentences
1. 我写信申请我们学校英语协会志愿者这个职位
I am writing to apply for the post of volunteer for our school English association..
2. 这项技术被应用到农业
The new technology was applied to farming.
Book 1 Unit2 课堂检测一
I. Words
1.申请vi/vt. ___________ 2.申请/应用软件 n._________ 3.令人惊奇的 adj.________
4.惊奇的. adj.__________ 5.安排 n.___________ 6.极其 adv. ___________ 7.来源;出处n.___________ 8.狭窄的,使变窄adj/vt. n___________
9.强有力的 adj. ______________ 10.flat n.___________ adj___________
II. Phrases
1.申请护照·___________ 2. 申请签证___________
3.供出租 ___________ 4.租一辆车___________
5.pack some clothes___________ 6. a pack of wolves ______________
7. 令我吃惊的是___________ 8. 安排某人干某事___________
9. 为--筹备___________ 10. extreme sports_______________
III. Sentences
1. 我写信申请我们学校英语协会志愿者这个职位
_______________________________________________ for our school English association..
2. 这项技术被应用到农业
The new technology_____________________________ farming.
Book 1 Unit2课堂检测二背诵
I. Phrases
1. 到处旅行travel around
2. 预定make reservations for the trip
3. 在国内外travel at home and abroad.
4.为旅行准备 prepare for the trip /make preparations for the trip
5.拿到护照get a passport
6. 申请签证apply for a visa
7. 订票/订宾馆 book tickets/ a hotel room
8.租车rent a car
9.买一本旅游指南buy a guidebook
10.打包衣服pack some clothes
11.调查当地的天气research the local weather = do research on the local weather
12. 即将到来的假期the coming holiday
13. 四处走动;消息等的传开get around
14. 旅行准备travel preparations
15.带一些薄毛衣take a few light sweaters
16 和某人分享某物share sth with sb
17.旅行目的地 travel destination
18.旅行安排 travel arrangements
19.单个单词 single word
20. 捕捉每一个单词 catch every word
II .Sentences
I ’m definitely going to see the Old Town of Lijiang and Yulong Snow mountain.
Book 1 Unit2 课堂检测二
I. phrases
2. 预定________________________
3. 在国内外_____________________.
4.为旅行准备 ___________________
6. 申请签证________________________
7. 订票/订宾馆 ______________________
8.租车_____________________________ 9.买一本旅游指南__________________
12. 即将到来的假期________________
13. 四处走动;消息等的传开_________________________________
14. 旅行准备_____________________
16 和某人分享某物________________________________
17. 旅行目的地 ___________________
18. 旅行安排 _____________________
19. 单个单词___________________
20. 捕捉每一个单词 ______________
II .Sentences
Book 1 Unit2 课堂检测三背诵
I. Words
1.帝国 n.empire
2.皇帝 n. emperor
3.site n. 地点,位置
4.official adj.官方的,正式的. n 官员;要员
5.辨别出 vt. recognize --n recognition
6. type .n 类型 v.打字 --打字员 typist
7. 住处.V. accommodate. N. accommodation
8.小路n .path
9.航班 n. flight
10.钦佩 赞赏v. admire adj. Admirable
n. admiration
II. Phrases
1.a flat tire· 没气的车胎 2. power failure停电
3.控制.支配.管理 take control of 4.做一次正式访问make an official visit to
5. 误机 miss the flight 6. 因为--而佩服 admire sb for sth
7. 对---来说是特有的 be unique to 8. 除了--之外 other than
9.报价旅游 package tour 10.绕过这个问题 get around the problem
III. Sentences
1. 我刚要上床睡觉,这时电话响了
I am about to go to bed when the telephone rang
It was with the help of the local guide that the mountain climber was rescued.
Book 1 Unit2 课堂检测三
I. Words
1.帝国 n.__________
2.皇帝 n.___________
3.site n. _____________
4.official adj._________. n _________
5.辨别出 vt.___________ --n __________
6. type .n ________ v.打字 --打字员_____
7. 住处.V. __________. N. _______________
8.小路n .__________
9.航班 n. ___________
10.钦佩 赞赏v. _______ adj. ___________
n. __________
II. Phrases
1.a flat tire· _________ 2. power failure____________
3.控制.支配.管理 ____________ 4.做一次正式访问_____________
5. 误机____________ 6. 因为--而佩服 _______________
7. 对---来说是特有的 _________ 8. 除了--之外 _______________
9.报价旅游 ________________ 10.绕过这个问题 ________________
III. Sentences
1. 我刚要上床睡觉,这时电话响了(be about to do --- when)
_________________________________________________________________________2.那位登山者是在当地导游的帮助下才获救的( it was ---that强调句)
Book 1 Unit2 课堂检测四背诵
I. Words
1.包裹n package
2.文明 n. civilization
3.士兵n. soldier
4.运输 v.transport. n transportation
5经济n.economy adj economic
6. credit .n 借款 信用 称赞 学分
7. 要求请求n request
8. view n. 视野 景色 看法
9. 9.sight n .视野 景象 视力
10雕塑雕像 n . statue
II. Phrases
1.失去、保持联系 lose /keep contact with· 2. 构成组成 make up
3.去远足 go hiking 4.credit card 信用卡
5. 详细地 in detail 6. in my view 依我看来
7. 映入眼帘 come into sight 8. 在视野之内/外 in /out of sight
9.make comments on 对--评论 10.登记入住、结账离开 check in/out
III. Sentences
1. 如果有兴趣,请发电子邮件与我联系
Please contact me by email if you are interested
American Indians make up about five percent of the US population
Book 1 Unit2 课堂检测四
I. Words
1. 包裹n ______________
2. 2.文明 n.______________
3.士兵n. soldier
4.运输 v.______________ . n ______________
5经济n_____________ adj ______________
6.credit .n ______________
7.要求请求n ______________
8. view n. ______________
9.sight n .______________
10雕塑雕像 n .______________
II. Phrases
1.失去联系·______________ 2. 构成组成______________
3.去远足 ______________ 4.credit card______________
5. 详细地 ______________ 6. in my view______________
7. 映入眼帘______________ 8. 在视野之内______________
9.make comments on ______________ 10.登记入住、结账离开_____________
III. Sentences
1. 如果有兴趣,请发电子邮件与我联系