Recycle 1
本单元是一个复习单元,主要复习1~3单元的核心知识点。该单元主要包含六个部分的内容。Read aloud是在对话中复现1~3单元的主要句型及词汇。教材通过Chen Jie与John谈论书本和好友的故事情景,使学生对所学词汇和句型的语义及语用情景加深记忆。Connect and say通过五个名字Kate, Mike, Rose, Tim, Bob串起a, i, o三个元音字母的长短音,要求学生寻找含有相同发音的单词,并连线到城堡。Look, listen and write要求学生看图、听录音并填充三句绕口令,复习前三个单元所学的语音知识。Look and find通过Zhang Peng根据Sarah描述的人物特征连词找朋友的情景复习第三单元的核心词汇和句型。Read aloud and match the pictures要求学生阅读两组对话,选择正确的图片匹配,并根据图片提示续编对话。该活动旨在复习巩固1~3单元的主要词汇和句型。Play a game呈现的情景是:Chen Jie和Mike两人挑战登山, 途中一一回答遇到的问题,最先到达山顶的人即为获胜者。通过此活动复习1~3单元的核心句型。
1 知识与能力
能够在情景中运用句型 “What’s in your… ”询间并回答某处有什么物品;能够在情景中运用句型“—Where is… —It’s in/ on/ under/ near the…”询问并回答物品的位置。
能够在情景中运用句型介绍朋友的姓名、性格、外貌、穿着等,如“—What’s his/her name —His / Her name is…”“He’s/She’s…”“He / She has…”
能够掌握1~3单元中a-e, i-e, o-e的发音规则。
2 情感态度价值观
第一课时: Read aloud & Connect and say & Look, listen and write
第二课时: Look and find & Read aloud and match the pictures & Play a gameThe second period
Look and find & Read aloud and match the pictures
& Play a game
1. 复习描述他人外貌特征和性格特点的常用词汇和句型。
2. 复习表示建议的句型“Let’s…/ Let me…”的用法。
1. 能够在情境中熟练运用核心词汇和句型描述他人的外貌特征和性格特点。
2. 能够在情境中熟练运用表示建议的核心句型。
Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in
1. Greetings.
2. Sing a song—Friends.
3. Play a game—“I say, you do”.
T: Let’s play. I say and you do. Open the door. /Turn on the light./Close the window./Put up the picture./Clean the blackboard./Put your pencil box in your desk./ Put your Chinese book on your English book./Put your eraser near your pencil box./Put your maths book under your schoolbag.
4. Free talk.
T: Do you have friends How many friends do you have What’s your friend’s name Is your friend a boy or a girl Is he/ she tall Is he / she friendly Does he/she have long hair (Use the words or phrases: quiet, friendly, tall, thin, small, glasses, brown shoes, a blue bag, long hair, …)
Step 2: Presentation
1. Look and say.
Show the pictures of Fred, Kate, Ben and Ann.(课件出示:教材P34 Look and find部分Fred、Kate、Ben和Ann的图片)
T: Look at these boys and girls. They are Fred, Kate, Ben and Ann. Can you say something about them
S1: This is Fred. He is tall. His hair is short and brown. He has glasses. His shoes are red and white.
S2: This is Kate. She is tall. She has long hair. She has a blue hat. She has brown shoes.
S3: This is Ben. He is short. He has short hair. He has a blue bag.
S4: This is Ann. She is short. She has long hair. She has yellow shoes.
2. Look and find.
T: Sarah and Zhang Peng are talking about their good friends. Sarah has a good friend. She asks Zhang Peng to guess who he is. Read the sentences that Sarah says. Help Zhang Peng find Sarah’s good friend.
Ask students to read the sentences and find the correct friend.
Check the answer.
T: Who’s Sarah’s good friend
Ss: He is…
Answer: Fred.
3. Pair work.
Let students use the words or the phrases in “Look and find” correctly to describe the other three characters in the activity.
T: Choose one student of these to be your friend. Say something about your friend. Let your partner guess who your friend is. Practice your dialogue in pairs, please.
Make a model:
T: I have a good friend. She is friendly. She’s thin. She has a blue hat and brown shoes. Who is she
S1: She is Kate.
Step 3: Practice
1. Play a game—“Guess who he/ she is!”
Show four photos of the students on the PPT. (出示课件) Everyone has a schoolbag.
T: Now I will stand here with my back to you. You choose one of them to the front. I ask some questions and you answer. And I guess who it is.
Start like this:
T: Is it a boy Does he have glasses What colour is his schoolbag What colour are his shoes His name is… Yes or no
After giving a demonstration, let students play the game.
T: Now, who wants to try
2. Read aloud and match the pictures.
(1) Present the Dialogue 1 and the two pictures of this part on the PPT. (课件出示:教材P34 Read aloud and match the pictures部分的对话一及其图片)
T: Look at the first picture. Who are they Where are they What are they doing
S1: They are Mike and John.
S2: They are in the classroom.
T: Yes. And they are cleaning the classroom. But in Picture 2, they are talking about “What’s in the schoolbag ”
Play the recording.(课件出示:教材P34 Read aloud and match the picture部分中对话一的音频)
T: Now listen to the recording and read after it. Then choose the correct picture.
Check the answer. (Answer: Picture 1)
Present the Dialogue 2 and the two pictures of this part on the PPT. (出示课件)
Play the recording and ask students to answer the questions. (课件出示:教材P34 Read aloud and match the pictures部分中对话二的音频)
①Who is the new student
②What’s he like
③Is he Mike’s friend
T: Now listen to the recording again, and read after it. Then choose the correct picture.
Check the answer. (Answer: Picture 2)
(2) Read and act out the dialogues.
(3) Make new dialogues.
T: There are other two pictures.(出示课件)Please make new dialogues according to the other two pictures. Practice in pairs. Then show to us.
Find the best group.
References are as follows:
①Ted: Oh, my schoolbag is heavy.
John: What’s in your schoolbag
Ted: I have an English book, a maths book and two storybooks.
②Mike: John, this is Ted, my new friend. He’s a new student.
John: Nice to meet you.
Ted: Nice to meet you, too.
3. Play a game.
T: Everyone did a good job. Now let’s play a game. Look at the picture. It’s a mountain. Let’s see who can climb the mountain fast. How to climb it Yes, you should answer the questions correctly. Let’s see who the winner is.
For example: Competition between boys and girls.
Boy 1: What colour is your schoolbag
Girl 1: It’s blue.
Girls climb a step up the mountain.
Girl 1: What colour is your English book
Boy 2: Oh, sorry.
Boys can’t answer so they stay where they are.
Boy 2: Who’s your best friend
Girl 2: …
(课件出示:教材P35 Play a game部分的图片及内容)
Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
1. Make dialogues.
Divide students into three groups and give the three topics “my classroom” “my schoolbag” “my friends” to the three groups. Ask each group of students to make a dialogue on the topic they are assigned to.
2. Show time.
Ask some students from each group to act out the dialogues.
1. 本节课是综合复习课,主要帮助学生复习表示建议的句型“Let’s…/ Let me…”的用法、描述他人特征的句型以及询问关于他人信息的问句。
2. 通过跟唱歌曲、“我说你做”的游戏互动及师生对话,引导学生复习了1~3单元所学的单词及短语,并引出有关朋友话题的句型,为本部分的对话学习做铺垫。
3. 通过多媒体、口语交流和看图练习等多种形式,充分调动了学生的积极性,使学生在不知不觉中完成复习任务,较好地实现了教学目标。
4. 复习活动设计多样化,语言由输入到输出,较全面地兼顾到各个单元的重点知识的梳理和归纳。The first period
Read aloud & Connect and say & Look, listen and write
能够通过学习对话复习巩固“What’s in it ”“Who’s your friend ”“What’s her name ”等句型, 并能作出回答。
能够在语境中理解“Your bag is so heavy.”“I know.”“I don’t know.”等句子的意思,并能正确朗读。
教师通过问题引导学生复习1~3单元的内容,再创设情境让学生领会句子“Let me help you.”和单词“heavy”,让学生认识到遇到困难时要互相帮助,为进入Read aloud部分的话题做好铺垫。教师引导学生带着问题观看文本动画,整体感知文本,获取有用信息。以比赛的形式来练习重点句型的问答。这既可以帮助学生复习相关知识,也可以激发学生的学习兴趣,使原本枯燥的操练变得有趣。
1. 能够将1~3单元的核心语言融为一体,在具体情景中能自然熟练地运用。
2. 巩固学习1~3单元的语音知识。
1. 能够用核心句型描述朋友的特征。
2. 能够根据发音规则读出符合发音规则的单词并能根据发音规则将单词分类。
Step 1: Warm-up & Revision
1. Greetings.
2. Sing a song—Friends.
3. Sharp eyes.
Show the following vocabulary on the PPT one by one.
(课件出示:classroom, window, blackboard, light, picture, door, teacher’s desk, computer, fan, wall, floor, schoolbag, maths, English, Chinese, storybook, candy, notebook, toy, key, strong, friendly, quiet, hair, shoe, glasses)
T: If you know the vocabulary, you can stand up and read it out.
4. Free talk.
Do Q & A on the topics of “classroom” “schoolbag” and “friends”.
T: What’s in the classroom / What’s in your schoolbag / Who’s your friend What is he/ she like Is he/ she tall /thin/… /…
Ss: …
Step 2: Presentation
1. Lead-in.
Show a schoolbag with some books in it.
T: Look at this schoolbag. What’s in it Let’s have a look.
Lead students to answer: An English book, a maths book, a notebook and ten storybooks.
Take all the books out of the schoolbag. Then put some school things on the teacher’s desk and ask a student to come to the front.
T: Put the pen / pencil / ruler…in the schoolbag.
The student does as the teacher says.
T: Now show me the schoolbag.
(The schoolbag is too heavy for the student to carry.)
T: Let me help you. (Help the student raise the schoolbag.)
S1: Thank you.
The teacher asks more students to carry the schoolbag.
T: What do you think of this schoolbag
Ss: So heavy.
T: Yes. The schoolbag is so heavy.
Let students read the word “heavy” after the teacher and help them understand the sentence “Let me help you.”
T: We should help each other. Look! Chen Jie is helping John. (课件出示:教材P32 Read aloud部分的图一)
2. Watch and answer.
(1) Look at the pictures and answer the question.
T: What’s in John’s schoolbag (课件出示:教材P32 Read aloud部分的图二及图三)
Ss: Books.
(2) Watch the cartoon and answer the questions.(课件出示:播放图四至图六的内容)
Show the questions on the PPT.
What does John’s friend look like
Acording to John’s describe, who is his friend
Then play the cartoon of “Read aloud”. (课件出示:教材P32 Read aloud部分的视频) After students finish watching, check the answers by talking to them.
T: Are they John’s storybooks
Ss: No, they are his friend’s.
T: Oh! I know. I know they are his friend’s. (Emphasize “I know.” with the head nodding.) But who’s his friend I don’t know. (Emphasize “I don’t know.” with a gesture and an expression.)
Ss: Sandy White.
T: I know. John’s friend is Sandy White. So they’re Sandy White’s storybooks.
Teach the sentence “They’re my friend’s storybooks.”
Show a picture of Sandy White.(出示课件)
T: Look! This is Sandy White. Do you know what her job is and what she is like
Ss: …
Check the answers and teach the sentences above.
Students read these sentences after the teacher.
Show the pictures of two pupils in the class. (出示课件)
T: Who is he/ she Can you tell me something about him/ her
(3) Watch the cartoon again, and then number the pictures.(课件出示:教材P32 Read aloud部分的动画和六张打乱顺序的图片)
3. Read and act.
(1)Let students read after the recording and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.(课件出示:教材P32 Read aloud部分的音频)
(2)Let students practice the dialogue in groups.
(3)Choose some students to act out the dialogue.
Step 3: Practice
1. Connect and say.
(1)Let’s chant.(课件出示:Units 1~3中Let’s spell板块的歌谣)
(2)Show the pictures of the five children. (课件出示:教材P33 Connect and say部分的五个人物图片) Describe their appearances and read their names.
T: Look at the pictures. I will say something about them. Listen carefully. She is a girl. She has a blue hat. Who is she
Ss: She is Kate.
T: Yes, she is Kate. Read after me, please. Kate.
Ss: Kate.
T: Pay attention to the sound of “a-e”. What is the sound of “a-e” It’s /e /. Can you say any words like this
Ss: Yes. Name.
T: What else
Ss: …
T: Look at the two boys, one is Mike, the other is Tim. Please compare the sounds of letter “i” in the words “Mike” and “Tim”. The sound of “i-e” in “Mike” is /a /. The sound of “i” in “Tim” is / /. Can you say any words like these
Ss: Yes. Like, win…T: Look, the clever girl is Rose. The boy with glasses is Bob. Please compare the sounds of letter “o” in the words “Rose” and “Bob”. The sound of “o-e” in “Rose” is / /. And the sound of “o” in Bob is / /. Can you say any words like these
Ss: Yes. Nose, dog…
(3)Listen and connect.
T: How does Kate go to the castle You can connect the words that have the same letter “a” and the same sound /e /. Now listen and connect. (课件出示:教材P33 Connect and say部分的音频)
T: Help the other children go to the castle in the same way.
Check the answers and read them.
Kate—name—race—lake—game Mike—nine—fine—time—side
Rose—note—Jones—Coke—hope Tim—win—big—milk—fit
(4)Play a match game.
T: Let’s play a match game. If I say /e /, please say “name, Kate” and so on. If I say / /, please say “Rose, note, Jones” and so on. Are you ready Let’s play!
2. Look, listen and write.
(1)Talk about the pictures.
①T:(课件出示:rice cake和女孩Kate的图片)Look! What are they They are rice cakes. They are Chinese food. (Teach “rice cake”.) This girl is Kate. Guess! What is she doing (Do the action of making rice cakes.)
Ss: She’s making rice cakes.
T: Yes. Kate likes to make rice cakes. (Teach this sentence.)
②T: (课件出示:bike和five mice的图片) Look at these pictures. This is a bike. They are mice. How many One, two, three… five mice. “Mice” is the plural form of “mouse”. What do they do (Do the action of riding a bike.)
Ss: They ride a bike.
T: Is the bike nice
Ss: Yes.
T: Five mice ride a nice bike. (Teach this sentence.)
③T:(课件出示:Mr Jones和他的房子的图片)Wow, what a beautiful house! This is Mr Jones’ home. Look, where is Mr Jones
Ss: He’s at home.
T: What does he do (Do the action of phoning.)
Ss: He phones.
T: Good. Mr Jones phones me at home. (Teach this sentence.)
(2)Listen to the recording, then fill in the blanks. (课件出示:教材P33 Look, listen and write部分的音频)
T: You know the letters and the sounds well. Please look at the pictures and listen carefully. Pay attention to the key words. Write down the words you hear and fill in the blanks.
Check the answers, and read them.(课件出示:Look, listen and write部分的答案)
T: It’s interesting, isn’t it They are tongue twisters. Now, read after the recording.
(3)Reading competition.
T: Now who can say the sentences more quickly Let’s have a competition.
Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
1. A group game.
T: John’s schoolbag is so heavy. There is an English book, a maths book, a notebook and ten storybooks in it. Is your schoolbag so heavy What’s in your schoolbag Let’s PK. Please ask and answer one by one. For example:
T: What’s in your schoolbag
S1: A Chinese book, a maths book… What’s in your schoolbag
S2: …
2. A guessing game.
T: John has a friend, Sandy White. Do you have a good friend Who is your good friend Please come to the front and tell us what your good friend is like. The others guess. Let me do it first. I have a friend in this class. She is tall. She has long hair. Her shoes are… Her schoolbag is… Who is she
Ask students to play the game with the demonstration.
3. Classify the words according to the pronunciation rules.
T: Look at the two words “dog” and “note”. When I say “dog”, please say “one”. When I say “note”, please say “two”. If I say a word like “dog”, you say “one”. If I say a word like “note”, you say “two”. Let’s do it.
T: What do you find The vowels in “a-e” “i-e” and “o-e” sound long sounds.
1. 通过唱歌、玩游戏及师生对话的方式,带领学生复习了1~3单元所学的单词及短语,然后巩固了有关教室、学习用品、朋友等话题的重点句型,为本部分的对话学习做铺垫。
2. 通过多媒体教学形式教学对话,然后学生们通过角色扮演的方式练习对话。
3. 通过听录音、看图片、唱歌谣等方式来回忆元音字母的发音规律。然后,通过城堡游戏巩固发音规律。
4. 通过小组竞赛、猜一猜以及找发音规律的方式,对本节课的知识加以巩固,学生的积极性被进一步激发。整个教学过程以学生活动为主,充分体现了以学生为主体的教育理念,教学效果良好。