人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 4 Natural Disasters Listening and Speaking 教学设计-


名称 人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 4 Natural Disasters Listening and Speaking 教学设计-
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文件大小 25.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-11-20 00:01:18



Unit4:Natural Disasters 听说课
Period 1 --Listening and speaking 教学设计
授课时长:45 min
1. 记录新闻听力中数字时间等细节;
2. 了解自然灾害新闻报道的特点(格式,时态,表达...);
3. 正确使用时态和新闻常见表达对自然灾害进行新闻播报
4. 建立积极应对自然灾害的意识。
1. 重点:记录新闻听力中数字时间等细节,了解新闻报道特点,简要报道突发的自然灾害。2. 难点:正确使用时态和新闻常见表达对自然灾害进行新闻播报
Step 1: Warm-up (3 min)
Students’ activities Teacher’s activities Purpose 效果评价
1. Ss look at the opening page on 47 and answer two questions: 1.What can you see from this picture 2. What kind of natural disaster do you think happened T guide Ss to look at the opening page on page 47 to introduce the topic and the picture by asking wo questions. 带领学生理解并讨论主题图,熟悉本单元的主题语境,激活学生背景知识。 帮助学生熟悉本单元的主题语境
Step 2 pre-listening(4 min)
Students’ activities Teacher’s activities Purpose 效果评价
1. Ss watch the video Natural Disaster and write down the names of the disasters. 2. Think about the question: What other natural disasters can you think of T leads Ss to watch a video about natural disasters and finish the task 1 on Page 48 and encourage Ss to know the names of more natural. Disaster by asking the question “What other natural disasters can you think of ” 通过观看介绍自然灾害的视频,让学生直观地了解了多种自然灾害的名称和影响,激活了相关词汇,为后续听力活动做好铺垫。 帮助学生运用看的技能获得了对自然灾害的直观感受,激发了他们探究自然灾害的兴趣。
Step3 While-listening(20min)
Students’ activities Teacher’s activities Purpose 效果评价
First-listening: 1. S listen to the four news reports and tick the disasters that they hear Second listening 2. Ss circle the key words in the questions below and write the kind of information they refer to. 3. Ss listen to the news reports again and answer the questions on the textbook. Third listening 4. Ss listen to the news reports for the third time and write down the expressions like “Early reports said that …”in each news report. 1. T asks Ss to listen to the four new reports and finish the task 2 and task 3. 2. T gives a tip for listening to detailed information such as numbers, dates, activities, people or places, ect. 3. T introduces the “news lead”to Ss. 4. T leads Ss to write down the expressions that are used in each of the four news reports. 1. 要求学生选出与每条新闻对应的自然灾害名称,从语言上控股对自然灾害的认知。 2. 要求学生结合教科书中提供的听力策略,先逆向思考活动3中的问题所对应的细节的类型,这些问题分别对应了时间,地点,时间等新闻报道的基本要去。 3. 为降低听力难度,学生分段听新闻,再分别填写信息。 4. 让学生关注听力材料中新闻用语,为口语活动做好铺垫。 学生运用听力策略,主动思考,预判听力要点,完成了听力理解活动,掌握了听取对应细节的技能。
Step 4: post-listening (3 min)
Students’ activities Teacher’s activities Purpose 效果评价
1. Ss think and conclude the information that is covered the tenses that are used in news reports about natural disasters. 2. Ss review the expressions that are usually used in news reports about natural disasters. 1. T leads Ss to summarize the information (time, place, disaster, damage, rescue) and the tenses (V-ed, have done, simple present tense, be + V-ing) used in news reports about natural disasters. 2. T ask Ss to review the common expressions (Early reports said that…, Breaking news…)and the words to describe natural disasters like destroy, affect,… 通过分析这四则自然灾害新闻报道的共性,引导学生归纳和总结此类新闻报道的主要元素和相关词汇,为接下来的口语活动做好铺垫。 学生在寻找四则新闻共性的过程中,形成了积极思考,探究和总结规律的意识。
Step 5: Report natural disasters (10 min)
Students’ activities Teacher’s activities Purpose 效果评价
1. Ss work in groups to report one of natural disasters on Page 49 to their partners. 2. Some volunteers present their news reports on the platform by acting as the school news reporters. 3. Ss use the checklist to give some feedback of one of the three news reports under the guidance of the teacher. 4. Ss pay attention to the pronunciation of “-ed” T set a situation that the school is holding a competition of reporting natural disasters for the 13th National Disaster Prevention and Reduction Day. 2. T encourages Ss to choose one of the three natural disasters (earthquake, wildfire, flood) and prepare a news report by working in groups. 3. T invites three volunteers to report the three natural disasters as the school news reporters. 4. T gives a checklist to give some feedback on one of the three news reports with the students. 5. T explains the way to pronounce “-ed” while giving the feedback. 1. 学生选择一组49页上的信息,运用自己已学的自然灾害新闻报道的知识,在组内准备新闻播报。 2. 三位学生在班内展示,进行新闻播报,在创设情境中,内化所学语言。 3. 让学生根据新闻播报的要素和语言表达来学会对他人活自己的新闻稿进行评价。 4. 让学生初步了解-ed在动词词尾的发音特点。 通过小组活动和创设情境,锻炼了语言运用,信息加工的能力,促进了思维能力的发展。学生通过对照checklist的方式实现对他人的新闻稿的评价或自评,来给予积极肯定活反馈意见。在讲解-ed动词词尾发音时,并未完全解释清楚-ed在清辅音,浊辅音和元音后的发音。
Step 6: Discuss and Think (4 min)
Students’ activities Teacher’s activities Purpose 效果评价
1. Ss watch a short Ted speech about what to do in face of natural disasters. 2. Ss read the two quotes and discuss how to understand them. Some volunteers share their opinions. 1. T plays a video about what should be done in face of natural disasters. 2. T leads Ss to read two quotes and discuss how to understand them in groups. 3. T encourages some volunteers to share their opinions and T makes a conclusion. 通过观看一个简短的视频以及询问学生对引言的看法,启发学生思考, 培养学生的思辨能力以及通过教师的正面引导,培养学生积极应对灾难的意识和态度。 学生通过小组讨论和惹人展示分析,教师总结以及学生的课堂参与活动和积极死哈皮给予充分的肯定和表扬,深化舍升华主题,鼓励学生培养积极应对灾难的意识,帮助其确立了正确的价值观。
Step 7: Assignment (1min)
Students’ activities Teacher’s activities Purpose 效果评价
1. surf the Internet and prepare a news report about the natural disaster which happened recently. 2. Have the news report polished with your partner and present it to the class. 1. T gives the assignment Sa should finish after class. 2. T gives thanks to Ss for their efforts and wonderful cooperation. 让学生巩固已学关于报道自然灾害的知识和语言。 学生的展示成果值得期待。
Unit 4 Natural Disasters Listening and Speaking: report Natural Disasters 评价区 1. The types of information Time, place, disaster ------ Damage------ Rescue------ 2. Expressions in newspapers 3. words and expressions about natural disasters.