人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Sports and fitness LIVING LEGENDS 阅读公开课教学设计


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Sports and fitness LIVING LEGENDS 阅读公开课教学设计
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文件大小 98.7KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-11-20 18:13:20



高中英语人教版新教材必修一第三单元阅读公开课教学设计:LIVING LEGENDS
本文是一篇介绍体育健将的人物传记。该部分有两篇人物传记,分别介绍了有“铁榔头”称号的中国女排总教练----- 郎平。该部分以时间为顺序,主要从人物功绩,面临困难,迎头而上,最终荣获奥运金牌。第二篇介绍了“飞人”乔丹,主要从精湛的技巧,永不停止尝试的精神力量,乔丹本人坚守的信念,及其成功后回馈生活几个方面逐一介绍。
重点词汇master, captain, determination, graceful, honor glory, failure, fall apart, lose heart, give up主要涉及体育健将的身份、荣誉及其面临的困难时的态度。
本文的价值取向在于学生通过本文的学习,体会到“健康向上,不懈奋斗,团结协作”的体育精神,通过文本的梳理,人物的比对分析形成正确living legends的评判标准。
1.Read quickly to get basic information about Lang Ping and Jordan; read deeply to understand why they can be called sports legends.
2.Understand the meaning of some useful expressions in the context of the text .
3. Read and analyse concrete sentences, learning how to talk and write sports legends.
4. Through comparison, form the standards for judging the legendary figures and learn to choose the legendary sports stars we like.
1.Master the basic structure of the text through global reading.
2.Analyse the character of the living legends through digging the context.
3.How to let students dawn on the methods of writing biography using the splendid expressions in the texts.
Multimedia, Blackboard, Chalk
Step I Lead-in
1.Present a video before class to make students excited and introduce the new words: impressed, impressive,unique etc.
2.Show the honor and glory of No. 3 Middle School and have a small talk their schoolmates HuWeidong to let students know that living legends are not far away from them. In the meantime, I introduce the new words: honor,glory,master and set good examples for etc.
Step II Pre -reading
1.Show the Word Cloud Art created by Tagul.
2.How can we predict the content before reading a new text
①By looking at
②By looking at
以 “字云”的形式提取文章关键词,有助于学生预测即将读到的内容,并且训练了学生的“看”的能力。(互动模式:IW)
Step III Global reading
Scan the text quickly to find the answers.
Lang Ping
1.Achievements:Lang Ping is a successful player,________and person.
①One of the best player suffered ________.
②The _________ had to leave because of heart problem.
3.Solutions: She didn't _______ ______,and had confidence in her players.
4.Results:They became world _________ in 2015 and 2016.
Micheal Jordan
Fill in the information card based on the text.
学生在有限的时间借助smart art图表和information card,将知识可视化,降低了认知负荷,初步形成对人物传记的整体结构的表象。(互动模式:IW&GW)
Step IV Close and critical reading
1.Read the passage again and try to figure out the answers to the questions in groups or pairs.
Lang Ping
1).“As a player........As a coach..... As a person........” what rhetorical device(修辞手法)does the the author use Why ____________________________________________
2).How do you find Lang Ping from the sentence “She has faced difficulties before.”
3).What can you learn from the sentence “ the young players could win if they worked together as a team.”
4).How does the author organize the content Is it a time order or space order
Micheal Jordan
1).How do you understand the sentence “ time seemed to stand still”
2).What’s the function(功能)of the sentence “His skills were impressive, but his mental strength that made him unique.”
3).Why does the writer use the words said by Micheal Jordan himself
4).What can we learn from Micheal Jordan
2.Compare Lang Ping with Michel Jordan, and summarize common qualities of successful athletes .Add more words.
Lang Ping: experienced___________ ____________ ____________ __________
Micheal Jordan: skillful____________ _______________ ____________ __________
Common qualities of living legends like them: athletic_________ __________ ________
首先,通过jigsaw reading,让学生互教互学,激发学生的阅读兴趣,提高阅读效率。
其次,依据语言处理三步骤理论,在掌握文本说了什么的基础上(what),文本学习的重点应放在弄清文本是如何(how)表达的及其为什么(why),故本部分以整体结构为依托,详细分析了人物传记的如何写,通过文章中具体句子设计问题,引导学生理解排比句的妙处,过渡句的承上启下的同时,也掌握了本文的有用表达,为后文自己撰写living legends搭好了脚手架。
Step V Appreciate splendid expressions
Read the following sentence and figure out the answers.
1.The master of the garden is a master of language,who is said to have mastered 6 languages.
2.The captain of the football team joined the army and became a captain. After retirement,he became a captain of a ship.
3.The Boys and Girls Club which Jordan started in Chicago has been helping young people since 1996.
→How _____________ helping young people
→He _____________ young people for approximately 25 years.
①The players _________________ every day and night for the last week.
②Her fingers are injured.She ________________ too hard recently.
Find the proper expressions in the text to fill in the blanks in a correct form.
Fill in the blanks with correct forms.
At the very beginning of the new term, I was _________(determine) to be a ________(championship),however,when I fell far behind my classmates in every subject, my dream seemed ______(fall)apart suddenly. Fortunately,my head teacher, ____is a graceful lady,informed me that I should accept my_______(fail)and never give ____, because nothing is challenging if I put my heart into it. My teacher’s words were so_________(impression) that I took her advice after thinking about my ________ and weaknesses .I _________( practise) heart and soul since then. Finally, I achieved my dream ________ brought me honor and glory.
语言点的学习不能脱离语境,不能脱离生活,要在阅读中体会用法,在反复使用中掌握词汇,本节课的语言点的用法表面上看没有专门讲解,实际上每个环节都在反复使用这些词汇,让学生在潜移默化中掌握语言点。本文中学生已经学习了定语从句和动名词短语作主语,我把这一语法设计成三句口号,让学生去反复说,代替用处不大的指令“stop/time is up!”,及训练了句型,又巩固了生词。
Step VI Post-reading
Based on the biographies(传记)and the useful expressions , write a new living legend of Hu Weidong and send your suggestions to LLS@.
本部分是成果产出,学生运用所学语篇结构和语言知识,仿写自己心目的体育健将,在语篇的层次上以书面形式使用所学语言知识,虽然难度较大,但对于巩固所学的语言知识及完成中心任务意义重大。由于时间紧迫,学生对胡卫东也不是那么了解,关于胡卫东的简介,我给出相关参考资料,这样做,学生可能会写出前篇一律的人物介绍,但是学生掌握了方法后,课后可以写各自心目中的living legends。