人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Sports and fitness学案(二)(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Sports and fitness学案(二)(含答案)
格式 zip
文件大小 28.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-11-21 14:51:37



新人教英语必修一 unit3导学案(二)
1.(像往常一样)__________,the young man walked into the bar _________(在午夜) and ordered a beer.
2. I tried to get Jane to join us tonight , but she won’t__________(改变主意). She _________(宁愿)to stay at home in the evenings.
3. Sandy told me that she really didn’t _______(在乎) money at all.
4. It took me 3 hours to _________(试图说服) him, and he finally _________(屈服)_ and agreed to help us.
5. I think they have finally __________(下定决心) to spend next summer studying in Europe, rather than going to the USA.
6.Let’s __________ (以…为开始)with some music.
7. __________ you __________(对…熟悉) that sort of work
8. I am __________(梦想) what I will get as a gift on New Year’s Day.
9.Allen seems to __________(喜欢) this film particularly.
1. Although he ran very fast , he still failed to brush the world record.
Fast_____ _____ _____,he still failed to brush the world record.
2. We insisted that you should give up smoking.
We insisted ____ ______ _____ smoking.
3. Once the picture is seen , it can never be forgotten.
Once ______,the picture can never be forgotten.
4. At last , we made him change his mind.
At last, we _____ him ____ ____ his mind.
“5. Who is speaking there ”,asked the teacher.
“Who____ ____ that ____ _____ there ”, asked the teacher.
用本单元所学词汇填空1. As usual, at midnight 2 change her mind, prefers
3. care for 4. try to persuade ; gave in 5 made up their minds 6. start off
7. Are ..familiar with 8. dreaming about 9. be fond of
1. as he ran 2. your giving up 3. seen 4. got …to change 5. is it …is speaking
1、The team that Lang Ping had built was falling apart.郎平建立的球队正在分崩离析。
fall apart  破裂;破碎;崩溃
take apart   拆开
tell…apart   把……区别开来
(1)I think this old chair is falling apart.
(2)He took a computer apart yesterday but didn't know how to put it together again.
(3)The twins look so much alike that I can't tell them apart
2、One of the best players had been injured, and the team captain had to leave because of heart problems.
injure  vt.使受伤;损害
(1)injured     adj.受伤的;有伤的
the injured    伤员;伤者
(2)injury   n.伤害;损伤;伤;伤口
do an injury to sb    伤害某人
(1)Believe it or not, what you said just now injured his pride.信不信由你,你刚才说的话伤了他的自尊心。
(2)The injured (injure) were sent to hospital right away.伤员立即被送往医院。
(3)In the past several years, you have the pressure and pain. I do not want you to get any further injury (injure).
 the injured作主语时,谓语动词常用复数形式。
3、Losing two important players was a big challenge, but Lang Ping did not lose heart.
lose heart  丧失信心;泄气
lose one's heart to   倾心于……;爱上……
put one's heart into    专心于……
heart and soul    全心全意
learn…by heart    凭记忆;能背诵
(1)Please don't lose heart; you still have chances.
(2)Put your heart into your work and you will succeed in time.专心于工作,总有一天你会成功的。
(3)Since he graduated from college, he has been serving people heart and soul.
(4)You have learned the poem by heart, but it doesn't mean that you have fully understood its meaning.
4、Jordan's skills were impressive, but the mental strength that he showed made him unique.
strength  n.力量;体力;强项,优势
(1)build up one's strength   增强体质
strengths and weaknesses   优点和缺点
(2)strengthen   vt.& vi.加强;增强
(1)I am fond of English, so English is my strength.
(2)As a teacher, you should know the strengths (strength) and weaknesses of your students.
(3)(2018·全国卷Ⅲ书面表达)To build up our strength, we often hold all kinds of activities, such as playing basketball and table tennis.
为了强身健体, 我们经常组织各种各样的活动,例如打篮球和乒乓球。
(4)We want to strengthen (strength) our ties with them.我们想加强与他们之间的联系。
5、In the final seconds of a game, Jordan always seemed to find a way to win.
⊙句型:Sb/Sth seems/seemed+不定式,表示“看来……;好像……”。
(1)Sb/Sth seems/seemed+不定式= It seems/seemed that… 看来……;好像……
(2)It seems+adj./n.+to do sth看起来……
It seems as if/as though… 看起来好像……
There seems (to be)… 看起来……
(1)It seems that they have known the truth.
(2)It seems difficult to learn (learn) so many new words by heart in a short time.
(3)It seems as ifour team is going to win.
(4)There seems __to be__(be) hope that business will get better.生意似乎有好转的希望。
6、Jordan says that the secret to his success is learning from his failures.
⊙句型:The secret to sth is…  ……的秘诀是……
The key to sth is…    关键是……
The truth/fact is…   事实是……
(1)The secret to the success of him is dealing with disappointment and failure in a positive attitude.
(2)The secret to happiness is to keep setting yourself new challenges.
(3) The truth/fact is that you have made a wrong decision.事实是你做了一个错误的决定。
failure n.失败;失败的人(或事物)
(1)end in failure   以失败而告终
heart failure   心脏衰竭
power failure   停电
(2)fail   vi.失败;未能(做到某事)
fail to do sth   未能做到某事
fail (in) sth   在某事中失败
succeed   vi.成功
success   n.成功
(4)As the old saying goes, failure is the mother of success. 俗话说,失败是成功之母。
(5)As a matter of fact, he thought of himself as a failure(fail).事实上,他认为自己是个失败者。
(6)He failed(fail) in the exam, which made his parents very angry.他考试不及格,这使他的父母很生气。
7、Losing games taught him to practise harder and never give up.
give up  放弃;投降
give in   屈服;投降;让步(后跟to sb);上交
give out    发出(光、热);分发;用光;筋疲力尽
give off    放出;发出(光、热、气味等)
give away    泄露;赠送
(1)She has decided to give up her job and start her own business.她决定放弃工作,自己创业。
(2)No matter how they frighten us, we will never give in.
(3)The couple gave away most of their money to the poor in their small town.
(4)These wild flowers give off a nice smell.
1. 我决定更加努力学习.(be determined to )
2. 主席坚决要求会议被取消.( insist)
3. 钱一旦用完,我们该怎么办 (once)
4. 我宁愿讲实话而不愿说谎(prefer)
On a Friday night, a poor young artist stood at the gate of the New York railway station, playing his violin. The music was so great that many people stopped to put some money into the hat of the young man.
The next day, the young artist came to the same place, and put his hat on the ground gracefully. Different from the day before, he took out a large piece of paper and laid it under his hat. Then he began to play the violin. It sounded more pleasant than ever.
Soon he was surrounded with people who were attracted by the words on that paper. It said, “Last night, a gentleman named George Sang put an important thing into my hat by mistake. Please come to claim (认领) it soon.”
After about half an hour, a middle-aged man rushed through the crowd to the violinist and said, “Yes, it’s you. I knew that you were an honest man and would certainly come here.” The young violinist asked calmly, “Are you Mr George Sang ” The man nodded. The violinist asked, “Did you lose something ”“It’s a lottery ticket,” said the man. The violinist took out a lottery ticket on which George Sang’s name was seen. “Is it ” he asked. George nodded and took the lottery ticket and kissed it, then danced with the violinist.
The violinist was a student at an arts college and had planned to attend advanced studies in Vienna. Later his classmate asked the violinist, “At that time you needed money to pay the tuition and you had to play the violin in the railway station every day to make money. Why didn’t you keep the lottery ticket for yourself ”
The violinist said, “Although I don’t have much money, I live happily. But if I lose honesty I won’t be happy forever.” Through our lives, we can gain a lot and lose so much. But being honest should always be with us.
1. What did the young artist do at the railway station on Friday
A. He played the violin to make some money.
B. He waited for the train to Vienna.
C. He came to buy a train ticket to Vienna.
D. He walked around the New York railway station.
2. Which sentence below best explains the underlined sentence in paragraph two
A. Because the violinist loved to play the violin at the station.
B. Because the violinist felt happy when people surrounded him.
C. Because the artist felt happier when he did a good thing.
D. Because he felt happy to attend advanced studies.
3. According to the words on the paper, which sentence below is TRUE
A. It asked a gentleman named George Sang to claim his hat.
B. It asked a gentleman named George Sang to claim his important thing.
C. It was a lottery ticket and he needed to find the owner.
D. It was a lottery ticket and the owner is unknown.
4. The artist didn’t take the lottery ticket for himself because he ____.
A. chose to be honest
B. didn’t need the money
C. thought the lottery was worth nothing
D. was afraid of blame if he kept it for himself
5. From this article, we can learn that ____.
A. we should share with others if we find something valuable
B. we should know the importance of honesty and lead a happy life
C. keep the lottery if you find one
D. playing the violin could make you feel happy
1.I was determined to work even harder .
2.The chairman insisted that the meeting be cancelled.
3. What will we do once the money has gone
4. I prefer telling the truth to lying.
5. Don’t touch the pot, or you’ll be burnt by the boiling water.
1-5 ACBAB7