人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 4 Body Language Vocabulary 课件(45张ppt)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 4 Body Language Vocabulary 课件(45张ppt)
格式 pptx
文件大小 12.3MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-11-22 23:27:46



Unit 4 Body Language
3. 不知道该如何跟同学们相处,她感到有些迷茫。
5. 老师的一席话深深地打动了我,我决心更加努力地学习英语。
①Word comes that he won first prize in the competition, making us delighted and excited.
②On hearing the news that he finished in first place in the competition, we all feel delighted and excited.
①It is a great honor to give a speech here, as a representative of all the students of our school.
②I am honored to be on behalf of all the students of our school to address/make a speech here.
③I feel honored to deliver a speech here on behalf of all the students of our school.
3. 不知道该如何跟同学们相处,她感到有些迷茫。
①Not knowing how to get on with her classmates, she felt as if she were at sea.
②She felt somehow/ sort of at a loss, wondering how to get on with her classmates.
③She didn’t know how to get along with her classmates, feeling kind of confused.
①So many things does the little boy know that we feel surprised. (so...that句型、倒装句)
②It is that the little boy knows so many things that surprises us. (强调句型)
③What surprises us most is that the little boy knows so many things. (主语从句+表语从句)
④Much to our surprise, the little boy knows so many things.(运用插入语或固定短语)
5. 老师的一席话深深地打动了我,我决心更加努力地学习英语。
6. 会议大约持续了三个小时。
①Deeply touched/ moved by what the teacher said, I’m determined to learn English harder.
②What the teacher said left me affected, so I was determined to make more efforts to study English.
③It was the teacher’s moving words that made me determined to concentrate more on my English study.
①The meeting took / lasted approximately/ roughly three hours.
②The meeting ended/came to an end about three hours later.
③It took three hours or so/ more or less to cover the meeting.
The anxious boy is anxious for a robot to help him with his homework. Now he is sitting there with anxiety.
Young musicians of the band 8772 perform one of their original works at Apple's retail outlet in the Sanlitun shopping area in Beijing on Oct 12.
Listening to music can relieve anxiety and rebuild confidence.
anxiety n.焦虑,担心,害怕
anxious adj. 忧虑的,担心的,[非正式]渴望的
anxiously adv.焦虑地,急切地
anxious adj.忧虑的;不安的
be anxious about/for sb./sth.对某人/某事感到忧虑
be anxious to do sth.渴望做某事
be anxious (for sb.) to do sth.渴望(某人)做某事
anxiety n.担心;焦虑;渴望
with anxiety 焦虑地
anxiously adv.焦虑地;不安地
to know
to stay
(1)We are anxious _________ his safety.
(2)They are anxious __________ (know) the result.
(3)Why was he so anxious for me __________ (stay) here
(4)___________ (anxious), she took the dress out of the
package and tried it on, only to find it didn't fit.
= She took the dress out of the package and tried it on with
___________ (anxious), only to find it didn't fit.
Indian women bathe in foam covering the polluted Yamuna River on a smoggy morning in New Delhi on Monday. The city has the worst air quality of all world capitals.
"People are walking into hospitals and clinics, saying they're breathless and heavy in the chest due to pollution over the past few days," said Rashmi Sama, a pulmonologist at the Sir Ganga Ram Hospital.
chest n.胸部;胸膛;箱子;一箱;一箱的量;金库;(金库中的)资金;密封室;
Liu Jing, a livestreaming host, sells naan at the Urumqi Naan Cultural Industrial Park.
At the beginning, Liu found livestreaming difficult.
“I was not a good speaker. Not many people watched my livestreams. I felt embarrassed to speak in front of just a few viewers,” she said.
embarrassed adj. 难堪的,尴尬的
embarrassing adj. 令人尴尬的,令人难堪的
embarrass vt. 使尴尬
embarrassment n. 尴尬
My son has just started to ask me some rather embarrassing questions about girls.
We were really embarrassed when our baby wouldn’t stop crying during the memorial service.
Muscat, much to his embarrassment, failed to score.
The poverty figures were undoubtedly an embarrassment to the president.
My face turned red
with embarrassment. 我窘得脸都红了。
be embarrassed about/at
to one’s embarrassment
Be an embarrassment to sb 对某人来说是尴尬的事
①Her questions about my private life _______________ me.
②She was _______________ about her weight and decided to lose it.
③It was so ________________ having to sing in public.
④He could not hide his _________________ at his children’s rudeness.
⑤Are you trying _________________ me by saying that
to embarrass
Yao Zhigang has a habit of running 10 kilometers every day, and he discovered that could benefit him if he were to become a deliveryman. He submitted his resume to Meituan and was recruited.
Still ashamed, he initially kept his new job a secret. "Except for my son, I didn't tell anyone about my job at first. He advised me not to work so hard and said he could support me with his income. I was very moved," Yao said.
ashamed adj.羞愧,惭愧
shame n.
shameful adj. 可耻的,丢脸的
shameless adj. 无耻的,不知羞耻的
He was ashamed of being unable to answer the question.他因为不能回答那个问题而感到羞愧。
I was ashamed to tell him that I had failed.我惭愧地将我的失败告诉了他。
To steal money from a blind person is a shameful act.偷盲人的钱是可耻的行为。
She’s quite shameless about wearing sexy clothes at work. 她穿着性感的衣服上班而不觉羞耻。
She felt great shame at having failed the exam.
be ashamed of以为...是耻辱
be ashamed of oneself for害羞, 为...而害羞
feel ashamed for sb.替某人感到羞愧
be ashamed to do sth.以干...为耻
t's a shame that sb should do sth某人竟然做某事,真是太遗憾了
Children play in Dove Lane, in the old town of Tuancheng in Hotan, Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.
Democracy should be concrete action that benefits and is supported by the people instead of mere slogans, Vice-Foreign Minister Xie Feng said at a briefing on Tuesday after President Xi Jinping and US President Joe Biden held a virtual meeting.
周二,中国国家主席习近平与美国总统乔 拜登(joe biden)举行虚拟会晤后,中国外交部副部长谢峰在新闻发布会上表示,民主应该是有利于民众、得到民众支持的具体行动,而不仅仅是口号。
He merely cleared and concreted the floors.
In Poland, the faith has always meant more than mere religion.
merely adv. 只是,仅仅,只不过
mere adj. 仅仅的,只不过
President Xi Jinping addresses the general debate of the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly via video on Sept 21, 2021.
President Xi Jinping calls on all countries around the world to shore up robust, green and more balanced growth amid unprecedented challenges.
The lovely scene of these sparrows call up my memory of my childhood playmates .
(1) When I called up my mother in the countryside on the phone she was upset .
(2) The meeting was called off for some reason.
(3) Success calls for diligence and determination.
(4) It is advocated that children call on their parents from time to time.
call back 回电话
call in 召来,叫来
call for 需要,要求; 前往接某人
call at 拜访某地
call on 拜访某人,号召
call off 取消
call out 大声说,召唤某人
call on sb /
drop in on sb
visit sb /
pay a visit to sb
go on a visit to sb
call at sp. /
drop in at sp.
visit sp. /
pay a visit to sp.
go on a visit to sp.
1. They ________ their plan for a picnic because of the bad weather.
2. I hope to _______ you at your office at three o’clock today.
3. The photos _________ memories of my study in Beijing.
called off
call on
called up
4. 我们学校呼吁学生每天锻炼半小时。
Our school calls on students to exercise for half an hour every day.
Don’t bother me while I am sleeping.
bothered adj.担忧的
can’t be bothered to do sth
1. I can't be bothered to cook tonight.
2. You needn’t bother yourself about/with small things.你用不着为琐事烦恼.
3. It bothered me that boys weren't interested in me.
They are ___________ for something unhappy.
weep n.眼泪;哭泣(水珠的)渗出,滴下v.哭泣,流泪
The little girl is weeping.
The little girl wept herself to sleep.
The dagger wept with blood.
I weep for the loss of your husband.
He is at work.
I'm at work on a new project now. 我现在正忙于一个新工程
2.Inflationary forces at work in the economy. 在经济领域中通货膨胀的作用
3. There were problems aplenty at work.
at work 在工作中,在运转,有某种影响,起某种作用
conflict['kɑnfl kt] n.矛盾
She often comes into conflict with her husband.
avoid〔provoke〕 a conflict 避免〔挑起〕冲突
face conflicts with 面临着与…冲突
resolve a conflict 解决争端
bloody conflict 流血冲突
conventional conflict 常规战争
domestic conflict 内讧
political conflict 政治分歧
armed conflict 武装冲突
class conflict 阶级对抗
conflict among〔between〕 …之间的冲突
conflict of …的冲突
conflict with 与…发生冲突
1. The ethnic populations are so intermingled that there's bound to be conflict.各民族人口如此杂居,肯定会发生冲突。
2. This was a straight conflict of directly opposed aims.
3. The time has come to put an end to the conflict.
4. There's always a conflict between good and evil in his plays.
5. The conflict with James has dragged on for two years.
6.His opinions conflicted with mine.
I am calling to inquire about the position.
inquire vi./vt. 询问,打听
inquire sth. of sb. 向某人打听[或询问/了解]某事
inquire about sb./sth.
Their short-sighted strategy ultimately benefits no one, including the powerful corporate interests whose immediate financial interests it serves
Photo taken on Dec 6, 2017 shows a view of Los Angeles City in heavy smog.
The developed world still fails to grasp the gravity of the climate challenge and are hypocritical in dealing with the issue, said a recent article published on Project Syndicate.
adv. 最终,最后
adj. [目标等] 最终的
Adjustments afoot to address imbalances
An employee works on the assembly line of a carmaker in Qingzhou, Shandong province.
adjust vt.调整,调节
vi./vt. 适应,[使]习惯
adjustment n. 调整,调节
adjustable adj. 可调整的,可调节的
Could you teach me how to adjust the iris of the camera 你能教我怎么调照相机的光圈吗?
This kind of desk can be adjusted to the height you need.这种书桌的高低可以按照你的需要调节。
He can't adjust himself to the whirl of modern life in this big city.他无法适应这个大都市的现代生活的忙碌。
adjust the watch 把表拨准
adjust the errors 校正误差
adjust the accounts 清理帐目
adjust the losses 评定损失
make an adjustment to…:
She has made a few adjustments to the
adjust to的同义词词组:
resize to(调整);adapt to(适应)
intervene vi. 干预,介入
intervention n. 干预,介入
1. The Government is doing nothing to intervene in the crisis.
2. If there were a breakdown of law and order, the army might be tempted to intervene.
A woman has to wait for 30 minutes to see if she can react to it as she receives the COVID-19 booster vaccine, amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, at Midland House in Derby, Britain, Sept 20, 2021.
react vi. [对…]起反应,回应,[对食物]有不良反应
react to 对…做出反应,回应
react with sth. 与…起化学反应
react against 反对,反抗
reaction to sth. 对…的反应
in reaction to 对...做出的反应
1、There'd be no telling how John would react to such news as this.
2、I don't react anymore when opponents try to niggle me.
3、Someone allergic to milk is likely to react to cheese.
China's top 11 most innovative semiconductor and electronic component firms
component n.
1. Soda ash is a key component in glass-making.
2. The predominant component in each of these four oils is alcohol.
3. the heuristic component of the algorithm
tone n. 音调,语调
He reads a book in a very slow tone.