高中英语人教版M5U4 Reading:Making the News教学设计
以forgettable 为题眼,以influence 为主线,通过阅读,搜寻主人公直接被告知的记者行业的基本知识和技巧,这是直接的影响,总结内在的duties and qualities,此为深入内在的影响,当天所学由表及里深入本质,因而难忘。阅读中的大量输入,为读后任务做好充分铺垫,保证输出。
1. 围绕新闻和记者行业这个主题自由讨论,激活背景知识和相关话题语言。
2. 通过略读、推测、梳理、归纳等策略,提取文本信息,梳理文本的段落关系,理清文章的总体框架与脉络,发展逻辑思维能力。
3. 通过文本分析以及问题回答,获取并处理信息,归纳记者职业技巧,推断记者的职责和必须的素养,通过上下文,猜测词义,丰富相关行业语言。
4. 运用所学词汇和信息,通过小组活动进行日记写作,完成输出。
Activity 1: Talking about news and journalists.本活动旨在落实课时目标1。1. Activate students’ cognition of a piece of news (Deaths from the Coronavirus Hit 100,000 in the USA.) and their background knowledge related to the topic.
2. Students work in groups of four and discuss the following question.Q1: How do you evaluate the job of a journalist 【设计意图】导入和热身环节。以美国新冠肺炎死亡人数破十万这则新闻导入,自然引出记者这一话题,在真实情境下,激活背景知识,以图片配句子的形式预热相关单词,引出部分话题语言,如photographer, journalist, interviewee, colleagues, cover a story等和本课核心词“unforgettable”。第一次问怎样看待记者这个行业,学生进行小组讨论,用已有的主题语言,讨论对记者职业的看法,与阅读后的提问对比和呼应。
Activity2: Examining basic information of the interview.本活动旨在实现目标2。Students read the title and paragraph1 and fill in the form.
【设计意图】学生阅读标题和第一段,完成表格,用6个W了解对话发生的基本要素,抓住题眼unforgettable 和关键词influence。
Activity3: Identifying the structure.本活动旨在落实课时目标2。Students skim the text and find out the questions asked by Zhou Yang. Then they identify the structure according to the time.Divide the questions into three sections according to time.
Activity 4: Focusing on the details.本活动旨在落实教学目标3。1. Students read the text again and fill in the chart
What is the unexpected by Zhou Yang
Can he go out on a story immediately
Did he need to take a camera
Section2What should Zhou Yang remember Why should journalists remember them
What difficulties did the journalist face in this case
While checking the answers, students understand the following expressions: cover a story, a trick of the trade, get the fact straight, get the wrong end of the stick, this is how the story goes, get a real “scoop”
用小问题搭好“支架”引导学生完成表格, 由表及里,更符合学生认知;引导学生归纳记者职业技巧,推断记者的职责和必须的素养,通过上下文,猜测词义,在语境中理解专业词汇,丰富相关行业语言。此环节的大量输入也为后续的写作做好铺垫。
Activity 5: Extensive thinking
1. Students work in groups of four and discuss the following question again.
Q1: How do you think being a journalist
Making the news
Making the news!
Activity6:Writing a diary
Group work to write a diary.
Introduce the requirement of writing a diary.
Suppose you were Zhou Yang. That evening, you wrote a diary to record that day.
This diary covers:
—— my first work
—— what I learned from my boss:
—— my goal
Assignment: Retelling the text according to the two charts.
Retell the text, covering the basic information and what has been learned.
Students are supposed to pay attention to the structure and use the words and expressions in the passage.