人教版(2019) 选择性必修 第二册 Unit 2 Bridging Cultures 单元素养提升练习(原卷板+解析版)(无听力音频资料 无文字材料)


名称 人教版(2019) 选择性必修 第二册 Unit 2 Bridging Cultures 单元素养提升练习(原卷板+解析版)(无听力音频资料 无文字材料)
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文件大小 102.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-11-24 15:54:12


单元素养提升(二) Unit 2
Ⅰ. 单句语法填空
1. The ambitious (ambition) project was completed in only nine months.
2. Do you think the film adaptation (adapt)was faithful to the book
3. In warm weather, you should wear clothing that is cool and comfortable (comfort).
4. At the age of sixteen he was qualified(qualify) for a place at the University of Hamburg.
5. It is unwise for him to get involved(involve) in this complex situation.
6. We all think that it is a lack of motivation (motivate) that led to his failure.
7. Being exposed(expose)to the sun for a long time will do great harm to your skin.
8. He was an expert at finding his way, even in strange surroundings(surrounding).
9. When we are tired, tense, depressed(depress), or unwell, we feel pain much more.
10. In the last match, what happened merely strengthened (strength)our resolve to win the first prize.
Ⅱ. 选词填空
participate in, speak up, feel at home, cost an arm and a leg, cooperate with, as far as I am concerned, generally speaking, side with, set up, take turns
1. Look at the pictures and take turns to tell the story.
2. If you are interested in politics, you can participate in this activity.
3. The furniture cost an arm and a leg, which was beyond his budget.
4. A great number of new factories have been set up in my hometown.
5. I firmly side with you as long as your opinions are reasonable and practical.
6. We should actively cooperate with this experienced advisor of the company.
7. When you give a speech, you should speak up to make the audience to hear you.
8. Generally speaking, most of students or tourists may suffer from culture shock more or less.
9. As far as I am concerned, your sudden departure made your parents very depressed and worried.
10. You should do your best to make a stranger feel at home, no matter where he happens to be.
Ⅲ. 完成句子
1. It was the first time that China had won the bid successfully to host the Winter Olympics.
2. Only who has experienced hardships can know how to comfort others.
只有亲身经历过苦难的人, 才懂得如何安慰他人。
3. My recent ambition is to engage in more activities to strengthen my body.
4. The first time that I interviewed him, he looked a bit nervous.
我第一次采访他时, 他看起来有点紧张。
5. We can’t deny the fact that some people are not willing to walk out of comfort zone.
我们不能否认这样的事实: 一些人不愿意走出舒适区。
Ⅳ. 阅读理解
Former National Football League player and children’s author Tim Green has added another book to his list of accomplishments: Unstoppable. The book tells the story of a 12-year-old boy named Harrison, who survives life in a cruel foster-home(寄养家庭)before he finally finds a loving family. Then he settles in and realizes his natural football ability but he loses his leg due to a deadly bone cancer. Unstoppable follows Harrison’s difficult life journey.
Tim Green said he decided to write a novel about a kid facing cancer after watching how his wife fought to survive her own illness. “Her mental and physical toughness were more heroic to me than anything I’d ever seen in the national sports leagues, ” Green told TFK.
Green said, he knew he needed to write about a person who struggled through a serious illness. But because the target age for his books is teen, he needed to tell the story through the eyes of someone of that age. He needed a perfect real story on which to base his book.
When friends introduced Green to Jeffrey Keith, Green knew he had found the right person to help him “capture(捕捉)the heroism that it takes to fight cancer”. Cancer-survivor Jeffrey Keith lost his leg at the age of twelve, but went on to be the goalkeeper and was also the first amputee(被截肢者)to run 3, 300 miles across the country.
TFK asked Keith what it felt like to read Unstoppable for the first time. “Tim captured what it felt like for me to go through this experience and battle back, ”Keith said. “Tim’s look sends a message to all the kids across the country that are facing challenges and that have nothing to do with cancer: you are all unstoppable, as long as you believe it. ”
1. What does Paragraph 1 mainly intend to say about Harrison’s life
A. It is poor but colorful.   B. It is full of challenges.
C. It is filled with chances. D. It is peaceful but boring.
【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第一段第一句及最后一句可知, 这本书围绕着男孩Harrison多舛的命运展开, 经历了各种挫折困难, 与B选项“充满挑战”说法一致。故选B。
2. Why did Tim Green want to write Unstoppable
A. He was impressed by Harrison’s encouraging life.
B. He intended to make Jeffrey Keith’s story well known.
C. He was inspired by his wife’s struggle with her illness.
D. He wished to encourage adults to fight against illness bravely.
【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第二段第一句可知, Tim就是在看到妻子抗击病魔的过程后, 才决定写书的。故选C。
3. In what way did Jeffrey Keith play a role in Unstoppable
A. It is based on his life experiences.
B. It is written by him and Tim Green.
C. He offered great advice to its author.
D. He has introduced it to many people.
【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句和第四段第一句可知, Tim就是根据Jeffrey Keith的真实经历, 改编写出了Unstoppable这本书。故选A项。
4. What’s Jeffrey Keith’s attitude to Unstoppable
A. Worried. B. Cautious.
C. Uncertain. D. Favorable.
【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据最后一段中Keith发表的感受可知“Tim捕捉到了我体验这段经历并与之战斗的感觉, ”Keith说。根据最后一句可知你们都是不可阻挡的, 只要你们相信它可推知, Keith对这本书是比较认可、赞赏的。故选D。
The long reach of the coronavirus continues to show up in the strangest ways. The iconic (偶像的, 标志性的)fast-food giant KFC, announced it’s abandoning the famous advertising slogan, “It’s Finger Lickin’ Good, ” because the phrase is inappropriate to use during the COVID-19 outbreak.
KFC announced its plans to temporarily stop using the slogan which it’s been using for 64 years in a low-key and funny statement titled, “AND THE WINNER OF THE AWARD FOR THE MOST INAPPROPRIATE SLOGAN FOR 2020 GOES TO KFC. ”
“The home of the world’s favorite fried chicken admits that the slogan is a bit ‘off’ for now, ”the news notes, before making clear that the use of “It’s Finger Lickin’ Good” slogan will immediately be paused in advertising around the globe starting on August 24. “This year has been like no other, and, right now, our slogan doesn’t feel quite right. ”
This is not the first time that KFC has struggled with the use of their famous ad campaign during the coronavirus. In early March, KFC pulled a television spot running in the UK that featured actors licking their fingers. You may recall that the earliest days of the pandemic filled with nonstop reminders not to touch your face for fear of spreading the virus. Of course, there’s the potential danger of spreading virus that comes with licking your fingers before (or after) touching any public surface, such as doorknobs and the tableware at your local fast food cafe.
“While we are pausing the use of it’s Finger Lickin’ Good, we assure that the food loved by so many people around the world isn’t changing one bit, ” KFC’s global chief marketing officer, Catherine Tan-Gillespie, said.
For those concerned with the potential permanence of this famous fast-food phrase.
KFC’s statement ended on a more cheerful note. “And for all those fans, don’t worry the slogan will be back. Just when the time is right. ”
5. What do we know about KFC’s long-lived ad slogan from the first two paragraphs
A. It is not suitable for this year.
B. It has been replaced by a new one.
C. It won an award for the best slogan.
D. It is too out-of-date to use.
【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第二句可知, 标志性的快餐巨头肯德基宣布放弃著名的广告口号“It’s Finger Lickin’ Good”, 再结合第二段的“AND THE WINNER OF THE AWARD FOR THE MOST INAPPROPRIATE SLOGAN FOR 2020 GOES TO KFC”可知, 2020年最不恰当口号奖的得主是肯德基。由此可以看出, 这个口号就是不适合今年使用。故选A。
6. What did KFC do in early March this year according to Paragraph 4
A. It reminded people not to lick their fingers.
B. It displayed its famous slogan in an ad.
C. It required actors to lick their fingers in the ad.
D. It stopped its long-lived ad slogan in an ad.
【解析】选D。 推理判断题。根据文章第四段第二、四句可知, 3月初, 肯德基在英国推出了一个以演员舔手指为特色的电视节目。当然, 在接触任何公共表面如门把手和当地快餐店的餐具之前(或之后)舔手指, 有传播病毒的潜在危险。再结合本段第一句可推断出, 肯德基今年三月停止了一则广告中长期存在的广告口号。故选D。
7. Which word best describes Catherine Tan-Gillespie’s attitude to KFC’s future
A. Doubtful.       B. Confident.
C. Disappointed. D. Concerned.
【解析】选B。 推理判断题。根据文章第五段可知, 虽然我们暂停使用它的吮指广告口号, 但我们保证, 受全世界这么多人喜爱的食物不会有丝毫改变。所以可以看出她的态度还是积极的, 对肯德基的未来是有信心的, 故选B。
8. What can we infer about KFC from the passage
A. It is struggling for survival in 2020.
B. It has lost popularity among its fans.
C. It may use the slogan again sometime in the future.
D. It has caused potential danger of spreading virus.
【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“And for all those fans, don’t worry the slogan will be back. Just when the time is right. ”可知, 对于所有的粉丝来说, 不要担心, 口号会回来的, 就在时机成熟的时候。因此可以从文章中推断出肯德基可能在将来某个时候再次使用这个口号, 故选C。
Ⅴ. 阅读填句
Language learning is a long-term process—it takes commitment and enthusiasm. And just like any long-term goal, we all need encouragement from time to time to keep us going.  1 
Remember why you started
When you first started your language journey, it was for a reason. Perhaps you wanted to get more out of your travels or make yourself more competitive in the marketplace. When your brain is focused on learning, it makes sense that these concrete goals may slip out of your mind.  2 
Reflect on what you’ve learned so far
Learning a new language is undoubtedly a huge undertaking and you’ll feel overwhelmed. But before you look ahead, take some time to reflect on how far you’ve come.  3 Being able to hold something that’s a direct result of your effort will help you stay on track.
Identify distractions
When our energy dips, it’s the best way to identify the choices that are distracting us from our goals. Maybe it’s our environment to staying up-to-date with television shows, or that extra hour of Facebooking before we go to bed.  4 We have a limited amount time and energy and every decision we make has trade-offs. Find a balance so that we have enough time to achieve the things that are really important to us.
To stay on track, divide up your main goal of learning a new language into smaller goals, and then reward yourself after you reach each one. Perhaps that means after you master all the vocabulary in the food and drink category you’ll finally throw that fancy dinner party you’ve been dreaming about. A big reward at the end, such as an international trip, can certainly be motivating, but don’t forget to also celebrate your small triumphs along the way.
A. Reward yourself.
B. Build confidence through practice.
C. The most important thing is to do something every day.
D. With that in mind, here are our top tips for staying motivated to keep learning.
E. For example, you can try writing a short story or poem in the new language you’re learning.
F. Whatever our distraction of choice is, it’s important to recognize it and ask if we can do without it.
G. But research shows that returning to these images and visualizing your goals can help you succeed.
【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了保持学习动力的方法: 记得学习的目的, 经常回顾所学, 识别干扰以及适时奖励。
1. 【解析】选D。设空句为段尾句, 应起到承上启下的作用。根据后文各小段标题可知, 后文针对如何保持学习语言的积极性提出建议。选项D“考虑到这一点, 下面是一些保持学习动力的很好的小贴士”合理概括了后文内容。
2. 【解析】选G。根据前一句可知, 当大脑专注于学习时, 这些具体的目标可能会从脑海中消失。选项G中的“But”与前文形成转折关系。
3. 【解析】选E。根据前文可知, 作者强调展望未来之前, 花些时间反思一下已经走了多远。选项E提出了“可以试着用你正在学习的新语言写一篇小故事或一首诗”的方法进行举例, 符合语境。
4. 【解析】选F。根据本段小标题可知, 本段的核心词汇为distractions, 主要讲到了如何识别干扰。选项F提及“无论什么分散注意力, 重要的是要认识到它, 并问自己是否可以摆脱它”, 贴合本段主题。
5. 【解析】选A。设空句为本段小标题, 应体现本段核心词汇和主旨要义。根据后文“然后在达到小目标后奖励自己”以及最后一句“最后的大奖励, 比如一次国际旅行, 肯定会激励你”可推知, 本段的核心词为“reward”, 主要内容为“实现小目标得奖励”。
Ⅵ. 完形填空
Thanksgiving Day was near. One day, the first-grade teacher, Miss White, let her students draw a picture of something for which they were thankful.
Most students would 1  the holiday with turkey and other traditional foods of the season. These, the teacher  2 , would be the subjects of most of her students’ art. Miss White was  3 , but Douglas made a different kind of  4 . When he was asked to draw a picture of something for which he was  5 , he drew a hand. Nothing else. Just an empty hand. His picture brought  6  to his classmates. Whose hand could it be One child guessed it was the hand of a farmer,  7  farmers raised turkeys. Another suggested it was a police officer’s hand, because the police  8  and cared for people.
While the children were 9  with each other, Miss White stood at Douglas’ 10 , bent down and asked him whose hand it was. The little boy  11  and whispered, “It’s yours, Miss White. ” What Douglas had said  12  Miss White of the time she had taken his hand and walked with him here and there. How often had she said, “Take my  13 , Douglas, we’ll go outside. ” Or, “Let me show you how to hold your pencil. ”
The 14  speaks of more than thankfulness. It says something about teachers teaching, parents parenting, friends showing friendship, and how much Miss White’s hand  15  to Douglas. He might not always say thanks, but he’ll remember the hand that Miss White reaches out.
【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。本文主要通过讲述道格拉斯为表达对老师的感激之情画了老师的一只手的故事, 告诉我们善意的行为永远会被记住。
1. A. celebrate  B. spend
C. decorate D. recommend
【解析】选A。大多数学生会用火鸡和其他应时的传统食物来庆祝这个节日。 celebrate庆祝; spend花费, 度过; decorate装饰; recommend推荐。故选A项。
2. A. remembered B. heard
C. thought D. doubted
【解析】选C。这位老师认为这些将是她的大多数学生的作品。 remembered记住, 记得; heard听见; thought认为; doubted怀疑。故选C项。
3. A. clear   B. right   C. curious  D. smart
【解析】选B。怀特老师(的想法)是对的, 但是道格拉斯画了一幅不同的画。 clear清楚的; right正确的; curious好奇的; smart聪明的。故选B项。
4. A. picture B. choice
C. effort D. food
【解析】选A。怀特老师(的想法)是对的, 但是道格拉斯画了一幅不同的画。 picture图画; choice选择; effort努力; food食物。故选A项。
5. A. delightful B. careful
C. pitiful D. grateful
【解析】选D。当要求他画一幅让他感激的东西时, 他画了一只手。 delightful高兴的; careful小心的; pitiful可怜的; grateful感激的。故选D项。
6. A. conflicts B. imagination
C. trouble D. fear
【解析】选B。他的图画激发了同学们的想象。 conflicts冲突; imagination想象; trouble麻烦; fear恐惧。故选B项。
7. A. if B. because
C. unless D. though
【解析】选B。一个孩子猜那是农夫的手, 因为农夫养火鸡。 if如果, 是否; because因为; unless除非; though虽然, 尽管。空格前后的两个分句之间是因果关系, 故选B项。
8. A. protected B. caught
C. trusted D. encouraged
【解析】选A。另一个(孩子)认为那是警察的手, 因为警察保护和照顾人们。 protected保护; caught抓住, 赶上; trusted相信; encouraged鼓舞, 鼓励。故选A项。
9. A. discussing B. quarreling
C. communicating D. greeting
【解析】选A。正当孩子们相互讨论的时候, 怀特老师站在道格拉斯的书桌旁, 弯下腰问他那是谁的手。 discussing讨论; quarreling争吵; communicating沟通, 交流; greeting问候, 打招呼。故选A项。
10. A. position B. car
C. desk D. bed
【解析】选C。正当孩子们相互讨论的时候, 怀特老师站在道格拉斯的书桌旁, 弯下腰问他那是谁的手。 position位置, 职位; car小汽车; desk桌子; bed床。故选C项。
11. A. turned back B. sat down
C. leaned backward D. looked up
【解析】选D。小男孩抬起头, 小声说: “是你的手, 怀特老师。” turned back往回走, 阻挡; sat down坐下; leaned backward向后倾斜; looked up查找, 向上看。和上文提到的怀特老师弯下腰相对, 此处表示小男孩抬起头看着怀特老师, 故选D项。
12. A. convinced B. informed
C. reminded D. warned
【解析】选C。道格拉斯的这番话使怀特老师想起了她曾经牵着他的手, 陪他到处走的情景。 convinced说服, 使相信; informed通知; reminded提醒, 使想起; warned警告。故选C项。
13. A. hand B. advice
C. coat D. book
【解析】选A。拉着我的手, 道格拉斯, 我们到外面去。 hand手; advice建议; coat外套; book书。故选A项。
14. A. news B. story C. lesson D. holiday
【解析】选B。这个故事讲的不仅仅是感激。 news新闻, 消息; story故事; lesson课; holiday假期。结合文章意思可知, 上文讲述了一个故事, 故选B项。
15. A. makes B. discovers
C. means D. offers
【解析】选C。它体现了老师的教导、父母的养育、朋友的友谊以及怀特老师的手对道格拉斯来说意味着什么。 makes使, 制作; discovers 发现; means意味着, 意思是; offers提供。故选C项。
11单元素养提升(二) Unit 2
Ⅰ. 单句语法填空
1. The (ambition) project was completed in only nine months.
2. Do you think the film (adapt)was faithful to the book
3. In warm weather, you should wear clothing that is cool and (comfort).
4. At the age of sixteen he was (qualify) for a place at the University of Hamburg.
5. It is unwise for him to get (involve) in this complex situation.
6. We all think that it is a lack of (motivate) that led to his failure.
7. (expose)to the sun for a long time will do great harm to your skin.
8. He was an expert at finding his way, even in strange (surrounding).
9. When we are tired, tense, (depress), or unwell, we feel pain much more.
10. In the last match, what happened merely (strength)our resolve to win the first prize.
Ⅱ. 选词填空
participate in, speak up, feel at home, cost an arm and a leg, cooperate with, as far as I am concerned, generally speaking, side with, set up, take turns
1. Look at the pictures and to tell the story.
2. If you are interested in politics, you can this activity.
3. The furniture , which was beyond his budget.
4. A great number of new factories have been in my hometown.
5. I firmly you as long as your opinions are reasonable and practical.
6. We should actively this experienced advisor of the company.
7. When you give a speech, you should to make the audience to hear you.
8. , most of students or tourists may suffer from culture shock more or less.
9. , your sudden departure made your parents very depressed and worried.
10. You should do your best to make a stranger , no matter where he happens to be.
Ⅲ. 完成句子
1. the bid successfully to host the Winter Olympics.
2. Only who has experienced hardships can know .
只有亲身经历过苦难的人, 才懂得如何安慰他人。
3. My recent ambition is to strengthen my body.
4. I interviewed him, he looked a bit nervous.
我第一次采访他时, 他看起来有点紧张。
5. some people are not willing to walk out of comfort zone.
我们不能否认这样的事实: 一些人不愿意走出舒适区。
Ⅳ. 阅读理解
Former National Football League player and children’s author Tim Green has added another book to his list of accomplishments: Unstoppable. The book tells the story of a 12-year-old boy named Harrison, who survives life in a cruel foster-home(寄养家庭)before he finally finds a loving family. Then he settles in and realizes his natural football ability but he loses his leg due to a deadly bone cancer. Unstoppable follows Harrison’s difficult life journey.
Tim Green said he decided to write a novel about a kid facing cancer after watching how his wife fought to survive her own illness. “Her mental and physical toughness were more heroic to me than anything I’d ever seen in the national sports leagues, ” Green told TFK.
Green said, he knew he needed to write about a person who struggled through a serious illness. But because the target age for his books is teen, he needed to tell the story through the eyes of someone of that age. He needed a perfect real story on which to base his book.
When friends introduced Green to Jeffrey Keith, Green knew he had found the right person to help him “capture(捕捉)the heroism that it takes to fight cancer”. Cancer-survivor Jeffrey Keith lost his leg at the age of twelve, but went on to be the goalkeeper and was also the first amputee(被截肢者)to run 3, 300 miles across the country.
TFK asked Keith what it felt like to read Unstoppable for the first time. “Tim captured what it felt like for me to go through this experience and battle back, ”Keith said. “Tim’s look sends a message to all the kids across the country that are facing challenges and that have nothing to do with cancer: you are all unstoppable, as long as you believe it. ”
1. What does Paragraph 1 mainly intend to say about Harrison’s life
A. It is poor but colorful.   B. It is full of challenges.
C. It is filled with chances. D. It is peaceful but boring.
2. Why did Tim Green want to write Unstoppable
A. He was impressed by Harrison’s encouraging life.
B. He intended to make Jeffrey Keith’s story well known.
C. He was inspired by his wife’s struggle with her illness.
D. He wished to encourage adults to fight against illness bravely.
3. In what way did Jeffrey Keith play a role in Unstoppable
A. It is based on his life experiences.
B. It is written by him and Tim Green.
C. He offered great advice to its author.
D. He has introduced it to many people.
4. What’s Jeffrey Keith’s attitude to Unstoppable
A. Worried. B. Cautious.
C. Uncertain. D. Favorable.
The long reach of the coronavirus continues to show up in the strangest ways. The iconic (偶像的, 标志性的)fast-food giant KFC, announced it’s abandoning the famous advertising slogan, “It’s Finger Lickin’ Good, ” because the phrase is inappropriate to use during the COVID-19 outbreak.
KFC announced its plans to temporarily stop using the slogan which it’s been using for 64 years in a low-key and funny statement titled, “AND THE WINNER OF THE AWARD FOR THE MOST INAPPROPRIATE SLOGAN FOR 2020 GOES TO KFC. ”
“The home of the world’s favorite fried chicken admits that the slogan is a bit ‘off’ for now, ”the news notes, before making clear that the use of “It’s Finger Lickin’ Good” slogan will immediately be paused in advertising around the globe starting on August 24. “This year has been like no other, and, right now, our slogan doesn’t feel quite right. ”
This is not the first time that KFC has struggled with the use of their famous ad campaign during the coronavirus. In early March, KFC pulled a television spot running in the UK that featured actors licking their fingers. You may recall that the earliest days of the pandemic filled with nonstop reminders not to touch your face for fear of spreading the virus. Of course, there’s the potential danger of spreading virus that comes with licking your fingers before (or after) touching any public surface, such as doorknobs and the tableware at your local fast food cafe.
“While we are pausing the use of it’s Finger Lickin’ Good, we assure that the food loved by so many people around the world isn’t changing one bit, ” KFC’s global chief marketing officer, Catherine Tan-Gillespie, said.
For those concerned with the potential permanence of this famous fast-food phrase.
KFC’s statement ended on a more cheerful note. “And for all those fans, don’t worry the slogan will be back. Just when the time is right. ”
5. What do we know about KFC’s long-lived ad slogan from the first two paragraphs
A. It is not suitable for this year.
B. It has been replaced by a new one.
C. It won an award for the best slogan.
D. It is too out-of-date to use.
6. What did KFC do in early March this year according to Paragraph 4
A. It reminded people not to lick their fingers.
B. It displayed its famous slogan in an ad.
C. It required actors to lick their fingers in the ad.
D. It stopped its long-lived ad slogan in an ad.
7. Which word best describes Catherine Tan-Gillespie’s attitude to KFC’s future
A. Doubtful.       B. Confident.
C. Disappointed. D. Concerned.
8. What can we infer about KFC from the passage
A. It is struggling for survival in 2020.
B. It has lost popularity among its fans.
C. It may use the slogan again sometime in the future.
D. It has caused potential danger of spreading virus.
Ⅴ. 阅读填句
Language learning is a long-term process—it takes commitment and enthusiasm. And just like any long-term goal, we all need encouragement from time to time to keep us going.  1 
Remember why you started
When you first started your language journey, it was for a reason. Perhaps you wanted to get more out of your travels or make yourself more competitive in the marketplace. When your brain is focused on learning, it makes sense that these concrete goals may slip out of your mind.  2 
Reflect on what you’ve learned so far
Learning a new language is undoubtedly a huge undertaking and you’ll feel overwhelmed. But before you look ahead, take some time to reflect on how far you’ve come.  3 Being able to hold something that’s a direct result of your effort will help you stay on track.
Identify distractions
When our energy dips, it’s the best way to identify the choices that are distracting us from our goals. Maybe it’s our environment to staying up-to-date with television shows, or that extra hour of Facebooking before we go to bed.  4 We have a limited amount time and energy and every decision we make has trade-offs. Find a balance so that we have enough time to achieve the things that are really important to us.
To stay on track, divide up your main goal of learning a new language into smaller goals, and then reward yourself after you reach each one. Perhaps that means after you master all the vocabulary in the food and drink category you’ll finally throw that fancy dinner party you’ve been dreaming about. A big reward at the end, such as an international trip, can certainly be motivating, but don’t forget to also celebrate your small triumphs along the way.
A. Reward yourself.
B. Build confidence through practice.
C. The most important thing is to do something every day.
D. With that in mind, here are our top tips for staying motivated to keep learning.
E. For example, you can try writing a short story or poem in the new language you’re learning.
F. Whatever our distraction of choice is, it’s important to recognize it and ask if we can do without it.
G. But research shows that returning to these images and visualizing your goals can help you succeed.
【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了保持学习动力的方法: 记得学习的目的, 经常回顾所学, 识别干扰以及适时奖励。
Ⅵ. 完形填空
Thanksgiving Day was near. One day, the first-grade teacher, Miss White, let her students draw a picture of something for which they were thankful.
Most students would 1  the holiday with turkey and other traditional foods of the season. These, the teacher  2 , would be the subjects of most of her students’ art. Miss White was  3 , but Douglas made a different kind of  4 . When he was asked to draw a picture of something for which he was  5 , he drew a hand. Nothing else. Just an empty hand. His picture brought  6  to his classmates. Whose hand could it be One child guessed it was the hand of a farmer,  7  farmers raised turkeys. Another suggested it was a police officer’s hand, because the police  8  and cared for people.
While the children were 9  with each other, Miss White stood at Douglas’ 10 , bent down and asked him whose hand it was. The little boy  11  and whispered, “It’s yours, Miss White. ” What Douglas had said  12  Miss White of the time she had taken his hand and walked with him here and there. How often had she said, “Take my  13 , Douglas, we’ll go outside. ” Or, “Let me show you how to hold your pencil. ”
The 14  speaks of more than thankfulness. It says something about teachers teaching, parents parenting, friends showing friendship, and how much Miss White’s hand  15  to Douglas. He might not always say thanks, but he’ll remember the hand that Miss White reaches out.
【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。本文主要通过讲述道格拉斯为表达对老师的感激之情画了老师的一只手的故事, 告诉我们善意的行为永远会被记住。
1. A. celebrate  B. spend
C. decorate D. recommend
2. A. remembered B. heard
C. thought D. doubted
3. A. clear   B. right   C. curious  D. smart
4. A. picture B. choice
C. effort D. food
5. A. delightful B. careful
C. pitiful D. grateful
6. A. conflicts B. imagination
C. trouble D. fear
7. A. if B. because
C. unless D. though
8. A. protected B. caught
C. trusted D. encouraged
9. A. discussing B. quarreling
C. communicating D. greeting
10. A. position B. car
C. desk D. bed
11. A. turned back B. sat down
C. leaned backward D. looked up
12. A. convinced B. informed
C. reminded D. warned
13. A. hand B. advice
C. coat D. book
14. A. news B. story C. lesson D. holiday
15. A. makes B. discovers
C. means D. offers