Unit 5 Languages around the World Discovering Useful Structures 课时教学设计


名称 Unit 5 Languages around the World Discovering Useful Structures 课时教学设计
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-11-26 18:08:07



Unit 5 Languages around the World课时教学设计
第五课时 课型 Discovering Useful Structures
教学目标 1. 理解并运用关系副词when、where、why引导的定语从句;2. 理解 in/on/at which 在定语从句中相当于when、where;3. 能够运用定语从句描述事物的具体信息。
教学内容分析 定语从句作为高中英语教学中的主要内容,在高考的试卷中分值较大,也是教学的难点。语法知识本身枯燥和乏味,因此我们结合教材对本课时教学内容作如下分析:活动主题:该板块的活动主题是“描述你喜欢的事物”(Describe your favorite things)。要求学生用限制性定语从句对自己喜欢的事物进行描述,以力求语言更丰富、准确,在提高英语语言组织能力的同时发展思维逻辑能力。目标结构:本单元的语法结构是关系副词when、where、why和“介词+which”引导的限制性定语从句。“介词+which”引导定语从句是比较正式的用法,关系副词when、where、why引导定语从句时,可以用“介词+which”替换,但一般限于比较正式的文体中。本单元主要涉及“in/on/at/during+which”引导的定语从句。
学情分析 1.本课时的授课对象是高一学生,学生在初中阶段对定语从句已经有了初步的了解,并且在本册书的Unit4已经系统学习了由关系代词who, whom, which, whose, that引导的定语从句。2.学生对定语从句的学习有了一定的基础和经验,但是定语从句中关系副词when, where, why的用法,相对较难。学生在理解和运用起来还是有一定的困难。
教学重点难点 教学重点:帮助学生提高主动运用定语从句描述事物的能力,让学生能够正确表达自己对事物的喜好及原因。教学难点:学生能够具体运用由关系副词引导的定语从句。
教学策略 1. 趣味教学。教学过程中穿插视频音乐,避免教师“一言堂”,使语法课堂更显沉闷。 2. 任务型教学。通过一定的任务,让学生在做中学。学生在完成任务的过程中掌握关系副词when、where、why的用法。此外,任务型教学充分发挥学生的主动性,能活跃课堂气氛,促进学生全面发展. 3. 师生互动策略。上课过程中加强老师与学生之间的互动,以减少语法课堂的枯燥乏味。 4. 小组合作。让学生以小组合作讨论的形式方式总结关系副词与关系代词的区别,加深知识点的理解程度。
课时作业 Write a short passage of 7 sentences to describe the Chinese writing system. At least 3 restrictive relative clauses must be used.
教学环节 教与学活动(师生活动) 设计意图
Step 1Lead-in Activity1. Show a video about relative clauses, let the students listen the music carefully and pay attention three sentences in the video.Activity2. Present the three key sentences about relative clauses on the PPT.She is the one that you never forget.She is the heaven-sent angle (that) you met.She must be the reason why god made a girl.She is so pretty all over the world.Activity3. Fill in the blanks with that/which/who/whom/whose. 1) A quake ____________ caused damage was more than 150 kilometers away in Beijing.2) Two thirds of the people ________________ lived there were dead or injured.3) Workers built shelters for survivors _________homes had been destroyed.4) Mr. Liu is the person ________ you talked about on the bus. 歌曲导入激发学生的兴趣,引入主题定语从句老师可在课堂上教唱歌曲,以活跃课堂氛围Review the relative clauses and the usage of relative pronouns in Unit4
Step 2Presentation Activity 1 Introduce relative adverbs Hi, Jenny, what kind of teachers do you like best Activity 2 Test your memory1. There are many reasons why this hasbeen possible …2. … animal bones and shells on which symbols were carved by ancient Chinese people.3. … as it was a time when people were divided geographically … 4. Emperor Qinshihuang united the seven major states into one unified country where the Chinese writing system began to develop in one direction.5. Written Chinese has also become an important means by which China's present is connected with its past.Activity 3 Detailed learning about the relative adverbs限制性定语从句Ⅱ定语从句可以由关系副词where、 when、 why等引导,关系副词在从句中作状语。a. This is the place where (in which) we lived ten years ago.b. The hotel is the one where (at which) I stayed last month. 自主探究where引导的定语从句修饰表示地点(如place, room, house, area, point, situation, case…)的先行词,在定语从句中作地点状语,相当于“介词+关系代词(which)”。即学即练1. That is the place_______________ they met for the first time. 那就是他们第一次见面的地方。2. China is the only country ______________________wild pandas can be found.中国是唯一一个发现野生大熊猫的国家。 a. He told me the date when (on which) he joined the Party.b. 1949 was the year when (in which) the P.R.C. was founded. 自主探究when引导的定语从句修饰表示时间 (如time, day, year, occasion, moment…) 的先行词, 在定语从句中作时间状语, 相当于“介词+关系代词(which)”。即学即练1. I'll never forget the day ____________I first went to school.我永远也忘不了第一次去学校的那一天。2. I've always longed for the days ________________________________.a. I know the reason why (for which) she was so angry. b. This is the reason why (for which) we put offthe match. 自主探究why引导的定语从句表示原因(先行词一般是reason), 在定语从句中作原因状语,相当于“for which”。即学即练1. There are many reasons _____________ people like travelling.2. The reason _______________ was that he missed the bus.Activity 4 Look and Find 教材P64 Task1观察课本本单元内Reading and Thinking 部分出现的定语从句,找出句中先行词和相应的关系副词when, where, why以及on which。再次复习:relative adverbials = 介词(in/on/at) + which1.It was a time when people were divided geographically.2.Emperor Qinshihuang united the seven major states into one unified country where the Chinese writing system began to develop in one direction.3.There are many reasons why people learn a foreign language.4.These were animal bones and shells on which symbols were carved by ancient Chinese people. 以简单对话形式引入关系副词when,where,whyFirst step: Look at the sentencescarefullySecond step:guess the relative adverbs通过先观察再填词的方法,降低学习难度,让学生再次熟悉引导定语从句的关系副词,以此培养学生的语言记忆能力。讲解三个关系副词的用法,老师先给出两个例句,让学生进行自主探究,总结规律。再呈现两个简单的练习题,加强巩固。用本单元学生刚学完的Reading and Thinking 部分的句子,让学生理解起来更加容易。用一个分类小游戏的方式让学生区分三个关系副词在句中做状语,分别指时间、地点、原因
Step 3Consolidation Task1 Fill in the table and make sentences1. Fill in the table to complete each phrase with a restrictive relative clause. P 64 Task22. Use the phrases to make complete sentences.The day when I was born _________________.The reason why I was late _________________.The place where I study ________________.The place in which I work ________________.Task2 Play a gameTask3 Complete the passage 教材P64Complete the passage with the correct relative adverbs or pronouns. Add a preposition where necessary.When I started studying German, it was a struggle. The words felt strange on my tongue, and the grammar would not stay in my head. I told my mum that I wanted to give up, and that I would never live in a country _________ German was spoken. My mum told me that studying a language was not just for my future. It was exercise for the brain; the more I learnt of a language, the more my brain would grow. And I remember that day ___________ I suddenly felt like German was no longer a foreign language. It felt like my brain had doubled in size. I had finally come to a place __________ I could think in this foreign language, and I could see the world from a different point of view. I felt as if I had reached the goal ____________ I had been fighting for. I could open a book and see meanings, not just a sea of words. I finally understood the reason _________my mum had encouraged me not to give up. Thanks, Mum!Task4 Pair work 教材P64(学生结对,按照老师课件呈现提示,互问互答,练习运用定语从句,然后进行对话展示。老师再作适当评价。)A: Who do you admire most Why B: I admire … That's the reason why … A: What kind of teachers do you like best B: I like teachers who …A: What's your favourite place at school?B: It's … because it is a place where …A: What kind of day makes you happy B: It's a day when … 1.老师以表格形式呈现先行词和关系副词,让学生用一个简单的定语从句填表。从简单的填空开始,降低难度。2.根据表格再造一个完整的句子。让学生加深对关系副词的以及此类定语从句的理解。通过摘苹果的游戏方式让学生加深关系代词及关系副词的记忆和理解把枯燥的语法知识点融入具体的语篇中。语篇内容与语言学习相关,其中一些句子的表述可以从另外一个角度加强学生对本单元“语言学习”这一主题意义的认知,让学生体会外语学习的更多益处,激发他们学习语言的热情。以pair work的形式,培养学生灵活运用定语从句的能力。教师也可以通过这组谈论学生喜好的问题更好地了解学生。其中学生对于“喜欢什么样的老师”这一问题的回答,也给教师提供了一个反思与学生关系以及教学方法的机会。
Step 4Summary 以表格的形式呈现本节课的重中之重,关系副词的用法。简单明了,让学生加深记忆。
Homework Write a short passage of 7 sentences to describe the Chinese writing system. At least 3 restrictive relative clauses must be used.设计意图:让学生把Unit4和本单元所学有关定语从句的知识具体运用到实际的句子中,让学生感知定语从句的使用能使语言更丰富、描述更具体和准确。也为本单元下一课时的Writing 做好铺垫。
课时教学设计反思 英语语法的学习一直都是一个难点,学生很难作为课堂活动的主体主动参与教师所设计的课堂活动,单纯的枯燥乏味的语法知识的讲解难以获得良好的教学效果。因此,我们在整合本课时教材内容时,围绕教学目标灵活运用教材,采用多种课堂活动相结合,积极创设语境,更注重学生语用意识、思维品质、情感意识等。首先,我们在教学过程中,以学生为主,尽可能让学生去做并发现问题,老师辅助学生解决问题。在引导过程中,更多的注意语言的严谨、自然、通俗,以便学生能接受。
attributive clause introduced by _____________
attributive clause introduced by _____________
Time Place Reason
I was born
the day when
the reason why
the place where
the place/ time in/at which
I was late
I study
I work